AMQP cloudevent source for knative eventing
Currently the source can only handle AMQP messages in a very particular format due to limitations in the package:
The message must have content_type property "application/json" and a single Data section that, when converted to a string, is valid input to json.Marshal().
In future, the AmqpSource will use the lightning library to handle arbitrary AMQP messages, including messages that already encode a CloudEvents event.
Copy the subtree into knative/eventing-sources.
Build the source's receive adapter image:
docker build . --tag amqp-adapter:xyz
Edit the value for AMQP_RA_IMAGE in config/default-amqp.yaml to point to this image.
Install the eventing-sources including the AmqpSource:
ko apply -f config/default-amqp.yaml`