Not really a roadmap, but the name makes it easy to find. This will give you an idea of where Grenada might go if there is enough interest and time. For more details (and less tidyness), have a look at the PivotalTracker instance for Grenada.
- Solicit, receive and incorporate feedback.
- Mergers.
- Support for other backends than Things Tvals. Datomic protocol, for example.
- Grouping Things.
- Semantic information about macros.
- Specify the format. – Currently there's only an implementation, but no specification.
- Include source information.
- Provide an index.
- Include other metadata. The libraries used in assembling a Datadoc JAR, for example.
- More accessible structure. Currently everything is sprawling.
- Wiki with overview over existing Bar types. People can add links to their own.
- More doc strings.
- Coordinate accessors, extended validation, mergers, more converters.
- Move away from lein-grim as capturer. – Possibly provide a unified basis for the existing metadata capturers.
- Support other platforms than JVM Clojure.
- Aspects and capturing for non-var-backed finds: defmethods, records etc.
- Everything annotatable. – Not just concrete things supporting Cmetadata.
- Maven plugin, Boot task for producing Datadoc JARs.
- Attach projects' READMEs and other docs to Things.
- Attaching data to arbitrary Things from inside and from outside source code.
- ClojureScript app for downloading Datadoc JARs to your machine and displaying their contents. Would be a nifty first step in replacing statically generated documentation pages.
- Clojure* library and documentation search page.