ID: 0xFF-0044-Password_spraying_attack_detected-Win
OS: WindowsServer
FP Rate: Medium
Tactic | Technique | Subtechnique | Technique Name |
TA0006 - Credential Access | T1110 | 003 | Brute Force - Password Spraying |
Log Provider | Event ID | Event Name | ATT&CK Data Source | ATT&CK Data Component |
MicrosoftThreatProtection | LogonSuccess | Logon Session | Logon Session Creation | |
MicrosoftThreatProtection | LogonSuccess | Logon Session | Logon Session Creation | |
MicrosoftThreatProtection |
This query searches for failed logins from a single source towards multiple different accounts.
A password spraying attack is detected, where a single machine has performed a large number of failed login attempts, with a large number of different accounts. For each account, the attacker uses just a few attempts to prevent account lockout.
Some false positives can occur when users log in to many different systems and accidentally enter an incorrect password.
Investigate why the machine has performed so many failed login attempts with so many different accounts. If the DeviceName field contains an IP address, the machine performing the password spray isn't DATP enrolled.
Language: Kusto
Platform: M365 Security
let timeframe = 2*1d;
let domaincontrollers =(
| where ActionType == "InboundConnectionAccepted"
| where InitiatingProcessFileName =~ "lsass.exe"
| where LocalPort == 88
| distinct DeviceName
let thresholdForUniqueFailedAccounts = 20;
let upperBoundOfFailedLogonsPerAccount = 3;
let ratioSuccessFailedLogons = 2;
| where ingestion_time() >= ago(timeframe)
| summarize SuccessLogonCount = countif(ActionType =~ "LogonSuccess"), FailedLogonCount = countif(ActionType =~ "LogonFailed"),
UniqueAccountFailedLogons=dcountif(AccountUpn, ActionType =~ "LogonFailed"), FailedAccounts=make_set_if(AccountUpn, ActionType =~ "LogonFailed"),
SuccessAccounts=make_set_if(AccountUpn, ActionType =~ "LogonSuccess"), FirstFailed=minif(Timestamp, ActionType =~ "LogonFailed"),
LastFailed=maxif(Timestamp, ActionType =~ "LogonFailed"), LastTimestamp=arg_max(Timestamp, tostring(ReportId)) by IPAddress, DeviceName // IPAddress is here the "remote IP", i.e., the source of the logon attempt.
| where UniqueAccountFailedLogons > thresholdForUniqueFailedAccounts and SuccessLogonCount*ratioSuccessFailedLogons < FailedLogonCount and UniqueAccountFailedLogons*upperBoundOfFailedLogonsPerAccount > FailedLogonCount //more than 3 tries per account is not a password spray anymore
| union (
| where ingestion_time() >= ago(timeframe)
| where LogonType != "Unlock" and ActionType in~ ("LogonSuccess", "LogonFailed")
| where not(isempty( RemoteIP) and isempty( RemoteDeviceName))
| extend LocalLogon=parse_json(AdditionalFields)
| where RemoteIPType != "Loopback"
| summarize SuccessLogonCount = countif(ActionType =~ "LogonSuccess"), FailedLogonCount = countif(ActionType =~ "LogonFailed"),
UniqueAccountFailedLogons=dcountif(AccountName, ActionType =~ "LogonFailed"), FirstFailed=minif(Timestamp, ActionType =~ "LogonFailed"),
LastFailed=maxif(Timestamp, ActionType =~ "LogonFailed"), LastTimestamp=arg_max(Timestamp, tostring(ReportId)) by RemoteIP, DeviceName, DeviceId // RemoteIP is here the source of the logon attempt.
| project-rename IPAddress=RemoteIP
| where UniqueAccountFailedLogons > thresholdForUniqueFailedAccounts and SuccessLogonCount*ratioSuccessFailedLogons < FailedLogonCount and UniqueAccountFailedLogons*upperBoundOfFailedLogonsPerAccount > FailedLogonCount //more than 3 tries per account is not a password spray anymore
| extend IsDC=(DeviceName in~ ((domaincontrollers | project DeviceName)))
| where IsDC == false
| extend Timestamp=LastFailed
| project-reorder Timestamp
// Begin environment-specific filter.
// End environment-specific filter.
Version | Date | Impact | Notes |
1.2 | 2023-02-14 | minor | Updated the query to fix KQL parsing warnings. |
1.1 | 2022-02-22 | minor | Use ingestion_time for event selection and include de-duplication logic. |
1.0 | 2021-02-25 | major | Initial version. |