ID: 0xFF-0088-Process_injection_via_QueueUserApcRemoteApiCall_by_rare_or_unsigned_processes-Win
OS: WindowsEndpoint, WindowsServer
FP Rate: Low
Tactic | Technique | Subtechnique | Technique Name |
TA0004 - Privilege Escalation | T1055 | 002 | Process Injection - Portable Executable Injection |
TA0004 - Privilege Escalation | T1055 | 004 | Process Injection - Asynchronous Procedure Call |
TA0005 - Defense Evasion | T1055 | 002 | Process Injection - Portable Executable Injection |
TA0005 - Defense Evasion | T1055 | 004 | Process Injection - Asynchronous Procedure Call |
TA0002 - Execution | T1106 | Native API |
Log Provider | Event ID | Event Name | ATT&CK Data Source | ATT&CK Data Component |
MicrosoftThreatProtection | QueueUserApcRemoteApiCall | Process | Process Access |
This query searches for unsigned processes with a low GlobalPrevalence that inject into other processes. This technique is commonly used by multiple attacker toolkits.
This rule detects the use of the QueueUserApcRemoteApiCall API call that is registered by MDE. There is a legitimate use for this. However, when executed by a rare binary which is unsigned as well this should be very uncommon. Also any Office process which uses this API will be flagged by this rule.
Processes can be injected into in various different ways. This detection only focuses on the variant utilizing the QueueUserApcRemoteApiCall API call.
None expected.
Validate the InitiatingProcessFolderPath and InitiatingProcessFileName and its commandline for known behavior. Investigate the host for other suspicious behavior. A common side signal for this would be a handle to the process with PROCESS_VM_WRITE permissions. Currently, MDE only records this for the lsass.exe process.
The process injection could be coming from
- A DLL started by Rundll32.
- A DLL which is hijacked, running inside a trusted process.
- A COM object which lives inside a trusted process, such as dllhost.exe.
- Using AppInit_DLL to load your malicious DLL inside a trusted process.
- Use shims to load your malicious DLL inside a trusted process.
Language: Kusto
Platform: M365 Security
let timeframe = 2*1h;
let default_global_prevalence = 0;
let QueueUserApcRemote = DeviceEvents
| where ingestion_time() >= ago(timeframe)
| where ActionType =~ "QueueUserApcRemoteApiCall"
| distinct InitiatingProcessSHA1
// FileProfile is case-sensitive and works on lower-case hashes.
| extend InitiatingProcessSHA1=tolower(InitiatingProcessSHA1)
| invoke FileProfile(InitiatingProcessSHA1, 1000)
| where not(ProfileAvailability =~ "Error")
| where coalesce(GlobalPrevalence,default_global_prevalence) < 1000 or isempty(GlobalPrevalence) or SoftwareName startswith "Microsoft Office";
| where ingestion_time() >= ago(timeframe)
| where ActionType =~ "QueueUserApcRemoteApiCall"
| where InitiatingProcessSHA1 in~ ((QueueUserApcRemote | project InitiatingProcessSHA1))
| join kind=leftouter QueueUserApcRemote on InitiatingProcessSHA1
// Begin environment-specific filter.
// End environment-specific filter.
Version | Date | Impact | Notes |
1.4 | 2024-06-28 | minor | Modified the usage of FileProfile to exclude results if the call to the FileProfile API has failed. |
1.3 | 2023-01-03 | minor | Lowered the case of hashes that are fed to the FileProfile function due to case sensitivity. |
1.2 | 2022-11-01 | minor | Use default_global_prevalence variable to allow customizing handling of empty GlobalPrevalence |
1.1 | 2022-02-22 | minor | Use ingestion_time for event selection and include de-duplication logic. |
1.0 | 2021-04-09 | major | Initial version. |