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Repositories provide fluent and testable access to objects in the Stripe API, including Stripe Connect accounts.


You can access repositories via:

  • The Stripe facade; or
  • The stripe container binding; or
  • Type-hinting \CloudCreativity\LaravelStripe\StripeService for dependency injection; or
  • The stripe() method on a Stripe account model.

Repositories are always scoped to either your application's Stripe account, or to a Stripe Connect account. They return objects from the stripe/stripe-php package.


To access your application's Stripe account, use the account() method. For example, to list charge resources:

// Facade
$charges = Stripe::account()->charges()->all();

// Container
$charges = app('stripe')->account()->charges()->all();

// Dependency injection
/** @var \CloudCreativity\LaravelStripe\StripeService $service */
$charges = $service->account()->charges()->all();

In this example $charges will be an instance of \Stripe\Collection.

Stripe Connect

To access repositories for a Stripe Connect account, you will need either the Stripe id (starting with acct_) for the account, or the model representing that account.

Then use the connect() method, for example to create a payment intent via the facade or model:

// Facade
$intent = Stripe::connect($accountId)
    ->create($currency, $amount);

$intent = $model
    ->create($currency, $amount);

In this example, $intent will be an instance of \Stripe\PaymentIntent.

Available Repositories

The object returned from the Stripe account() and connect() methods provides access to repositories for Stripe resources. The method name is the camel-case name of the Stripe object type, for example payment_intents are accessible via the paymentIntents() method.

The available repositories are as follows:

Stripe Resource Stripe Class Method Repository Class
account \Stripe\Account accounts() AccountRepository
balance \Stripe\Balance balances() BalanceRepository
charge \Stripe\Charge charges() ChargeRepository
event \Stripe\Event events() EventRepository
payment_intent \Stripe\PaymentIntent paymentIntents() PaymentIntentRepository
refund \Stripe\Refund refunds() RefundRepository

Repository classes are in the \CloudCreativity\LaravelStripe\Repositories namespace.

Need a missing repository? Repositories are really easy to write, so are ideal for quick PRs. Our aim is to get full coverage of the Stripe API, so if it is missing we will accept a PR to add a missing repository. See Contributing below.

Using Repositories

Each repository will implement the following methods, depending on whether they are available in the Stripe API:

Method Description
all List resources (returns a Stripe collection).
collect List resources (returns a Laravel collection).
retrieve Retrieve a specific resource by ID.
update Update a specific resource.

Note that there is no delete method as this is available on the Stripe object returned by the retrieve method.

The method signature may vary according to the resource, but the general pattern is that all required parameters are type-hinted, and then the final argument will be an iterable of optional parameters.

For example, payment_intent resources require a currency and amount to create, so the method signature is create($currency, $amount, $params = []).

Optional $params can be provided as any value that will be accepted by Laravel's collect() method. This allows you to pass collections, with this package taking care of converting them to arrays before passing them on.

Request Options and Helper Methods

Each repository has methods for additional request options, and helper methods for common parameters. These helpers must be called before calling any of the all, create, retrieve and update methods. For example:

$charges = Stripe::connect($accountId)
    ->expand('application', 'application_fee')

Available methods are:

Method Description
expand(string ...$keys) Paths to expand objects.
idempotent(string $value) Use an idempotent request.
metadata(iterable $meta) Add metadata (if the resource supports it).
option(string $key, $value) Add an option.
options(iterable $values) Add multiple options.
param(string $key, $value) Add an optional parameter.
params(iterable $values) Add multiple optional parameters.


Repositories are fully testable, allow you to ensure that the correct arguments are passed to the Stripe API. See the Testing Chapter for details.