Releases: cloudera-labs/cloudera.exe
Releases · cloudera-labs/cloudera.exe
Version 1.4.2
- Increment Galaxy collection to 1.4.2
Version 1.4.1
- Fix AWS network creation error when no tags are defined
Version 1.4.0
- Add Level 0 (public), Level 1 (public/private), and Level 2 (private) options for both net new and existing networks for AWS
- Introduce ‘purge’ keyword for Definitions to signal that an AWS VPC and all child objects, and all unattached EBS volumes in the name_prefix, should be removed from the given infra_region
- Remove AWS DynamoDB references
- Improve AMI owners selection to be configurable and add defaults for aws-marketplace option for Centos8 AMI
- Update to delete roles to the authz teardown
- Add 'df' key to sequence role to handle deploying to defaults when only df is requested
- Switch DF request to use Environment CRN instead of name for better determinism when user supplies unexpected values
- Use env.tunnel instead of globals.env_network_type and fix syntactic issues
- Exclude CDP CIDRs from inbound security group
- Use existing properties and introduce public endpoint access for AWS
- Add public endpoint gateway support for experiences
- Split default extra network ports into ssh, cloud, and base port groups, with appropriate dot notation keys under infra.vpc
- Add switch ‘infra.vpc.enable_ssh’, defaulted to True, to allow port 22/ssh access
- Switch including cm ports 7180/7183 by default when ‘mgmt’ or ‘clusters’ is defined for base deployment
- Switch including https/443 on when cdp public platform is deployed
- Move AWS policy documents path to common role and propagate to plat and data roles
- Add warning to Create AWS Buckets function for common error where user attempts to create a bucket that is already owned elsewhere
- Introduce wait and retry controls for handling Azure eventual consistency when negotiating between Ansible Controller, Azure Control Plane, and CDP Control Plane
- Add retry to address intermittent failure in datahub_template_info listing of datahub templates in CDP 7.2.10
- Add explicit test for Azure Storage Account being unavailable for use in this deployment
- Move default Azure minimal policy json from private gist to cloudera-labs snippets
- Correct Azure App name where sometimes referred to with http:// header and sometimes not, resulting in idempotent failures
- Introduce more robust validations that Service principals and other objects created by az CLI are populated as expected
- Ensure that Azure objects are consistently bound to the Azure namespace created from the name_prefix
- Provide more user friendly errors when Azure App and Service Principal creation doesn’t go as planned
- Add tunnel and public endpoint control support to Azure Environment creation in line with AWS offering
- Fix ML submission preparation to include nfs information following existing combination patterns
- Swap order of Runtime initialization tasks to handle provider-specific tasks before general tasks, to allow Azure-specific values to be populated
- Explicitly derive Azure NFS Mount information in Runtime deployment from earlier Infrastructure deployment steps
- Allow override of namespace unique component under globals.labels.namespace_suffix
- Improve EKS cluster discovery and removal by pinning to target region
- Discover Autoscaling groups which may have one or more vpc_zone_identifiers
- Update env setup to include passing freeipa instance count and include defaults
- Remove initialize tasks in sudoers role
- Fix reference to unused DWX variable in DE placeholders for new feature
- Fix filtering datahub definitions to include version and provider, not just version
- Avoid duplicate route table creation of one exists and fix error handling in NAT gateway failures
- Update to use CLI for VPC details due to boto3 bug
- Handle edge cases for preparation of Netapp NFS Mount when deploying ML automatically on Azure
- Fix purge teardown edge case where child services are not deleted if at least one child service is not present in the Definition
- Update ML Workspace setup to use definition of 1 instance group
- Correct AWS CDP IDBroker role's policy definitions
- Remove the NAT gateways before the ENI cleanup is called, when calling purge with an L1 deployment or when NAT gateways are deployed with attached ENI.
Version 1.3.1
- Update namespace for CDP Datahub name defaults
Version 1.3.0
- Add support for CDP DataFlow experiences (technical preview)
- Add support for CDP Datahub definitions
Version 1.2.1
- Revert Datahub Definitions support (underlying modules not yet in
Version 1.2.0
- Add roles for managing FreeIPA
groups and rules -freeipa_host_group
- Add Azure region name check and remediation advice for Azure Storage Account name
- Update support for Datahub definitions
- Remove extraneous user ports reference from
security group configuration for Azure
Version 1.1.2
- Update upstream AWS policies location. (Location changed again, see hortonworks/cloudbreak@36b73fd.)
Version 1.1.1
- Update location of upstream AWS policies
Version 1.1.0
- Datalake
- ML Workspace
- OpDB runtime configurations
- Galaxy dependencies to Github-based collections
- k8s ELB tags for AWS instances