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Deploying to CloudFoundry |
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- Install Cloud Foundry, or start from an existing CF deployment. If you are starting from scratch, the article Overview of Deploying Cloud Foundry provides detailed instructions.
You should have it already after deploying Cloud Foundry, but if not clone the cf-deployment repository from git:
$ cd ~/workspace $ git clone https://github.com/cloudfoundry/cf-deployment.git $ cd ~/workspace/cf-deployment
Now redeploy your cf-deployment while including the smb ops file:
$ bosh -e my-env -d cf deploy cf.yml -v deployment-vars.yml -o operations/enable-smb-volume-service.yml
The above command is an example, but your deployment command should match the one you used to deploy Cloud
Foundry initially, with the addition of a -o operations/enable-smb-volume-service.yml
Your CF deployment will now have a running service broker and volume drivers, ready to mount or create SMB volumes.
Unless you have explicitly defined a variable for your broker password, BOSH will generate one for you.
If you do not have an existing SMB Server then you can optionally deploy the test SMB server bundled in this release.
The easiest way to deploy the test server is to include the enable-smb-test-server.yml
operations file when you deploy
Cloud Foundry, also specifying smb-username
and smb-password
$ bosh -e my-env -d cf deploy cf.yml -v deployment-vars.yml \
-v smb-username=smbuser \
-v smb-password=something-secret \
-o operations/enable-smb-volume-service.yml \
-o operations/test/enable-smb-test-server.yml
Deploy and register the broker and grant access to its service with the following command:
$ bosh -e my-env -d cf run-errand smbbrokerpush $ cf enable-service-access smb
You can refer to the Cloud Foundry docs for testing and general usage information.
Test instructions are here The smbbroker uses credhub as a backing store, and as a result, does not require separate scripts for backup and restore, since credhub itself will get backed up by BBR.