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hourly support bundles.",link:"/enterprise-support-for-almalinux/"},{title:"KernelCare Enterprise",description:"is a live kernel patching service that provides security patches and bugfixes for a range of popular Linux kernels that can be installed without rebooting the system.",link:"/live-patching-services/"},{title:"KernelCare for IOT",description:"provides live security patching for ARM64-based embedded systems for enterprise IoT users and original equipment manufacturers.",link:"/kernelcare-for-iot/"},{title:"ePortal",description:"TuxCare ePortal is the web management console dedicated to KernelCare Enterprise live patch management.",link:"/eportal/"},{title:"ePortal API",description:"is a complete API for everyday use.",link:"/eportal-api/"},{title:"Extended Lifecycle Support",description:"allows you to continue running your Linux server after the operating system’s end of life.",link:"/extended-lifecycle-support/"},{title:"Extended Lifecycle Support for Languages",description:"provides security fixes for PHP and Python versions that have reached their end-of-life which allows to continue running Linux server vulnerability-free.",link:"/extended-lifecycle-support-for-languages/"},{title:"Subscription Management Portal",description:"The TuxCare subscription management portal is designed to easily manage your licenses of TuxCare products and services by means of a user-friendly interface.",link:"/tuxcare-cln/"},{title:"Service Descriptions",description:"AlmaCare service 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KernelCare Enterprise

KernelCare Enterprise live patching enhances your vulnerability patching program by providing live patches to the Linux kernel and, optionally, with add-ons to critical userspace components, as well as the virtualization stack.

The systems are patched according to your patch deployment policy, allowing you to customize your patch management to align with the needs of your unique environment, whether online or in an air-gapped environment. Plus, your vulnerability reports reduce in size quickly as KernelCare seamlessly integrates with all popular vulnerability scanners to give you an accurate vulnerability exposure report.

KernelCare Enterprise brings KernelCare live patching by default and the following add-ons are available:

  • LibCare
  • QEMUCare

The sections below describe KernelCare live patching and the additional add-ons in more detail.



KernelCare Enterprise is a live kernel patching service that provides security patches and bugfixes for a range of popular Linux kernels that can be installed without rebooting the system


Today, system administrators have to reboot a server to apply the latest kernel updates. These updates are necessary to prevent security issues. Due to downtime associated with reboots, however, such updates are often delayed, pushed into the darkest hours of the night. It is common for server owners to not update their systems for months or even years and to run vulnerable systems to avoid downtime. Managed service providers face the problem of having to schedule downtime and then updating and rebooting thousands of servers in a short period of time, straining resources. KernelCare solves this update and reboot issue by providing live kernel patching without the need for a reboot

Key Features

  • Rebootless Linux Kernel Patching & Custom Patching
  • Works On-prem & in the cloud
  • Private patch server for gated infrastructures - ePortal
  • Out-of-the-box integration with patch management & vulnerability assessment tools

Getting a trial license

You will need a trial activation key to be able to use the KernelCare Enterprise. The trial license subscription will work for 7 days.

If you have any issues getting an activation key or if you have any questions regarding using your trial subscription, contact sales@cloudlinux.com and we will help.


KernelCare Enterprise is compatible with 64-bit versions of CloudLinuxOS/CentOS 6, 7 and 8, AlmaLinux/RHEL 6, 7, 8 and 9, Oracle Linux 6 and 7, Amazon Linux 1 and 2, Virtuozzo/PCS/OpenVZ 2.6.32, Debian 8, 9 and 10, Proxmox VE 5 and 6, Virt-SIG/Xen4CentOS 6 and 7, Ubuntu 14.04, 15.04, 16.04, 18.04 and 20.04 kernels. The list of compatible kernels can be found at the following link: https://patches.kernelcare.com/

To install KernelCare Enterprise, run the following as root:

# curl -s -L https://kernelcare.com/installer | bash


# wget -qq -O - https://kernelcare.com/installer | bash

If you are using an IP-based license, nothing else is required to be done.

If you are using a key-based license, run:

# kcarectl --register <KEY>

Where KEY is the registration key code string provided when you sign up for purchase or trial of the product.

If you are experiencing a Key limit reached error after the end of the trial period, you should first unregister the server by running:

# kcarectl --unregister

To check if patches applied, run:

# kcarectl --info

The software will automatically check for new patches every 4 hours.

If you would like to run update manually:

# kcarectl --update

To check current kernel compatibility with KernelCare, use the following script by running:

$ curl -s -L https://kernelcare.com/checker | python


$ wget -qq -O - https://kernelcare.com/checker | python


To update the agent package to the latest version use:

  • For rpm-based distributions (CentOS, RedHat, etc):
# yum install -y kernelcare


# dnf install -y kernelcare
  • For apt-based distributions (Debian, Ubuntu, etc):
# apt-get install kernelcare


# apt install kernelcare


To uninstall KernelCare Enterprise, run the following as root:

  • For CloudLinux, CentOS, RHEL, Virtuozzo, OpenVZ:
# yum remove kernelcare


# dnf remove kernelcare
  • For Ubuntu, Debian, Proxmox VE:
# apt-get remove kernelcare


# apt purge kernelcare

This will also unlink the system from its activation key (provided there is network connectivity to the CLN Portal). However, you'll need to remove the license from the CLN Portal manually if you don't plan to use the service anymore.

Switching from Ksplice

To switch from Ksplice to KernelCare Enterprise, use the following script that uninstalls Ksplice and installs KernelCare Enterprise instead.

It will automatically detect and abort if the system is not 64-bit (as KernelCare Enterprise doesn't support it).

It will also detect when the Ksplice module cannot be uninstalled and retries multiple times.

Download the script here: https://patches.kernelcare.com/ksplice2kcare

Run the command:

# bash ksplice2kcare <KERNELCARE_KEY>

The key can be created/retrieved in KernelCare Enterprise Keys section of CLN.

If you want to use IP based licenses, run:

# bash ksplice2kcare IP

You have to add an IP license for that server, and it is just the two letters IP, not your actual IP address.

By default the script will attempt 3 times to uninstall Ksplice, waiting 60 seconds in between. You can run it using nohup if you don't want to wait.

You can change that by editing the script and changing RETRY and SLEEP values.

The script will exit with exit code 0 and message Done on success. Otherwise, it will produce exit code -1

The complete log file can be found at /var/log/ksplice2kcare.log

Canonical Livepatch

KernelCare Enterprise is not compatible with Canonical Livepatch and should not be used on the same system.

Basic management

To disable automatic updates, edit the file /etc/sysconfig/kcare/kcare.conf


To check the updated 'effective' version, run:

# kcarectl --uname

We provide a convenience script /usr/bin/kcare-uname that has same syntax as uname

To see applied patches, run:

# kcarectl --patch-info

Command line tools

/usr/bin/kcarectl - Manage KernelCare Enterprise patches for your kernel.

/usr/bin/kcare-uname - Print certain system information.


`,87),F=e("thead",null,[e("tr",null,[e("th"),e("th")])],-1),q=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"-i, --info")]),e("td",null,"Display information about patches installed by KernelCare Enterprise.")],-1),H=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"-u, --update")]),e("td",null,"Download latest patches, and apply them to current kernel.")],-1),z=e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--smart-update [since 1.6]")],-1),V=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--unload")]),e("td",null,"Unload patches.")],-1),$=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--auto-update")]),e("td",null,"Check if update is needed and update.")],-1),W=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--patch-info")]),e("td",null,"Lists applied patches.")],-1),B=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--status")]),e("td",null,[a("Return a status of an update. Refer to the exit code: "),e("code",null,"0"),a(" - host is updated to latest patch level, "),e("code",null,"1"),a(" - there are no applied patches, "),e("code",null,"2"),a(" - there are new not applied patches, "),e("code",null,"3"),a(" - kernel is unsupported")])],-1),Q=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--force [since 2.3]")]),e("td",null,"When used with update, forces applying the patch even if unable to freeze some threads.")],-1),G=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--uname")]),e("td",null,"Prints safe kernel version.")],-1),X=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--license-info")]),e("td",null,"Output current license info.")],-1),j=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--register KEY")]),e("td",null,"Register using KernelCare Enterprise Key.")],-1),Z=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--register-autoretry [since 2.5]")]),e("td",null,"If registration fails retries registration indefinitely.")],-1),J=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--unregister")]),e("td",null,"Unregister from KernelCare Enterprise for Key based servers.")],-1),ee=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--userspace-update [PATCHES]")]),e("td",null,"Download latest patches and apply them to the corresponding userspace processes. Сan be set so that only certain types of patches are applied.")],-1),ae=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--test")]),e("td",null,"Try test builds instead of production builds (deprecated, use --prefix=test instead).")],-1),te=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--prefix")]),e("td",null,"Patch source prefix, used to test different builds, by downloading builds from a different location, based on prefix (v2.2+)")],-1),ie=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--version")]),e("td",null,"Print KernelCare Enterprise version.")],-1),ne=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--import-key PATH")]),e("td",null,"Import gpg key.")],-1),re=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--set-monitoring-key")]),e("td",null,"Set monitoring key for IP based licenses. 16 to 32 characters, alphanumeric only [version 2.1+]")],-1),se=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--freezer [since 2.3]")]),e("td",null,"none: don't freeze any threads; full: freeze all threads; smart: freezes only threads that need to be frozen for patching. If option is not selected, best freezer method is chosen automatically.")],-1),le=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--check [since 2.4-1]")]),e("td",null,"Check if new patchset is available, without updating. Exit code 0 means there is a new kernel. 1 when there is no new kernel.")],-1),oe=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--doctor [since 2.6]")]),e("td",null,"Send a report to the TuxCare support staff for diagnostics.")],-1),de=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--set-patch-type extra")]),e("td",null,"To enable extra patches.")],-1),ce=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--set-patch-type free")]),e("td",null,"To enable free patches.")],-1),ue=e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--set-sticky-patch SET_STICKY_PATCH")],-1),he=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--tag COMMAND")]),e("td",null,[a("Adds an extra "),e("em",null,"Tag"),a(" field for a server. COMMAND is a user-defined parameter.")])],-1),pe=t(`


Currently available userspace patch types are libs and qemu. To apply patches only for shared libraries, use --userspace-update libs


Print certain system information. Default is -s

-a, --allprint all information in the following order, except omit -p and -i if unknown
-s, --kernel-nameprint the kernel name
-n, --nodenameprint the network node hostname
-r, --kernel-releaseprint the kernel release
-v, --kernel-versionprint the kernel version
-m, --machineprint the machine hardware name
-p, --processorprint the processor type or unknown
-i, --hardware-platformprint the hardware platform or unknown
-o, --operating-systemprint the operating system
--helpdisplay this help and exit
--versionoutput version information and exit

kernelcare doctor

This tool collects essential information about the KernelCare environment and sends it to the support team.

# kcarectl --doctor
+Generating report...
+Key: FRWf74Zw11111111.83991334-1111-1111-1111-681ddd653e5f
+Please, provide above mentioned key to KernelCare Support Team

The command generates a report and prints out the ID which could be linked to a support ticket.


If there was a connection problem during uploading the report, the report will be stored locally as /root/cl-report. This file should be sent to the support team manually.

Config options

kcarectl behavior can be configured using /etc/sysconfig/kcare/kcare.conf

`,11),me=e("thead",null,[e("tr",null,[e("th"),e("th")])],-1),ve=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"AUTO_UPDATE=YES|NO")]),e("td",null,[e("code",null,"YES"),a(" - enable auto-update; "),e("code",null,"NO"),a(" - disable auto-update.")])],-1),ge=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"PATCH_METHOD=normal|nofreeze|smart")]),e("td",null,[e("code",null,"Normal"),a(" - (default) use freezer;"),e("br"),e("code",null,"Nofreeze"),a(" - don't use freezer to freeze processes;"),e("br"),a(),e("code",null,"Smart"),a(" - smart freezer freezes only threads that need to be frozen for patching [kernelcare 2.3+].")])],-1),be=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"PATCH_SERVER")]),e("td",null,"Server to use to download patches.")],-1),fe=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"REGISTRATION_URL")]),e("td",null,"Licensing server.")],-1),ye=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"PREFIX=prefix")]),e("td",null,"Patch source prefix, used to test different builds, by downloading builds from a different location, based on prefix [kernelcare 2.2+]")],-1),xe=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"UPDATE_POLICY=REMOTE|LOCAL|LOCAL_FIRST")]),e("td",null,[a("Depending on the policy, on server startup, use:"),e("br"),e("code",null,"REMOTE"),a(" - (default) patches from patch server."),e("br"),e("code",null,"LOCAL"),a(" - only locally cached patches, if none cached (caching is done automatically) - do nothing."),e("br"),e("code",null,"LOCAL_FIRST"),a(" - see if locally cached patches exist, and load them. If not, try getting them from remote server.")])],-1),ke=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"IGNORE_UNKNOWN_KERNEL=True|False")]),e("td",null,"Don't provide notification if unknown kernel on auto-update. [kernelcare 2.5+]")],-1),we=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"LOAD_KCARE_SYSCTL")]),e("td",null,[a("Controls if "),e("code",null,"/etc/sysconfig/kcare/sysctl.conf"),a(" will be loaded on patchset load. True by default. [kernelcare 2.7+]")])],-1),_e=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"STICKY_PATCH=KEY")]),e("td",null,[a("Retrieve sticky patch from "),e("code",null,"KEY"),a(" (see CLN, Key Edit); not supported for IP based servers or ePortal.")])],-1),Ce=e("td",null,[e("code",null,"STICKY_PATCH=DDMMYY")],-1),Te=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"[AUTO_]UPDATE_DELAY=h|d")]),e("td",null,[a("Use patchsets not newer than specified time. For example "),e("code",null,"24h"),a(" or "),e("code",null,"2d"),a(". "),e("code",null,"AUTO_UPDATE_DELAY"),a(" works for "),e("code",null,"auto"),a(" and "),e("code",null,"smart"),a(" modes. "),e("code",null,"UPDATE_DELAY"),a(" works for all modes. [kernelcare 2.82+]")])],-1),Ke=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"[AUTO_]STICKY_PATCHSET=")]),e("td",null,[a("Use patchsets not newer than specified value. For example "),e("code",null,"K20230908_02"),a(". "),e("code",null,"AUTO_STICKY_PATCHSET"),a(" works for "),e("code",null,"auto"),a(" and "),e("code",null,"smart"),a(" modes. "),e("code",null,"STICKY_PATCHSET"),a(" works for all modes. [kernelcare 2.82+]")])],-1),Se=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"REPORT_FQDN=True|False")]),e("td",null,"Force using Fully Qualified Domain as a hostname. False by default.")],-1),Ee=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"FORCE_GID=N")]),e("td",null,[a("Use this group ID for symlink protection patch. By default, it's 48 (default Apache user GID) or 99 ("),e("code",null,"nobody"),a(" user)")])],-1),Ie=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"USERSPACE_PATCHES=libs,qemu")]),e("td",null,"Define which userspace patches will be applyed by default")],-1),Pe=t(`

Disabling some patches

Some patches might affect the functioning of the system, and we created a way to disable them.

This is done via the sysctl command.

When new patchsets load, KernelCare Enterprise sysctl options get reset. To prevent that we added a file:


Options in this file will be loaded automatically on new patchset load.

To disable loading these options, specify LOAD_KCARE_SYSCTL=0 in /etc/sysconfig/kcare/kcare.conf

To disable the patch, set the corresponding kcare option to 1

Patches that can be disabled:

Patchsysctl option

Extra patchset


KernelCare Enterprise 2.12-5 or higher

KernelCare Enterprise Extra patchset includes all the security fixes from KernelCare Enterprise for AlmaLinux, CentOS 6, CentOS 7, and CentOS 8 as well as symlink protection and the IPSet bugfix for CentOS 6.

To enable extra patches and apply updates, run:

# kcarectl --set-patch-type extra --update

To enable extra patches without an update, run:

# kcarectl --set-patch-type extra

The 'extra' patch will be applied on the next automatic update.

To see details, run:

# kcarectl --patch-info

You should see something similar to:

OS: centos6
+kernel: kernel-2.6.32-696.6.3.el6
+time: 2017-07-31 22:46:22
+uname: 2.6.32-696.6.3.el6
+kpatch-name: 2.6.32/symlink-protection.patch
+kpatch-description: symlink protection // If you see this patch, it mean that you can enable symlink protection.
+kpatch-kernel: kernel-2.6.32-279.2.1.el6
+kpatch-cve: N/A
+kpatch-cvss: N/A
+kpatch-cve-url: N/A
+kpatch-patch-url: https://gerrit.cloudlinux.com/#/c/16508/
+kpatch-name: 2.6.32/symlink-protection.kpatch-1.patch
+kpatch-description: symlink protection (kpatch adaptation)
+kpatch-kernel: kernel-2.6.32-279.2.1.el6
+kpatch-cve: N/A
+kpatch-cvss: N/A
+kpatch-cve-url: N/A
+kpatch-patch-url: https://gerrit.cloudlinux.com/#/c/16508/
+kpatch-name: 2.6.32/ipset-fix-list-shrinking.patch
+kpatch-description: fix ipset list shrinking for no reason
+kpatch-kernel: N/A
+kpatch-cve: N/A
+kpatch-cvss: N/A
+kpatch-cve-url: N/A
+kpatch-patch-url: https://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=13499

To enable Symlink Owner Match Protection, add fs.enforce_symlinksifowner=1 to /etc/sysconfig/kcare/sysctl.conf and run:

# sysctl -p /etc/sysconfig/kcare/sysctl.conf

Sticky patches

`,25),Ae={class:"tip custom-block"},Le=e("p",{class:"custom-block-title"},"Note",-1),Oe=t('


Since v2.82 there is a more convenient way to specify the latest available release via the [AUTO_]STICKY_PATCHSET and [AUTO_]UPDATE_DELAY configuration options. It also works with recent ePortal versions (v2.3+).

Sometimes you don't want to use the latest patches, and you'd like to control which patches are get installed instead. For example, you have tested the patch released on 25th of May 2018 and want to use that patch across all servers.

You can do it by setting STICKY_PATCH=25052018 (DDMMYYYY format, DDMMYY and YYYY-mm-dd are also valid) in /etc/sysconfig/kcare/kcare.conf, this guarantees that when kcarectl --update or kcarectl --auto-update is called, you will get patches from that date and not the newest patches.

Alternatively, you can set STICKY_PATCH=KEY, this way you can control the date from which patches will be applied using KernelCare keys in CLN. On update, the actual date will be retrieved from CLN (from Key settings) for the key used to register a particular server (not supported for IP based servers).

This is very useful if you want to test patches in QA first and later roll them out to production without doing any changes on the systems.

Here is how you can do that:

  • Set STICKY_PATCH=KEY on all your servers.
  • Register QA servers with one KEY, and Production servers with ANOTHER key.
  • Then, stop new updates for Production servers. In CLN set Sticky Tag to yesterday. You can do it by editing KEY in CLN in DDMMYY format.
  • Now, for example, let's use patches as of 03052018 (DDMMYYYY format). Set them for your QA server key. On the next auto-update, your QA servers will get those patches (auto-updates are typically every 4 hours).

Once you are happy with these patches, set the same Sticky Tag for Production servers key. In 4 hours your production servers should be updated to the same patches that QA servers were.

How to find a proper sticky patch name

Let's assume that you have a kernel patch that you want to "stick" with. All you need is to find a proper label for that patch.


As you can see, the patch was released at 2020-09-16 (16th September 2020). And if you apply a supported date format, it becomes 16092020, that will be the sticky patch value.

Scanning for vulnerabilities

Identifying the vulnerabilities that apply to your systems is an important task for IT and InfoSec teams, and at TuxCare we make it easy. KernelCare live patching is integrated natively with vulnerability scanners including Tenable Nessus, Qualys, Rapid7 and many others.

How to use a vulnerability scanner with KernelCare

It's rather simple. New scan results after installing a package and applying a patchset should not show any kernel CVEs that are handled by KernelCare Enterprise.

For example, Nessus for an old kernel shows a lot of detected CVEs before apply live patches:


After the live patches were applied, there are no kernel-related CVEs:


What if my scanner is producing false positives?

If your scanner produces incorrect results due to not being KernelCare aware, we have a solution that works at the OS level to report the correct information to the rpm/dpkg/uname commands; namely kcare-scanner-interface

If you are using a scanner agent the defaults usually work and you can configure the scanner interface like so:

# kcare-scanner-interface init
+Setting up scanner agents

If you are using SSH credentials-based scanning, then you can configure the scanner interface like so - where user1 and user2 are the usernames your vulnerability scanner will ssh/sudo as:

# kcare-scanner-interface init user1 user2
+Setting up a scanner-interface for user1
+Setting up a scanner-interface for user2
+Setting up scanner agents

To disable the scanner interface run:

# kcare-scanner-interface disable

We don't recommend enabling the scanner interface as root, as the root user's command output should not be changed in this way. If your scanner elevates privileges after logging in via SSH, only sudo can be used and not su.

How to use OpenSCAP with KernelCare

OpenSCAP is an open source vulnerability scanner and compliance tool and it can be used to scan a system protected by KernelCare Enterprise. The following commands show how to use OpenSCAP to produce a vulnerability report for a system.

$ source /etc/os-release
+$ wget https://patches.kernelcare.com/oval/com.kernelcare.\${ID}.\${VERSION_ID}.xml
+$ oscap oval eval --report report.htm com.kernelcare.\${ID}.\${VERSION_ID}.xml

UEFI Secure Boot Support


This feature is an early stage of adoption. Not all the distribution will be able to support it.

This new functionality lets KernelCare work on systems with secure boot set up in their UEFI firmware. We are going to add a public certificate to the MOK (Machine Owner Keys) database that KernelCare will use to sign modules.

The latest KernelCare package contains a public certificate and will be available in the /usr/libexec/kcare/kernelcare_pub.der. For older versions, it could be downloaded from the https://patches.kernelcare.com/kernelcare_pub.der to that location.

For example:

# curl -o /usr/libexec/kcare/kernelcare_pub.der https://patches.kernelcare.com/kernelcare_pub.der
  1. Use mokutil as root to add this new MOK to the UEFI firmware.
# mokutil --import /usr/libexec/kcare/kernelcare_pub.der
+input password:
+input password again:

It doesn't have a MOK password, and mokutil will ask you to create one. The password is temporary and will be used on the next boot.

  1. Reboot your machine to enter the MOK manager EFI utility.

First, go down to 'Enroll Mok':

enroll mok

Then the firmware gives you the option of viewing the new MOK or continuing. Let's continue.

select continue

It then asks you to confirm the enrollment.


Then you will need to enter the password you used when running mokutil --import.

enter password

Finally, the firmware will ask you to reboot.

select ok

  1. Verify the key has been loaded by finding it in the output of the following command:
# mokutil --list-enrolled | egrep -i 'SHA1|Issuer'

In some cases the enrolled key will not be shown but could be verified by the following command:

# dmesg | grep -i 'cloud linux'
+[   0.722149] EFI: Loaded cert 'Cloud Linux Software, Inc: Kernel Module Signing Key: 12ff0613c0f80cfba3b2f8eba71ebc27c5a76170' linked to '.system_keyring'

That's it. Now you should be able to apply patches as usual.

To get more information about signing kernel modules for secure boot, see https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/8/html/managing_monitoring_and_updating_the_kernel/signing-kernel-modules-for-secure-boot_managing-monitoring-and-updating-the-kernel.

Live patching and FIPS compliance

The FIPS-140 certification of a Linux kernel validates that the cryptography contained within a Linux kernel complies with the US government FIPS-140 data protection standard. Meaning that algorithms like AES, the random generator and other cryptographic aspects of the kernel are implemented as the standard defines.

At the same time the certification is a lengthy process --a typical validation can take almost a year-- and for that reason only some of each vendor's kernels are validated. That is because vendors release new kernels with security and feature updates on a regular cadence some as often as weekly, irrespective of their FIPS validation status. This means users of FIPS validated kernels need to choose between: (a) strict compliance by staying on the same kernel without updating until the next validated kernel is available and (b) reducing their security risk by installing new kernels with security updates even if they are not validated. The same story applies to the vendor's live patching solutions.

With KernelCare Enterprise it is possible to live patch FIPS-140 validated Linux kernels, for example at the Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system. The live patches applied to these kernels, in this example, consist of the same RHEL kernel patches but are limited to the ones addressing security vulnerabilities. That way, a live patched kernel contains the same security fixes as a vendor update without any feature or bug-fix updates, e.g. updates that may change the cryptographic subsystem for performance or other non-security related reasons.

In this way, security-conscious users of FIPS-validated Linux kernels that today apply their vendor's security patches can rely on KernelCare live patching the same way they do with their vendor's security updates. Furthermore, KernelCare live patching applies the minimum possible updates to the validated kernel by explicitly excluding any non-security updates.

Firewall and Proxy Settings

Patching servers through firewall

As long as your servers have access to the Internet, even behind NAT - you will be able to use KernelCare patch server without any problems.

Generally, KernelCare requires connection to only two servers to work:


An additional address is used for KernelCare agent installation/update:


through firewall

Patching servers through proxy

If your servers don't have direct Internet access but can gain access to the Internet using proxy, the configuration is not that different. KernelCare can pick up standard environment variables for a proxy.

Make sure you have environment settings for proxy setup, and everything else will be the same as if servers were directly connected to the Internet:

# export http_proxy=http://proxy.domain.com:port
+# export https_proxy=http://proxy.domain.com:port


Settings defined by export are case-insensitive, so the example above could be as follows for certain software:

# export HTTP_PROXY=http://proxy.domain.com:port
+# export HTTPS_PROXY=http://proxy.domain.com:port

You can define these settings in the KernelCare config /etc/sysconfig/kcare/kcare.conf, for example:

$ cat /etc/sysconfig/kcare/kcare.conf

If you define these settings in the config, you don't need to export them each kcarectl launch and don't need to edit cron jobs.

All kcarectl launches will be aware of proxy settings from the config. In this case, you need to set proxy settings only once.

through proxy

KernelCare on AWS - Deployment User Guide

Introductory Material

The Linux kernel is the most important piece of software on your server, as a security flaw in it can expose all of your services and customer data. KernelCare is a technology that allows you to keep the Linux kernel safe at all times, automatically, without ever having to stop the server and rebooting it causing downtime and inconvenient scheduling of maintenance windows. This improves availability, security, stability, operational costs, and customer satisfaction. It works with almost all mainstream distributions of Linux. It is simple, fast, and very easy to deploy while being able to handle very complex patches and customized kernels if you need them.

Prerequisites and Requirements

KernelCare can be installed on any x86_64 compatible server or VM running one of the following distributions:

  • Amazon Linux 1, 2
  • CentOS 6, 7, Xen4CentOS, CentOS-Plus, ElRepo
  • CloudLinux 6, 7
  • Debian 7, 8, 9, 8-backports
  • Oracle Linux 6, 7
  • ProxmoxVE 3,4,5
  • RedHat EL 6, 7
  • Ubuntu 14.04, 16.04, 18.04
  • Virtuozzo 6

The exact list of compatible kernels can be found at the following link: https://patches.kernelcare.com/

Standard OS kernels are required in most cases unless the custom kernel is supported.

The software can be installed on a running server and doesn't require a reboot.

Basic Linux skills are sufficient to deploy KernelCare on AWS. Simple deployments involve just an EC2 instance. KernelCare is available using the BYOL model. You need to register in our customer portal to get a trial license. Once you get the trial license, you need to register your running EC2 instance with the activation key.

Architectural Design

As long as your servers have access to the Internet, even behind NAT - you will be able to use KernelCare without any problems.

Generally, KernelCare requires connection to only two servers to work:


aws arch

If your servers don't have direct Internet access but can gain access to the Internet using a proxy, the configuration is not that different. KernelCare can pick up standard environment variables for proxies.

aws proxy

Make sure you have environment settings for your proxy setup, and everything else will be the same as if the servers were directly connected to the Internet:

# export http_proxy=http://proxy.domain.com:port
+# export https_proxy=http://proxy.domain.com:port


The only thing you need to be able to install/control your KernelCare deployment is SSH access (root credentials, key-based authentication/sudo or similar mechanisms are preferred).


KernelCare is billed as a subscription service, for volume pricing please contact sales@cloudlinux.com


KernelCare agent has a tiny RAM footprint - binary patches usually require less than 1 MB.

Deployment Guidance

To install KernelCare, run:

# curl -s -L https://kernelcare.com/installer | bash


# wget -qq -O - https://kernelcare.com/installer | bash

If you are using IP-based license, nothing else required to be done. If you are using key-based license, run:

# kcarectl --register <KEY>

Where KEY is the registration key code string provided when you signed up for a trial or pruchased the product.

You can easily automate KernelCare deployment with Ansible, Puppet, Chef or other orchestration tools. Here are the steps that may be automated:

  1. Distribute KernelCare agent package (optional - required only for servers with no access to the Internet) and a KernelCare agent configuration file (/etc/sysconfig/kcare/kcare.conf);
  2. Set required environmental variables (optional);
  3. Install KernelCare agent from either locally available package or central KernelCare download location;
  4. Register KernelCare with either license key or IP-based license.

Health Check

Systems protected by KernelCare can be monitored by means of CloudLinux Network (CLN) portal available at https://cln.cloudlinux.com. Registered KernelCare installations are grouped by license keys. Kernels that are marked with the exclamation sign in amber do not have the latest patches installed.


In either case, you can check whether the latest available patch has been applied by running the following command on a system protected by KernelCare:

# kcarectl --check

Backup and Recovery

There is no reason to backup KernelCare. KernelCare doesn't store any data. You can always re-install and re-register KernelCare. To backup the configuration file of KernelCare if you have modified it, backup the /etc/sysconfig/kcare/ folder.

Routine Maintenance

KernelCare is packaged in RPM/DEB packages (depending on Linux distribution) and will update any time system packages are updated. No additional maintenance is needed.

Emergency Maintenance

If one of your instances degraded, once you start another instance based on EBS or snapshot - KernelCare will continue working as before, no additional work is needed. If you set up a new server instead, re-register KernelCare on the new server. If you decide to uninstall patches, run the command:

# kcarectl --unload

Or to completely remove the kernelcare package run one of the following commands:

  • on RPM-based systems:
# yum remove kernelcare
  • or on DEB-based systems:
# apt-get remove kernelcare

Patch Feed Advanced Options

Test and Delayed Feeds

The KernelCare Patch Server has several patch feeds available in addition to the standard (production) feed:

  • Test feed - the newest patches (test builds) that have not undergone the complete testing process. Test feed makes it possible to start testing new patches earlier.
  • Delayed feeds - instructs KernelCare to skip loading patches that were released within the last 12/24/48 hours.

The alternate feed option is enabled by setting PREFIX variable in /etc/sysconfig/kcare/kcare.conf to one of test/12h/24h/48h.

Feed Management With Sticky Patch Feature

The best way to handle QA and Production environments is to use Sticky tag feature of KernelCare license keys issued from CloudLinux Network (CLN) portal. To use this tag, go to CLN portal -> KernelCare tab -> click on the target key -> Edit Key Info window.

activation keys

key details

You should provide a separate key for each environment and set them to a particular sticky tag which is actually the date to which all the servers in an environment have to be patched.

edit key

The date in the Sticky tag field can be any date from May 28, 2018 up to one day before today. To use the Sticky tag feature on the servers to be patched, run:

$ kcarectl --set-sticky-patch=KEY

Alternatively, you can do the same by adding STICKY_PATCH=KEY to the /etc/sysconfig/kcare/kcare.conf file.


Do Not replace the KEY word with the actual KernelCare license key used to register the server, you should just use the word KEY

When the Sticky tag feature is enabled for particular servers, all such servers will get patches only released before the date specified in the Sticky tag field. This way, you can add new patches to all the servers in an environment (i.e. registered with the same KernelCare license key) by updating only a single field in the CLN portal.


We offer unlimited, 24x7x365 support. Submit a request or email us at support@cloudlinux.com

  • We answer all support questions within one business day and most within a couple of hours. To expedite the support, run the following command on your server (as root):
# kcarectl --doctor

Then paste the generated key into the support request.

Support Costs

Your KernelCare subscription includes free 24/7 support.

Reference Materials


KernelCare is available in the English language only.

Reseller Partner UI

Once you have got the reseller partner access, in the IP Reseller Partner UI you can view and manage IP licenses, billing options and profile details. Here you can track your balance, license count and license prices as well as using an IP address search to find customers. You can find more information about KernelCare licensing here.

Server Section

As soon as you have added funds (See Billing Info/Add Funds below) to your account you can immediately add new licenses for clients. To add an IP KernelCare license:

  1. Enter IP address in the Add IP License field, choose a license type in the pull-down menu (KernelCare) and click Add license.

reseller ui

  1. To delete a license click Delete in front of the needed IP address.

  2. To add a KernelCare Key license go to the KernelCare Keys tab, enter the number of servers allowed for the license in Max Servers, add a description if needed and click Add. The key will be generated and appear in the list below.

In the Operations List you are able to edit or delete the key.

reseller ops

Billing Info/Add Funds

To add funds:

  1. Click Add Funds near your balance or go to Billing Info/Add Funds on the top of the starting page of your account.

  2. Click Add to add credit card details, then enter funds amount and click TopUp or Process to Checkout to pay via PayPal.

reseller billing

While adding credit card details, you can also choose the Auto add funds option - the funds amount you choose in the pull down menu will be automatically added when your balance is below $100.

If you choose Auto repay, your card will be automatically charged when your balance becomes negative. The minimum charge is $20 (e.g. for a balance of -$15 you will be charged at $20, for a balance of -$134.2 you will be charged at $134.2).

add funds


If your balance is shown as negative, it means that you have to deposit more funds.

API Section

CloudLinux and KernelCare IP license adding and removing is compatible with different hosting and domain management and billing systems and platforms. You can find comprehensive information on all possible CloudLinux modules and plug-ins APIs in API Section.

reseller api


You can edit your profile information by clicking on Profile section. Edit the necessary info and click Update Account.


How To

How to disable HyperThreading (SMT) without reboot: KernelCare case

This article explains how to disable or enable SMT (Simultaneous multithreading) without rebooting using KernelCare, to help mitigate the recent MDS/Zombieload vulnerability.

Disabling CPU simultaneous multithreading (SMT) is one of the mitigations needed to counter the recent MDS vulnerability (also known as ‘Zombieload'). There is a performance impact that depends on the configuration of the hosting platform and its workload patterns. You should also consider the impact of other mitigation strategies, such as assigning dedicated cores to guests (e.g. VMs).

You can control and get the status of SMT with the kernel's sysfs interface. There are two files, both in the /sys/devices/system/cpu/smt directory:

  • control
  • active

If you cannot find the /sys/devices/system/cpu/smt directory, this means your running kernel does not support SMT. In this case, you need to apply KernelCare patches so the SMT controls become available to your system. Use the kcarectrl command:

# kcarectl --update
+Kernel is safe
# ls -l /sys/devices/system/cpu/smt
+-r--r--r-- 1 root root 4096 May 17 13:06 active
+-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4096 May 17 13:06 control

As soon as you have these files in place, it is possible to proceed with disabling SMT.

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SMT Control


This file lets you enable or disable SMT, and shows its state. There are three values:

  1. on: The CPU supports SMT and it is enabled. All logical CPUs can be taken offline or online without restriction.
  2. off: The CPU supports SMT but it is disabled. Only so-called primary SMT threads can be taken offline/online without restriction. Attempts to put a non-primary sibling thread online will be rejected.
  3. notsupported: The CPU does not support SMT. You will not be able to write to the control file.

SMT Status


The contents of this file show the status of SMT (e.g. if two or more sibling threads are active on the same physical core the contents of this file is 1, if not: 0).

Here are some commands to control SMT support (root permissions are required):

Check the SMT state

$ cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/smt/active

Enable SMT

# echo on > /sys/devices/system/cpu/smt/control

Disable SMT

# echo off > /sys/devices/system/cpu/smt/control

How to update Microcode without reboot with vendor-provided package

This article shows how to update the microcode of Intel CPUs running Linux.


To avoid possible issues with Microcode updating, enable SMT before the update.


This article is subject to change and will be updated with instructions for other distributions.


  • These steps must be done as root.
  • The examples shown are for Debian.
  • If you have doubts your systems are fully protected against CPU- and kernel-related vulnerabilities, please get in touch with us.

Updating microcode on Ubuntu and Debian

  1. Find the microcode package download link for your platform

  2. Download the package


Example shown for Debian 9

$ cd <a temporary directory, e.g. /tmp>
+$ mkdir firmware
+$ cd firmware
+$ wget http://security.debian.org/debian-security/pool/updates/non-free/i/intel-microcode/intel-microcode_3.20190514.1~deb9u1_amd64.deb
  1. Check the downloaded package
$ md5sum intel-microcode_3.20190514.1~deb9u1_amd64.deb
+c7bc9728634137453e0f4821fb6bb436  intel-microcode_3.20190514.1~deb9u1_amd64.deb

A list of checksums is on the Debian packages download page.

  1. Unpack the package
$ dpkg -x intel-microcode_3.20190514.1~deb9u1_amd64.deb
  1. Check the unpacked files
$ ls -l
+total 1896
+drwxr-xr-x 5 root root   53 May 15 04:18 etc
+-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1940140 May 17 11:42 intel-microcode_3.20190514.1~deb9u1_amd64.deb
+drwxr-xr-x 3 root root   22 May 15 04:18 lib
+drwxr-xr-x 3 root root   19 May 15 04:18 usr
  1. Create a backup of existing microcode:
# test -d /lib/firmware/intel-ucode/ && mv /lib/firmware/intel-ucode/ /lib/firmware/intel-ucode.backup
  1. Copy the new microcode and check it
# cp -r lib/firmware/intel-ucode/ /lib/firmware/
+# ls -l /lib/firmware/ | grep intel-ucode
+drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 May 17 11:47 intel-ucode
+drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 May 16 20:54 intel-ucode.backup
  1. Check the current microcode version
# dmesg | grep microcode
+[ 2.254717] microcode: sig=0x306a9, pf=0x10, revision=0x12
+[ 2.254820] microcode: Microcode Update Driver: v2.01 <tigran@aivazian.fsnet.co.uk>, Peter Oruba
  1. (Optional) Double check the current microcode versions (revisions per core)
$ grep microcode /proc/cpuinfo
+microcode : 0x12
+microcode : 0x12
+microcode : 0x12
+microcode : 0x12
  1. Check the microcode reload file exists
$ ls -l /sys/devices/system/cpu/microcode/reload
+--w------- 1 root root 4096 May 17 11:54 /sys/devices/system/cpu/microcode/reload
  1. Force the kernel to load the new microcode
# echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/microcode/reload
  1. Check the new microcode
# dmesg | grep microcode
+[ 2.254717] microcode: sig=0x306a9, pf=0x10, revision=0x12
+[ 2.254820] microcode: Microcode Update Driver: v2.01 <tigran@aivazian.fsnet.co.uk>, Peter Oruba
+[ 1483.494573] platform microcode: firmware: direct-loading firmware intel-ucode/06-3a-09
+[ 1483.495985] microcode: updated to revision 0x21, date = 2019-02-13
+[ 1483.496012] platform microcode: firmware: direct-loading firmware intel-ucode/06-3a-09
+[ 1483.496698] platform microcode: firmware: direct-loading firmware intel-ucode/06-3a-09
+[ 1483.497391] platform microcode: firmware: direct-loading firmware intel-ucode/06-3a-09
  1. (Optional) Double check the new microcode version (revisions per core)
$ grep microcode /proc/cpuinfo
+microcode : 0x21
+microcode : 0x21
+microcode : 0x21
+microcode : 0x21

Updating Microcode on Red Hat and CentOS

For RHEL-based distributions, you can use the microcode_ctl utility to update microcode.

  1. Get the latest microcode by updating the microcode_ctl package
# yum update microcode_ctl
  1. Create a force file

Create a force-late-intel-06-4f-01 inside the firmware directory.

# touch /lib/firmware/\`uname -r\`/force-late-intel-06-4f-01
  1. Run the microcode update
# /usr/libexec/microcode_ctl/update_ucode
  1. Force the kernel to load the new microcode
# echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/microcode/reload
  1. Check the new microcode
# dmesg | grep microcode
+[ 2.254717] microcode: sig=0x306a9, pf=0x10, revision=0x12
+[ 2.254820] microcode: Microcode Update Driver: v2.01 <tigran@aivazian.fsnet.co.uk>, Peter Oruba
+[ 1483.494573] platform microcode: firmware: direct-loading firmware intel-ucode/06-3a-09
+[ 1483.495985] microcode: updated to revision 0x21, date = 2019-02-13
+[ 1483.496012] platform microcode: firmware: direct-loading firmware intel-ucode/06-3a-09
+[ 1483.496698] platform microcode: firmware: direct-loading firmware intel-ucode/06-3a-09
+[ 1483.497391] platform microcode: firmware: direct-loading firmware intel-ucode/06-3a-09
  1. (Optional) Double check the new microcode version (revisions per core)
$ grep microcode /proc/cpuinfo
+microcode : 0x21
+microcode : 0x21
+microcode : 0x21
+microcode : 0x21

Updating Microcode on CentOS 6

  1. Get the latest microcode by updating the microcode_ctl package
# yum update microcode_ctl
  1. If yum update microcode_ctl outputs the following:
Package(s) microcode_ctl available, but not installed.
+No Packages marked for Update

you need to install the package manually.

  1. To install microcode_ctl package, run the command:
# yum install microcode_ctl

The command should output:

+  microcode_ctl.x86_64 2:1.17-33.11.el6_10
  1. Check CPU microcode version:
$ grep microcode /proc/cpuinfo
+microcode       : 9
+microcode       : 9
+microcode       : 9
+microcode       : 9
  1. Try to update microcode
# microcode_ctl -u

If you see the output:

microcode_ctl: writing microcode (length: 2370560)
+microcode_ctl: cannot open /dev/cpu/microcode for writing errno=2 (No such file or directory)

You need to load driver microcode.

  1. Load driver microcode
# modprobe microcode
  1. Try to update microcode again:
# microcode_ctl -u

If you see the output:

microcode_ctl: writing microcode (length: 2370560)
+microcode_ctl: microcode successfully written to /dev/cpu/microcode

then the update is successful.

  1. Check version:
$ grep microcode /proc/cpuinfo
+microcode       : 17
+microcode       : 17
+microcode       : 17
+microcode       : 17
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How to get a KernelCare activation key from the extended Plesk license

Often our clients purchase KernelCare licenses through Plesk/Odin and in such cases, they get a universal key which includes the KernelCare license and other additional keys for Plesk plugins. Such a key has the following syntax - A00B00-0CDE00-F0G000-HIGK00-LM0N00, and initially, it is installed through Plesk automatically and the license gets activated successfully.

However, if it is required to re-register the agent for some reason or simply get the KernelCare activation key separately, it would be impossible to apply the above-mentioned one - we would need to deal with the KernelCare service separately.

To get the KernelCare activation key from the extended Plesk license key, you will need to proceed with the following.

  1. Navigate to Tools & Settings -> Plesk -> License Management -> Additional License Keys

plesk keys

more keys

  1. Click Download key next to the KernelCare license listed on the page and open the file downloaded in some text editor

  2. Find the following abstract:

<!--Key body-->
+<aps-3:key-body core:encoding="base64" core:type="binary">YOUR_BASE64_ENCODED_LICENSE_KEY==</aps-3:key-body>
+<!--Information about additional key-->
  1. This is your base64-encoded key, and it should be decoded using a CLI utility or an online base64 decoder into UTF-8, e.g. https://www.base64decode.org. The new license key should have the following format: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. It will contain lower and upper case letters and numbers.

  2. Use the new key decoded to activate the service:

# kcarectl --register DECODED_KEY_HERE

That's it!


LibCare enables security patching of critical userspace shared libraries in-memory without restarting or disrupting the applications using them. This is techinical documentation describing the solution; for a high level summary see LibCare's main web site.

Supported libraries and operating systems

LibCare provide security updates for the OpenSSL and glibc libraries on many operating systems.

Supported operating systems

LibCare patching is available for many operating systems including CentOS, AlmaLinux, Oracle Linux, Debian and Ubuntu.

Check compatibility with your operating system.

Installation and upgrade

Userspace processes patching feature is available in the KernelCare package.


To apply the available patches to all userspace processes, run the following command:

# kcarectl --lib-update

To gather information about what processes were patched, run the following command:

# kcarectl --lib-info

To gather information about applied patches, run the following command:

# kcarectl --lib-patch-info

To unpatch all processes, run the following command:

# kcarectl --lib-unload


Applying a live patch may clash with software such as anti-viruses that detect or prevent memory updates. While the majority of software is compatible with live patching, for the software that may misbehave, LibCare comes with a default blacklist. The blacklist is located in the /var/lib/libcare/blacklist and contains the list of known applications that may misbehave when live patched. You can override those values by creating the file /var/cache/kcare/userspace/blacklist.

The format of the file is as follows. Patterns should be specified line by line prefixed with pattern type and a colon. Comments start with a hash (#). For example:

 # Symantec Antivirus
+ path: /opt/Symantec/*
+ filename:symcfgd
+ filename:rtvscand
+ filename:smcd

Specifying path means that the whole path to binary will be taken into account, while using filename allows you to blacklist a process irrespective of the full path to the binary.

Wildcards are also supported:

+ path:/usr/libexec/docker/docker-*

Also POSIX regular expressions could be used as follows:


Auto update

Userspace patching cron job is disabled by default. To enable it, run the following command:

# libcare-cron init

Usage in containers

LibCare supports containers natively, including docker, LXC and other containerization technologies. When run on the host it operates on all processes that are running, including processes present in containers. At the same time there are two ways to use LibCare with containers and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's go through them.

Disposable container servers

Disposable container servers are services that are run within a container for a limited time and are refreshed periodically, e.g. daily to get the latest security updates. The recommended way to run LibCare with disposable containers is by installing kernelcare on the host, and it will automatically patch all processes libraries in the containers.

Persistent container servers

Persistent container servers are services that are run in containers the same way as a traditional physical server, i.e. the LXC approach. Although LibCare can run the same way as with disposable containers, it is also possible to install kernelcare within each container and that will enable live patching of the processes of each container individually. That approach enables accurate patching information within each containerized server that can be used by the available vulnerability scanner. When using this approach userspace patching must be disabled on the host using kcarectl --disable-libcare.


Auditd logs

The LibCare tools heavily use the ptrace syscall, and if auditd is configured to trace it's calls there will be a lot of records in the logs. There is a rule that is provided by the kernelcare package and is located at /etc/audit/rules.d/kernelcare.rules that will exclude the kernelcare processes from auditd.

Note: no such rule is provided for EL6 due to old autditd restrictions. There is a command that will add such a rule at runtime:

# auditctl -l | grep kcare | cut -d' ' -f2- | xargs -t -L1 -r auditctl -d && pgrep libcare-server | \\
+    xargs -t -n1 -i auditctl -A exit,never -F arch=b64 -S ptrace -F pid="{}" -k kcarever | \\
+    xargs -t -n1 -i auditctl -A exit,never -F arch=b64 -S ptrace -F pid="{}" -k kcare

It removes all currently enabled KernelCare rules and adds a new one by LibCare's process ID.

Unpatched Library Detector (UChecker)


UChecker is a scanner that checks network Linux servers and detects out-of-date libraries both on disk and in memory. KernelCare's open-source scanner will find false negatives by correctly reporting vulnerable libraries running in memory that could be reported as updated by other scanners.

The UChecker (originated from "userspace checker") works with all modern Linux Distributions, it is free and open-source, distributed under the GNU General Public License.

How UChecker works

This activity diagram shows how UChecker works:


UChecker Usage

To scan your systems, run the following command:

$ curl -s -L https://kernelcare.com/uchecker | sudo python

You will receive the following output:

[*] Process httpd[15516] linked to the \`libc-2.17.so\` that is not up to date.
+You may want to update libraries above and restart corresponding processes.
+KernelCare+ allows to resolve such issues with no process downtime. To find
+out more, please, visit https://lp.kernelcare.com/kernelcare-early-access?

The following information is available in the output:

  • Process ID
  • Process Name

UChecker Troubleshooting

To see verbose output, you can choose a logging level: ERROR, WARNING, INFO, and DEBUG.

For example:

$ curl -s -L https://kernelcare.com/uchecker | sudo LOGLEVEL=debug python

To learn more, visit the UChecker Github page.


QEMUCare - virtualization patching for cloud providers, VPS hosters, or any other company with QEMU based virtualization systems. It keeps infrastructure patched without disrupting virtual tenants' systems.

How QEMUCare works

  • An agent is installed on each virtualization host which installs patches directly from the QEMUCare repository.
  • In an ePortal environment, your Virtualization Hosts communicate with the QEMUCare ePortal server that acts as an intermediary.

QEMU PatchSet Deployment

Starting from version 1.25, ePortal supports the QEMU patchset management. It is accessible from the Patches / QEMUcare navigation item. QEMU patches use the same Patch Source credentials, and you don't need to perform additional configuration.

qemu feed

User interface for the QEMU patch management is the same as for KernelCare patches, and you can refer the PatchSet Deployment documentation.

CLI to install the latest patchsets

To update the default feed, run the following command:

# kc.eportal qemu update

To update the test feed, run the following command:

# kc.eportal qemu update --feed test

To update all auto-feeds, run the following command:

# kc.eportal qemu auto-update

CLI to deploy patchset from archive

$ kc.eportal qemu deploy --help
+usage: kc.eportal qemu deploy [-h] [--feed FEED] [--disabled] archive
+positional arguments:
+  archive      path to archive
+optional arguments:
+  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
+  --feed FEED  feed to deploy archive to
+  --disabled   do not enable patchset after deploy

For example:

# kc.eportal qemu deploy --feed test /tmp/U20210818_01-qemu.tar.bz2

This command will deploy and enable the U20210818_01-qemu patchset in to the test feed.

Vulnerability Scanner Integration with KernelCare

This document is made for developers of vulnerability scanners to correctly report live patched vulnerabilities as delivered by KernelCare. There are several approaches that vendors might take to identify vulnerabilities patched by KernelCare correctly.

Easiest: Identifying correctly the effective kernel

KernelCare provides "effective kernel" information in


Security scanners can check if the file is present, and if it is, use it instead of /proc/version to identify the kernel. This will provide an effective kernel version from a security standpoint.

Alternatively, the command /usr/bin/kcarectl --uname can be run instead of the uname command to detect effective kernel version

Comprehensive: Using OVAL data

KernelCare comes with OVAL data that provides instructions to the scanner to identify the vulnerabilities addressed by the installed live patches. OVAL data are available for the operating systems supported by KernelCare Enterprise, including AlmaLinux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Oracle Linux, CentOS, Debian, and Ubuntu.

The OVAL data cover all KernelCare enterprise products and add-ons, including LibCare and QEMUCare.

The OVAL data for KernelCare live patching are available at patches.kernelcare.com/oval.

Comprehensive & local: Using the local CVELIST file on each scanned node

KernelCare provides two files listing the vulnerabilities the currently installed live patches address. These files contain a list of CVEs separated by a new line.

The list of vulnerabilities addressed by Kernel live patches is available at:


The list of vulnerabilities addressed by system live patching (LibCare, QEMUCare, etc.) is available at:

`,111);function Re(Fe,qe){const i=M("RouterLink");return D(),U("div",null,[Y(" markdownlint-disable MD014 MD033 MD029 MD049 "),R,e("table",null,[F,e("tbody",null,[q,H,e("tr",null,[z,e("td",null,[a("The same as --update, but uses "),n(i,{to:"/live-patching-services/#config-options"},{default:r(()=>[a("UPDATE_POLICY")]),_:1}),a(" to decide where to get patches.")])]),V,$,W,B,Q,G,X,j,Z,J,ee,ae,te,ie,ne,re,se,le,oe,de,ce,e("tr",null,[ue,e("td",null,[a("Set patch to stick to date in format DDMMYY or retrieve it from KEY if set to KEY (no support for ePortal). Empty to unstick. More info at "),n(i,{to:"/live-patching-services/#sticky-patches"},{default:r(()=>[a("Sticky Patches")]),_:1}),a(".")])]),he])]),pe,e("table",null,[me,e("tbody",null,[ve,ge,be,fe,ye,xe,ke,we,_e,e("tr",null,[Ce,e("td",null,[a("Stick patch to a particular date. More info at "),n(i,{to:"/live-patching-services/#sticky-patches"},{default:r(()=>[a("Sticky Patches")]),_:1}),a(".")])]),Te,Ke,Se,Ee,Ie])]),Pe,e("div",Ae,[Le,e("p",null,[a("This functionality is not available for ePortal customers. If you are using ePortal, please use "),n(i,{to:"/eportal/#feed-management"},{default:r(()=>[a("Feeds")]),_:1}),a(" instead.")])]),Oe,Me,De,e("p",null,[a("Disabling SMT, "),n(i,{to:"/how-to/#how-to-update-microcode-without-reboot-with-vendor-provided-package"},{default:r(()=>[a("updating microcode")]),_:1}),a(", and applying KernelCare patches will protect your systems against the ZombieLoad vulnerability. Note, only the latter action is applicable to virtual systems (e.g. VMs, VPS and other cloud instance types).")]),Ue,Ye,Ne])}const $e=O(N,[["render",Re],["__file","index.html.vue"]]);export{$e as default}; diff --git a/assets/index.html-8a6bcf47.js b/assets/index.html-8a6bcf47.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..54a7752e --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/index.html-8a6bcf47.js @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +const e=JSON.parse('{"key":"v-37e5fb86","path":"/live-patching-services/","title":"KernelCare Enterprise","lang":"en-US","frontmatter":{"sidebarDepth":4},"headers":[{"level":2,"title":"KernelCare","slug":"kernelcare","link":"#kernelcare","children":[{"level":3,"title":"Introduction","slug":"introduction","link":"#introduction","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"Benefits","slug":"benefits","link":"#benefits","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"Key Features","slug":"key-features","link":"#key-features","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"Getting a trial license","slug":"getting-a-trial-license","link":"#getting-a-trial-license","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"Installation","slug":"installation","link":"#installation","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"Update","slug":"update","link":"#update","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"Uninstalling","slug":"uninstalling","link":"#uninstalling","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"Switching from Ksplice","slug":"switching-from-ksplice","link":"#switching-from-ksplice","children":[{"level":4,"title":"Canonical Livepatch","slug":"canonical-livepatch","link":"#canonical-livepatch","children":[]}]},{"level":3,"title":"Basic management","slug":"basic-management","link":"#basic-management","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"Command line tools","slug":"command-line-tools","link":"#command-line-tools","children":[{"level":4,"title":"kcarectl","slug":"kcarectl","link":"#kcarectl","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"kcare-uname","slug":"kcare-uname","link":"#kcare-uname","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"kernelcare doctor","slug":"kernelcare-doctor","link":"#kernelcare-doctor","children":[]}]},{"level":3,"title":"Config options","slug":"config-options","link":"#config-options","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"Disabling some patches","slug":"disabling-some-patches","link":"#disabling-some-patches","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"Extra patchset","slug":"extra-patchset","link":"#extra-patchset","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"Sticky patches","slug":"sticky-patches","link":"#sticky-patches","children":[{"level":4,"title":"How to find a proper sticky patch name","slug":"how-to-find-a-proper-sticky-patch-name","link":"#how-to-find-a-proper-sticky-patch-name","children":[]}]},{"level":3,"title":"Scanning for vulnerabilities","slug":"scanning-for-vulnerabilities","link":"#scanning-for-vulnerabilities","children":[{"level":4,"title":"How to use a vulnerability scanner with KernelCare","slug":"how-to-use-a-vulnerability-scanner-with-kernelcare","link":"#how-to-use-a-vulnerability-scanner-with-kernelcare","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"What if my scanner is producing false positives?","slug":"what-if-my-scanner-is-producing-false-positives","link":"#what-if-my-scanner-is-producing-false-positives","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"How to use OpenSCAP with KernelCare","slug":"how-to-use-openscap-with-kernelcare","link":"#how-to-use-openscap-with-kernelcare","children":[]}]},{"level":3,"title":"UEFI Secure Boot Support","slug":"uefi-secure-boot-support","link":"#uefi-secure-boot-support","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"Live patching and FIPS compliance","slug":"live-patching-and-fips-compliance","link":"#live-patching-and-fips-compliance","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"Firewall and Proxy Settings","slug":"firewall-and-proxy-settings","link":"#firewall-and-proxy-settings","children":[{"level":4,"title":"Patching servers through firewall","slug":"patching-servers-through-firewall","link":"#patching-servers-through-firewall","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Patching servers through proxy","slug":"patching-servers-through-proxy","link":"#patching-servers-through-proxy","children":[]}]},{"level":3,"title":"KernelCare on AWS - Deployment User Guide","slug":"kernelcare-on-aws-deployment-user-guide","link":"#kernelcare-on-aws-deployment-user-guide","children":[{"level":4,"title":"Introductory Material","slug":"introductory-material","link":"#introductory-material","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Prerequisites and Requirements","slug":"prerequisites-and-requirements","link":"#prerequisites-and-requirements","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Architectural Design","slug":"architectural-design","link":"#architectural-design","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Security","slug":"security","link":"#security","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Costs","slug":"costs","link":"#costs","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Sizing","slug":"sizing","link":"#sizing","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Deployment Guidance","slug":"deployment-guidance","link":"#deployment-guidance","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Health Check","slug":"health-check","link":"#health-check","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Backup and Recovery","slug":"backup-and-recovery","link":"#backup-and-recovery","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Routine Maintenance","slug":"routine-maintenance","link":"#routine-maintenance","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Emergency Maintenance","slug":"emergency-maintenance","link":"#emergency-maintenance","children":[]}]},{"level":3,"title":"Patch Feed Advanced Options","slug":"patch-feed-advanced-options","link":"#patch-feed-advanced-options","children":[{"level":4,"title":"Test and Delayed Feeds","slug":"test-and-delayed-feeds","link":"#test-and-delayed-feeds","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Feed Management With Sticky Patch Feature","slug":"feed-management-with-sticky-patch-feature","link":"#feed-management-with-sticky-patch-feature","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Support","slug":"support","link":"#support","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Support Costs","slug":"support-costs","link":"#support-costs","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Reference Materials","slug":"reference-materials","link":"#reference-materials","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Localization","slug":"localization","link":"#localization","children":[]}]},{"level":3,"title":"Reseller Partner UI","slug":"reseller-partner-ui","link":"#reseller-partner-ui","children":[{"level":4,"title":"Server Section","slug":"server-section","link":"#server-section","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Billing Info/Add Funds","slug":"billing-info-add-funds","link":"#billing-info-add-funds","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"API Section","slug":"api-section","link":"#api-section","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Profile","slug":"profile","link":"#profile","children":[]}]},{"level":3,"title":"How To","slug":"how-to","link":"#how-to","children":[{"level":4,"title":"How to disable HyperThreading (SMT) without reboot: KernelCare case","slug":"how-to-disable-hyperthreading-smt-without-reboot-kernelcare-case","link":"#how-to-disable-hyperthreading-smt-without-reboot-kernelcare-case","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"SMT Control","slug":"smt-control","link":"#smt-control","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"SMT Status","slug":"smt-status","link":"#smt-status","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Check the SMT state","slug":"check-the-smt-state","link":"#check-the-smt-state","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Enable SMT","slug":"enable-smt","link":"#enable-smt","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Disable SMT","slug":"disable-smt","link":"#disable-smt","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"How to update Microcode without reboot with vendor-provided package","slug":"how-to-update-microcode-without-reboot-with-vendor-provided-package","link":"#how-to-update-microcode-without-reboot-with-vendor-provided-package","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Updating microcode on Ubuntu and Debian","slug":"updating-microcode-on-ubuntu-and-debian","link":"#updating-microcode-on-ubuntu-and-debian","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Updating Microcode on Red Hat and CentOS","slug":"updating-microcode-on-red-hat-and-centos","link":"#updating-microcode-on-red-hat-and-centos","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Updating Microcode on CentOS 6","slug":"updating-microcode-on-centos-6","link":"#updating-microcode-on-centos-6","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Plesk related","slug":"plesk-related","link":"#plesk-related","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"How to get a KernelCare activation key from the extended Plesk license","slug":"how-to-get-a-kernelcare-activation-key-from-the-extended-plesk-license","link":"#how-to-get-a-kernelcare-activation-key-from-the-extended-plesk-license","children":[]}]}]},{"level":2,"title":"LibCare","slug":"libcare","link":"#libcare","children":[{"level":3,"title":"Supported libraries and operating systems","slug":"supported-libraries-and-operating-systems","link":"#supported-libraries-and-operating-systems","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"Supported operating systems","slug":"supported-operating-systems","link":"#supported-operating-systems","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"Installation and upgrade","slug":"installation-and-upgrade","link":"#installation-and-upgrade","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"Usage","slug":"usage","link":"#usage","children":[{"level":4,"title":"Blacklisting","slug":"blacklisting","link":"#blacklisting","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Auto update","slug":"auto-update","link":"#auto-update","children":[]}]},{"level":3,"title":"Usage in containers","slug":"usage-in-containers","link":"#usage-in-containers","children":[{"level":4,"title":"Disposable container servers","slug":"disposable-container-servers","link":"#disposable-container-servers","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Persistent container servers","slug":"persistent-container-servers","link":"#persistent-container-servers","children":[]}]},{"level":3,"title":"Troubleshooting","slug":"troubleshooting","link":"#troubleshooting","children":[{"level":4,"title":"Auditd logs","slug":"auditd-logs","link":"#auditd-logs","children":[]}]},{"level":3,"title":"Unpatched Library Detector (UChecker)","slug":"unpatched-library-detector-uchecker","link":"#unpatched-library-detector-uchecker","children":[{"level":4,"title":"Description","slug":"description","link":"#description","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"How UChecker works","slug":"how-uchecker-works","link":"#how-uchecker-works","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"UChecker Usage","slug":"uchecker-usage","link":"#uchecker-usage","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"UChecker Troubleshooting","slug":"uchecker-troubleshooting","link":"#uchecker-troubleshooting","children":[]}]}]},{"level":2,"title":"QEMUCare","slug":"qemucare","link":"#qemucare","children":[{"level":3,"title":"How QEMUCare works","slug":"how-qemucare-works","link":"#how-qemucare-works","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"QEMU PatchSet Deployment","slug":"qemu-patchset-deployment","link":"#qemu-patchset-deployment","children":[{"level":4,"title":"CLI to install the latest patchsets","slug":"cli-to-install-the-latest-patchsets","link":"#cli-to-install-the-latest-patchsets","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"CLI to deploy patchset from archive","slug":"cli-to-deploy-patchset-from-archive","link":"#cli-to-deploy-patchset-from-archive","children":[]}]}]},{"level":2,"title":"Vulnerability Scanner Integration with KernelCare","slug":"vulnerability-scanner-integration-with-kernelcare","link":"#vulnerability-scanner-integration-with-kernelcare","children":[{"level":3,"title":"Easiest: Identifying correctly the effective kernel","slug":"easiest-identifying-correctly-the-effective-kernel","link":"#easiest-identifying-correctly-the-effective-kernel","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"Comprehensive: Using OVAL data","slug":"comprehensive-using-oval-data","link":"#comprehensive-using-oval-data","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"Comprehensive & local: Using the local CVELIST file on each scanned node","slug":"comprehensive-local-using-the-local-cvelist-file-on-each-scanned-node","link":"#comprehensive-local-using-the-local-cvelist-file-on-each-scanned-node","children":[]}]}]}');export{e as data}; diff --git a/assets/index.html-a217ad23.js b/assets/index.html-a217ad23.js deleted file mode 100644 index b8e185ad..00000000 --- a/assets/index.html-a217ad23.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,225 +0,0 @@ -import{_ as s,a as l,b as o,c as d,d as c,e as u,f as h,g as p,h as m,i as v,j as b,k as g,l as f,m as y,n as x,o as k,p as w,q as _,r as C,s as T,t as K,u as E,v as S,w as P,x as I,y as A}from"./uchecker-31d683fa.js";import{_ as L}from"./eportal-qemu-feed-7c9efdb9.js";import{_ as O,V as M,n as D,p as U,q as e,J as a,C as n,A as r,a7 as t}from"./framework-0ba8e1ea.js";const N={},Y=t(`

KernelCare Enterprise

KernelCare Enterprise live patching enhances your vulnerability patching program by providing live patches to the Linux kernel and, optionally, with add-ons to critical userspace components, as well as the virtualization stack.

The systems are patched according to your patch deployment policy, allowing you to customize your patch management to align with the needs of your unique environment, whether online or in an air-gapped environment. Plus, your vulnerability reports reduce in size quickly as KernelCare seamlessly integrates with all popular vulnerability scanners to give you an accurate vulnerability exposure report.

KernelCare Enterprise brings KernelCare live patching by default and the following add-ons:

  • LibCare
  • QEMUCare

The sections below describe KernelCare live patching and the additional add-ons in more detail.



KernelCare Enterprise is a live kernel patching service that provides security patches and bugfixes for a range of popular Linux kernels that can be installed without rebooting the system


Today, system administrators have to reboot a server to apply the latest kernel updates. These updates are necessary to prevent security issues. Due to downtime associated with reboots, however, such updates are often delayed, pushed into the darkest hours of the night. It is common for server owners to not update their systems for months or even years and to run vulnerable systems to avoid downtime. Managed service providers face the problem of having to schedule downtime and then updating and rebooting thousands of servers in a short period of time, straining resources. KernelCare solves this update and reboot issue by providing live kernel patching without the need for a reboot

Key Features

  • Rebootless Linux Kernel Patching & Custom Patching
  • Works On-prem & in the cloud
  • Private patch server for gated infrastructures - ePortal
  • Out-of-the-box integration with patch management & vulnerability assessment tools

Getting trial license

You will need a trial activation key to be able to use the KernelCare Enterprise. The trial license subscription will work for 7 days.

If you have any issues getting activation key or if you have any questions regarding using your trial subscription – contact sales@cloudlinux.com and we will help.


KernelCare Enterprise is compatible with 64-bit versions of CloudLinuxOS/CentOS 6,7, and 8, AlmaLinux/RHEL 6,7,8, and 9, Oracle Linux 6 and 7, Amazon Linux 1 and 2, Virtuozzo/PCS/OpenVZ 2.6.32, Debian 8,9 and 10, Proxmox VE 5 and 6, Virt-SIG/Xen4CentOS 6 and 7, Ubuntu 14.04, 15.04, 16.04, 18.04 and 20.04 kernels. The list of compatible kernels can be found on the following link: https://patches.kernelcare.com/ .

To install KernelCare Enterprise, run:

curl -s -L https://kernelcare.com/installer | bash


wget -qq -O - https://kernelcare.com/installer | bash

If you are using IP-based license, nothing else required to be done.

If you are using key-based license, run:

$ /usr/bin/kcarectl --register KEY

KEY is the registration key code string provided when you sign up for purchase or trial of the product.

If you are experiencing Key limit reached error after the end of the trial period you should first, unregister the server by running:

kcarectl --unregister

To check if patches applied, run:

$ /usr/bin/kcarectl --info

The software will automatically check for new patches every 4 hours.

If you would like to run update manually:

$ /usr/bin/kcarectl --update

To check current kernel compatibility with KernelCare, use the following script by running:

curl -s -L https://kernelcare.com/checker | python


wget -qq -O - https://kernelcare.com/checker | python


To update the agent package to the latest version use:

  • For rpm-based distributives (CentOS, RedHat, etc):
yum install -y kernelcare
  • For apt-based distributives (Debian, Ubuntu, etc):
apt-get install kernelcare


To uninstall KernelCare Enterprise, do the the following:

For CloudLinux, CentOS, RHEL, Virtuozzo, OpenVZ:

$ yum remove kernelcare

For Ubuntu, Debian, Proxmox VE:

apt-get remove kernelcare
dpkg --remove kernelcare

This will also unlink the system from its activation key (provided there is network connectivity to the CLN Portal). However, you'll need to remove the license from the CLN Portal manually if you don't plan to use the service anymore.

Switching from Ksplice

To switch from Ksplice to KernelCare Enterprise, use the following script that uninstalls Ksplice and installs KernelCare Enterprise instead.

It will automatically detect and abort if the system is not 64-bit (as KernelCare Enterprise doesn't support it).

It will also detects when Ksplice module cannot be uninstalled and retries multiple times.

Download the script here: https://patches.kernelcare.com/ksplice2kcare.

Run the command:

$ bash ksplice2kcare $KERNELCARE_KEY$

The key can be created/retrieved in KernelCare Enterprise Keys section of CLN.

If you want to use IP based licenses, run:

$ bash ksplice2kcare IP

You have to add IP license for that server, and it is just two letters: IP, not the actual IP.

By default the script will attempt 3 times to uninstall Ksplice, waiting 60 seconds in between. You can run it using nohup if you don't want to wait.

You can change that by editing the script and changing RETRY and SLEEP values.

The script will exit with exit code 0 and message Done on success. Otherwise, it will produce exit code -1.

Complete log file can be found at /var/log/ksplice2kcare.log.

Canonical Livepatch

KernelCare Enterprise is not compatible with Canonical Livepatch and should not be used on the same system.

Basic management

To disable automatic updates, edit the file /etc/sysconfig/kcare/kcare.conf


To check the updated ('effective') version, run:

$ /usr/bin/kcarectl --uname 

We provide convenience script /usr/bin/kcare-uname that has same syntax as uname.

To see applied patches, run:

$ /usr/bin/kcarectl --patch-info 

Command line tools

/usr/bin/kcarectl - Manage KernelCare Enterprise patches for your kernel.

/usr/bin/kcare-uname - Print certain system information.


`,80),R=e("thead",null,[e("tr",null,[e("th"),e("th")])],-1),F=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"-i, --info")]),e("td",null,"Display information about patches installed by KernelCare Enterprise.")],-1),q=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"-u, --update ")]),e("td",null,"Download latest patches, and apply them to current kernel.")],-1),H=e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--smart-update [since 1.6] ")],-1),z=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--unload")]),e("td",null,"Unload patches.")],-1),$=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--auto-update")]),e("td",null,"Check if update is needed and update.")],-1),V=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--patch-info")]),e("td",null,"Lists applied patches.")],-1),Q=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--status")]),e("td",null,[a("Return a status of an update. Refer to the exit code: "),e("code",null,"0"),a(" - host is updated to latest patch level, "),e("code",null,"1"),a(" - there are no applied patches, "),e("code",null,"2"),a(" - there are new not applied patches, "),e("code",null,"3"),a(" - kernel is unsupported")])],-1),B=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--force [since 2.3] ")]),e("td",null,"When used with update, forces applying the patch even if unable to freeze some threads.")],-1),G=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--uname")]),e("td",null,"Prints safe kernel version.")],-1),W=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--license-info")]),e("td",null,"Output current license info.")],-1),X=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--register KEY")]),e("td",null,"Register using KernelCare Enterprise Key.")],-1),j=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--register-autoretry [since 2.5]")]),e("td",null,"If registration fails retries registration indefinitely.")],-1),Z=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--unregister")]),e("td",null,"Unregister from KernelCare Enterprise for Key based servers.")],-1),J=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--userspace-update [PATCHES]")]),e("td",null,"Download latest patches and apply them to the corresponding userspace processes. Сan be set so that only certain types of patches are applied.")],-1),ee=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--test")]),e("td",null,"Try test builds instead of production builds (deprecated, use --prefix=test instead).")],-1),ae=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--prefix")]),e("td",null,"Patch source prefix, used to test different builds, by downloading builds from a different location, based on prefix (v2.2+)")],-1),te=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--version")]),e("td",null,"Print KernelCare Enterprise version.")],-1),ie=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--import-key PATH")]),e("td",null,"Import gpg key.")],-1),ne=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--set-monitoring-key")]),e("td",null,"Set monitoring key for IP based licenses. 16 to 32 characters, alphanumeric only [version 2.1+]")],-1),re=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--freezer [since 2.3] ")]),e("td",null,"none: don't freeze any threads; full: freeze all threads; smart: freezes only threads that need to be frozen for patching. If option is not selected, best freezer method is chosen automatically.")],-1),se=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--check [since 2.4-1]")]),e("td",null,"Check if new patchset is available, without updating. Exit code 0 means there is a new kernel. 1 when there is no new kernel.")],-1),le=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--doctor [since 2.6]")]),e("td",null,"Send a report to the TuxCare support staff for diagnostics.")],-1),oe=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--set-patch-type extra ")]),e("td",null,"To enable extra patches.")],-1),de=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--set-patch-type free")]),e("td",null,"To enable free patches.")],-1),ce=e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--set-sticky-patch SET_STICKY_PATCH")],-1),ue=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"--tag COMMAND")]),e("td",null,[a("Adds an extra "),e("em",null,"Tag"),a(" field for a server. COMMAND is a user-defined parameter.")])],-1),he=t(`


Currenlty available userspace patch types are libs and qemu. To apply patches only for shared libraries, use --userspace-update libs.


Print certain system information. With no OPTION, same as -s.

-a, --allprint all information in the following order, except omit -p and -i if unknown
-s, --kernel-nameprint the kernel name
-n, --nodenameprint the network node hostname
-r, --kernel-releaseprint the kernel release
-v, --kernel-versionprint the kernel version
-m, --machineprint the machine hardware name
-p, --processorprint the processor type or unknown
-i, --hardware-platformprint the hardware platform or unknown
-o, --operating-systemprint the operating system
--helpdisplay this help and exit
--versionoutput version information and exit

kernelcare doctor

This tool collects essential information about the KernelCare environment and sends it to the support team.

# kcarectl --doctor
-Generating report...
-Key: FRWf74Zw11111111.83991334-1111-1111-1111-681ddd653e5f
-Please, provide above mentioned key to KernelCare Support Team

The command generates a report and prints out the ID which could be linked to a support ticket.


If there was some connection problem during report uploading, the report will be stored locally as /root/cl-report. This file should be sent to the support team manually.

Config options

A kcarectl behavior can be configured using /etc/sysconfig/kcare/kcare.conf

`,11),pe=e("thead",null,[e("tr",null,[e("th"),e("th")])],-1),me=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"AUTO_UPDATE=YES|NO")]),e("td",null,[e("code",null,"YES"),a(" - enable auto-update; "),e("code",null,"NO"),a(" - disable auto-update.")])],-1),ve=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"PATCH_METHOD=normal|nofreeze|smart")]),e("td",null,[e("code",null,"Normal"),a(" - (default) use freezer;"),e("br"),e("code",null,"Nofreeze"),a(" - don't use freezer to freeze processes;"),e("br"),a(),e("code",null,"Smart"),a(" - smart freezer freezes only threads that need to be frozen for patching [kernelcare 2.3+].")])],-1),be=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"PATCH_SERVER")]),e("td",null,"Server to use to download patches.")],-1),ge=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"REGISTRATION_URL")]),e("td",null,"Licensing server.")],-1),fe=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"PREFIX=prefix")]),e("td",null,"Patch source prefix, used to test different builds, by downloading builds from a different location, based on prefix [kernelcare 2.2+]")],-1),ye=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"UPDATE_POLICY=REMOTE|LOCAL|LOCAL_FIRST")]),e("td",null,[a("Depending on the policy, on server startup, use:"),e("br"),e("code",null,"REMOTE"),a(" - (default) patches from patch server."),e("br"),e("code",null,"LOCAL"),a(" - only locally cached patches, if none cached (caching is done automatically) - do nothing."),e("br"),e("code",null,"LOCAL_FIRST"),a(" - see if locally cached patches exist, and load them. If not, try getting them from remote server.")])],-1),xe=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"IGNORE_UNKNOWN_KERNEL=True|False")]),e("td",null,"Don't provide notification if unknown kernel on auto-update. [kernelcare 2.5+]")],-1),ke=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"LOAD_KCARE_SYSCTL")]),e("td",null,[a("Controls if "),e("code",null,"/etc/sysconfig/kcare/sysctl.conf"),a(" will be loaded on patchset load. True by default. [kernelcare 2.7+]")])],-1),we=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"STICKY_PATCH=KEY")]),e("td",null,[a("Retrieve sticky patch from "),e("code",null,"KEY"),a(" (see CLN, Key Edit); not supported for IP based servers or ePortal.")])],-1),_e=e("td",null,[e("code",null,"STICKY_PATCH=DDMMYY")],-1),Ce=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"[AUTO_]UPDATE_DELAY=h|d")]),e("td",null,[a("Use patchsets not newer than specified time. For example "),e("code",null,"24h"),a(" or "),e("code",null,"2d"),a(". "),e("code",null,"AUTO_UPDATE_DELAY"),a(" works for "),e("code",null,"auto"),a(" and "),e("code",null,"smart"),a(" modes. "),e("code",null,"UPDATE_DELAY"),a(" works for all modes. [kernelcare 2.82+]")])],-1),Te=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"[AUTO_]STICKY_PATCHSET=")]),e("td",null,[a("Use patchsets not newer than specified value. For example "),e("code",null,"K20230908_02"),a(". "),e("code",null,"AUTO_STICKY_PATCHSET"),a(" works for "),e("code",null,"auto"),a(" and "),e("code",null,"smart"),a(" modes. "),e("code",null,"STICKY_PATCHSET"),a(" works for all modes. [kernelcare 2.82+]")])],-1),Ke=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"REPORT_FQDN=True|False")]),e("td",null,"Force using Fully Qualified Domain as a hostname. False by default.")],-1),Ee=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"FORCE_GID=N")]),e("td",null,[a("Use this group ID for symlink protection patch. By default, it's 48 (default Apache user GID) or 99 ("),e("code",null,"nobody"),a(" user)")])],-1),Se=e("tr",null,[e("td",null,[e("code",null,"USERSPACE_PATCHES=libs,qemu")]),e("td",null,"Define which userspace patches will be applyed by default")],-1),Pe=t(`

Disabling some patches

Some patches might affect the work of the system, and we created a way to disable them.

This is done via the sysctl command.

When new patchset loads, KernelCare Enterprise sysctl options get reset. To prevent that we added a file:


Options in this file will be loaded automatically on new patchset load.

To disable loading this options, specify:

LOAD_KCARE_SYSCTL=0 in /etc/sysconfig/kcare/kcare.conf

To disable the patch, set the corresponding kcare option to 1.

Patches that can be disabled:

Patchsysctl option

Extra patchset


KernelCare Enterprise 2.12-5 or higher

KernelCare Enterprise Extra patchset includes all the security fixes from KernelCare Enterprise for AlmaLinux, CentOS 6, CentOS 7, and CentOS 8 as well as symlink protection and IPSet bugfix for CentOS 6.

To enable extra patches and apply patch, run:

kcarectl --set-patch-type extra --update

To enable extra patches without update, run:

kcarectl --set-patch-type extra

The ‘extra’ patch will be applied on the next automatic update.

To see details, run:

kcarectl --patch-info

You should see something similar to:

OS: centos6
-kernel: kernel-2.6.32-696.6.3.el6
-time: 2017-07-31 22:46:22
-uname: 2.6.32-696.6.3.el6
-kpatch-name: 2.6.32/symlink-protection.patch
-kpatch-description: symlink protection // If you see this patch, it mean that you can enable symlink protection.
-kpatch-kernel: kernel-2.6.32-279.2.1.el6
-kpatch-cve: N/A
-kpatch-cvss: N/A
-kpatch-cve-url: N/A
-kpatch-patch-url: https://gerrit.cloudlinux.com/#/c/16508/
-kpatch-name: 2.6.32/symlink-protection.kpatch-1.patch
-kpatch-description: symlink protection (kpatch adaptation)
-kpatch-kernel: kernel-2.6.32-279.2.1.el6
-kpatch-cve: N/A
-kpatch-cvss: N/A
-kpatch-cve-url: N/A
-kpatch-patch-url: https://gerrit.cloudlinux.com/#/c/16508/
-kpatch-name: 2.6.32/ipset-fix-list-shrinking.patch
-kpatch-description: fix ipset list shrinking for no reason
-kpatch-kernel: N/A
-kpatch-cve: N/A
-kpatch-cvss: N/A
-kpatch-cve-url: N/A
-kpatch-patch-url: https://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=13499

To enable Symlink Owner Match Protection, add the following line:


to /etc/sysconfig/kcare/sysctl.conf.

And run:

sysctl -w fs.enforce_symlinksifowner=1

Sticky patches

`,29),Ie={class:"tip custom-block"},Ae=e("p",{class:"custom-block-title"},"Note",-1),Le=t('


Since v2.82 there is more convenient way to specify latest available release via [AUTO_]STICKY_PATCHSET and [AUTO_]UPDATE_DELAY configuration options. It also works with recent ePortal versions (v2.3+).

Sometimes you don't want to use the latest patches, but you'd like to control which patches are get installed instead. For example, you have tested the patch released on 25th of May 2018 and want to use that patch across all servers.

You can do it by setting STICKY_PATCH=25052018 (DDMMYY format, ISO YYYY-MM-DD is also valid) in /etc/sysconfig/kcare/kcare.conf This guarantees that when kcarectl --update or kcarectl --auto-update is called, you will get patches from that date and not the newest patches.

Alternatively, you can set STICKY_PATCH=KEY This way you can control the date from which patches will be applied using KernelCare keys in CLN. On update, the actual date will be retrieved from CLN (from Key settings) for the key used to register a particular server (not supported for IP based servers).

This is very useful if you want to test patches in QA first and later roll them out to production without doing any changes on the systems.

Here is how you can do that:

  • Set STICKY_PATCH=KEY on all your servers.
  • Register QA servers with one KEY, and Production servers with ANOTHER key.
  • Then, stop new updates for Production servers. In CLN set Sticky Tag to yesterday. You can do it by editing KEY in CLN in DDMMYY format.
  • Now, for example, let's use patches as of 03052018 (DDMMYY format). Set them for your QA server key. On the next auto-update, your QA servers will get those patches (auto-updates are typically every 4 hours).

Once you are happy with this patches, set the same Sticky Tag for Production servers key. In 4 hours your production servers should be updated to the same patches that QA servers were.

How to find a proper sticky patch name

Let's assume that you have some kernel patch that you want to "stick" with. All you need is to find a proper label for that patch.


As you can see, the patch was released at 2020-09-16. And if apply label's date format, it becomes 16092020 that will be the sticky patch value.

Scanning for vulnerabilities

Identifying the vulnerabilities that apply to your systems is an important task for IT and InfoSec teams, and at TuxCare we make it easy. KernelCare live patching is integrated natively with vulnerability scanners including Tenable Nessus, Qualys, Rapid7 and many others.


A generic integration that works with any vulnerability scanner is available for environments that native integration may not be sufficient. Contact your account manager or sales@tuxcare.com for more information.

How to use a vulnerability scanner with KernelCare

It’s rather simple. New scan results after installing a package and applying a patchset should not show any kernel CVEs that are handled by KernelCare Enterprise.

For example, Nessus for an old kernel shows a bunch of detected CVEs:

After the live patches were applied, there are no kernel-related CVEs:

How use OpenSCAP with KernelCare

OpenSCAP is an open source vulnerability scanner and compliance tool and it can be used to scan a system protected by KernelCare Enterprise. The following commands show how to use OpenSCAP to produce a vulnerability report for a system.

$ source /etc/os-release
-$ wget https://patches.kernelcare.com/oval/com.kernelcare.\${ID}.\${VERSION_ID}.xml
-$ oscap oval eval --report report.htm com.kernelcare.\${ID}.\${VERSION_ID}.xml

How to natively integrate KernelCare with a vulnerability scanner


These instructions are intended for integrators with 3rd party vulnerability scanners.

There are two ways for a vulnerability scanner to integrate with KernelCare live patching.

Integrate via OVAL data

KernelCare comes with OVAL data that provide the instructions to the scanner to identify the vulnerabilities that are addressed by the installed live patches. OVAL data are available for the operating systems supported by KernelCare Enterprise, including AlmaLinux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Oracle Linux, CentOS, Debian and Ubuntu.

The OVAL data cover all KernelCare enterprise products and add-ons including LibCare, and QEMUCare.

The OVAL data for KernelCare live patching are available at patches.kernelcare.com/oval.

Integrate using files

KernelCare provides two files that list the vulnerabilities that are addressed by the currently installed live patches. These files contain a list of CVEs separated by a newline.

The list of vulnerabilities addressed by Kernel live patches is available at:

  • /proc/kcare/cvelist

The list of vulnerabilities addressed by system live patching (LibCare, QEMUCare etc.) is available at:

  • /var/cache/kcare/libcare_cvelist

UEFI Secure Boot Support


This feature is an early stage of adoption. Not all the distribution will be able to support.

This new functionality lets KernelCare work on systems with secure boot set up in their UEFI firmware. We are going to add a public certificate to the MOK (Machine Owner Keys) database that KernelCare will use to sign modules.

The latest KernelCare package contains a public certificate and will be available in the /usr/libexec/kcare/kernelcare_pub.der. For older versions, it could be downloaded from the https://patches.kernelcare.com/kernelcare_pub.der to that location.

For example:

curl -o /usr/libexec/kcare/kernelcare_pub.der https://patches.kernelcare.com/kernelcare_pub.der
  1. Use mokutil as root to add this new MOK to the UEFI firmware.
$ mokutil --import /usr/libexec/kcare/kernelcare_pub.der
- input password:
- input password again:

It doesn't have a MOK password, and mokutil will ask you to create one. The password is temporary and will be used on the next boot.

  1. Reboot your machine to enter the MOK manager EFI utility.

First, go down to the 'Enroll Mok':

alt text

Then the firmware gives you the option of viewing the new MOK or continuing. Let's continue.

alt text

It then asks you to confirm the enrollment.

alt text

Then you will need to enter the password you used when running mokutil --import.

alt text

Finally, the firmware will ask you to reboot.

alt text

  1. Verify the key has been loaded by finding it in the output of the following command:
$ mokutil --list-enrolled | egrep -i 'SHA1|Issuer'

In some cases the enrolled key will not be shown but could be verified by the following command:

$ dmesg | grep -i 'cloud linux' 
-[   0.722149] EFI: Loaded cert 'Cloud Linux Software, Inc: Kernel Module Signing Key: 12ff0613c0f80cfba3b2f8eba71ebc27c5a76170' linked to '.system_keyring'

That's it. Now you should be able to apply patches as usual.

To get more information about signing kernel modules for secure boot, see https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/8/html/managing_monitoring_and_updating_the_kernel/signing-kernel-modules-for-secure-boot_managing-monitoring-and-updating-the-kernel.

Live patching and FIPS compliance

The FIPS-140 certification of a Linux kernel validates that the cryptography contained within a Linux kernel complies with the US government FIPS-140 data protection standard. Meaning that algorithms like AES, the random generator and other cryptographic aspects of the kernel are implemented as the standard defines.

At the same time the certification is a lengthy process –a typical validation can take almost a year– and for that reason only some of each vendor’s kernels are validated. That is because vendors release new kernels with security and feature updates on a regular cadence some as often as weekly, irrespective of their FIPS validation status. This means users of FIPS validated kernels need to choose between: (a) strict compliance by staying on the same kernel without updating until the next validated kernel is available and (b) reducing their security risk by installing new kernels with security updates even if they are not validated. The same story applies to the vendor’s live patching solutions.

With KernelCare Enterprise it is possible to live patch FIPS-140 validated Linux kernels, for example at the Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system. The live patches applied to these kernels, in this example, consist of the same RHEL kernel patches but are limited to the ones addressing security vulnerabilities. That way, a live patched kernel contains the same security fixes as a vendor update without any feature or bug-fix updates, e.g., updates that may change the cryptographic subsystem for performance or other non-security related reasons.

In this way, security-conscious users of FIPS-validated Linux kernels that today apply their vendor's security patches can rely on KernelCare live patching the same way they do with their vendor's security updates. Furthermore, KernelCare live patching applies the minimum possible updates to the validated kernel by explicitly excluding any non-security updates.

Firewall and Proxy Settings

Patching servers through firewall

As long as your servers have access to the Internet, even behind NAT — you will be able to use KernelCare patch server without any problems.

Generally, KernelCare requires connection to only two servers for a proper work:


An additional address is used for KernelCare agent installation/update:


Patching servers through proxy

If your servers don't have direct Internet access but can gain access to the Internet using proxy, the configuration is not that different. KernelCare can pick up standard environment variables for a proxy.

Make sure you have environment settings for proxy setup, and everything else will be the same as if servers were directly connected to the Internet:

# export http_proxy=http://proxy.domain.com:port
-# export https_proxy=http://proxy.domain.com:port


Settings defined by export are case-insensitive, so the example above could be as follows:

# export HTTP_PROXY=http://proxy.domain.com:port
-# export HTTPS_PROXY=http://proxy.domain.com:port

You can define these settings in the KernelCare config /etc/sysconfig/kcare/kcare.conf.


$ cat /etc/sysconfig/kcare/kcare.conf

If you define these settings in the config, you don't need to export them each kcarectl launch and don't need to edit cron jobs.

All kcarectl launches will be aware of proxy settings from the config. In this case, you need to set proxy settings only once.

KernelCare on AWS – Deployment User Guide

Introductory Material


The Linux kernel is the most important piece of software on your server, as a security flaw in it can expose all of your services and customers' data. KernelCare is a technology that allows you to keep the Linux kernel safe at all times, automatically, without ever having to stop the server and rebooting it causing downtime and inconvenient scheduling of maintenance windows. This improves availability, security, stability, operation costs, and customer satisfaction. It works with almost all mainstream distributions of Linux. It is simple, fast, and very easy to deploy while being able to handle very complex patches and customized kernels if you need them.

Prerequisites and Requirements

KernelCare can be installed on any x86_64 compatible server or VM running one of the following distribution:

  • Amazon Linux 1, 2
  • CentOS 6, 7, Xen4CentOS, CentOS-Plus, ElRepo
  • CloudLinux 6, 7
  • Debian 7, 8, 9, 8-backports
  • Oracle Linux 6, 7
  • ProxmoxVE 3,4,5
  • RedHat EL 6, 7
  • Ubuntu 14.04, 16.04, 18.04
  • Virtuozzo 6

The exact list of compatible kernels can be found on the following link: https://patches.kernelcare.com/.

Standard OS kernels are required in most cases unless the custom kernel is supported.

The software can be installed on the running server and doesn't require a reboot.

Basic Linux skills are sufficient to deploy KernelCare on AWS. Simple deployments involve just an EC2 instance. KernelCare is available as BYOL model. You need to register in our customer portal to get the trial license. Once you get the trial license, you need to register your running EC2 instance with the activation key.

Architecture Diagrams

As long as your servers have access to the Internet, even behind NAT – you will be able to use KernelCare patch server without any problems.

Generally, KernelCare requires HTTPS connection to two servers for the proper work:

  • cln.cloudlinux.com
  • patches.kernelcare.com

If your servers don't have direct Internet access but can gain access to the Internet using proxy, the configuration is not that different. KernelCare can pick up standard environment variables for proxy.

Make sure you have environment settings for proxy setup, and everything else will be the same as if the servers were directly connected to the Internet:

# export http_proxy=http://proxy.domain.com:port
-# export https_proxy=http://proxy.domain.com:port

Planning Guidance


The only thing you need to be able to install/control you KernelCare deployment is SSH access (root credentials, key-based authentication/sudo or similar mechanisms are preferred).


KernelCare is billed as a subscription service – you can find more details in the table below.

License VolumeMonthly PriceAnnual Price


KernelCare agent has a tiny RAM footprint – binary patches usually require less than 1 MB.

Deployment Guidance

Deployment Assets

To install KernelCare, run:

curl -s -L https://kernelcare.com/installer | bash


wget -qq -O - https://kernelcare.com/installer | bash

If you are using IP-based license, nothing else required to be done. If you are using key-based license, run:

$ /usr/bin/kcarectl --register KEY

KEY is the registration key code string provided when you sign up for purchase or trial of the product.

You can easily automate KernelCare deployment with Ansible, Puppet, Chef or other automation tools. Here are the steps that may be automated:

  1. Distribute KernelCare agent package (optional – required only for servers with no access to the Internet) and a KernelCare agent configuration file (/etc/sysconfig/kcare/kcare.conf).
  2. Set required environmental variables (optional).
  3. Install KernelCare agent from either locally available package or central KernelCare download location.
  4. Register KernelCare with either license key or IP-based license.

Operational Guidance

Health Check

Systems protected by KernelCare can be monitored by means of CloudLinux Network (CLN) portal available at https://cln.cloudlinux.com. Registered KernelCare installations are grouped by license keys. Kernels that are marked with exclamation sign in amber do not have the latest patches installed.

In either case, you can check whether the latest available patch has been applied by running the following command on a system protected by KernelCare:

$ /usr/bin/kcarectl --check

Backup and Recovery

There is no reason to backup KernelCare. KernelCare doesn't store any data. You can always re-install and re-register KernelCare. To backup the configuration file of KernelCare if you have modified it, backup the /etc/sysconfig/kcare/ folder.

Routine Maintenance

KernelCare is packaged in RPM/DEB packages (depending on Linux distribution) and will update any time system packages are updated. No additional maintenance is needed.

Emergency Maintenance

If one of your instances degraded, once you start another instance based on EBS or snapshot – KernelCare will continue working as before, no additional work is needed. If you set up a new server instead, re-register KernelCare on the new server. If you decide to uninstall patches, run command:

# kcarectl --unload

or complete remove kernelcare package by running the following command:

  • on RPM-based systems
    # rpm -e kernelcare


  • on DEB-based systems
    # dpkg --remove kernelcare

Patch Feed Advanced Options

Test and Delayed Feeds

KernelCare Patch Server has several patch feeds available in addition to the standard (production) feed:

  • Test feed – the newest patches (test builds) that have not undergone the complete testing process. Test feed makes it possible to start testing new patches earlier.
  • Delayed feeds – instructs KernelCare to skip loading patches that were released within the last 12/24/48 hours.

The alternate feed option is enabled by setting PREFIX variable in /etc/sysconfig/kcare/kcare.conf to one of test/12h/24h/48h.

Feed Management With Sticky Patch Feature

The best way to handle QA and Production environments is to use Sticky tag feature of KernelCare license keys issued from CloudLinux Network (CLN) portal. To use this tag, go to CLN portal → KernelCare tab → click on the target key → Edit Key Info window.

You should provide a separate key for each environment and set them to a particular sticky tag which is actually the date to which all the servers in an environment have to be patched.

The date in Sticky tag field can be any date from May 28, 2018 up to one day before today.

To use Sticky tag feature on the servers to be patched, run:

$ /usr/bin/kcarectl --set-sticky-patch=KEY

Alternatively, you can do the same by adding STICKY_PATCH=KEY to the /etc/sysconfig/kcare/kcare.conf file.


Do Not replace the KEY word with the actual KernelCare license key used to register the server.

When the Sticky tag feature is enabled for particular servers, all such servers will get patches only released before the date specified in the Sticky tag field.

This way, you can add new patches to all the servers in some environment (i.e. registered with the same KernelCare license key) by updating only a single field in the CLN portal.


We offer unlimited, 24x7x365 support. Submit a request or email us at support@cloudlinux.com.

  • We answer all support questions within one business day and most within a couple of hours To expedite the support, run the following command on your server (as root user):
# kcarectl --doctor

Then paste the generated key into the support request.

Support Costs

Your KernelCare subscription includes free 24/7 support.


Reference Materials


KernelCare is available in the English language only.

Reseller Partner UI

Once you have got the reseller partner access, in IP Reseller Partner UI you can view and manage IP licenses, billing options, profile details. Here you can track your money balance, licenses count and licenses prices as well as using IP address search to find customers. You can find more information about KernelCare licensing here.

Server Section

As soon as you have added funds (See Billing Info/Add Funds below) to your account you can immediately add new licenses for clients. To add IP KernelCare license:

  1. Enter IP address in Add IP License field, choose license type in pull-down menu (KernelCare) and click Add license.

  1. To delete license click Delete in front of the needed IP address.

  2. To add KernelCare Key license go to KernelCare Keys tab, enter the number of servers allowed for the license in Max Servers, add description if needed and click Add . The key will be generated and appear in the list below.

In the Operations List you are able to edit or delete the key.

Billing Info/Add Funds

To add funds:

  1. Click Add Funds near your balance or go to Billing Info/Add Funds on the top of the starting page of your account.

  2. Click Add to add credit card details, then enter funds amount and click TopUp or Process to Checkout to pay via PayPal.

While adding credit card details, you can also choose Auto add funds option - the funds amount you choose in pull down menu will be automatically added when your balance is below $100.

If you choose Auto repay, your card will be automatically charged when your balance becomes negative. Minimal charge is $20 (E.g. for balance -$15 - you'll be charged at $20, for balance -$134.2 - you'll be charged at $134.2).


If your balance is shown as negative, it means that you have to deposit more funds.

API Section

CloudLinux and KernelCare IP licenses adding and removing is compatible with different hosting and domain management and billing systems and platforms. You can find comprehensive information on all possible CloudLinux modules and plug-ins APIs in API Section.


You can edit your profile information by clicking on Profile section. Edit the necessary info and click Update Account.

How To

How to disable HyperThreading (SMT) without reboot: KernelCare case

This article explains how to disable or enable SMT (Simultaneous multithreading) without rebooting using KernelCare, to help mitigate the recent MDS/Zombieload vulnerability.

Disabling CPU simultaneous multithreading (SMT) is one of the mitigations needed to counter the recent MDS vulnerability (also known as ‘Zombieload’). There is a performance impact that depends on the configuration of the hosting platform and its workload patterns. You should also consider the impact of other mitigation strategies, such as assigning dedicated cores to guests (e.g. VMs).

You can control and get the status of SMT with the kernel’s sysfs interface. There are two files, both in the /sys/devices/system/cpu/smt directory:

  • control
  • active

If you cannot find the /sys/devices/system/cpu/smt directory, this means your running kernel does not support SMT. In this case, you need to apply KernelCare patches so the SMT controls become available to your system. Use the kcarectrl command:

kcarectl --update
-Kernel is safe
ls -l /sys/devices/system/cpu/smt
--r--r--r-- 1 root root 4096 May 17 13:06 active
--rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4096 May 17 13:06 control

As soon as you have these files in place, it is possible to proceed with disabling SMT.

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SMT Control


This file lets you enable or disable SMT, and shows its state. There are three values:

  1. on: The CPU supports SMT and it is enabled. All logical CPUs can be taken offline or online without restriction.
  2. off: The CPU supports SMT but it is disabled. Only so-called primary SMT threads can be taken offline/online without restriction. Attempts to put a non-primary sibling thread online will be rejected.
  3. notsupported: The CPU does not support SMT. You will not be able to write to the control file.

SMT Status


The contents of this file show the status of SMT (e.g. if two or more sibling threads are active on the same physical core the contents of this file is 1, if not: 0).

Here are some commands to control SMT support (root permissions are required):

Check the SMT state

cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/smt/active

Enable SMT

echo on > /sys/devices/system/cpu/smt/control

Disable SMT

echo off > /sys/devices/system/cpu/smt/control

How to update Microcode without reboot with vendor-provided package

This article shows how to update the microcode of Intel CPUs running Linux.


To avoid possible issues with Microcode updating, enable SMT before the update.


This article is subject to change and will be updated with instructions for other distributions.


  • These steps must be done as root.
  • The examples shown are for Debian.
  • If you have doubts your systems are fully protected against CPU- and kernel-related vulnerabilities, please get in touch with us.

Updating microcode on Ubuntu and Debian

  1. Find the microcode package download link for your platform

  2. Download the package


Example shown for Debian 9

cd <a temporary directory, e.g. /tmp>
-mkdir firmware
-cd firmware
-wget http://security.debian.org/debian-security/pool/updates/non-free/i/intel-microcode/intel-microcode_3.20190514.1~deb9u1_amd64.deb
  1. Check the downloaded package
md5sum intel-microcode_3.20190514.1~deb9u1_amd64.deb
-c7bc9728634137453e0f4821fb6bb436  intel-microcode_3.20190514.1~deb9u1_amd64.deb

A list of checksums is on the Debian packages download page.

  1. Unpack the package
dpkg -x intel-microcode_3.20190514.1~deb9u1_amd64.deb
  1. Check the unpacked files
ls -l
-total 1896
-drwxr-xr-x 5 root root   53 May 15 04:18 etc
--rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1940140 May 17 11:42 intel-microcode_3.20190514.1~deb9u1_amd64.deb
-drwxr-xr-x 3 root root   22 May 15 04:18 lib
-drwxr-xr-x 3 root root   19 May 15 04:18 usr
  1. Create a backup of existing microcode:
test -d /lib/firmware/intel-ucode/ && mv /lib/firmware/intel-ucode/ /lib/firmware/intel-ucode.backup
  1. Copy the new microcode and check it
cp -r lib/firmware/intel-ucode/ /lib/firmware/
-ls -l /lib/firmware/ | grep intel-ucode
-drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 May 17 11:47 intel-ucode
-drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 May 16 20:54 intel-ucode.backup
  1. Check the current microcode version
dmesg | grep microcode
-[ 2.254717] microcode: sig=0x306a9, pf=0x10, revision=0x12
-[ 2.254820] microcode: Microcode Update Driver: v2.01 <tigran@aivazian.fsnet.co.uk>, Peter Oruba
  1. (Optional) Double check the current microcode versions (revisions per core)
cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -e microcode
-microcode : 0x12
-microcode : 0x12
-microcode : 0x12
-microcode : 0x12
  1. Check the microcode reload file exists
ls -l /sys/devices/system/cpu/microcode/reload
---w------- 1 root root 4096 May 17 11:54 /sys/devices/system/cpu/microcode/reload
  1. Force the kernel to load the new microcode
echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/microcode/reload
  1. Check the new microcode
dmesg | grep microcode
-[ 2.254717] microcode: sig=0x306a9, pf=0x10, revision=0x12
-[ 2.254820] microcode: Microcode Update Driver: v2.01 <tigran@aivazian.fsnet.co.uk>, Peter Oruba
-[ 1483.494573] platform microcode: firmware: direct-loading firmware intel-ucode/06-3a-09
-[ 1483.495985] microcode: updated to revision 0x21, date = 2019-02-13
-[ 1483.496012] platform microcode: firmware: direct-loading firmware intel-ucode/06-3a-09
-[ 1483.496698] platform microcode: firmware: direct-loading firmware intel-ucode/06-3a-09
-[ 1483.497391] platform microcode: firmware: direct-loading firmware intel-ucode/06-3a-09
  1. (Optional) Double check the new microcode version (revisions per core)
cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -e microcode
-microcode : 0x21
-microcode : 0x21
-microcode : 0x21
-microcode : 0x21

Updating Microcode on Red Hat and CentOS

For RHEL-based distributions, you can use the microcode_ctl utility to update microcode.

  1. Get the latest microcode by updating the microcode_ctl package
yum update microcode_ctl
  1. Create a force file

Create a force-late-intel–06–4f–01 inside the firmware directory.

touch /lib/firmware/\`uname -r\`/force-late-intel-06-4f-01
  1. Run the microcode update
  1. Force the kernel to load the new microcode
echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/microcode/reload
  1. Check the new microcode
dmesg | grep microcode
-[ 2.254717] microcode: sig=0x306a9, pf=0x10, revision=0x12
-[ 2.254820] microcode: Microcode Update Driver: v2.01 <tigran@aivazian.fsnet.co.uk>, Peter Oruba
-[ 1483.494573] platform microcode: firmware: direct-loading firmware intel-ucode/06-3a-09
-[ 1483.495985] microcode: updated to revision 0x21, date = 2019-02-13
-[ 1483.496012] platform microcode: firmware: direct-loading firmware intel-ucode/06-3a-09
-[ 1483.496698] platform microcode: firmware: direct-loading firmware intel-ucode/06-3a-09
-[ 1483.497391] platform microcode: firmware: direct-loading firmware intel-ucode/06-3a-09
  1. (Optional) Double check the new microcode version (revisions per core)
cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -e microcode
-microcode : 0x21
-microcode : 0x21
-microcode : 0x21
-microcode : 0x21

Updating Microcode on CentOS 6

  1. Get the latest microcode by updating the microcode_ctl package
yum update microcode_ctl
  1. If yum update microcode_ctl outputs the following:
Package(s) microcode_ctl available, but not installed.
-No Packages marked for Update

you need to install the package manually.

  1. To install microcode_ctl package, run the command:
yum install microcode_ctl

The command output:

-  microcode_ctl.x86_64 2:1.17-33.11.el6_10                                                                                                                                 
  1. Check CPU microcode version:
cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep microcode
-microcode       : 9
-microcode       : 9
-microcode       : 9
-microcode       : 9
  1. Try to update microcode
microcode_ctl -u

If you see the output:

microcode_ctl: writing microcode (length: 2370560)
-microcode_ctl: cannot open /dev/cpu/microcode for writing errno=2 (No such file or directory)

You need to load driver microcode.

  1. Load driver microcode
modprobe microcode
  1. Try to update microcode again:
microcode_ctl -u

If you see the output:

microcode_ctl: writing microcode (length: 2370560)
-microcode_ctl: microcode successfully written to /dev/cpu/microcode

then update is successful.

  1. Check version:
cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep microcode
-microcode       : 17
-microcode       : 17
-microcode       : 17
-microcode       : 17
`,73),Ue=e("iframe",{width:"560",height:"315",src:"https://www.youtube.com/embed/EydWy-b9uns",frameborder:"0",allow:"accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture",allowfullscreen:""},null,-1),Ne=t('

How to get a KernelCare activation key from the extended Plesk license

Often our clients purchase KernelCare licenses through Plesk/Odin and in such cases, they get a universal key which includes the KernelCare license and other additional keys for Plesk plugins. Such a key has the following syntax – A00B00-0CDE00-F0G000-HIGK00-LM0N00, – and initially, it is installed through Plesk automatically and the license gets activated successfully.

However, if it is required to re-register the agent for some reason or simply get the KernelCare activation key separately, it would be impossible to apply the above-mentioned one – we would need to deal with the KernelCare service separately.

To get the KernelCare activation key from the extended Plesk license key, you will need to proceed with the following.

  1. Navigate to Tools & Settings >> Plesk >> License Management >> Additional License Keys

  1. Click Download key next to the KernelCare license listed on the page and open the file downloaded in some text editor

  2. Find the following abstract:

<!--Key body-->
-<aps-3:key-body core:encoding="base64" core:type="binary">YOUR_BASE64_ENCODED_LICENSE_KEY==</aps-3:key-body>
-<!--Information about additional key-->
  1. This is your base64-encoded key, and it should be decoded using a CLI utility or an online base64 decoder into UTF-8, e.g. https://www.base64decode.org. The new license key should have the following format: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. It will contain lower and upper case letters and numbers.

  2. Use the new key decoded to activate the service:

/usr/bin/kcarectl --register DECODED_KEY_HERE

This is it!


LibCare enables security patching of critical userspace shared libraries in-memory without restarting or disrupting the applications using them. This is techinical documentation describing the solution; for a high level summary see LibCare's main web site.

Supported libraries and operating systems

LibCare provide security updates for the OpenSSL and glibc libraries on many operating systems.

Supported operating systems

LibCare patching is available for many operating systems including CentOS, AlmaLinux, Oracle Linux, Debian and Ubuntu.

Check compatibility with your operating system.

Installation and upgrade

Userspace processes patching feature is available in the KernelCare package.


To apply the available patches to all userspace processes, run the following command:

$ kcarectl --lib-update

To gather information about what processes were patched, run the following command:

$ kcarectl --lib-info

To gather information about applied patches, run the following command:

$ kcarectl --lib-patch-info

To unpatch all processes, run the following command:

$ kcarectl --lib-unload


Applying a live patch may clash with software such as anti-viruses that detect or prevent memory updates. While the majority of software is compatible with live patching, for the software that may misbehave, LibCare comes with a default blacklist. The blacklist is located in the /var/lib/libcare/blacklist and contains the list of known applications that may misbehave when live patched. You can override those values by creating the file /var/cache/kcare/userspace/blacklist.

The format of the file is as follows. Patterns should be specified line by line prefixed with pattern type and a colon. Comment starts with dash (#). Example:

 # Symantec Antivirus
- path: /opt/Symantec/*
- filename:symcfgd
- filename:rtvscand
- filename:smcd

Specifying path means that the whole path to binary will be taken into account, while using filename allows to blacklist a process irrespective of the full path to binary.

Wildcards are also supported:

- path:/usr/libexec/docker/docker-*

Also a POSIX regular expressions could be used as follows:


Auto update

Userspace patching cron job is disabled by default. To enable it, run the following command:

libcare-cron init

Usage in containers

LibCare supports containers natively, including docker, LXC and other containerization technologies. When run on the host it operates on all processes that are running, including processes present in containers. At the same time there are two ways to use LibCare with containers and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's go through them.

Disposable container servers

Disposable container servers are services that are run within a container for limited time and are refreshed periodically, e.g., daily to get the latest security updates. The recommended way to run LibCare with disposable containers is by installing kernelcare on the host, and it will automatically patch all processes libraries in the containers.

Persistent container servers

Persistent container servers are services that are run in containers the same way as a traditional physical server, i.e., the LXC approach. Although LibCare can run the same way as with disposable containers, it is also possible to install kernelcare within each container and that will enable live patching of the processes of each container individually. That approach enables accurate patching information within each containerized server that can be used by the available vulnerability scanner. When using this approach userspace patching must be disabled on the host using kcarectl --disable-libcare.


Auditd logs

The LibCare tools heavily use a ptrace syscall and, in case of auditd trace it's calls, there will be a lot of records in a log. There is a rule that provided by kernelcare package and located here: /etc/audit/rules.d/kernelcare.rules. It will exclue kernelcare processes from audit.

Note: no such rule is provided for el6 due to old autditd restrictions. There is a command that will add such rule in runtime:

auditctl -l | grep kcare | cut -d' ' -f2- | xargs -t -L1 -r auditctl -d && pgrep libcare-server | xargs -t -n1 -i auditctl -A exit,never -F arch=b64 -S ptrace -F pid="{}" -k kcarever | xargs -t -n1 -i auditctl -A exit,never -F arch=b64 -S ptrace -F pid="{}" -k kcare

It removes all currently enabled KernelCare rules and adds a new one by LibCare's process ID.

Unpatched Library Detector (UChecker)


UChecker is a scanner that checks network Linux servers and detects out-of-date libraries both on disk and in memory. KernelCare’s open-source scanner will find false negatives by correctly reporting vulnerable libraries running in memory that could be reported as updated by other scanners.

The UChecker (originated from "userspace checker") works with all modern Linux Distributions, it is free and open-source, distributed under the GNU General Public License.

How UChecker works

This activity diagram shows how UChecker works:


To scan your systems, run the following command:

$ curl -s -L https://kernelcare.com/uchecker | sudo python

You will receive the following output:

[*] Process httpd[15516] linked to the \`libc-2.17.so\` that is not up to date.
-You may want to update libraries above and restart corresponding processes.
-KernelCare+ allows to resolve such issues with no process downtime. To find 
-out more, please, visit https://lp.kernelcare.com/kernelcare-early-access?

The following information is available in the output:

  • Process ID
  • Process Name


To verbose output, you can choose a logging level: ERROR, WARNING, INFO, and DEBUG.

For example:

$ curl -s -L https://kernelcare.com/uchecker | sudo LOGLEVEL=debug python

To learn more, visit the UChecker Github page.


QEMUCare – virtualization patching for cloud providers, VPS hosters, or any other company with QEMU based virtualization systems. It keeps infrastructure patched without disrupting virtual tenants’ systems.

How QEMUCare works

  • An agent is installed on each virtualization host which installs patches directly from the QEMUCare repository.
  • In an ePortal environment, your Virtualization Hosts communicate with the QEMUCare ePortal server that acts as an intermediary.

QEMU PatchSet Deployment

Starting from version 1.25, ePortal supports the QEMU patchset management. It is accessible from the Patches / QEMUcare navigation item. QEMU patches use the same Patch Source credentials, and you don't need to perform additional configuration.

User interface for the QEMU patch management is the same as for KernelCare patches, and you can refer the PatchSet Deployment documentation.

CLI to install the latest patchsets

To update the default feed, run the following command:

kc.eportal qemu update

To update the test feed, run the following command:

kc.eportal qemu update --feed test

To update all auto-feeds, run the following command:

kc.eportal qemu auto-update

CLI to deploy patchset from archive

~$ kc.eportal qemu deploy --help
-usage: kc.eportal qemu deploy [-h] [--feed FEED] [--disabled] archive
-positional arguments:
-  archive      path to archive
-optional arguments:
-  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
-  --feed FEED  feed to deploy archive to
-  --disabled   do not enable patchset after deploy

For example:

kc.eportal qemu deploy --feed test /tmp/U20210818_01-qemu.tar.bz2

This command will deploy and enable the U20210818_01-qemu patchset in to the test feed.

Vulnerability Scanner Integration with KernelCare

This document is made for developers of vulnerability scanners to correctly report live patched vulnerabilities as delivered by KernelCare. There are several approaches that vendors might take to identify vulnerabilities patched by KernelCare correctly.

Easiest: Identifying correctly the effective kernel

KernelCare provides "effective kernel" information in


Security scanners can check if the file is present, and if it is, use it instead of /proc/version to identify the kernel. This will provide an effective kernel version from a security standpoint.

Alternatively, the command /usr/bin/kcarectl --uname can be run instead of the uname command to detect effective kernel version

Comprehensive: Using OVAL data

KernelCare comes with OVAL data that provides instructions to the scanner to identify the vulnerabilities addressed by the installed live patches. OVAL data are available for the operating systems supported by KernelCare Enterprise, including AlmaLinux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Oracle Linux, CentOS, Debian, and Ubuntu.

The OVAL data cover all KernelCare enterprise products and add-ons, including LibCare and QEMUCare.

The OVAL data for KernelCare live patching are available at patches.kernelcare.com/oval.

Comprehensive & local: Using the local CVELIST file on each scanned node

KernelCare provides two files listing the vulnerabilities the currently installed live patches address. These files contain a list of CVEs separated by a new line.

The list of vulnerabilities addressed by Kernel live patches is available at:


The list of vulnerabilities addressed by system live patching (LibCare, QEMUCare, etc.) is available at:

`,111);function Ye(Re,Fe){const i=M("RouterLink");return D(),U("div",null,[Y,e("table",null,[R,e("tbody",null,[F,q,e("tr",null,[H,e("td",null,[a("The same as --update, but uses "),n(i,{to:"/live-patching-services/#config-options"},{default:r(()=>[a("UPDATE_POLICY")]),_:1}),a(" to decide where to get patches.")])]),z,$,V,Q,B,G,W,X,j,Z,J,ee,ae,te,ie,ne,re,se,le,oe,de,e("tr",null,[ce,e("td",null,[a("Set patch to stick to date in format DDMMYY or retrieve it from KEY if set to KEY (no support for ePortal). Empty to unstick. More info at "),n(i,{to:"/live-patching-services/#sticky-patches"},{default:r(()=>[a("Sticky Patches")]),_:1}),a(".")])]),ue])]),he,e("table",null,[pe,e("tbody",null,[me,ve,be,ge,fe,ye,xe,ke,we,e("tr",null,[_e,e("td",null,[a("Stick patch to a particular date. More info at "),n(i,{to:"/live-patching-services/#sticky-patches"},{default:r(()=>[a("Sticky Patches")]),_:1}),a(".")])]),Ce,Te,Ke,Ee,Se])]),Pe,e("div",Ie,[Ae,e("p",null,[a("This functionality is not available for ePortal customers. If you are using ePortal, please use "),n(i,{to:"/eportal/#feed-management"},{default:r(()=>[a("Feeds")]),_:1}),a(" instead.")])]),Le,Oe,Me,e("p",null,[a("Disabling SMT, "),n(i,{to:"/how-to/#how-to-update-microcode-without-reboot-with-vendor-provided-package"},{default:r(()=>[a("updating microcode")]),_:1}),a(", and applying KernelCare patches will protect your systems against the ZombieLoad vulnerability. Note, only the latter action is applicable to virtual systems (e.g. VMs, VPS and other cloud instance types).")]),De,Ue,Ne])}const $e=O(N,[["render",Ye],["__file","index.html.vue"]]);export{$e as default}; diff --git a/assets/index.html-b5822e8c.js b/assets/index.html-b5822e8c.js deleted file mode 100644 index f1866a83..00000000 --- a/assets/index.html-b5822e8c.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -const e=JSON.parse('{"key":"v-37e5fb86","path":"/live-patching-services/","title":"KernelCare Enterprise","lang":"en-US","frontmatter":{"sidebarDepth":4},"headers":[{"level":2,"title":"KernelCare","slug":"kernelcare","link":"#kernelcare","children":[{"level":3,"title":"Introduction","slug":"introduction","link":"#introduction","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"Benefits","slug":"benefits","link":"#benefits","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"Key Features","slug":"key-features","link":"#key-features","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"Getting trial license","slug":"getting-trial-license","link":"#getting-trial-license","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"Installation","slug":"installation","link":"#installation","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"Update","slug":"update","link":"#update","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"Uninstalling","slug":"uninstalling","link":"#uninstalling","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"Switching from Ksplice","slug":"switching-from-ksplice","link":"#switching-from-ksplice","children":[{"level":4,"title":"Canonical Livepatch","slug":"canonical-livepatch","link":"#canonical-livepatch","children":[]}]},{"level":3,"title":"Basic management","slug":"basic-management","link":"#basic-management","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"Command line tools","slug":"command-line-tools","link":"#command-line-tools","children":[{"level":4,"title":"kcarectl","slug":"kcarectl","link":"#kcarectl","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"kcare-uname","slug":"kcare-uname","link":"#kcare-uname","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"kernelcare doctor","slug":"kernelcare-doctor","link":"#kernelcare-doctor","children":[]}]},{"level":3,"title":"Config options","slug":"config-options","link":"#config-options","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"Disabling some patches","slug":"disabling-some-patches","link":"#disabling-some-patches","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"Extra patchset","slug":"extra-patchset","link":"#extra-patchset","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"Sticky patches","slug":"sticky-patches","link":"#sticky-patches","children":[{"level":4,"title":"How to find a proper sticky patch name","slug":"how-to-find-a-proper-sticky-patch-name","link":"#how-to-find-a-proper-sticky-patch-name","children":[]}]},{"level":3,"title":"Scanning for vulnerabilities","slug":"scanning-for-vulnerabilities","link":"#scanning-for-vulnerabilities","children":[{"level":4,"title":"How to use a vulnerability scanner with KernelCare","slug":"how-to-use-a-vulnerability-scanner-with-kernelcare","link":"#how-to-use-a-vulnerability-scanner-with-kernelcare","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"How use OpenSCAP with KernelCare","slug":"how-use-openscap-with-kernelcare","link":"#how-use-openscap-with-kernelcare","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"How to natively integrate KernelCare with a vulnerability scanner","slug":"how-to-natively-integrate-kernelcare-with-a-vulnerability-scanner","link":"#how-to-natively-integrate-kernelcare-with-a-vulnerability-scanner","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Integrate via OVAL data","slug":"integrate-via-oval-data","link":"#integrate-via-oval-data","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Integrate using files","slug":"integrate-using-files","link":"#integrate-using-files","children":[]}]},{"level":3,"title":"UEFI Secure Boot Support","slug":"uefi-secure-boot-support","link":"#uefi-secure-boot-support","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"Live patching and FIPS compliance","slug":"live-patching-and-fips-compliance","link":"#live-patching-and-fips-compliance","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"Firewall and Proxy Settings","slug":"firewall-and-proxy-settings","link":"#firewall-and-proxy-settings","children":[{"level":4,"title":"Patching servers through firewall","slug":"patching-servers-through-firewall","link":"#patching-servers-through-firewall","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Patching servers through proxy","slug":"patching-servers-through-proxy","link":"#patching-servers-through-proxy","children":[]}]},{"level":3,"title":"KernelCare on AWS – Deployment User Guide","slug":"kernelcare-on-aws-–-deployment-user-guide","link":"#kernelcare-on-aws-–-deployment-user-guide","children":[{"level":4,"title":"Introductory Material","slug":"introductory-material","link":"#introductory-material","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Introduction","slug":"introduction-1","link":"#introduction-1","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Prerequisites and Requirements","slug":"prerequisites-and-requirements","link":"#prerequisites-and-requirements","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Architecture Diagrams","slug":"architecture-diagrams","link":"#architecture-diagrams","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Planning Guidance","slug":"planning-guidance","link":"#planning-guidance","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Security","slug":"security","link":"#security","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Costs","slug":"costs","link":"#costs","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Sizing","slug":"sizing","link":"#sizing","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Deployment Guidance","slug":"deployment-guidance","link":"#deployment-guidance","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Deployment Assets","slug":"deployment-assets","link":"#deployment-assets","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Operational Guidance","slug":"operational-guidance","link":"#operational-guidance","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Health Check","slug":"health-check","link":"#health-check","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Backup and Recovery","slug":"backup-and-recovery","link":"#backup-and-recovery","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Routine Maintenance","slug":"routine-maintenance","link":"#routine-maintenance","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Emergency Maintenance","slug":"emergency-maintenance","link":"#emergency-maintenance","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Patch Feed Advanced Options","slug":"patch-feed-advanced-options","link":"#patch-feed-advanced-options","children":[{"level":5,"title":"Test and Delayed Feeds","slug":"test-and-delayed-feeds","link":"#test-and-delayed-feeds","children":[]},{"level":5,"title":"Feed Management With Sticky Patch Feature","slug":"feed-management-with-sticky-patch-feature","link":"#feed-management-with-sticky-patch-feature","children":[]}]},{"level":4,"title":"Support","slug":"support","link":"#support","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Support Costs","slug":"support-costs","link":"#support-costs","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Accessibility","slug":"accessibility","link":"#accessibility","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Reference Materials","slug":"reference-materials","link":"#reference-materials","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Localization","slug":"localization","link":"#localization","children":[]}]},{"level":3,"title":"Reseller Partner UI","slug":"reseller-partner-ui","link":"#reseller-partner-ui","children":[{"level":4,"title":"Server Section","slug":"server-section","link":"#server-section","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Billing Info/Add Funds","slug":"billing-info-add-funds","link":"#billing-info-add-funds","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"API Section","slug":"api-section","link":"#api-section","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Profile","slug":"profile","link":"#profile","children":[]}]},{"level":3,"title":"How To","slug":"how-to","link":"#how-to","children":[{"level":4,"title":"How to disable HyperThreading (SMT) without reboot: KernelCare case","slug":"how-to-disable-hyperthreading-smt-without-reboot-kernelcare-case","link":"#how-to-disable-hyperthreading-smt-without-reboot-kernelcare-case","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"SMT Control","slug":"smt-control","link":"#smt-control","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"SMT Status","slug":"smt-status","link":"#smt-status","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Check the SMT state","slug":"check-the-smt-state","link":"#check-the-smt-state","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Enable SMT","slug":"enable-smt","link":"#enable-smt","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Disable SMT","slug":"disable-smt","link":"#disable-smt","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"How to update Microcode without reboot with vendor-provided package","slug":"how-to-update-microcode-without-reboot-with-vendor-provided-package","link":"#how-to-update-microcode-without-reboot-with-vendor-provided-package","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Updating microcode on Ubuntu and Debian","slug":"updating-microcode-on-ubuntu-and-debian","link":"#updating-microcode-on-ubuntu-and-debian","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Updating Microcode on Red Hat and CentOS","slug":"updating-microcode-on-red-hat-and-centos","link":"#updating-microcode-on-red-hat-and-centos","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Updating Microcode on CentOS 6","slug":"updating-microcode-on-centos-6","link":"#updating-microcode-on-centos-6","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Plesk related","slug":"plesk-related","link":"#plesk-related","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"How to get a KernelCare activation key from the extended Plesk license","slug":"how-to-get-a-kernelcare-activation-key-from-the-extended-plesk-license","link":"#how-to-get-a-kernelcare-activation-key-from-the-extended-plesk-license","children":[]}]}]},{"level":2,"title":"LibCare","slug":"libcare","link":"#libcare","children":[{"level":3,"title":"Supported libraries and operating systems","slug":"supported-libraries-and-operating-systems","link":"#supported-libraries-and-operating-systems","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"Supported operating systems","slug":"supported-operating-systems","link":"#supported-operating-systems","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"Installation and upgrade","slug":"installation-and-upgrade","link":"#installation-and-upgrade","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"Usage","slug":"usage","link":"#usage","children":[{"level":4,"title":"Blacklisting","slug":"blacklisting","link":"#blacklisting","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Auto update","slug":"auto-update","link":"#auto-update","children":[]}]},{"level":3,"title":"Usage in containers","slug":"usage-in-containers","link":"#usage-in-containers","children":[{"level":4,"title":"Disposable container servers","slug":"disposable-container-servers","link":"#disposable-container-servers","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Persistent container servers","slug":"persistent-container-servers","link":"#persistent-container-servers","children":[]}]},{"level":3,"title":"Troubleshooting","slug":"troubleshooting","link":"#troubleshooting","children":[{"level":4,"title":"Auditd logs","slug":"auditd-logs","link":"#auditd-logs","children":[]}]},{"level":3,"title":"Unpatched Library Detector (UChecker)","slug":"unpatched-library-detector-uchecker","link":"#unpatched-library-detector-uchecker","children":[{"level":4,"title":"Description","slug":"description","link":"#description","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"How UChecker works","slug":"how-uchecker-works","link":"#how-uchecker-works","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Usage","slug":"usage-1","link":"#usage-1","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"Troubleshooting","slug":"troubleshooting-1","link":"#troubleshooting-1","children":[]}]}]},{"level":2,"title":"QEMUCare","slug":"qemucare","link":"#qemucare","children":[{"level":3,"title":"How QEMUCare works","slug":"how-qemucare-works","link":"#how-qemucare-works","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"QEMU PatchSet Deployment","slug":"qemu-patchset-deployment","link":"#qemu-patchset-deployment","children":[{"level":4,"title":"CLI to install the latest patchsets","slug":"cli-to-install-the-latest-patchsets","link":"#cli-to-install-the-latest-patchsets","children":[]},{"level":4,"title":"CLI to deploy patchset from archive","slug":"cli-to-deploy-patchset-from-archive","link":"#cli-to-deploy-patchset-from-archive","children":[]}]}]},{"level":2,"title":"Vulnerability Scanner Integration with KernelCare","slug":"vulnerability-scanner-integration-with-kernelcare","link":"#vulnerability-scanner-integration-with-kernelcare","children":[{"level":3,"title":"Easiest: Identifying correctly the effective kernel","slug":"easiest-identifying-correctly-the-effective-kernel","link":"#easiest-identifying-correctly-the-effective-kernel","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"Comprehensive: Using OVAL data","slug":"comprehensive-using-oval-data","link":"#comprehensive-using-oval-data","children":[]},{"level":3,"title":"Comprehensive & local: Using the local CVELIST file on each scanned node","slug":"comprehensive-local-using-the-local-cvelist-file-on-each-scanned-node","link":"#comprehensive-local-using-the-local-cvelist-file-on-each-scanned-node","children":[]}]}]}');export{e as data}; diff --git a/enterprise-support-for-almalinux/fips/index.html b/enterprise-support-for-almalinux/fips/index.html index ae18e93f..59d80504 100644 --- a/enterprise-support-for-almalinux/fips/index.html +++ b/enterprise-support-for-almalinux/fips/index.html @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ })(); FIPS packages for AlmaLinux - +
sidebar hamburger menu

FIPS packages for AlmaLinux

Below are the instructions for installing the TuxCare FIPS 140-3 validated modules for AlmaLinux 9.2, they should be run as root.

By installing this software, you agree to be bound by the terms of the TuxCare Community EULA.

# dnf -y install https://repo.tuxcare.com/fips/tuxcare-fips-release-latest-9.noarch.rpm
@@ -54,6 +54,6 @@
 # dnf versionlock add openssl*tuxcare* kernel*tuxcare*

To revert to the previous behaviour of getting updated kernel/openssl packages from AlmaLinux, run the following as root:

# dnf versionlock delete openssl*tuxcare* kernel*tuxcare*
- + diff --git a/enterprise-support-for-almalinux/index.html b/enterprise-support-for-almalinux/index.html index 7ccb4f8c..a35158da 100644 --- a/enterprise-support-for-almalinux/index.html +++ b/enterprise-support-for-almalinux/index.html @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ })(); Enterprise Support for AlmaLinux - +
sidebar hamburger menu

Enterprise Support for AlmaLinux

This guide describes Enterprise Support for AlmaLinux and how to set it up on your AlmaLinux system.

What is Enterprise Support for AlmaLinux?

Enterprise Support for AlmaLinux services provides a TuxCare-vetted repository of AlmaLinux updates with 16 years of support coverage, minimizes vulnerability windows with rebootless security patches and helps to avoid costly upfront support package fees with pay-as-you-go hourly support bundles.

Available services:

  • Essential Support: TuxCare-vetted repository of AlmaLinux updates with guaranteed uptime, expedited break-and-fix support and up to 16 years of support coverage
  • Extended Security Updates deliver an extension of an additional 4.5 years of security fixes for Critical and High-risk vulnerabilities and FIPS-compliant security patches for select AlmaLinux minor versions
  • Live Patching (KernelCare and LibCare): automated live patches for the kernel and critical userspace packages with zero downtime
  • Enhanced Support: Enterprise-grade support for AlmaLinux and open-source applications with pay-as-you-go pricing in 5, 10, and 20-hour bundles

Learn more at https://tuxcare.com/almalinux-enterprise-support/


  • AlmaLinux 8 or AlmaLinux 9 operating system
  • x86_64 or aarch64 architecture
  • Enterprise Support license key (should be obtained from portal.tuxcare.com)
  • Internet access

Installing tuxctl

tuxctl is a setup tool for TuxCare’s Enterprise Support for AlmaLinux, which provides access to Essential Support and Live Patching (KernelCare and LibCare), depending on the purchased license. To install tuxctl you need to install the tuxcare-release package first. This package contains the TuxCare repo definitions, TuxCare GPG key and the tuxctl setup tool. Run the following as root:

# dnf install https://repo.tuxcare.com/tuxcare/tuxcare-release-latest-$(rpm --eval %almalinux).noarch.rpm
@@ -57,6 +57,6 @@
 Patch level 1 applied. Effective kernel version 5.14.0-162.12.1.el9_1
 Kernel is safe

Essential and Enhanced Support

1. Introduction

In April 2023, TuxCare, a division of CloudLinux Inc., launched Enterprise Support for AlmaLinux, delivering a range of services for AlmaLinux workloads. It provides two levels of support, the essential level, focused on the operating system, and the enhanced support focused on applications. This document defines those services.

Overview of Services

There are two levels of support services for AlmaLinux:

Essential Support – a limited technical support offering that covers AlmaLinux installation/update issues (packaging, dependencies, repositories), migration issues (from CentOS/OracleLinux/RHEL to AlmaLinux), operating systems bugs/kernel crashes, a self-service portal, as well as an online knowledge base

Enhanced Support – an enterprise technical support service covering a range of open-source software running on AlmaLinux, a self-service portal, as well as an online knowledge base.

2. Definitions

“Customer,” “End User,” “User,” “You/Your” shall mean an organization which has a valid license to the Product that is supported in accordance with this Program.

“Customer Technical Lead” shall mean an employee or authorized contractor of Customer who shall complete required AlmaLinux product training, in order to serve as Customer’s first line of internal support for the purpose of triaging AlmaLinux-related product issues, and who shall have authority to submit Technical Support Incidents and Service Requests to TuxCare Technical Support

“Incident” shall mean any event reported by the Customer, which is not part of the standard operation of a Product, and which causes, or may cause an interruption to, or a reduction in, the quality of service provided by the Product.

“Incident Severity/Urgency” shall mean a measure of the business criticality of an incident or problem based on the business needs of the Customer. See Appendix 1 for more details.

“Known Error” shall mean a Problem that becomes a Known Error when the root cause is known, and a temporary workaround or permanent alternative has been identified.

“Problem” shall mean an unknown underlying cause of one or more Incidents. It becomes a Known Error when the root cause is known, and a temporary workaround or permanent alternative has been identified.

“Product(s)” shall mean software product(s) of TuxCare, which the Customer has purchased, deployed, and installed in accordance with the terms of a License Agreement between TuxCare and the Customer.

“Product Error” shall mean undeclared behaviour of the Product.

“Response time” shall mean the elapsed time measured from the moment of any incident receipt until confirmation of receipt by TuxCare to the initiator (via the support system).

“Service Request” shall mean a request from a Customer for support, delivery, information, advice, or documentation, which is not related to an incorrect functioning or non-functioning of the Product(s).

“Upgrade” shall mean a Product update associated with assigning a new version number.

“Workaround” shall mean a procedure that may serve as a temporary solution to an incident.

3. Service Features

FeatureEssential SupportEnhanced Support
  • AlmaLinux installation/update issues (packaging, dependencies, repositories)
  • Migration issues (from CentOS/OracleLinux/RHEL to AlmaLinux)
  • Operating system bugs / kernel crashes; root cause analysis
Coverage, includes the following applications:
  • Apps - Identity / Directory
    • FreeIPA, Bind
    • openldap
  • Apps - Infrastructure
    • Ceph
    • Samba
  • Containers (docker, podman)
  • VMs (KVM)
  • Apps - Package / Config management:
    • Foreman
    • Ansible
    • Puppet
    • Chef
  • Apps - Web servers
    • nginx
    • apache
    • squid
  • Apps - Data
    • SQL Databases (MariaDB, Postgresql)
    • Redis, MySQL, InfluxDB, CouchDB
  • Apps - Security / Compliance
    • OpenSCAP
  • Devops Apps:
    • gitlab/git, jenkins, kubernetes
  • Apps - event streaming
    • Apache Kafka
    • Rabbitmq
  • Operating system migration (e.g, from Oracle to AlmaLinux)
  • Operating system upgrades (e.g, from CentOS 7 to AlmaLinux 8)
  • Design & Architecture (e.g., review)
  • Data storage, backup assistance
  • Configuration assistance
Outside the scope: code changes or software updates
Incident Support24/7/365 support through web ticketing system24/7/365 support through web ticketing system and email
Allowed Number of Customer Technical Leads2 per 1000 hosts, with maximum 102 per 1000 hosts, with maximum 10

4. Description of Support Program

Accessing Technical Support

TuxCare Technical Support is designed for enterprise clients with trained IT staff which provide initial ‘1st-line’ support to triage incidents. Customer and TuxCare will agree on Customer Technical Leads with the client, who will be entitled to access TuxCare Technical Support services; Customer Technical Leads must complete AlmaLinux training requirements. Customer Technical Leads may submit Technical Support Incidents and Service Requests to:

  1. Technical Support ticketing system:
  • Acceptance of requests 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
  • Unlimited number of tickets may be submitted
  • Customers will be supplied with instructions describing the use of the ticketing system during onboarding
  • User accounts will be created for each nominated user within each client organization
  • User accounts will have access to log, view and respond to tickets
  1. Email: acceptance of requests 24 hours a day, 365 days a year:
  • New tickets may be created by simply emailing the support desk (email address to be provided during onboarding)

All customers are entitled to access the Support knowledgebase, FAQs, and other self-service tools as may be offered by Enterprise Support for AlmaLinux.

Response Time

When submitting a ticket, Customers will select the appropriate Severity Level, as defined in Appendix A, from a drop-down list; TuxCare reserves the right to change the Severity Level based on available information. TuxCare will use reasonable efforts to respond to support requests within the initial response times described below, based on the Severity Level of the incident.

Severity LevelEssential SupportEnhanced Support
12 hours30 minutes
212 hours2 hours
32 business days12 hours
45 business days2 business days

Incident Resolution Cooperation

Some incidents may require reproduction by TuxCare for the purpose of testing and verifying a product error. Customer agrees to provide TuxCare with all information which may be necessary for reproducing the condition under which the incident will re-occur and could be examined.

TuxCare will endeavor to reproduce the incident as soon as all the necessary information and software and/or hardware is provided. If the incident could not be reproduced, Customer should grant TuxCare a supervised remote access to the malfunctioning system. If the incident cannot be reproduced by either party, or Customer did not grant access to the network environment where the incident could be reproduced, or if it is detected that the incident’s cause lies beyond the Product, the incident cannot be classified within this Support Program.

An incident may at any time be either on the Customer’s side (i.e., Customer is taking actions that will promote/expedite the resolution of the issue by TuxCare) or on the AlmaLinux side. An incident is on the Customer’s side when TuxCare engineers request information from the Customer. When Customer provides the requested information to TuxCare, the incident is considered to be on the side of the latter. The period during which the incident may be on the Customer’s side is limited to one calendar week. If the Customer’s response is overdue, the incident is closed by timeout.


Appendix A. Incident Severity Levels

Level: DescriptorCriteria/Definition
Level 1: Business StandstillProduction and/or mission critical services are down and there is no immediate workaround.
  • All or a majority of your mission critical environment is unavailable or not functioning
  • Your business operations are completely disrupted
  • Majority / All Critical users affected
  • Request from important client/partner (subject to management approval)
Level 2: Major ImpactMajor feature or function failure; operations are severely restricted, but a workaround is available.
  • Critical business operations seriously affected
  • Direct fiscal impact
  • Substantial number of users are affected, or critical group of users are affected that would not allow the business to run normally
Level 3: Minor ImpactMinor feature or function failure; standard business operations can continue, though possibly in a minor restricted manner.
  • No immediate direct fiscal impact
  • A temporary workaround may have been provided
Level 4: General Inquiry/IssueGeneral usage questions or other non-critical inquiries.
  • Small number of users/systems affected
  • Documentation issue
  • General information request
  • Enhancement request

Appendix B: Quality management

Incident escalation

Customer may escalate unresolved incidents or reports of dissatisfaction according to the following scheme:

Escalation Level123
Escalation PathTechnical Senior Support EngineerSpecialized Support Team Lead or ManagerChief Experience Officer (CXO)

Provision of reports on open incidents

During the process of incident resolution, TuxCare will use reasonable effort to promptly provide the Customer with information regarding open incidents’ status, according to the following table.

Severity LevelReport Schedule (through the web ticketing system)
1By agreement, but not more often than once a day
2At least once every 3 business days
3At least once every 2 weeks
4Upon customer request

Limitations of the Support Services

Technical support covered by any of the TuxCare Support Programs shall not be provided in the following cases:

  • Incidents already resolved for the Customer (e.g., an incident that occurred on one installed copy of the Product after the same incident had been resolved for another copy of the Product)
  • Troubleshooting of all issues similar or identical to already resolved issues (i.e., the incidents to which a previously produced solution can be applied without additional guidance from TuxCare)
  • Incidents caused by Customer’s hardware malfunction
  • Incidents caused by software platform incompatibility (including, but not limited to beta software, new versions of service packs or additions, whose compatibility with the Product has not been confirmed by AlmaLinux)
  • Incidents caused by installing and running third-party applications (including, but not limited to the list of unsupported or incompatible applications published in the documentation)
  • Incidents for which the Customer cannot provide accurate information, as reasonably requested by TuxCare, in order to reproduce, investigate, and resolve the incident
  • Incidents which arise as a result of neglect or incorrect use of TuxCare instructions, which, if properly used, would have prevented the Incident
- + diff --git a/eportal-api/index.html b/eportal-api/index.html index 411f35cb..cc97a3df 100644 --- a/eportal-api/index.html +++ b/eportal-api/index.html @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ })(); ePortal API - +
sidebar hamburger menu

ePortal API

You may need to create a separate ePortal account for API usage with:

kc.eportal user -a api-user -p <password>
@@ -255,6 +255,6 @@
  • Now your plan is ready and can be called directly with:
    bolt plan run eportal_puppet:unregister_server -t <TARGETS>
  • Ad hoc run example with:

    bolt plan run eportal_puppet::unregister_server -t

    This can be called during machine tear down to properly remove the server from ePortal.

    - + diff --git a/eportal/index.html b/eportal/index.html index 5c973811..b4b9058e 100644 --- a/eportal/index.html +++ b/eportal/index.html @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ })(); ePortal - +
    sidebar hamburger menu


    TuxCare ePortal is the web management console dedicated to KernelCare Enterprise live patch management.

    ePortal software can help protect servers located behind the firewall (i.e. with no internet access) and can be installed both on-premises and in the cloud.


    ePortal Hardware Requirements


    • 100 GB minimum, 200 GB recommended (20GB in case of cache mode)
    • SSD with at least 100 IOPS


    SSD based storage is a crucial requirement for ePortal server.


    As far as other requirements concerned, we have tested the following configuration and the following number of connected servers:

    • 10k of connected machines is the maximum for the following requirements:

      • VM
      • 1 VCPU
      • 1 GB RAM
    • 75k of connected machines is the maximum for the following requirements:

      • Core i5
      • 1 CPU
      • 4 GB RAM


    ePortal is compatible with 64-bit versions of EL7/8/9 based distros like CentOS 7/8, AlmaLinux 8/9 and Ubuntu 20.04/22.04.

    RHEL-based distros

    For installation and workability of ePortal the Nginx web server is required. We recommend to use stable version from the official Nginx repository:

    cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/nginx.repo <<EOL
    @@ -365,6 +365,6 @@


    kc.eportal sync-nginx-conf

    It initializes storage and makes corresponding modifications to nginx config to serve patches from a new place.

    And restart nginx and eportal services to apply changes:

    systemctl restart eportal nginx
    - + diff --git a/extended-lifecycle-support-for-languages/index.html b/extended-lifecycle-support-for-languages/index.html index 9b425494..08aeadab 100644 --- a/extended-lifecycle-support-for-languages/index.html +++ b/extended-lifecycle-support-for-languages/index.html @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ })(); Extended Lifecycle Support for Languages - +
    sidebar hamburger menu

    Extended Lifecycle Support for Languages

    Extended Lifecycle Support for PHP

    Extended Lifecycle Support (ELS) for PHP from TuxCare provides security fixes for PHP versions that have reached their end-of-life. This allows to continue running Linux server vulnerability-free.

    Supported OS

    TuxCare provides Extended Lifecycle Support through four years after the EOL date.

    CentOS, CloudLinux, OracleLinux, etc.6.x 64-bit, 7.x 64-bit, 8.x 64-bit, 9.x 64-bit
    AlmaLinux8.x 64-bit, 9.x 64-bit
    Ubuntu16.04 64-bit, 18.04 64-bit, 20.04 64-bit, 22.04 64-bit

    Supported versions

    CentOS, CloudLinux, AlmaLinux, Oracle Linux, etc.: 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2

    Ubuntu: 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2

    Installation instructions of yum repositories

    RHEL based systems

    1. Download an installer script:
    wget https://repo.cloudlinux.com/php-els/install-php-els-repo.sh
    @@ -258,6 +258,6 @@
    1. Download OVAL stream:
    wget https://repo.cloudlinux.com/python-els/almalinux9-els-python-oval.xml
    1. Run scanning:
    oscap oval eval --results result.xml --report report.xml almalinux9-els-python-oval.xml
    - + diff --git a/extended-lifecycle-support/index.html b/extended-lifecycle-support/index.html index 6b12b5da..ca11d708 100644 --- a/extended-lifecycle-support/index.html +++ b/extended-lifecycle-support/index.html @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ })(); Extended Lifecycle Support - +
    sidebar hamburger menu

    Extended Lifecycle Support

    TuxCare's Extended Lifecycle Support (ELS) service provides security updates, system enhancement patches, and selected bug fixes for older versions of a variety of Linux distributions, including CentOS 6, Oracle Linux 6, CloudLinux 6, CentOS 7, CentOS 8, Ubuntu 16.04, and Ubuntu 18.04. These distributions have either reached their end of standard support from vendors or have reached End of Life (EOL).

    Our ELS service is designed to provide solutions for organizations that are not yet ready to migrate to newer versions and that are seeking long-term stability for their out-of-date operating systems. The service coverage includes updates for the Linux kernel and a list of essential packages that are integral to server operations.

    Vulnerability coverage

    TuxCare employs the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS v3) to assess the severity of security vulnerabilities. Our severity rating system for patching vulnerabilities integrates both NVD scoring and vendor scoring (when available). When the vendor's score is lower than the NVD score, we give priority to the NVD score.

    TuxCare Extended Lifecycle Support, by default, provides security patches for High and Critical vulnerabilities (with a 7+ CVSS score). For vulnerabilities rated as Medium (4.0 to 6.9), and/or when patches are required for FIPS-certified deployments, custom coverage options are available. Specific details regarding these coverage options and their pricing can be obtained by contacting our sales team.

    Target response times

    Aligning with many industry standards and regulatory requirements, TuxCare is committed to delivering timely security updates. For instance, the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) mandates that all 'High' vulnerabilities (CVSS score of 7.0+) must be addressed within 30 days. Other regulations and standards, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) for healthcare or the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) for government agencies, uphold similar requirements.

    We aim to deliver security patches for critical and high-risk vulnerabilities (CVSS 7+) within 14 days from when the vulnerabilities become publicly disclosed. This rapid response time significantly reduces the window of opportunity for potential attackers and meets most security regulation requirements.

    Duration of support

    TuxCare provides Extended Lifecycle Support (ELS) for up to four years (except for CentOS 7 which is supported for up to five years). This support is offered after the Linux distribution has reached its End of Life (EOL) or no longer receives standard support.

    CentOS 6November 2020November 2024
    CentOS 7June 2024June 2029
    CentOS 8January 2022January 2026
    Oracle Linux 6December 2020December 2024
    Ubuntu 16.04April 2021April 2025
    Ubuntu 18.04April 2023April 2027

    Supported packages

    TuxCare's Extended Lifecycle Support provides updates for a comprehensive list of packages integral to server operations (100+ packages), providing maximum security for your operating system. You can view the full list of supported packages for each operating system, as well as get detailed information on the patched Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs), here. Support for additional packages can be provided on request.

    Errata advisories

    TuxCare Extended Lifecycle Support provides qualified security and selected bug-fix errata advisories across all architectures. They can help users track which CVEs are resolved and which bugs have been addressed. You can view the full list of released advisories here.

    OVAL patch definitions

    Leveraging the Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language (OVAL) patch definitions with OVAL-compatible tools, e.g. OpenSCAP, users can accurately check their systems for the presence of vulnerabilities.

    Connection to ELS repository

    To install the Extended Lifecycle Support repository on a server, you just need to download an installer script and run the script with a key. The installation script will register the server in the CLN with the key, add a PGP key to the server, and create the ELS repository.

    In order to use Extended Lifecycle Support, you will need to open TCP port 443 to the following destinations:

    Technical Support

    All TuxCare products include technical support provided according to the support policy. It delivers 24/7/365 access to our engineers through the TuxCare Support Portal https://tuxcare.com/support-portal/ and to our online knowledge base.

    Installation instructions of yum repositories

    CentOS 6 ELS

    1. Download an installer script:
    wget https://repo.cloudlinux.com/centos6-els/install-centos6-els-repo.sh
    @@ -182,6 +182,6 @@
     # rm /etc/yum.repos.d/centos6-els.repo
    1. Remove the els-define package:
    # yum remove els-define
    - + diff --git a/index.html b/index.html index 05475bbd..5cdb216c 100644 --- a/index.html +++ b/index.html @@ -39,10 +39,10 @@ })(); - +
    document icon


    services automate, simplify, and enhance Linux operations, giving organizations more flexibility in managing Linux distro choices and versions, significant maintenance cost reductions, and greatly enhanced security and compliance postures.

    document icon

    Enterprise Support for AlmaLinux

    provides a TuxCare-vetted repository of AlmaLinux updates with 16 years of support coverage, delivers an extension of an additional 4.5 years of security fixes for Critical and High-risk vulnerabilities and FIPS-compliant security patches for select AlmaLinux minor versions, minimizes vulnerability windows with rebootless security patches and helps to avoid costly upfront support package fees with pay-as-you-go hourly support bundles.

    document icon

    KernelCare Enterprise

    is a live kernel patching service that provides security patches and bugfixes for a range of popular Linux kernels that can be installed without rebooting the system.

    document icon

    KernelCare for IOT

    provides live security patching for ARM64-based embedded systems for enterprise IoT users and original equipment manufacturers.

    document icon


    TuxCare ePortal is the web management console dedicated to KernelCare Enterprise live patch management.

    document icon

    ePortal API

    is a complete API for everyday use.

    document icon

    Extended Lifecycle Support

    allows you to continue running your Linux server after the operating system’s end of life.

    document icon

    Extended Lifecycle Support for Languages

    provides security fixes for PHP and Python versions that have reached their end-of-life which allows to continue running Linux server vulnerability-free.

    document icon

    Subscription Management Portal

    The TuxCare subscription management portal is designed to easily manage your licenses of TuxCare products and services by means of a user-friendly interface.

    document icon

    Service Descriptions

    AlmaCare service description

    - + diff --git a/jp/eportal-api/index.html b/jp/eportal-api/index.html index bb6c4f51..cb72e92d 100644 --- a/jp/eportal-api/index.html +++ b/jp/eportal-api/index.html @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ })(); ePortal API - +
    sidebar hamburger menu

    ePortal API


    kc.eportal user -a api-user -p <password>
    @@ -239,6 +239,6 @@



    curl -X POST -u admin 'https://eportal.corp.com/admin/api/patchsets/manage?patchset=U20200506_01&feed=main&feed=test-feed&product=user&action=enable'
    - + diff --git a/jp/eportal/index.html b/jp/eportal/index.html index 267eb1d6..f37ba9ac 100644 --- a/jp/eportal/index.html +++ b/jp/eportal/index.html @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ })(); ePortal - +
    sidebar hamburger menu


    TuxCare ePortalは、KernelCare Enterpriseライブ パッチ管理専用のWeb管理コンソールです。





    • 最小100 GB、推奨200 GB(キャッシュモードの場合は、20 GB)
    • 100 IOPS以上のSSD




    • 以下の要件では、最大接続マシン数は10kです。

      • VM
      • 1 vCPU
      • 1 GB RAM
    • 以下の要件では、最大接続マシン数は75kです。

      • Core i5
      • 1 CPU
      • 4 GB RAM


    ePortalは、CentOS 7/8、AlmaLinux 8、Ubuntu 20.04/22.04などのEL7/8ベースのディストリビューションの64bit版と互換性があります。



    cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/nginx.repo <<EOL
    @@ -358,6 +358,6 @@


    kc.eportal sync-nginx-conf



    systemctl restart eportal nginx
    - + diff --git a/jp/extended-lifecycle-support-for-languages/index.html b/jp/extended-lifecycle-support-for-languages/index.html index 781e6119..4a9d78a8 100644 --- a/jp/extended-lifecycle-support-for-languages/index.html +++ b/jp/extended-lifecycle-support-for-languages/index.html @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ })(); 言語向け延長ライフサイクルサポート - +
    sidebar hamburger menu






    CentOS、CloudLinux、OracleLinuxなど.6.x 64-bit、7.x 64-bit、8.x 64-bit
    AlmaLinux8.x 64-bit
    Ubuntu16.04 64-bit、18.04 64-bit、20.04 64-bit



    Ubuntu: 5.6、7.0、7.1、7.2、7.3、7.4、8.0、8.1



    1. インストールスクリプトをダウンロードします。
    wget https://repo.cloudlinux.com/php-els/install-php-els-repo.sh
    @@ -258,6 +258,6 @@
    1. OVALストリームをダウンロードします。
    wget https://repo.cloudlinux.com/python-els/almalinux9-els-python-oval.xml
    1. スキャンを実行します。
    oscap oval eval --results result.xml --report report.xml almalinux9-els-python-oval.xml
    - + diff --git a/jp/extended-lifecycle-support/index.html b/jp/extended-lifecycle-support/index.html index b05c7c37..ad180a1c 100644 --- a/jp/extended-lifecycle-support/index.html +++ b/jp/extended-lifecycle-support/index.html @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ })(); 延長ライフサイクルサポート - +
    sidebar hamburger menu






    CentOS 62020年12月2024年12月
    Oracle Linux 62020年12月2024年12月
    Ubuntu 16.042021年4月2025年4月
    CentOS 8.42022年1月2026年1月
    CentOS 8.52022年1月2026年1月








    TuxCareの延長ライフサイクルサポートサービスでは、移行の必要がありません。新しいリポジトリ ファイルを追加するインストールスクリプトを実行するだけです。再起動は必要ありません。



    延長ライフサイクルサポートのご利用には、以下の宛先に対してTCP ポート443を開く必要があります。

    • cln.cloudlinux.com
    • repo.cloudlinux.com


    CentOS 6 ELS

    1. インストールスクリプトをダウンロードします。
    wget https://repo.cloudlinux.com/centos6-els/install-centos6-els-repo.py
    @@ -164,6 +164,6 @@

    Ubuntu 16.04の場合


    1. 以下のコマンドを実行します。
    $ apt list els-define | grep -o "installed"


    1. それ以外の場合は、以下のコマンドを使用して、els-defineパッケージをインストールする必要があります。
    $ apt-get install els-define
    - + diff --git a/jp/index.html b/jp/index.html index 94e1213a..50659b4a 100644 --- a/jp/index.html +++ b/jp/index.html @@ -39,10 +39,10 @@ })(); - +
    - + diff --git a/jp/linux-support-services/index.html b/jp/linux-support-services/index.html index 4a6398c2..c3a6f319 100644 --- a/jp/linux-support-services/index.html +++ b/jp/linux-support-services/index.html @@ -39,10 +39,10 @@ })(); Linuxサポートサービス - +
    sidebar hamburger menu


    TuxCareは、「エッセンシャル」ティア、「プレミアム」ティア、「製品OEMサポート」ティアでサブスクリプションパッケージを提供しています。AlmaLinux OS 8やその他の一般的なEnterprise Linuxディストリビューションでご利用いただけます。

    AlmaLinux OS 8向け「エッセンシャル」サポート

    生産インフラストラクチャでAlmaLinux OSをご利用の企業向けに基本的なサポートパッケージを提供しています。

    • Linuxカーネルとコアパッケージ向けの定期的なパッチとアップデート
    • CVSSと高CVEに14営業日でパッチを配信
    • 24時間年中無休のEメールサポート

    AlmaLinux OS8とその他のLinuxディストリビューション向け「プレミアム」サポート


    • AlmaLinux OS、CentOS、Oracle、Ubuntu、Debian、Suse、Linuxディストリビューションに含まれていないその他のオープンソースソフトウェアのサポート
    • 24時間365日のEメールによるインシデントサポート、ライブチャットと電話も利用可能
    • 他のLinuxディストリビューション向けの、ニーズに応じた、リポジトリ外のセキュリティ/バグ修正(作業範囲記述書の一部)

    AlmaLinux OS 8向け製品NodeOSサポート

    顧客に出荷中の製品のNodeOSとして、AlmaLinux 8をご利用のエンタープライズ企業向けに、カスタマイズされたLinuxサポートパッケージを提供しています。特定のパッケージセット、カスタムSLA、迅速なインシデント対応のための専任サポートチーム。

    • 各契約向けに特別に交渉されたパッチ配信とインシデント対応
    • CVSSと高CVEに10営業日でパッチを配信
    • 24時間365日対応のEメールサポート。重大インシデント用ライブチャットも利用可能
    • 指名された専任サポートマネージャー
    • 個々の作業範囲記述書(SOW)ベースでのコンサルティングサービスへのアクセス

    詳細については、TuxCare LinuxサポートサービスWebサイトを参照してください。

    - + diff --git a/jp/live-patching-services/index.html b/jp/live-patching-services/index.html index eadbfb91..c1d2f599 100644 --- a/jp/live-patching-services/index.html +++ b/jp/live-patching-services/index.html @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ })(); ライブパッチ適用サービス - +
    sidebar hamburger menu



    • KernelCare Enterprise
    • LibCare
    • KernelCare for IOT
    • QEMUCare
    • DBCare(ベータ版で利用可能)

    KernelCare Enterprise


    KernelCare Enterpriseは、さまざまな人気のLinuxカーネルに、システムを再起動することなしにインストール可能なセキュリティパッチとバグ修正を提供するライブカーネルパッチ適用サービスです。




    • 再起動不要のLinuxカーネルパッチ適用とカスタムパッチ適用
    • オンプレミスでも、クラウドでも利用可能
    • 保護されたインフラストラクチャ用のプライベートパッチサーバー、ePortal
    • 追加設定不要で、パッチ管理・脆弱性評価ツールと統合


    KernelCare Enterpriseのご利用には、試用版アクティベーションキーが必要です。試用ライセンスは7日間有効です。

    アクティベーションキーの取得に問題がある場合や試用版の使用に関してご不明点がある場合は、sales@cloudlinux.com までご連絡ください。私たちがお助けします。


    KernelCare Enterpriseは、64ビット版のAlmaLinux/CloudLinuxOS/CentOS/RHEL 6、7、8、Oracle Linux 6、7、Amazon Linux 1、2、Virtuozzo/PCS/OpenVZ 2.6.32、Debian 8、9、10、Proxmox VE 5 、6、Virt-SIG/Xen 4CentOS 6、7、Ubuntu 14.04、15.04、16.04、18.04、20.04カーネルと互換性があります。互換性のあるカーネル一覧は、https://patches.kernelcare.com/ からご覧いただけます。

    KernelCare Enterpriseをインストールするには、以下を実行します。

    curl -s -L https://kernelcare.com/installer | bash
    @@ -253,6 +253,6 @@
       --disabled   do not enable patchset after deploy


    kc.eportal qemu deploy --feed test /tmp/U20210818_01-qemu.tar.bz2





    DBCareは、MariaDB向けのライブパッチ適用サービスです。 DBCareを使用すると、データベースのバックエンドがアップデートされている間もアプリケーションを実行し続けることができるので、データベースのパフォーマンス、信頼性、セキュリティ、コンプライアンスが強化されます。





    • 現時点で、MariaDBをサポート
    • 高可用性環境におけるデータベースのフェイルオーバーの回避
    • ダウンタイム中のワークロードの移行の回避


    • データベースサーバーにエージェントがインストールされ、当社のリポジトリから直接パッチがインストールされます。
    • このエージェントは、すべてのTuxCare製品にわたって、パッチをダウンロードして適用するために使用されます。そのため、複数のTuxCare製品を使用する場合でも、実行中のエージェントは1つだけです。


    - + diff --git a/jp/tuxcare-cln/index.html b/jp/tuxcare-cln/index.html index a24c9d08..640792cb 100644 --- a/jp/tuxcare-cln/index.html +++ b/jp/tuxcare-cln/index.html @@ -39,10 +39,10 @@ })(); サブスクリプション管理ポータル - +
    sidebar hamburger menu





    • ライセンスの追加、削除、編集
    • サーバーの追加、削除、編集
    • お支払い方法の選択とライセンスの購入
    • 関連するすべての費用の追跡








    Dashboardをクリックすると、My Productsページにリダイレクトされます。


    • Manage licenses and billing cycle。リンクをクリックすると、当社セールスチームに連絡できます。ライセンス数や製品クォータを変更したり、請求サイクルを管理したりする際にご利用ください。
    • Manage activation keysExtended Support Services | Activation Keysページへのショートカット。


    Dashboard → Serversの順にクリックして、All Serversページに移動します。このアカウントに属する全サーバーが、各サーバーにインストールされている製品とともにリスト表示されます。


    • Server name — サーバーのホスト名
    • IP — サーバーのIPアドレス
    • Registered — サーバーがアクティブ化された日付。サーバーは、この情報をCLNに送信します
    • Group — サーバーグループ(サーバーグループの詳細については、CLNのドキュメントを参照してください)
    • Installed products — サーバー上でアクティブ化された製品のロゴの表示
    • Actions
      • アイテムを削除するには、 をクリックしてください


    • Installed products — インストール済み製品の完全な名前
    • Last check-in — サーバーが正常にチェックインに応答した最後の日付


    • ProductProductボタンをクリックすると、1つ以上の製品を選択できま
    • Registered dateRegistered dateをクリックすると、カレンダーが表示されます。選択した日付または期間でフィルタリングできます
    • Search — クエリを入力します。検索は、Server nameActivation keyエンティティで実行されます

    Live Patching Services

    Live Patching Servicesをクリックすると、Server License Typesページにリダイレクトされます。


    Extended Support Services

    Extended Support Servicesをクリックすると、Server License Typesページにリダイレクトされます。

    Server License Types


    Activation Keys

    Extended Support Services → Activation Keysの順にクリックすると、Activation Keysページにリダイレクトされます。


    • Activation key — 製品のアクティベーションに使用される英数字の文字列です
    • License type — 使用されるサーバーライセンスの種類です。サーバーユーザーの制限を決定します
    • Note — このアクティベーションキーに追加した情報
    • Servers (used/limits) — このキーですでにアクティブ化されたサーバー数(used)と、この特定のキーで登録できるサーバーの総数(limits)
    • チェック — 1つ以上のアクティベーションキーにチェックを入れて、削除アクションを実行します((use ) を使用)




    • Server limits — サーバー制限/無制限でフィルタリング
    • License type — ライセンスの種類でフィルタリング

    アクティベーションキーをクリックすると、そのキーのActivation Key Details(アクティベーションキー詳細)ページに移動します。


    Extended Support ServicesProductの順にクリックすると、そのProduct Activation Keysページにリダイレクトされます。

    • 製品のアクティベーションキーがない場合は、Create activation keyをクリックしてキーを作成できます。
    • 製品のデフォルトのアクティベーションキーがある場合は、Generate new activation keyをクリックして、新しいキーを生成できます。新しいキーは自動的に作成され、表に追加されます。
    • Copyをクリックすると、アクティベーションキーをコピーできます。


    • Activation key — 製品のアクティベーションに使用される英数字の文字列です。
    • Note — このアクティベーションキーに追加した情報
    • Servers (used/limits) – このキーですでにアクティブ化されているサーバー数(used)と、この特定のキーで登録できるサーバーの総数(limits)

    キーを削除するには、キーを選択して をクリックしてください。


    • Server limits — サーバー制限/無制限でフィルタリング
    • 検索

    キーをクリックして、このキーのActivation Key Detailsページに移動します。

    Activation Key Details


    • アクティベーションキーの完全な情報の閲覧
    • キーの編集。 Edit keyをクリックしてください
    • キーの削除。 をクリックしてください
    • サーバーリストの確認


    • Server name — サーバーのホスト名
    • IP — サーバーのIPアドレス
    • Registered — サーバーがアクティブ化された日付。サーバーはこの情報をCLNに送信します
    • Last check-in — サーバーがチェックインに正常に応答した最後の日付


    • Server limits — サーバー制限/無制限でフィルタリング
    • 検索欄


    Extended Support ServicesServersの順にクリックすると、Serversページにリダイレクトされます。


    • Server name — サーバーのホスト名
    • IP — サーバーのIPアドレス
    • Registered — サーバーがアクティブ化された日付。サーバーは、この情報をCLNに送信します
    • Installed products — サーバー上でアクティブ化された製品のロゴの表示
    • Actions
      • アイテムを削除するには、 をクリックしてください


    • Installed products – インストール済み製品の完全な名前
    • Last check-in — サーバーが正常にチェックインに応答した最後の日付


    • ProductProductボタンをクリックして、1つ以上の製品を選択します
    • Registered dateRegistered dateをクリックすると、カレンダーが表示されます。選択した日付または期間でフィルタリングできます
    • 検索 — クエリを入力します


    Extended Support Services → ServersProductの順にクリックすると、その製品のProduct Serversページにリダイレクトされます。


    • Server name — サーバーのホスト名
    • IP — サーバーのIPアドレス
    • Registered — サーバーがアクティブ化された日付。サーバーは、この情報をCLNに送信します
    • Installed products — サーバー上でアクティブ化された製品のロゴの表示
    • Actions
      • アイテムを削除するには、 をクリックしてください


    • Installed products — インストール済み製品の完全な名前
    • Last check-in — サーバーが正常にチェックインに応答した最後の日付


    • Registered dateRegistered dateをクリックすると、カレンダーが表示されます。選択した日付または期間でフィルタリングできます
    • 検索 — クエリを入力します

    Get servers listをクリックすると、サーバーリストをダウンロードできます。


    Balance & Top up

    Billingをクリックすると、Balance & Top upページにリダイレクトされます。


    • 現在のプランと価格
    • 残高

    金額を入力してTop upをクリックすると、アカウントに入金できます。

    Payment methods

    BillingPayment methodsの順にクリックすると、Payment methodsページにリダイレクトされます。


    • Billing information
    • Payment methods
    • Autopayment

    Billing information

    ここでは、請求先のEメールアドレスを変更できます。 変更を適用するには、Saveをクリックしてください。

    Payment methods




    • Auto add funds(自動資金追加)
    • Auto repay(自動支払)
    • Do not add funds automatically(自動で資金を追加しない)




    • Invoice id — 一意の請求書番号
    • Created — 請求書の発行日
    • Type — 支払いの種類:請求書または支払いの受領
    • Pay period — 発行された請求書の対象期間の開始日
    • Total — 受領済み/支払う必要がある合計金額
    • Balance — 現在の残高
    • Actions — 以下のアクションを利用できます。
      • 請求書の閲覧 — — 請求書の詳細を閲覧するには、をクリックしてください。詳細は、新しいポップアップで開きます。
      • 請求書のダウンロード — — 請求書をダウンロードするには、をクリックしてください。

    請求書の詳細を表示するには、 をクリックしてください。


    アカウントの詳細に移動するには、右上隅にある Userアイコン → Settingsをクリックします。Account detailsページにリダイレクトされます。

    Account details


    • Personal information(個人情報)
    • Company information(企業情報)
    • Billing contact information(請求連絡先情報)



    • API secret key – この鍵をCLN APIで使用します
    • IM Upgrade URL – Imunify製品をアップグレードするためのURL(URLがデフォルトのものではない場合)

    パスワードを変更するには、Change passwordをクリックします。







    Account sublogins




    Full Access/Admin

    • 製品の閲覧
    • サーバー/ライセンス情報の閲覧
    • レポーティング
    • サーバーの追加/削除
    • アクティベーションキーの作成
    • ライセンスの注文/削除
    • 請求書の閲覧
    • 請求情報の閲覧
    • クレジットカード情報の編集
    • アカウント情報の編集
    • 請求情報の編集/再販業者用入金
    • 料金の閲覧
    • アカウント情報の表示
    • パスワードの変更


    • 製品の閲覧
    • サーバー/ライセンス情報の閲覧
    • 請求書の閲覧
    • 請求情報の閲覧
    • クレジットカード情報の編集
    • アカウント情報の編集
    • 請求情報の編集/再販業者用入金
    • 料金の閲覧
    • アカウント情報の閲覧

    Server and License Management

    • 製品の閲覧
    • サーバー/ライセンス情報の閲覧
    • レポーティング
    • サーバーの追加/削除
    • アクティベーションキーの作成
    • ライセンスの注文/削除

    Server Management Only

    • 製品の閲覧
    • サーバー/ライセンス情報の閲覧
    • レポーティング
    • サーバーの追加/削除
    • アクティベーションキーの作成

    Read Only — Billing

    • 製品の閲覧
    • サーバー/ライセンス情報の閲覧
    • レポーティング
    • 請求書の閲覧
    • 請求情報の閲覧

    Read Only — Server Management

    • 製品の閲覧
    • サーバー/ライセンス情報の閲覧
    • レポーティング



    新しいレポートの設定を追加するには、Add configをクリックしてください。

    - + diff --git a/jp/tuxcare/index.html b/jp/tuxcare/index.html index dda02c82..571f4890 100644 --- a/jp/tuxcare/index.html +++ b/jp/tuxcare/index.html @@ -39,10 +39,10 @@ })(); TuxCare - +
    sidebar hamburger menu



    TuxCareは、CloudLinuxのKernelCareブランドと延長ライフサイクルサポートブランドが拡張されたものです。組織がEnterprise Linuxシステムのサポート、メンテナンス、セキュリティを管理するのに役立ちます。




    - + diff --git a/kernelcare-for-iot/index.html b/kernelcare-for-iot/index.html index 1f9f49ea..d98e79b8 100644 --- a/kernelcare-for-iot/index.html +++ b/kernelcare-for-iot/index.html @@ -39,10 +39,10 @@ })(); KernelCare for IOT - +
    sidebar hamburger menu

    KernelCare for IOT

    Provides live security patching for ARM64-based embedded systems for enterprise IoT users and original equipment manufacturers.

    For the list of supported distributions and chipsets, visit this page.

    How KernelCare IoT works

    • The KernelCare team is constantly monitoring security mailing lists to check for vulnerabilities. As soon as one is found, the team prepares a patch and then sends it to distribution servers.
    • An agent will run a process on your device, checking with the distribution servers every 4 hours until it finds a new patch and then safely apply it to the running kernel without needing to stop it.
    • A special kernel module is used to apply the patches. It first loads the update into the kernel address space, then it places relocations on the original code/data to make sure the code block doesn’t execute during the update. Once finished, it will safely switch the execution path from the original to the updated code and then make sure the old code will never run again.
    • KernelCare does all of this instantly, automatically, and without service interruptions.

    For more information about KernelCare for IOT, visit this page.

    - + diff --git a/live-patching-services/index.html b/live-patching-services/index.html index 78f49c37..928d70cc 100644 --- a/live-patching-services/index.html +++ b/live-patching-services/index.html @@ -39,41 +39,44 @@ })(); KernelCare Enterprise - + -
    sidebar hamburger menu

    KernelCare Enterprise

    KernelCare Enterprise live patching enhances your vulnerability patching program by providing live patches to the Linux kernel and, optionally, with add-ons to critical userspace components, as well as the virtualization stack.

    The systems are patched according to your patch deployment policy, allowing you to customize your patch management to align with the needs of your unique environment, whether online or in an air-gapped environment. Plus, your vulnerability reports reduce in size quickly as KernelCare seamlessly integrates with all popular vulnerability scanners to give you an accurate vulnerability exposure report.

    KernelCare Enterprise brings KernelCare live patching by default and the following add-ons:

    • LibCare
    • QEMUCare

    The sections below describe KernelCare live patching and the additional add-ons in more detail.



    KernelCare Enterprise is a live kernel patching service that provides security patches and bugfixes for a range of popular Linux kernels that can be installed without rebooting the system


    Today, system administrators have to reboot a server to apply the latest kernel updates. These updates are necessary to prevent security issues. Due to downtime associated with reboots, however, such updates are often delayed, pushed into the darkest hours of the night. It is common for server owners to not update their systems for months or even years and to run vulnerable systems to avoid downtime. Managed service providers face the problem of having to schedule downtime and then updating and rebooting thousands of servers in a short period of time, straining resources. KernelCare solves this update and reboot issue by providing live kernel patching without the need for a reboot

    Key Features

    • Rebootless Linux Kernel Patching & Custom Patching
    • Works On-prem & in the cloud
    • Private patch server for gated infrastructures - ePortal
    • Out-of-the-box integration with patch management & vulnerability assessment tools

    Getting trial license

    You will need a trial activation key to be able to use the KernelCare Enterprise. The trial license subscription will work for 7 days.

    If you have any issues getting activation key or if you have any questions regarding using your trial subscription – contact sales@cloudlinux.com and we will help.


    KernelCare Enterprise is compatible with 64-bit versions of CloudLinuxOS/CentOS 6,7, and 8, AlmaLinux/RHEL 6,7,8, and 9, Oracle Linux 6 and 7, Amazon Linux 1 and 2, Virtuozzo/PCS/OpenVZ 2.6.32, Debian 8,9 and 10, Proxmox VE 5 and 6, Virt-SIG/Xen4CentOS 6 and 7, Ubuntu 14.04, 15.04, 16.04, 18.04 and 20.04 kernels. The list of compatible kernels can be found on the following link: https://patches.kernelcare.com/ .

    To install KernelCare Enterprise, run:

    curl -s -L https://kernelcare.com/installer | bash


    wget -qq -O - https://kernelcare.com/installer | bash

    If you are using IP-based license, nothing else required to be done.

    If you are using key-based license, run:

    $ /usr/bin/kcarectl --register KEY

    KEY is the registration key code string provided when you sign up for purchase or trial of the product.

    If you are experiencing Key limit reached error after the end of the trial period you should first, unregister the server by running:

    kcarectl --unregister

    To check if patches applied, run:

    $ /usr/bin/kcarectl --info

    The software will automatically check for new patches every 4 hours.

    If you would like to run update manually:

    $ /usr/bin/kcarectl --update

    To check current kernel compatibility with KernelCare, use the following script by running:

    curl -s -L https://kernelcare.com/checker | python


    wget -qq -O - https://kernelcare.com/checker | python


    To update the agent package to the latest version use:

    • For rpm-based distributives (CentOS, RedHat, etc):
    yum install -y kernelcare
    • For apt-based distributives (Debian, Ubuntu, etc):
    apt-get install kernelcare


    To uninstall KernelCare Enterprise, do the the following:

    For CloudLinux, CentOS, RHEL, Virtuozzo, OpenVZ:

    $ yum remove kernelcare

    For Ubuntu, Debian, Proxmox VE:

    apt-get remove kernelcare
    dpkg --remove kernelcare

    This will also unlink the system from its activation key (provided there is network connectivity to the CLN Portal). However, you'll need to remove the license from the CLN Portal manually if you don't plan to use the service anymore.

    Switching from Ksplice

    To switch from Ksplice to KernelCare Enterprise, use the following script that uninstalls Ksplice and installs KernelCare Enterprise instead.

    It will automatically detect and abort if the system is not 64-bit (as KernelCare Enterprise doesn't support it).

    It will also detects when Ksplice module cannot be uninstalled and retries multiple times.

    Download the script here: https://patches.kernelcare.com/ksplice2kcare.

    Run the command:

    $ bash ksplice2kcare $KERNELCARE_KEY$

    The key can be created/retrieved in KernelCare Enterprise Keys section of CLN.

    If you want to use IP based licenses, run:

    $ bash ksplice2kcare IP

    You have to add IP license for that server, and it is just two letters: IP, not the actual IP.

    By default the script will attempt 3 times to uninstall Ksplice, waiting 60 seconds in between. You can run it using nohup if you don't want to wait.

    You can change that by editing the script and changing RETRY and SLEEP values.

    The script will exit with exit code 0 and message Done on success. Otherwise, it will produce exit code -1.

    Complete log file can be found at /var/log/ksplice2kcare.log.

    Canonical Livepatch

    KernelCare Enterprise is not compatible with Canonical Livepatch and should not be used on the same system.

    Basic management

    To disable automatic updates, edit the file /etc/sysconfig/kcare/kcare.conf


    To check the updated ('effective') version, run:

    $ /usr/bin/kcarectl --uname 

    We provide convenience script /usr/bin/kcare-uname that has same syntax as uname.

    To see applied patches, run:

    $ /usr/bin/kcarectl --patch-info 

    Command line tools

    /usr/bin/kcarectl - Manage KernelCare Enterprise patches for your kernel.

    /usr/bin/kcare-uname - Print certain system information.


    -i, --infoDisplay information about patches installed by KernelCare Enterprise.
    -u, --update Download latest patches, and apply them to current kernel.
    --smart-update [since 1.6] The same as --update, but uses UPDATE_POLICY to decide where to get patches.
    --unloadUnload patches.
    --auto-updateCheck if update is needed and update.
    --patch-infoLists applied patches.
    --statusReturn a status of an update. Refer to the exit code: 0 - host is updated to latest patch level, 1 - there are no applied patches, 2 - there are new not applied patches, 3 - kernel is unsupported
    --force [since 2.3] When used with update, forces applying the patch even if unable to freeze some threads.
    --unamePrints safe kernel version.
    --license-infoOutput current license info.
    --register KEYRegister using KernelCare Enterprise Key.
    --register-autoretry [since 2.5]If registration fails retries registration indefinitely.
    --unregisterUnregister from KernelCare Enterprise for Key based servers.
    --userspace-update [PATCHES]Download latest patches and apply them to the corresponding userspace processes. Сan be set so that only certain types of patches are applied.
    --testTry test builds instead of production builds (deprecated, use --prefix=test instead).
    --prefixPatch source prefix, used to test different builds, by downloading builds from a different location, based on prefix (v2.2+)
    --versionPrint KernelCare Enterprise version.
    --import-key PATHImport gpg key.
    --set-monitoring-keySet monitoring key for IP based licenses. 16 to 32 characters, alphanumeric only [version 2.1+]
    --freezer [since 2.3] none: don't freeze any threads; full: freeze all threads; smart: freezes only threads that need to be frozen for patching. If option is not selected, best freezer method is chosen automatically.
    --check [since 2.4-1]Check if new patchset is available, without updating. Exit code 0 means there is a new kernel. 1 when there is no new kernel.
    --doctor [since 2.6]Send a report to the TuxCare support staff for diagnostics.
    --set-patch-type extra To enable extra patches.
    --set-patch-type freeTo enable free patches.
    --set-sticky-patch SET_STICKY_PATCHSet patch to stick to date in format DDMMYY or retrieve it from KEY if set to KEY (no support for ePortal). Empty to unstick. More info at Sticky Patches.
    --tag COMMANDAdds an extra Tag field for a server. COMMAND is a user-defined parameter.


    Currenlty available userspace patch types are libs and qemu. To apply patches only for shared libraries, use --userspace-update libs.


    Print certain system information. With no OPTION, same as -s.

    -a, --allprint all information in the following order, except omit -p and -i if unknown
    -s, --kernel-nameprint the kernel name
    -n, --nodenameprint the network node hostname
    -r, --kernel-releaseprint the kernel release
    -v, --kernel-versionprint the kernel version
    -m, --machineprint the machine hardware name
    -p, --processorprint the processor type or unknown
    -i, --hardware-platformprint the hardware platform or unknown
    -o, --operating-systemprint the operating system
    --helpdisplay this help and exit
    --versionoutput version information and exit

    kernelcare doctor

    This tool collects essential information about the KernelCare environment and sends it to the support team.

    # kcarectl --doctor
    sidebar hamburger menu

    KernelCare Enterprise

    KernelCare Enterprise live patching enhances your vulnerability patching program by providing live patches to the Linux kernel and, optionally, with add-ons to critical userspace components, as well as the virtualization stack.

    The systems are patched according to your patch deployment policy, allowing you to customize your patch management to align with the needs of your unique environment, whether online or in an air-gapped environment. Plus, your vulnerability reports reduce in size quickly as KernelCare seamlessly integrates with all popular vulnerability scanners to give you an accurate vulnerability exposure report.

    KernelCare Enterprise brings KernelCare live patching by default and the following add-ons are available:

    • LibCare
    • QEMUCare

    The sections below describe KernelCare live patching and the additional add-ons in more detail.



    KernelCare Enterprise is a live kernel patching service that provides security patches and bugfixes for a range of popular Linux kernels that can be installed without rebooting the system


    Today, system administrators have to reboot a server to apply the latest kernel updates. These updates are necessary to prevent security issues. Due to downtime associated with reboots, however, such updates are often delayed, pushed into the darkest hours of the night. It is common for server owners to not update their systems for months or even years and to run vulnerable systems to avoid downtime. Managed service providers face the problem of having to schedule downtime and then updating and rebooting thousands of servers in a short period of time, straining resources. KernelCare solves this update and reboot issue by providing live kernel patching without the need for a reboot

    Key Features

    • Rebootless Linux Kernel Patching & Custom Patching
    • Works On-prem & in the cloud
    • Private patch server for gated infrastructures - ePortal
    • Out-of-the-box integration with patch management & vulnerability assessment tools

    Getting a trial license

    You will need a trial activation key to be able to use the KernelCare Enterprise. The trial license subscription will work for 7 days.

    If you have any issues getting an activation key or if you have any questions regarding using your trial subscription, contact sales@cloudlinux.com and we will help.


    KernelCare Enterprise is compatible with 64-bit versions of CloudLinuxOS/CentOS 6, 7 and 8, AlmaLinux/RHEL 6, 7, 8 and 9, Oracle Linux 6 and 7, Amazon Linux 1 and 2, Virtuozzo/PCS/OpenVZ 2.6.32, Debian 8, 9 and 10, Proxmox VE 5 and 6, Virt-SIG/Xen4CentOS 6 and 7, Ubuntu 14.04, 15.04, 16.04, 18.04 and 20.04 kernels. The list of compatible kernels can be found at the following link: https://patches.kernelcare.com/

    To install KernelCare Enterprise, run the following as root:

    # curl -s -L https://kernelcare.com/installer | bash


    # wget -qq -O - https://kernelcare.com/installer | bash

    If you are using an IP-based license, nothing else is required to be done.

    If you are using a key-based license, run:

    # kcarectl --register <KEY>

    Where KEY is the registration key code string provided when you sign up for purchase or trial of the product.

    If you are experiencing a Key limit reached error after the end of the trial period, you should first unregister the server by running:

    # kcarectl --unregister

    To check if patches applied, run:

    # kcarectl --info

    The software will automatically check for new patches every 4 hours.

    If you would like to run update manually:

    # kcarectl --update

    To check current kernel compatibility with KernelCare, use the following script by running:

    $ curl -s -L https://kernelcare.com/checker | python


    $ wget -qq -O - https://kernelcare.com/checker | python


    To update the agent package to the latest version use:

    • For rpm-based distributions (CentOS, RedHat, etc):
    # yum install -y kernelcare


    # dnf install -y kernelcare
    • For apt-based distributions (Debian, Ubuntu, etc):
    # apt-get install kernelcare


    # apt install kernelcare


    To uninstall KernelCare Enterprise, run the following as root:

    • For CloudLinux, CentOS, RHEL, Virtuozzo, OpenVZ:
    # yum remove kernelcare


    # dnf remove kernelcare
    • For Ubuntu, Debian, Proxmox VE:
    # apt-get remove kernelcare


    # apt purge kernelcare

    This will also unlink the system from its activation key (provided there is network connectivity to the CLN Portal). However, you'll need to remove the license from the CLN Portal manually if you don't plan to use the service anymore.

    Switching from Ksplice

    To switch from Ksplice to KernelCare Enterprise, use the following script that uninstalls Ksplice and installs KernelCare Enterprise instead.

    It will automatically detect and abort if the system is not 64-bit (as KernelCare Enterprise doesn't support it).

    It will also detect when the Ksplice module cannot be uninstalled and retries multiple times.

    Download the script here: https://patches.kernelcare.com/ksplice2kcare

    Run the command:

    # bash ksplice2kcare <KERNELCARE_KEY>

    The key can be created/retrieved in KernelCare Enterprise Keys section of CLN.

    If you want to use IP based licenses, run:

    # bash ksplice2kcare IP

    You have to add an IP license for that server, and it is just the two letters IP, not your actual IP address.

    By default the script will attempt 3 times to uninstall Ksplice, waiting 60 seconds in between. You can run it using nohup if you don't want to wait.

    You can change that by editing the script and changing RETRY and SLEEP values.

    The script will exit with exit code 0 and message Done on success. Otherwise, it will produce exit code -1

    The complete log file can be found at /var/log/ksplice2kcare.log

    Canonical Livepatch

    KernelCare Enterprise is not compatible with Canonical Livepatch and should not be used on the same system.

    Basic management

    To disable automatic updates, edit the file /etc/sysconfig/kcare/kcare.conf


    To check the updated 'effective' version, run:

    # kcarectl --uname

    We provide a convenience script /usr/bin/kcare-uname that has same syntax as uname

    To see applied patches, run:

    # kcarectl --patch-info

    Command line tools

    /usr/bin/kcarectl - Manage KernelCare Enterprise patches for your kernel.

    /usr/bin/kcare-uname - Print certain system information.


    -i, --infoDisplay information about patches installed by KernelCare Enterprise.
    -u, --updateDownload latest patches, and apply them to current kernel.
    --smart-update [since 1.6]The same as --update, but uses UPDATE_POLICY to decide where to get patches.
    --unloadUnload patches.
    --auto-updateCheck if update is needed and update.
    --patch-infoLists applied patches.
    --statusReturn a status of an update. Refer to the exit code: 0 - host is updated to latest patch level, 1 - there are no applied patches, 2 - there are new not applied patches, 3 - kernel is unsupported
    --force [since 2.3]When used with update, forces applying the patch even if unable to freeze some threads.
    --unamePrints safe kernel version.
    --license-infoOutput current license info.
    --register KEYRegister using KernelCare Enterprise Key.
    --register-autoretry [since 2.5]If registration fails retries registration indefinitely.
    --unregisterUnregister from KernelCare Enterprise for Key based servers.
    --userspace-update [PATCHES]Download latest patches and apply them to the corresponding userspace processes. Сan be set so that only certain types of patches are applied.
    --testTry test builds instead of production builds (deprecated, use --prefix=test instead).
    --prefixPatch source prefix, used to test different builds, by downloading builds from a different location, based on prefix (v2.2+)
    --versionPrint KernelCare Enterprise version.
    --import-key PATHImport gpg key.
    --set-monitoring-keySet monitoring key for IP based licenses. 16 to 32 characters, alphanumeric only [version 2.1+]
    --freezer [since 2.3]none: don't freeze any threads; full: freeze all threads; smart: freezes only threads that need to be frozen for patching. If option is not selected, best freezer method is chosen automatically.
    --check [since 2.4-1]Check if new patchset is available, without updating. Exit code 0 means there is a new kernel. 1 when there is no new kernel.
    --doctor [since 2.6]Send a report to the TuxCare support staff for diagnostics.
    --set-patch-type extraTo enable extra patches.
    --set-patch-type freeTo enable free patches.
    --set-sticky-patch SET_STICKY_PATCHSet patch to stick to date in format DDMMYY or retrieve it from KEY if set to KEY (no support for ePortal). Empty to unstick. More info at Sticky Patches.
    --tag COMMANDAdds an extra Tag field for a server. COMMAND is a user-defined parameter.


    Currently available userspace patch types are libs and qemu. To apply patches only for shared libraries, use --userspace-update libs


    Print certain system information. Default is -s

    -a, --allprint all information in the following order, except omit -p and -i if unknown
    -s, --kernel-nameprint the kernel name
    -n, --nodenameprint the network node hostname
    -r, --kernel-releaseprint the kernel release
    -v, --kernel-versionprint the kernel version
    -m, --machineprint the machine hardware name
    -p, --processorprint the processor type or unknown
    -i, --hardware-platformprint the hardware platform or unknown
    -o, --operating-systemprint the operating system
    --helpdisplay this help and exit
    --versionoutput version information and exit

    kernelcare doctor

    This tool collects essential information about the KernelCare environment and sends it to the support team.

    # kcarectl --doctor
     Generating report...
     Key: FRWf74Zw11111111.83991334-1111-1111-1111-681ddd653e5f
     Please, provide above mentioned key to KernelCare Support Team

    The command generates a report and prints out the ID which could be linked to a support ticket.


    If there was some connection problem during report uploading, the report will be stored locally as /root/cl-report. This file should be sent to the support team manually.

    Config options

    A kcarectl behavior can be configured using /etc/sysconfig/kcare/kcare.conf

    AUTO_UPDATE=YES|NOYES - enable auto-update; NO - disable auto-update.
    PATCH_METHOD=normal|nofreeze|smartNormal - (default) use freezer;
    Nofreeze - don't use freezer to freeze processes;
    Smart - smart freezer freezes only threads that need to be frozen for patching [kernelcare 2.3+].
    PATCH_SERVERServer to use to download patches.
    REGISTRATION_URLLicensing server.
    PREFIX=prefixPatch source prefix, used to test different builds, by downloading builds from a different location, based on prefix [kernelcare 2.2+]
    UPDATE_POLICY=REMOTE|LOCAL|LOCAL_FIRSTDepending on the policy, on server startup, use:
    REMOTE - (default) patches from patch server.
    LOCAL - only locally cached patches, if none cached (caching is done automatically) - do nothing.
    LOCAL_FIRST - see if locally cached patches exist, and load them. If not, try getting them from remote server.
    IGNORE_UNKNOWN_KERNEL=True|FalseDon't provide notification if unknown kernel on auto-update. [kernelcare 2.5+]
    LOAD_KCARE_SYSCTLControls if /etc/sysconfig/kcare/sysctl.conf will be loaded on patchset load. True by default. [kernelcare 2.7+]
    STICKY_PATCH=KEYRetrieve sticky patch from KEY (see CLN, Key Edit); not supported for IP based servers or ePortal.
    STICKY_PATCH=DDMMYYStick patch to a particular date. More info at Sticky Patches.
    [AUTO_]UPDATE_DELAY=<num>h|<num>dUse patchsets not newer than specified time. For example 24h or 2d. AUTO_UPDATE_DELAY works for auto and smart modes. UPDATE_DELAY works for all modes. [kernelcare 2.82+]
    [AUTO_]STICKY_PATCHSET=<patchset>Use patchsets not newer than specified value. For example K20230908_02. AUTO_STICKY_PATCHSET works for auto and smart modes. STICKY_PATCHSET works for all modes. [kernelcare 2.82+]
    REPORT_FQDN=True|FalseForce using Fully Qualified Domain as a hostname. False by default.
    FORCE_GID=NUse this group ID for symlink protection patch. By default, it's 48 (default Apache user GID) or 99 (nobody user)
    USERSPACE_PATCHES=libs,qemuDefine which userspace patches will be applyed by default

    Disabling some patches

    Some patches might affect the work of the system, and we created a way to disable them.

    This is done via the sysctl command.

    When new patchset loads, KernelCare Enterprise sysctl options get reset. To prevent that we added a file:


    Options in this file will be loaded automatically on new patchset load.

    To disable loading this options, specify:

    LOAD_KCARE_SYSCTL=0 in /etc/sysconfig/kcare/kcare.conf

    To disable the patch, set the corresponding kcare option to 1.

    Patches that can be disabled:

    Patchsysctl option

    Extra patchset


    KernelCare Enterprise 2.12-5 or higher

    KernelCare Enterprise Extra patchset includes all the security fixes from KernelCare Enterprise for AlmaLinux, CentOS 6, CentOS 7, and CentOS 8 as well as symlink protection and IPSet bugfix for CentOS 6.

    To enable extra patches and apply patch, run:

    kcarectl --set-patch-type extra --update

    To enable extra patches without update, run:

    kcarectl --set-patch-type extra

    The ‘extra’ patch will be applied on the next automatic update.

    To see details, run:

    kcarectl --patch-info

    The command generates a report and prints out the ID which could be linked to a support ticket.


    If there was a connection problem during uploading the report, the report will be stored locally as /root/cl-report. This file should be sent to the support team manually.

    Config options

    kcarectl behavior can be configured using /etc/sysconfig/kcare/kcare.conf

    AUTO_UPDATE=YES|NOYES - enable auto-update; NO - disable auto-update.
    PATCH_METHOD=normal|nofreeze|smartNormal - (default) use freezer;
    Nofreeze - don't use freezer to freeze processes;
    Smart - smart freezer freezes only threads that need to be frozen for patching [kernelcare 2.3+].
    PATCH_SERVERServer to use to download patches.
    REGISTRATION_URLLicensing server.
    PREFIX=prefixPatch source prefix, used to test different builds, by downloading builds from a different location, based on prefix [kernelcare 2.2+]
    UPDATE_POLICY=REMOTE|LOCAL|LOCAL_FIRSTDepending on the policy, on server startup, use:
    REMOTE - (default) patches from patch server.
    LOCAL - only locally cached patches, if none cached (caching is done automatically) - do nothing.
    LOCAL_FIRST - see if locally cached patches exist, and load them. If not, try getting them from remote server.
    IGNORE_UNKNOWN_KERNEL=True|FalseDon't provide notification if unknown kernel on auto-update. [kernelcare 2.5+]
    LOAD_KCARE_SYSCTLControls if /etc/sysconfig/kcare/sysctl.conf will be loaded on patchset load. True by default. [kernelcare 2.7+]
    STICKY_PATCH=KEYRetrieve sticky patch from KEY (see CLN, Key Edit); not supported for IP based servers or ePortal.
    STICKY_PATCH=DDMMYYStick patch to a particular date. More info at Sticky Patches.
    [AUTO_]UPDATE_DELAY=<num>h|<num>dUse patchsets not newer than specified time. For example 24h or 2d. AUTO_UPDATE_DELAY works for auto and smart modes. UPDATE_DELAY works for all modes. [kernelcare 2.82+]
    [AUTO_]STICKY_PATCHSET=<patchset>Use patchsets not newer than specified value. For example K20230908_02. AUTO_STICKY_PATCHSET works for auto and smart modes. STICKY_PATCHSET works for all modes. [kernelcare 2.82+]
    REPORT_FQDN=True|FalseForce using Fully Qualified Domain as a hostname. False by default.
    FORCE_GID=NUse this group ID for symlink protection patch. By default, it's 48 (default Apache user GID) or 99 (nobody user)
    USERSPACE_PATCHES=libs,qemuDefine which userspace patches will be applyed by default

    Disabling some patches

    Some patches might affect the functioning of the system, and we created a way to disable them.

    This is done via the sysctl command.

    When new patchsets load, KernelCare Enterprise sysctl options get reset. To prevent that we added a file:


    Options in this file will be loaded automatically on new patchset load.

    To disable loading these options, specify LOAD_KCARE_SYSCTL=0 in /etc/sysconfig/kcare/kcare.conf

    To disable the patch, set the corresponding kcare option to 1

    Patches that can be disabled:

    Patchsysctl option

    Extra patchset


    KernelCare Enterprise 2.12-5 or higher

    KernelCare Enterprise Extra patchset includes all the security fixes from KernelCare Enterprise for AlmaLinux, CentOS 6, CentOS 7, and CentOS 8 as well as symlink protection and the IPSet bugfix for CentOS 6.

    To enable extra patches and apply updates, run:

    # kcarectl --set-patch-type extra --update

    To enable extra patches without an update, run:

    # kcarectl --set-patch-type extra

    The 'extra' patch will be applied on the next automatic update.

    To see details, run:

    # kcarectl --patch-info

    You should see something similar to:

    OS: centos6
     kernel: kernel-2.6.32-696.6.3.el6
     time: 2017-07-31 22:46:22
     uname: 2.6.32-696.6.3.el6
     kpatch-name: 2.6.32/symlink-protection.patch
     kpatch-description: symlink protection // If you see this patch, it mean that you can enable symlink protection.
     kpatch-kernel: kernel-2.6.32-279.2.1.el6
    @@ -81,7 +84,7 @@
     kpatch-cvss: N/A
     kpatch-cve-url: N/A
     kpatch-patch-url: https://gerrit.cloudlinux.com/#/c/16508/
     kpatch-name: 2.6.32/symlink-protection.kpatch-1.patch
     kpatch-description: symlink protection (kpatch adaptation)
     kpatch-kernel: kernel-2.6.32-279.2.1.el6
    @@ -89,7 +92,7 @@
     kpatch-cvss: N/A
     kpatch-cve-url: N/A
     kpatch-patch-url: https://gerrit.cloudlinux.com/#/c/16508/
     kpatch-name: 2.6.32/ipset-fix-list-shrinking.patch
     kpatch-description: fix ipset list shrinking for no reason
     kpatch-kernel: N/A
    @@ -97,78 +100,103 @@
     kpatch-cvss: N/A
     kpatch-cve-url: N/A
     kpatch-patch-url: https://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=13499

    To enable Symlink Owner Match Protection, add the following line:


    to /etc/sysconfig/kcare/sysctl.conf.

    And run:

    sysctl -w fs.enforce_symlinksifowner=1

    Sticky patches


    This functionality is not available for ePortal customers. If you are using ePortal, please use Feeds instead.


    Since v2.82 there is more convenient way to specify latest available release via [AUTO_]STICKY_PATCHSET and [AUTO_]UPDATE_DELAY configuration options. It also works with recent ePortal versions (v2.3+).

    Sometimes you don't want to use the latest patches, but you'd like to control which patches are get installed instead. For example, you have tested the patch released on 25th of May 2018 and want to use that patch across all servers.

    You can do it by setting STICKY_PATCH=25052018 (DDMMYY format, ISO YYYY-MM-DD is also valid) in /etc/sysconfig/kcare/kcare.conf This guarantees that when kcarectl --update or kcarectl --auto-update is called, you will get patches from that date and not the newest patches.

    Alternatively, you can set STICKY_PATCH=KEY This way you can control the date from which patches will be applied using KernelCare keys in CLN. On update, the actual date will be retrieved from CLN (from Key settings) for the key used to register a particular server (not supported for IP based servers).

    This is very useful if you want to test patches in QA first and later roll them out to production without doing any changes on the systems.

    Here is how you can do that:

    • Set STICKY_PATCH=KEY on all your servers.
    • Register QA servers with one KEY, and Production servers with ANOTHER key.
    • Then, stop new updates for Production servers. In CLN set Sticky Tag to yesterday. You can do it by editing KEY in CLN in DDMMYY format.
    • Now, for example, let's use patches as of 03052018 (DDMMYY format). Set them for your QA server key. On the next auto-update, your QA servers will get those patches (auto-updates are typically every 4 hours).

    Once you are happy with this patches, set the same Sticky Tag for Production servers key. In 4 hours your production servers should be updated to the same patches that QA servers were.

    How to find a proper sticky patch name

    Let's assume that you have some kernel patch that you want to "stick" with. All you need is to find a proper label for that patch.


    As you can see, the patch was released at 2020-09-16. And if apply label's date format, it becomes 16092020 that will be the sticky patch value.

    Scanning for vulnerabilities

    Identifying the vulnerabilities that apply to your systems is an important task for IT and InfoSec teams, and at TuxCare we make it easy. KernelCare live patching is integrated natively with vulnerability scanners including Tenable Nessus, Qualys, Rapid7 and many others.


    A generic integration that works with any vulnerability scanner is available for environments that native integration may not be sufficient. Contact your account manager or sales@tuxcare.com for more information.

    How to use a vulnerability scanner with KernelCare

    It’s rather simple. New scan results after installing a package and applying a patchset should not show any kernel CVEs that are handled by KernelCare Enterprise.

    For example, Nessus for an old kernel shows a bunch of detected CVEs:

    After the live patches were applied, there are no kernel-related CVEs:

    How use OpenSCAP with KernelCare

    OpenSCAP is an open source vulnerability scanner and compliance tool and it can be used to scan a system protected by KernelCare Enterprise. The following commands show how to use OpenSCAP to produce a vulnerability report for a system.

    $ source /etc/os-release

    To enable Symlink Owner Match Protection, add fs.enforce_symlinksifowner=1 to /etc/sysconfig/kcare/sysctl.conf and run:

    # sysctl -p /etc/sysconfig/kcare/sysctl.conf

    Sticky patches


    This functionality is not available for ePortal customers. If you are using ePortal, please use Feeds instead.


    Since v2.82 there is a more convenient way to specify the latest available release via the [AUTO_]STICKY_PATCHSET and [AUTO_]UPDATE_DELAY configuration options. It also works with recent ePortal versions (v2.3+).

    Sometimes you don't want to use the latest patches, and you'd like to control which patches are get installed instead. For example, you have tested the patch released on 25th of May 2018 and want to use that patch across all servers.

    You can do it by setting STICKY_PATCH=25052018 (DDMMYYYY format, DDMMYY and YYYY-mm-dd are also valid) in /etc/sysconfig/kcare/kcare.conf, this guarantees that when kcarectl --update or kcarectl --auto-update is called, you will get patches from that date and not the newest patches.

    Alternatively, you can set STICKY_PATCH=KEY, this way you can control the date from which patches will be applied using KernelCare keys in CLN. On update, the actual date will be retrieved from CLN (from Key settings) for the key used to register a particular server (not supported for IP based servers).

    This is very useful if you want to test patches in QA first and later roll them out to production without doing any changes on the systems.

    Here is how you can do that:

    • Set STICKY_PATCH=KEY on all your servers.
    • Register QA servers with one KEY, and Production servers with ANOTHER key.
    • Then, stop new updates for Production servers. In CLN set Sticky Tag to yesterday. You can do it by editing KEY in CLN in DDMMYY format.
    • Now, for example, let's use patches as of 03052018 (DDMMYYYY format). Set them for your QA server key. On the next auto-update, your QA servers will get those patches (auto-updates are typically every 4 hours).

    Once you are happy with these patches, set the same Sticky Tag for Production servers key. In 4 hours your production servers should be updated to the same patches that QA servers were.

    How to find a proper sticky patch name

    Let's assume that you have a kernel patch that you want to "stick" with. All you need is to find a proper label for that patch.


    As you can see, the patch was released at 2020-09-16 (16th September 2020). And if you apply a supported date format, it becomes 16092020, that will be the sticky patch value.

    Scanning for vulnerabilities

    Identifying the vulnerabilities that apply to your systems is an important task for IT and InfoSec teams, and at TuxCare we make it easy. KernelCare live patching is integrated natively with vulnerability scanners including Tenable Nessus, Qualys, Rapid7 and many others.

    How to use a vulnerability scanner with KernelCare

    It's rather simple. New scan results after installing a package and applying a patchset should not show any kernel CVEs that are handled by KernelCare Enterprise.

    For example, Nessus for an old kernel shows a lot of detected CVEs before apply live patches:


    After the live patches were applied, there are no kernel-related CVEs:


    What if my scanner is producing false positives?

    If your scanner produces incorrect results due to not being KernelCare aware, we have a solution that works at the OS level to report the correct information to the rpm/dpkg/uname commands; namely kcare-scanner-interface

    If you are using a scanner agent the defaults usually work and you can configure the scanner interface like so:

    # kcare-scanner-interface init
    +Setting up scanner agents

    If you are using SSH credentials-based scanning, then you can configure the scanner interface like so - where user1 and user2 are the usernames your vulnerability scanner will ssh/sudo as:

    # kcare-scanner-interface init user1 user2
    +Setting up a scanner-interface for user1
    +Setting up a scanner-interface for user2
    +Setting up scanner agents

    To disable the scanner interface run:

    # kcare-scanner-interface disable

    We don't recommend enabling the scanner interface as root, as the root user's command output should not be changed in this way. If your scanner elevates privileges after logging in via SSH, only sudo can be used and not su.

    How to use OpenSCAP with KernelCare

    OpenSCAP is an open source vulnerability scanner and compliance tool and it can be used to scan a system protected by KernelCare Enterprise. The following commands show how to use OpenSCAP to produce a vulnerability report for a system.

    $ source /etc/os-release
     $ wget https://patches.kernelcare.com/oval/com.kernelcare.${ID}.${VERSION_ID}.xml
     $ oscap oval eval --report report.htm com.kernelcare.${ID}.${VERSION_ID}.xml

    How to natively integrate KernelCare with a vulnerability scanner


    These instructions are intended for integrators with 3rd party vulnerability scanners.

    There are two ways for a vulnerability scanner to integrate with KernelCare live patching.

    Integrate via OVAL data

    KernelCare comes with OVAL data that provide the instructions to the scanner to identify the vulnerabilities that are addressed by the installed live patches. OVAL data are available for the operating systems supported by KernelCare Enterprise, including AlmaLinux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Oracle Linux, CentOS, Debian and Ubuntu.

    The OVAL data cover all KernelCare enterprise products and add-ons including LibCare, and QEMUCare.

    The OVAL data for KernelCare live patching are available at patches.kernelcare.com/oval.

    Integrate using files

    KernelCare provides two files that list the vulnerabilities that are addressed by the currently installed live patches. These files contain a list of CVEs separated by a newline.

    The list of vulnerabilities addressed by Kernel live patches is available at:

    • /proc/kcare/cvelist

    The list of vulnerabilities addressed by system live patching (LibCare, QEMUCare etc.) is available at:

    • /var/cache/kcare/libcare_cvelist

    UEFI Secure Boot Support


    This feature is an early stage of adoption. Not all the distribution will be able to support.

    This new functionality lets KernelCare work on systems with secure boot set up in their UEFI firmware. We are going to add a public certificate to the MOK (Machine Owner Keys) database that KernelCare will use to sign modules.

    The latest KernelCare package contains a public certificate and will be available in the /usr/libexec/kcare/kernelcare_pub.der. For older versions, it could be downloaded from the https://patches.kernelcare.com/kernelcare_pub.der to that location.

    For example:

    curl -o /usr/libexec/kcare/kernelcare_pub.der https://patches.kernelcare.com/kernelcare_pub.der

    UEFI Secure Boot Support


    This feature is an early stage of adoption. Not all the distribution will be able to support it.

    This new functionality lets KernelCare work on systems with secure boot set up in their UEFI firmware. We are going to add a public certificate to the MOK (Machine Owner Keys) database that KernelCare will use to sign modules.

    The latest KernelCare package contains a public certificate and will be available in the /usr/libexec/kcare/kernelcare_pub.der. For older versions, it could be downloaded from the https://patches.kernelcare.com/kernelcare_pub.der to that location.

    For example:

    # curl -o /usr/libexec/kcare/kernelcare_pub.der https://patches.kernelcare.com/kernelcare_pub.der
    1. Use mokutil as root to add this new MOK to the UEFI firmware.
    # mokutil --import /usr/libexec/kcare/kernelcare_pub.der
    1. Use mokutil as root to add this new MOK to the UEFI firmware.
    $ mokutil --import /usr/libexec/kcare/kernelcare_pub.der
    - input password:
    - input password again:

    It doesn't have a MOK password, and mokutil will ask you to create one. The password is temporary and will be used on the next boot.

    1. Reboot your machine to enter the MOK manager EFI utility.

    First, go down to the 'Enroll Mok':

    alt text

    Then the firmware gives you the option of viewing the new MOK or continuing. Let's continue.

    alt text

    It then asks you to confirm the enrollment.

    alt text

    Then you will need to enter the password you used when running mokutil --import.

    alt text

    Finally, the firmware will ask you to reboot.

    alt text

    1. Verify the key has been loaded by finding it in the output of the following command:
    $ mokutil --list-enrolled | egrep -i 'SHA1|Issuer'
    +input password:
    +input password again:

    It doesn't have a MOK password, and mokutil will ask you to create one. The password is temporary and will be used on the next boot.

    1. Reboot your machine to enter the MOK manager EFI utility.

    First, go down to 'Enroll Mok':

    enroll mok

    Then the firmware gives you the option of viewing the new MOK or continuing. Let's continue.

    select continue

    It then asks you to confirm the enrollment.


    Then you will need to enter the password you used when running mokutil --import.

    enter password

    Finally, the firmware will ask you to reboot.

    select ok

    1. Verify the key has been loaded by finding it in the output of the following command:
    # mokutil --list-enrolled | egrep -i 'SHA1|Issuer'

    In some cases the enrolled key will not be shown but could be verified by the following command:

    # dmesg | grep -i 'cloud linux'

    In some cases the enrolled key will not be shown but could be verified by the following command:

    $ dmesg | grep -i 'cloud linux' 
     [   0.722149] EFI: Loaded cert 'Cloud Linux Software, Inc: Kernel Module Signing Key: 12ff0613c0f80cfba3b2f8eba71ebc27c5a76170' linked to '.system_keyring'

    That's it. Now you should be able to apply patches as usual.

    To get more information about signing kernel modules for secure boot, see https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/8/html/managing_monitoring_and_updating_the_kernel/signing-kernel-modules-for-secure-boot_managing-monitoring-and-updating-the-kernel.

    Live patching and FIPS compliance

    The FIPS-140 certification of a Linux kernel validates that the cryptography contained within a Linux kernel complies with the US government FIPS-140 data protection standard. Meaning that algorithms like AES, the random generator and other cryptographic aspects of the kernel are implemented as the standard defines.

    At the same time the certification is a lengthy process –a typical validation can take almost a year– and for that reason only some of each vendor’s kernels are validated. That is because vendors release new kernels with security and feature updates on a regular cadence some as often as weekly, irrespective of their FIPS validation status. This means users of FIPS validated kernels need to choose between: (a) strict compliance by staying on the same kernel without updating until the next validated kernel is available and (b) reducing their security risk by installing new kernels with security updates even if they are not validated. The same story applies to the vendor’s live patching solutions.

    With KernelCare Enterprise it is possible to live patch FIPS-140 validated Linux kernels, for example at the Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system. The live patches applied to these kernels, in this example, consist of the same RHEL kernel patches but are limited to the ones addressing security vulnerabilities. That way, a live patched kernel contains the same security fixes as a vendor update without any feature or bug-fix updates, e.g., updates that may change the cryptographic subsystem for performance or other non-security related reasons.

    In this way, security-conscious users of FIPS-validated Linux kernels that today apply their vendor's security patches can rely on KernelCare live patching the same way they do with their vendor's security updates. Furthermore, KernelCare live patching applies the minimum possible updates to the validated kernel by explicitly excluding any non-security updates.

    Firewall and Proxy Settings

    Patching servers through firewall

    As long as your servers have access to the Internet, even behind NAT — you will be able to use KernelCare patch server without any problems.

    Generally, KernelCare requires connection to only two servers for a proper work:


    That's it. Now you should be able to apply patches as usual.

    To get more information about signing kernel modules for secure boot, see https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/8/html/managing_monitoring_and_updating_the_kernel/signing-kernel-modules-for-secure-boot_managing-monitoring-and-updating-the-kernel.

    Live patching and FIPS compliance

    The FIPS-140 certification of a Linux kernel validates that the cryptography contained within a Linux kernel complies with the US government FIPS-140 data protection standard. Meaning that algorithms like AES, the random generator and other cryptographic aspects of the kernel are implemented as the standard defines.

    At the same time the certification is a lengthy process --a typical validation can take almost a year-- and for that reason only some of each vendor's kernels are validated. That is because vendors release new kernels with security and feature updates on a regular cadence some as often as weekly, irrespective of their FIPS validation status. This means users of FIPS validated kernels need to choose between: (a) strict compliance by staying on the same kernel without updating until the next validated kernel is available and (b) reducing their security risk by installing new kernels with security updates even if they are not validated. The same story applies to the vendor's live patching solutions.

    With KernelCare Enterprise it is possible to live patch FIPS-140 validated Linux kernels, for example at the Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system. The live patches applied to these kernels, in this example, consist of the same RHEL kernel patches but are limited to the ones addressing security vulnerabilities. That way, a live patched kernel contains the same security fixes as a vendor update without any feature or bug-fix updates, e.g. updates that may change the cryptographic subsystem for performance or other non-security related reasons.

    In this way, security-conscious users of FIPS-validated Linux kernels that today apply their vendor's security patches can rely on KernelCare live patching the same way they do with their vendor's security updates. Furthermore, KernelCare live patching applies the minimum possible updates to the validated kernel by explicitly excluding any non-security updates.

    Firewall and Proxy Settings

    Patching servers through firewall

    As long as your servers have access to the Internet, even behind NAT - you will be able to use KernelCare patch server without any problems.

    Generally, KernelCare requires connection to only two servers to work:


    An additional address is used for KernelCare agent installation/update:


    Patching servers through proxy

    If your servers don't have direct Internet access but can gain access to the Internet using proxy, the configuration is not that different. KernelCare can pick up standard environment variables for a proxy.

    Make sure you have environment settings for proxy setup, and everything else will be the same as if servers were directly connected to the Internet:

    # export http_proxy=http://proxy.domain.com:port

    through firewall

    Patching servers through proxy

    If your servers don't have direct Internet access but can gain access to the Internet using proxy, the configuration is not that different. KernelCare can pick up standard environment variables for a proxy.

    Make sure you have environment settings for proxy setup, and everything else will be the same as if servers were directly connected to the Internet:

    # export http_proxy=http://proxy.domain.com:port
     # export https_proxy=http://proxy.domain.com:port


    Settings defined by export are case-insensitive, so the example above could be as follows:

    # export HTTP_PROXY=http://proxy.domain.com:port


    Settings defined by export are case-insensitive, so the example above could be as follows for certain software:

    # export HTTP_PROXY=http://proxy.domain.com:port
     # export HTTPS_PROXY=http://proxy.domain.com:port

    You can define these settings in the KernelCare config /etc/sysconfig/kcare/kcare.conf.


    $ cat /etc/sysconfig/kcare/kcare.conf

    You can define these settings in the KernelCare config /etc/sysconfig/kcare/kcare.conf, for example:

    $ cat /etc/sysconfig/kcare/kcare.conf

    If you define these settings in the config, you don't need to export them each kcarectl launch and don't need to edit cron jobs.

    All kcarectl launches will be aware of proxy settings from the config. In this case, you need to set proxy settings only once.

    KernelCare on AWS – Deployment User Guide

    Introductory Material


    The Linux kernel is the most important piece of software on your server, as a security flaw in it can expose all of your services and customers' data. KernelCare is a technology that allows you to keep the Linux kernel safe at all times, automatically, without ever having to stop the server and rebooting it causing downtime and inconvenient scheduling of maintenance windows. This improves availability, security, stability, operation costs, and customer satisfaction. It works with almost all mainstream distributions of Linux. It is simple, fast, and very easy to deploy while being able to handle very complex patches and customized kernels if you need them.

    Prerequisites and Requirements

    KernelCare can be installed on any x86_64 compatible server or VM running one of the following distribution:

    • Amazon Linux 1, 2
    • CentOS 6, 7, Xen4CentOS, CentOS-Plus, ElRepo
    • CloudLinux 6, 7
    • Debian 7, 8, 9, 8-backports
    • Oracle Linux 6, 7
    • ProxmoxVE 3,4,5
    • RedHat EL 6, 7
    • Ubuntu 14.04, 16.04, 18.04
    • Virtuozzo 6

    The exact list of compatible kernels can be found on the following link: https://patches.kernelcare.com/.

    Standard OS kernels are required in most cases unless the custom kernel is supported.

    The software can be installed on the running server and doesn't require a reboot.

    Basic Linux skills are sufficient to deploy KernelCare on AWS. Simple deployments involve just an EC2 instance. KernelCare is available as BYOL model. You need to register in our customer portal to get the trial license. Once you get the trial license, you need to register your running EC2 instance with the activation key.

    Architecture Diagrams

    As long as your servers have access to the Internet, even behind NAT – you will be able to use KernelCare patch server without any problems.

    Generally, KernelCare requires HTTPS connection to two servers for the proper work:

    • cln.cloudlinux.com
    • patches.kernelcare.com

    If your servers don't have direct Internet access but can gain access to the Internet using proxy, the configuration is not that different. KernelCare can pick up standard environment variables for proxy.

    Make sure you have environment settings for proxy setup, and everything else will be the same as if the servers were directly connected to the Internet:

    # export http_proxy=http://proxy.domain.com:port

    If you define these settings in the config, you don't need to export them each kcarectl launch and don't need to edit cron jobs.

    All kcarectl launches will be aware of proxy settings from the config. In this case, you need to set proxy settings only once.

    through proxy

    KernelCare on AWS - Deployment User Guide

    Introductory Material

    The Linux kernel is the most important piece of software on your server, as a security flaw in it can expose all of your services and customer data. KernelCare is a technology that allows you to keep the Linux kernel safe at all times, automatically, without ever having to stop the server and rebooting it causing downtime and inconvenient scheduling of maintenance windows. This improves availability, security, stability, operational costs, and customer satisfaction. It works with almost all mainstream distributions of Linux. It is simple, fast, and very easy to deploy while being able to handle very complex patches and customized kernels if you need them.

    Prerequisites and Requirements

    KernelCare can be installed on any x86_64 compatible server or VM running one of the following distributions:

    • Amazon Linux 1, 2
    • CentOS 6, 7, Xen4CentOS, CentOS-Plus, ElRepo
    • CloudLinux 6, 7
    • Debian 7, 8, 9, 8-backports
    • Oracle Linux 6, 7
    • ProxmoxVE 3,4,5
    • RedHat EL 6, 7
    • Ubuntu 14.04, 16.04, 18.04
    • Virtuozzo 6

    The exact list of compatible kernels can be found at the following link: https://patches.kernelcare.com/

    Standard OS kernels are required in most cases unless the custom kernel is supported.

    The software can be installed on a running server and doesn't require a reboot.

    Basic Linux skills are sufficient to deploy KernelCare on AWS. Simple deployments involve just an EC2 instance. KernelCare is available using the BYOL model. You need to register in our customer portal to get a trial license. Once you get the trial license, you need to register your running EC2 instance with the activation key.

    Architectural Design

    As long as your servers have access to the Internet, even behind NAT - you will be able to use KernelCare without any problems.

    Generally, KernelCare requires connection to only two servers to work:


    aws arch

    If your servers don't have direct Internet access but can gain access to the Internet using a proxy, the configuration is not that different. KernelCare can pick up standard environment variables for proxies.

    aws proxy

    Make sure you have environment settings for your proxy setup, and everything else will be the same as if the servers were directly connected to the Internet:

    # export http_proxy=http://proxy.domain.com:port
     # export https_proxy=http://proxy.domain.com:port

    Planning Guidance


    The only thing you need to be able to install/control you KernelCare deployment is SSH access (root credentials, key-based authentication/sudo or similar mechanisms are preferred).


    KernelCare is billed as a subscription service – you can find more details in the table below.

    License VolumeMonthly PriceAnnual Price


    KernelCare agent has a tiny RAM footprint – binary patches usually require less than 1 MB.

    Deployment Guidance

    Deployment Assets

    To install KernelCare, run:

    curl -s -L https://kernelcare.com/installer | bash


    wget -qq -O - https://kernelcare.com/installer | bash

    If you are using IP-based license, nothing else required to be done. If you are using key-based license, run:

    $ /usr/bin/kcarectl --register KEY

    KEY is the registration key code string provided when you sign up for purchase or trial of the product.

    You can easily automate KernelCare deployment with Ansible, Puppet, Chef or other automation tools. Here are the steps that may be automated:

    1. Distribute KernelCare agent package (optional – required only for servers with no access to the Internet) and a KernelCare agent configuration file (/etc/sysconfig/kcare/kcare.conf).
    2. Set required environmental variables (optional).
    3. Install KernelCare agent from either locally available package or central KernelCare download location.
    4. Register KernelCare with either license key or IP-based license.

    Operational Guidance

    Health Check

    Systems protected by KernelCare can be monitored by means of CloudLinux Network (CLN) portal available at https://cln.cloudlinux.com. Registered KernelCare installations are grouped by license keys. Kernels that are marked with exclamation sign in amber do not have the latest patches installed.

    In either case, you can check whether the latest available patch has been applied by running the following command on a system protected by KernelCare:

    $ /usr/bin/kcarectl --check

    Backup and Recovery

    There is no reason to backup KernelCare. KernelCare doesn't store any data. You can always re-install and re-register KernelCare. To backup the configuration file of KernelCare if you have modified it, backup the /etc/sysconfig/kcare/ folder.

    Routine Maintenance

    KernelCare is packaged in RPM/DEB packages (depending on Linux distribution) and will update any time system packages are updated. No additional maintenance is needed.

    Emergency Maintenance

    If one of your instances degraded, once you start another instance based on EBS or snapshot – KernelCare will continue working as before, no additional work is needed. If you set up a new server instead, re-register KernelCare on the new server. If you decide to uninstall patches, run command:

    # kcarectl --unload

    or complete remove kernelcare package by running the following command:

    • on RPM-based systems
      # rpm -e kernelcare


    • on DEB-based systems
      # dpkg --remove kernelcare

    Patch Feed Advanced Options

    Test and Delayed Feeds

    KernelCare Patch Server has several patch feeds available in addition to the standard (production) feed:

    • Test feed – the newest patches (test builds) that have not undergone the complete testing process. Test feed makes it possible to start testing new patches earlier.
    • Delayed feeds – instructs KernelCare to skip loading patches that were released within the last 12/24/48 hours.

    The alternate feed option is enabled by setting PREFIX variable in /etc/sysconfig/kcare/kcare.conf to one of test/12h/24h/48h.

    Feed Management With Sticky Patch Feature

    The best way to handle QA and Production environments is to use Sticky tag feature of KernelCare license keys issued from CloudLinux Network (CLN) portal. To use this tag, go to CLN portal → KernelCare tab → click on the target key → Edit Key Info window.

    You should provide a separate key for each environment and set them to a particular sticky tag which is actually the date to which all the servers in an environment have to be patched.

    The date in Sticky tag field can be any date from May 28, 2018 up to one day before today.

    To use Sticky tag feature on the servers to be patched, run:

    $ /usr/bin/kcarectl --set-sticky-patch=KEY

    Alternatively, you can do the same by adding STICKY_PATCH=KEY to the /etc/sysconfig/kcare/kcare.conf file.


    Do Not replace the KEY word with the actual KernelCare license key used to register the server.

    When the Sticky tag feature is enabled for particular servers, all such servers will get patches only released before the date specified in the Sticky tag field.

    This way, you can add new patches to all the servers in some environment (i.e. registered with the same KernelCare license key) by updating only a single field in the CLN portal.


    We offer unlimited, 24x7x365 support. Submit a request or email us at support@cloudlinux.com.

    • We answer all support questions within one business day and most within a couple of hours To expedite the support, run the following command on your server (as root user):
    # kcarectl --doctor

    Then paste the generated key into the support request.

    Support Costs

    Your KernelCare subscription includes free 24/7 support.


    Reference Materials


    KernelCare is available in the English language only.

    Reseller Partner UI

    Once you have got the reseller partner access, in IP Reseller Partner UI you can view and manage IP licenses, billing options, profile details. Here you can track your money balance, licenses count and licenses prices as well as using IP address search to find customers. You can find more information about KernelCare licensing here.

    Server Section

    As soon as you have added funds (See Billing Info/Add Funds below) to your account you can immediately add new licenses for clients. To add IP KernelCare license:

    1. Enter IP address in Add IP License field, choose license type in pull-down menu (KernelCare) and click Add license.

    1. To delete license click Delete in front of the needed IP address.

    2. To add KernelCare Key license go to KernelCare Keys tab, enter the number of servers allowed for the license in Max Servers, add description if needed and click Add . The key will be generated and appear in the list below.

    In the Operations List you are able to edit or delete the key.

    Billing Info/Add Funds

    To add funds:

    1. Click Add Funds near your balance or go to Billing Info/Add Funds on the top of the starting page of your account.

    2. Click Add to add credit card details, then enter funds amount and click TopUp or Process to Checkout to pay via PayPal.

    While adding credit card details, you can also choose Auto add funds option - the funds amount you choose in pull down menu will be automatically added when your balance is below $100.

    If you choose Auto repay, your card will be automatically charged when your balance becomes negative. Minimal charge is $20 (E.g. for balance -$15 - you'll be charged at $20, for balance -$134.2 - you'll be charged at $134.2).


    If your balance is shown as negative, it means that you have to deposit more funds.

    API Section

    CloudLinux and KernelCare IP licenses adding and removing is compatible with different hosting and domain management and billing systems and platforms. You can find comprehensive information on all possible CloudLinux modules and plug-ins APIs in API Section.


    You can edit your profile information by clicking on Profile section. Edit the necessary info and click Update Account.

    How To

    How to disable HyperThreading (SMT) without reboot: KernelCare case

    This article explains how to disable or enable SMT (Simultaneous multithreading) without rebooting using KernelCare, to help mitigate the recent MDS/Zombieload vulnerability.

    Disabling CPU simultaneous multithreading (SMT) is one of the mitigations needed to counter the recent MDS vulnerability (also known as ‘Zombieload’). There is a performance impact that depends on the configuration of the hosting platform and its workload patterns. You should also consider the impact of other mitigation strategies, such as assigning dedicated cores to guests (e.g. VMs).

    You can control and get the status of SMT with the kernel’s sysfs interface. There are two files, both in the /sys/devices/system/cpu/smt directory:

    • control
    • active

    If you cannot find the /sys/devices/system/cpu/smt directory, this means your running kernel does not support SMT. In this case, you need to apply KernelCare patches so the SMT controls become available to your system. Use the kcarectrl command:

    kcarectl --update


    The only thing you need to be able to install/control your KernelCare deployment is SSH access (root credentials, key-based authentication/sudo or similar mechanisms are preferred).


    KernelCare is billed as a subscription service, for volume pricing please contact sales@cloudlinux.com


    KernelCare agent has a tiny RAM footprint - binary patches usually require less than 1 MB.

    Deployment Guidance

    To install KernelCare, run:

    # curl -s -L https://kernelcare.com/installer | bash


    # wget -qq -O - https://kernelcare.com/installer | bash

    If you are using IP-based license, nothing else required to be done. If you are using key-based license, run:

    # kcarectl --register <KEY>

    Where KEY is the registration key code string provided when you signed up for a trial or pruchased the product.

    You can easily automate KernelCare deployment with Ansible, Puppet, Chef or other orchestration tools. Here are the steps that may be automated:

    1. Distribute KernelCare agent package (optional - required only for servers with no access to the Internet) and a KernelCare agent configuration file (/etc/sysconfig/kcare/kcare.conf);
    2. Set required environmental variables (optional);
    3. Install KernelCare agent from either locally available package or central KernelCare download location;
    4. Register KernelCare with either license key or IP-based license.

    Health Check

    Systems protected by KernelCare can be monitored by means of CloudLinux Network (CLN) portal available at https://cln.cloudlinux.com. Registered KernelCare installations are grouped by license keys. Kernels that are marked with the exclamation sign in amber do not have the latest patches installed.


    In either case, you can check whether the latest available patch has been applied by running the following command on a system protected by KernelCare:

    # kcarectl --check

    Backup and Recovery

    There is no reason to backup KernelCare. KernelCare doesn't store any data. You can always re-install and re-register KernelCare. To backup the configuration file of KernelCare if you have modified it, backup the /etc/sysconfig/kcare/ folder.

    Routine Maintenance

    KernelCare is packaged in RPM/DEB packages (depending on Linux distribution) and will update any time system packages are updated. No additional maintenance is needed.

    Emergency Maintenance

    If one of your instances degraded, once you start another instance based on EBS or snapshot - KernelCare will continue working as before, no additional work is needed. If you set up a new server instead, re-register KernelCare on the new server. If you decide to uninstall patches, run the command:

    # kcarectl --unload

    Or to completely remove the kernelcare package run one of the following commands:

    • on RPM-based systems:
    # yum remove kernelcare
    • or on DEB-based systems:
    # apt-get remove kernelcare

    Patch Feed Advanced Options

    Test and Delayed Feeds

    The KernelCare Patch Server has several patch feeds available in addition to the standard (production) feed:

    • Test feed - the newest patches (test builds) that have not undergone the complete testing process. Test feed makes it possible to start testing new patches earlier.
    • Delayed feeds - instructs KernelCare to skip loading patches that were released within the last 12/24/48 hours.

    The alternate feed option is enabled by setting PREFIX variable in /etc/sysconfig/kcare/kcare.conf to one of test/12h/24h/48h.

    Feed Management With Sticky Patch Feature

    The best way to handle QA and Production environments is to use Sticky tag feature of KernelCare license keys issued from CloudLinux Network (CLN) portal. To use this tag, go to CLN portal -> KernelCare tab -> click on the target key -> Edit Key Info window.

    activation keys

    key details

    You should provide a separate key for each environment and set them to a particular sticky tag which is actually the date to which all the servers in an environment have to be patched.

    edit key

    The date in the Sticky tag field can be any date from May 28, 2018 up to one day before today. To use the Sticky tag feature on the servers to be patched, run:

    $ kcarectl --set-sticky-patch=KEY

    Alternatively, you can do the same by adding STICKY_PATCH=KEY to the /etc/sysconfig/kcare/kcare.conf file.


    Do Not replace the KEY word with the actual KernelCare license key used to register the server, you should just use the word KEY

    When the Sticky tag feature is enabled for particular servers, all such servers will get patches only released before the date specified in the Sticky tag field. This way, you can add new patches to all the servers in an environment (i.e. registered with the same KernelCare license key) by updating only a single field in the CLN portal.


    We offer unlimited, 24x7x365 support. Submit a request or email us at support@cloudlinux.com

    • We answer all support questions within one business day and most within a couple of hours. To expedite the support, run the following command on your server (as root):
    # kcarectl --doctor

    Then paste the generated key into the support request.

    Support Costs

    Your KernelCare subscription includes free 24/7 support.

    Reference Materials


    KernelCare is available in the English language only.

    Reseller Partner UI

    Once you have got the reseller partner access, in the IP Reseller Partner UI you can view and manage IP licenses, billing options and profile details. Here you can track your balance, license count and license prices as well as using an IP address search to find customers. You can find more information about KernelCare licensing here.

    Server Section

    As soon as you have added funds (See Billing Info/Add Funds below) to your account you can immediately add new licenses for clients. To add an IP KernelCare license:

    1. Enter IP address in the Add IP License field, choose a license type in the pull-down menu (KernelCare) and click Add license.

    reseller ui

    1. To delete a license click Delete in front of the needed IP address.

    2. To add a KernelCare Key license go to the KernelCare Keys tab, enter the number of servers allowed for the license in Max Servers, add a description if needed and click Add. The key will be generated and appear in the list below.

    In the Operations List you are able to edit or delete the key.

    reseller ops

    Billing Info/Add Funds

    To add funds:

    1. Click Add Funds near your balance or go to Billing Info/Add Funds on the top of the starting page of your account.

    2. Click Add to add credit card details, then enter funds amount and click TopUp or Process to Checkout to pay via PayPal.

    reseller billing

    While adding credit card details, you can also choose the Auto add funds option - the funds amount you choose in the pull down menu will be automatically added when your balance is below $100.

    If you choose Auto repay, your card will be automatically charged when your balance becomes negative. The minimum charge is $20 (e.g. for a balance of -$15 you will be charged at $20, for a balance of -$134.2 you will be charged at $134.2).

    add funds


    If your balance is shown as negative, it means that you have to deposit more funds.

    API Section

    CloudLinux and KernelCare IP license adding and removing is compatible with different hosting and domain management and billing systems and platforms. You can find comprehensive information on all possible CloudLinux modules and plug-ins APIs in API Section.

    reseller api


    You can edit your profile information by clicking on Profile section. Edit the necessary info and click Update Account.


    How To

    How to disable HyperThreading (SMT) without reboot: KernelCare case

    This article explains how to disable or enable SMT (Simultaneous multithreading) without rebooting using KernelCare, to help mitigate the recent MDS/Zombieload vulnerability.

    Disabling CPU simultaneous multithreading (SMT) is one of the mitigations needed to counter the recent MDS vulnerability (also known as ‘Zombieload'). There is a performance impact that depends on the configuration of the hosting platform and its workload patterns. You should also consider the impact of other mitigation strategies, such as assigning dedicated cores to guests (e.g. VMs).

    You can control and get the status of SMT with the kernel's sysfs interface. There are two files, both in the /sys/devices/system/cpu/smt directory:

    • control
    • active

    If you cannot find the /sys/devices/system/cpu/smt directory, this means your running kernel does not support SMT. In this case, you need to apply KernelCare patches so the SMT controls become available to your system. Use the kcarectrl command:

    # kcarectl --update
     Kernel is safe
    ls -l /sys/devices/system/cpu/smt
    # ls -l /sys/devices/system/cpu/smt
     -r--r--r-- 1 root root 4096 May 17 13:06 active
     -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4096 May 17 13:06 control

    As soon as you have these files in place, it is possible to proceed with disabling SMT.

    SMT Control


    This file lets you enable or disable SMT, and shows its state. There are three values:

    1. on: The CPU supports SMT and it is enabled. All logical CPUs can be taken offline or online without restriction.
    2. off: The CPU supports SMT but it is disabled. Only so-called primary SMT threads can be taken offline/online without restriction. Attempts to put a non-primary sibling thread online will be rejected.
    3. notsupported: The CPU does not support SMT. You will not be able to write to the control file.

    SMT Status


    The contents of this file show the status of SMT (e.g. if two or more sibling threads are active on the same physical core the contents of this file is 1, if not: 0).

    Here are some commands to control SMT support (root permissions are required):

    Check the SMT state

    cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/smt/active

    Enable SMT

    echo on > /sys/devices/system/cpu/smt/control

    Disable SMT

    echo off > /sys/devices/system/cpu/smt/control

    Disabling SMT, updating microcode, and applying KernelCare patches will protect your systems against the ZombieLoad vulnerability. Note, only the latter action is applicable to virtual systems (e.g. VMs, VPS and other cloud instance types).

    How to update Microcode without reboot with vendor-provided package

    This article shows how to update the microcode of Intel CPUs running Linux.


    To avoid possible issues with Microcode updating, enable SMT before the update.


    This article is subject to change and will be updated with instructions for other distributions.


    • These steps must be done as root.
    • The examples shown are for Debian.
    • If you have doubts your systems are fully protected against CPU- and kernel-related vulnerabilities, please get in touch with us.

    Updating microcode on Ubuntu and Debian

    1. Find the microcode package download link for your platform

    2. Download the package


    Example shown for Debian 9

    cd <a temporary directory, e.g. /tmp>
    -mkdir firmware
    -cd firmware
    -wget http://security.debian.org/debian-security/pool/updates/non-free/i/intel-microcode/intel-microcode_3.20190514.1~deb9u1_amd64.deb
    1. Check the downloaded package
    md5sum intel-microcode_3.20190514.1~deb9u1_amd64.deb

    As soon as you have these files in place, it is possible to proceed with disabling SMT.

    SMT Control


    This file lets you enable or disable SMT, and shows its state. There are three values:

    1. on: The CPU supports SMT and it is enabled. All logical CPUs can be taken offline or online without restriction.
    2. off: The CPU supports SMT but it is disabled. Only so-called primary SMT threads can be taken offline/online without restriction. Attempts to put a non-primary sibling thread online will be rejected.
    3. notsupported: The CPU does not support SMT. You will not be able to write to the control file.

    SMT Status


    The contents of this file show the status of SMT (e.g. if two or more sibling threads are active on the same physical core the contents of this file is 1, if not: 0).

    Here are some commands to control SMT support (root permissions are required):

    Check the SMT state

    $ cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/smt/active

    Enable SMT

    # echo on > /sys/devices/system/cpu/smt/control

    Disable SMT

    # echo off > /sys/devices/system/cpu/smt/control

    Disabling SMT, updating microcode, and applying KernelCare patches will protect your systems against the ZombieLoad vulnerability. Note, only the latter action is applicable to virtual systems (e.g. VMs, VPS and other cloud instance types).

    How to update Microcode without reboot with vendor-provided package

    This article shows how to update the microcode of Intel CPUs running Linux.


    To avoid possible issues with Microcode updating, enable SMT before the update.


    This article is subject to change and will be updated with instructions for other distributions.


    • These steps must be done as root.
    • The examples shown are for Debian.
    • If you have doubts your systems are fully protected against CPU- and kernel-related vulnerabilities, please get in touch with us.

    Updating microcode on Ubuntu and Debian

    1. Find the microcode package download link for your platform

    2. Download the package


    Example shown for Debian 9

    $ cd <a temporary directory, e.g. /tmp>
    +$ mkdir firmware
    +$ cd firmware
    +$ wget http://security.debian.org/debian-security/pool/updates/non-free/i/intel-microcode/intel-microcode_3.20190514.1~deb9u1_amd64.deb
    1. Check the downloaded package
    $ md5sum intel-microcode_3.20190514.1~deb9u1_amd64.deb
     c7bc9728634137453e0f4821fb6bb436  intel-microcode_3.20190514.1~deb9u1_amd64.deb

    A list of checksums is on the Debian packages download page.

    1. Unpack the package
    dpkg -x intel-microcode_3.20190514.1~deb9u1_amd64.deb
    1. Check the unpacked files
    ls -l

    A list of checksums is on the Debian packages download page.

    1. Unpack the package
    $ dpkg -x intel-microcode_3.20190514.1~deb9u1_amd64.deb
    1. Check the unpacked files
    $ ls -l
     total 1896
     drwxr-xr-x 5 root root   53 May 15 04:18 etc
     -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1940140 May 17 11:42 intel-microcode_3.20190514.1~deb9u1_amd64.deb
     drwxr-xr-x 3 root root   22 May 15 04:18 lib
     drwxr-xr-x 3 root root   19 May 15 04:18 usr
    1. Create a backup of existing microcode:
    test -d /lib/firmware/intel-ucode/ && mv /lib/firmware/intel-ucode/ /lib/firmware/intel-ucode.backup
    1. Copy the new microcode and check it
    cp -r lib/firmware/intel-ucode/ /lib/firmware/
    -ls -l /lib/firmware/ | grep intel-ucode
    1. Create a backup of existing microcode:
    # test -d /lib/firmware/intel-ucode/ && mv /lib/firmware/intel-ucode/ /lib/firmware/intel-ucode.backup
    1. Copy the new microcode and check it
    # cp -r lib/firmware/intel-ucode/ /lib/firmware/
    +# ls -l /lib/firmware/ | grep intel-ucode
     drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 May 17 11:47 intel-ucode
     drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 May 16 20:54 intel-ucode.backup
    1. Check the current microcode version
    dmesg | grep microcode
    1. Check the current microcode version
    # dmesg | grep microcode
     [ 2.254717] microcode: sig=0x306a9, pf=0x10, revision=0x12
     [ 2.254820] microcode: Microcode Update Driver: v2.01 <tigran@aivazian.fsnet.co.uk>, Peter Oruba
    1. (Optional) Double check the current microcode versions (revisions per core)
    cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -e microcode
    1. (Optional) Double check the current microcode versions (revisions per core)
    $ grep microcode /proc/cpuinfo
     microcode : 0x12
     microcode : 0x12
     microcode : 0x12
     microcode : 0x12
    1. Check the microcode reload file exists
    ls -l /sys/devices/system/cpu/microcode/reload
    1. Check the microcode reload file exists
    $ ls -l /sys/devices/system/cpu/microcode/reload
     --w------- 1 root root 4096 May 17 11:54 /sys/devices/system/cpu/microcode/reload
    1. Force the kernel to load the new microcode
    echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/microcode/reload
    1. Check the new microcode
    dmesg | grep microcode
    1. Force the kernel to load the new microcode
    # echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/microcode/reload
    1. Check the new microcode
    # dmesg | grep microcode
     [ 2.254717] microcode: sig=0x306a9, pf=0x10, revision=0x12
     [ 2.254820] microcode: Microcode Update Driver: v2.01 <tigran@aivazian.fsnet.co.uk>, Peter Oruba
     [ 1483.494573] platform microcode: firmware: direct-loading firmware intel-ucode/06-3a-09
    @@ -176,16 +204,18 @@
     [ 1483.496012] platform microcode: firmware: direct-loading firmware intel-ucode/06-3a-09
     [ 1483.496698] platform microcode: firmware: direct-loading firmware intel-ucode/06-3a-09
     [ 1483.497391] platform microcode: firmware: direct-loading firmware intel-ucode/06-3a-09
    1. (Optional) Double check the new microcode version (revisions per core)
    cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -e microcode
    1. (Optional) Double check the new microcode version (revisions per core)
    $ grep microcode /proc/cpuinfo
     microcode : 0x21
     microcode : 0x21
     microcode : 0x21
     microcode : 0x21

    Updating Microcode on Red Hat and CentOS

    For RHEL-based distributions, you can use the microcode_ctl utility to update microcode.

    1. Get the latest microcode by updating the microcode_ctl package
    yum update microcode_ctl
    1. Create a force file

    Create a force-late-intel–06–4f–01 inside the firmware directory.

    touch /lib/firmware/`uname -r`/force-late-intel-06-4f-01
    1. Run the microcode update
    1. Force the kernel to load the new microcode
    echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/microcode/reload
    1. Check the new microcode
    dmesg | grep microcode

    Updating Microcode on Red Hat and CentOS

    For RHEL-based distributions, you can use the microcode_ctl utility to update microcode.

    1. Get the latest microcode by updating the microcode_ctl package
    # yum update microcode_ctl
    1. Create a force file

    Create a force-late-intel-06-4f-01 inside the firmware directory.

    # touch /lib/firmware/`uname -r`/force-late-intel-06-4f-01
    1. Run the microcode update
    # /usr/libexec/microcode_ctl/update_ucode
    1. Force the kernel to load the new microcode
    # echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/microcode/reload
    1. Check the new microcode
    # dmesg | grep microcode
     [ 2.254717] microcode: sig=0x306a9, pf=0x10, revision=0x12
     [ 2.254820] microcode: Microcode Update Driver: v2.01 <tigran@aivazian.fsnet.co.uk>, Peter Oruba
     [ 1483.494573] platform microcode: firmware: direct-loading firmware intel-ucode/06-3a-09
    @@ -193,66 +223,71 @@
     [ 1483.496012] platform microcode: firmware: direct-loading firmware intel-ucode/06-3a-09
     [ 1483.496698] platform microcode: firmware: direct-loading firmware intel-ucode/06-3a-09
     [ 1483.497391] platform microcode: firmware: direct-loading firmware intel-ucode/06-3a-09
    1. (Optional) Double check the new microcode version (revisions per core)
    cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -e microcode
    1. (Optional) Double check the new microcode version (revisions per core)
    $ grep microcode /proc/cpuinfo
     microcode : 0x21
     microcode : 0x21
     microcode : 0x21
     microcode : 0x21

    Updating Microcode on CentOS 6

    1. Get the latest microcode by updating the microcode_ctl package
    yum update microcode_ctl

    Updating Microcode on CentOS 6

    1. Get the latest microcode by updating the microcode_ctl package
    # yum update microcode_ctl
    1. If yum update microcode_ctl outputs the following:
    Package(s) microcode_ctl available, but not installed.
     No Packages marked for Update

    you need to install the package manually.

    1. To install microcode_ctl package, run the command:
    yum install microcode_ctl

    The command output:

    -  microcode_ctl.x86_64 2:1.17-33.11.el6_10                                                                                                                                 

    you need to install the package manually.

    1. To install microcode_ctl package, run the command:
    # yum install microcode_ctl

    The command should output:

    +  microcode_ctl.x86_64 2:1.17-33.11.el6_10
    1. Check CPU microcode version:
    cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep microcode
    1. Check CPU microcode version:
    $ grep microcode /proc/cpuinfo
     microcode       : 9
     microcode       : 9
     microcode       : 9
     microcode       : 9
    1. Try to update microcode
    microcode_ctl -u
    1. Try to update microcode
    # microcode_ctl -u

    If you see the output:

    microcode_ctl: writing microcode (length: 2370560)
     microcode_ctl: cannot open /dev/cpu/microcode for writing errno=2 (No such file or directory)

    You need to load driver microcode.

    1. Load driver microcode
    modprobe microcode
    1. Try to update microcode again:
    microcode_ctl -u

    You need to load driver microcode.

    1. Load driver microcode
    # modprobe microcode
    1. Try to update microcode again:
    # microcode_ctl -u

    If you see the output:

    microcode_ctl: writing microcode (length: 2370560)
     microcode_ctl: microcode successfully written to /dev/cpu/microcode

    then update is successful.

    1. Check version:
    cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep microcode

    then the update is successful.

    1. Check version:
    $ grep microcode /proc/cpuinfo
     microcode       : 17
     microcode       : 17
     microcode       : 17
     microcode       : 17

    How to get a KernelCare activation key from the extended Plesk license

    Often our clients purchase KernelCare licenses through Plesk/Odin and in such cases, they get a universal key which includes the KernelCare license and other additional keys for Plesk plugins. Such a key has the following syntax – A00B00-0CDE00-F0G000-HIGK00-LM0N00, – and initially, it is installed through Plesk automatically and the license gets activated successfully.

    However, if it is required to re-register the agent for some reason or simply get the KernelCare activation key separately, it would be impossible to apply the above-mentioned one – we would need to deal with the KernelCare service separately.

    To get the KernelCare activation key from the extended Plesk license key, you will need to proceed with the following.

    1. Navigate to Tools & Settings >> Plesk >> License Management >> Additional License Keys

    1. Click Download key next to the KernelCare license listed on the page and open the file downloaded in some text editor

    2. Find the following abstract:

    <!--Key body-->

    How to get a KernelCare activation key from the extended Plesk license

    Often our clients purchase KernelCare licenses through Plesk/Odin and in such cases, they get a universal key which includes the KernelCare license and other additional keys for Plesk plugins. Such a key has the following syntax - A00B00-0CDE00-F0G000-HIGK00-LM0N00, and initially, it is installed through Plesk automatically and the license gets activated successfully.

    However, if it is required to re-register the agent for some reason or simply get the KernelCare activation key separately, it would be impossible to apply the above-mentioned one - we would need to deal with the KernelCare service separately.

    To get the KernelCare activation key from the extended Plesk license key, you will need to proceed with the following.

    1. Navigate to Tools & Settings -> Plesk -> License Management -> Additional License Keys

    plesk keys

    more keys

    1. Click Download key next to the KernelCare license listed on the page and open the file downloaded in some text editor

    2. Find the following abstract:

    <!--Key body-->
     <aps-3:key-body core:encoding="base64" core:type="binary">YOUR_BASE64_ENCODED_LICENSE_KEY==</aps-3:key-body>
     <!--Information about additional key-->
    1. This is your base64-encoded key, and it should be decoded using a CLI utility or an online base64 decoder into UTF-8, e.g. https://www.base64decode.org. The new license key should have the following format: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. It will contain lower and upper case letters and numbers.

    2. Use the new key decoded to activate the service:

    /usr/bin/kcarectl --register DECODED_KEY_HERE

    This is it!


    LibCare enables security patching of critical userspace shared libraries in-memory without restarting or disrupting the applications using them. This is techinical documentation describing the solution; for a high level summary see LibCare's main web site.

    Supported libraries and operating systems

    LibCare provide security updates for the OpenSSL and glibc libraries on many operating systems.

    Supported operating systems

    LibCare patching is available for many operating systems including CentOS, AlmaLinux, Oracle Linux, Debian and Ubuntu.

    Check compatibility with your operating system.

    Installation and upgrade

    Userspace processes patching feature is available in the KernelCare package.


    To apply the available patches to all userspace processes, run the following command:

    $ kcarectl --lib-update

    To gather information about what processes were patched, run the following command:

    $ kcarectl --lib-info

    To gather information about applied patches, run the following command:

    $ kcarectl --lib-patch-info

    To unpatch all processes, run the following command:

    $ kcarectl --lib-unload


    Applying a live patch may clash with software such as anti-viruses that detect or prevent memory updates. While the majority of software is compatible with live patching, for the software that may misbehave, LibCare comes with a default blacklist. The blacklist is located in the /var/lib/libcare/blacklist and contains the list of known applications that may misbehave when live patched. You can override those values by creating the file /var/cache/kcare/userspace/blacklist.

    The format of the file is as follows. Patterns should be specified line by line prefixed with pattern type and a colon. Comment starts with dash (#). Example:

     # Symantec Antivirus
    1. This is your base64-encoded key, and it should be decoded using a CLI utility or an online base64 decoder into UTF-8, e.g. https://www.base64decode.org. The new license key should have the following format: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. It will contain lower and upper case letters and numbers.

    2. Use the new key decoded to activate the service:

    # kcarectl --register DECODED_KEY_HERE

    That's it!


    LibCare enables security patching of critical userspace shared libraries in-memory without restarting or disrupting the applications using them. This is techinical documentation describing the solution; for a high level summary see LibCare's main web site.

    Supported libraries and operating systems

    LibCare provide security updates for the OpenSSL and glibc libraries on many operating systems.

    Supported operating systems

    LibCare patching is available for many operating systems including CentOS, AlmaLinux, Oracle Linux, Debian and Ubuntu.

    Check compatibility with your operating system.

    Installation and upgrade

    Userspace processes patching feature is available in the KernelCare package.


    To apply the available patches to all userspace processes, run the following command:

    # kcarectl --lib-update

    To gather information about what processes were patched, run the following command:

    # kcarectl --lib-info

    To gather information about applied patches, run the following command:

    # kcarectl --lib-patch-info

    To unpatch all processes, run the following command:

    # kcarectl --lib-unload


    Applying a live patch may clash with software such as anti-viruses that detect or prevent memory updates. While the majority of software is compatible with live patching, for the software that may misbehave, LibCare comes with a default blacklist. The blacklist is located in the /var/lib/libcare/blacklist and contains the list of known applications that may misbehave when live patched. You can override those values by creating the file /var/cache/kcare/userspace/blacklist.

    The format of the file is as follows. Patterns should be specified line by line prefixed with pattern type and a colon. Comments start with a hash (#). For example:

     # Symantec Antivirus
      path: /opt/Symantec/*

    Specifying path means that the whole path to binary will be taken into account, while using filename allows to blacklist a process irrespective of the full path to binary.

    Wildcards are also supported:


    Specifying path means that the whole path to binary will be taken into account, while using filename allows you to blacklist a process irrespective of the full path to the binary.

    Wildcards are also supported:


    Also a POSIX regular expressions could be used as follows:


    Auto update

    Userspace patching cron job is disabled by default. To enable it, run the following command:

    libcare-cron init

    Usage in containers

    LibCare supports containers natively, including docker, LXC and other containerization technologies. When run on the host it operates on all processes that are running, including processes present in containers. At the same time there are two ways to use LibCare with containers and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's go through them.

    Disposable container servers

    Disposable container servers are services that are run within a container for limited time and are refreshed periodically, e.g., daily to get the latest security updates. The recommended way to run LibCare with disposable containers is by installing kernelcare on the host, and it will automatically patch all processes libraries in the containers.

    Persistent container servers

    Persistent container servers are services that are run in containers the same way as a traditional physical server, i.e., the LXC approach. Although LibCare can run the same way as with disposable containers, it is also possible to install kernelcare within each container and that will enable live patching of the processes of each container individually. That approach enables accurate patching information within each containerized server that can be used by the available vulnerability scanner. When using this approach userspace patching must be disabled on the host using kcarectl --disable-libcare.


    Auditd logs

    The LibCare tools heavily use a ptrace syscall and, in case of auditd trace it's calls, there will be a lot of records in a log. There is a rule that provided by kernelcare package and located here: /etc/audit/rules.d/kernelcare.rules. It will exclue kernelcare processes from audit.

    Note: no such rule is provided for el6 due to old autditd restrictions. There is a command that will add such rule in runtime:

    auditctl -l | grep kcare | cut -d' ' -f2- | xargs -t -L1 -r auditctl -d && pgrep libcare-server | xargs -t -n1 -i auditctl -A exit,never -F arch=b64 -S ptrace -F pid="{}" -k kcarever | xargs -t -n1 -i auditctl -A exit,never -F arch=b64 -S ptrace -F pid="{}" -k kcare

    It removes all currently enabled KernelCare rules and adds a new one by LibCare's process ID.

    Unpatched Library Detector (UChecker)


    UChecker is a scanner that checks network Linux servers and detects out-of-date libraries both on disk and in memory. KernelCare’s open-source scanner will find false negatives by correctly reporting vulnerable libraries running in memory that could be reported as updated by other scanners.

    The UChecker (originated from "userspace checker") works with all modern Linux Distributions, it is free and open-source, distributed under the GNU General Public License.

    How UChecker works

    This activity diagram shows how UChecker works:


    To scan your systems, run the following command:

    $ curl -s -L https://kernelcare.com/uchecker | sudo python

    Also POSIX regular expressions could be used as follows:


    Auto update

    Userspace patching cron job is disabled by default. To enable it, run the following command:

    # libcare-cron init

    Usage in containers

    LibCare supports containers natively, including docker, LXC and other containerization technologies. When run on the host it operates on all processes that are running, including processes present in containers. At the same time there are two ways to use LibCare with containers and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's go through them.

    Disposable container servers

    Disposable container servers are services that are run within a container for a limited time and are refreshed periodically, e.g. daily to get the latest security updates. The recommended way to run LibCare with disposable containers is by installing kernelcare on the host, and it will automatically patch all processes libraries in the containers.

    Persistent container servers

    Persistent container servers are services that are run in containers the same way as a traditional physical server, i.e. the LXC approach. Although LibCare can run the same way as with disposable containers, it is also possible to install kernelcare within each container and that will enable live patching of the processes of each container individually. That approach enables accurate patching information within each containerized server that can be used by the available vulnerability scanner. When using this approach userspace patching must be disabled on the host using kcarectl --disable-libcare.


    Auditd logs

    The LibCare tools heavily use the ptrace syscall, and if auditd is configured to trace it's calls there will be a lot of records in the logs. There is a rule that is provided by the kernelcare package and is located at /etc/audit/rules.d/kernelcare.rules that will exclude the kernelcare processes from auditd.

    Note: no such rule is provided for EL6 due to old autditd restrictions. There is a command that will add such a rule at runtime:

    # auditctl -l | grep kcare | cut -d' ' -f2- | xargs -t -L1 -r auditctl -d && pgrep libcare-server | \
    +    xargs -t -n1 -i auditctl -A exit,never -F arch=b64 -S ptrace -F pid="{}" -k kcarever | \
    +    xargs -t -n1 -i auditctl -A exit,never -F arch=b64 -S ptrace -F pid="{}" -k kcare

    It removes all currently enabled KernelCare rules and adds a new one by LibCare's process ID.

    Unpatched Library Detector (UChecker)


    UChecker is a scanner that checks network Linux servers and detects out-of-date libraries both on disk and in memory. KernelCare's open-source scanner will find false negatives by correctly reporting vulnerable libraries running in memory that could be reported as updated by other scanners.

    The UChecker (originated from "userspace checker") works with all modern Linux Distributions, it is free and open-source, distributed under the GNU General Public License.

    How UChecker works

    This activity diagram shows how UChecker works:


    UChecker Usage

    To scan your systems, run the following command:

    $ curl -s -L https://kernelcare.com/uchecker | sudo python

    You will receive the following output:

    [*] Process httpd[15516] linked to the `libc-2.17.so` that is not up to date.
     You may want to update libraries above and restart corresponding processes.
    -KernelCare+ allows to resolve such issues with no process downtime. To find 
    +KernelCare+ allows to resolve such issues with no process downtime. To find
     out more, please, visit https://lp.kernelcare.com/kernelcare-early-access?

    The following information is available in the output:

    • Process ID
    • Process Name


    To verbose output, you can choose a logging level: ERROR, WARNING, INFO, and DEBUG.

    For example:

    $ curl -s -L https://kernelcare.com/uchecker | sudo LOGLEVEL=debug python

    To learn more, visit the UChecker Github page.


    QEMUCare – virtualization patching for cloud providers, VPS hosters, or any other company with QEMU based virtualization systems. It keeps infrastructure patched without disrupting virtual tenants’ systems.

    How QEMUCare works

    • An agent is installed on each virtualization host which installs patches directly from the QEMUCare repository.
    • In an ePortal environment, your Virtualization Hosts communicate with the QEMUCare ePortal server that acts as an intermediary.

    QEMU PatchSet Deployment

    Starting from version 1.25, ePortal supports the QEMU patchset management. It is accessible from the Patches / QEMUcare navigation item. QEMU patches use the same Patch Source credentials, and you don't need to perform additional configuration.

    User interface for the QEMU patch management is the same as for KernelCare patches, and you can refer the PatchSet Deployment documentation.

    CLI to install the latest patchsets

    To update the default feed, run the following command:

    kc.eportal qemu update

    To update the test feed, run the following command:

    kc.eportal qemu update --feed test

    To update all auto-feeds, run the following command:

    kc.eportal qemu auto-update

    CLI to deploy patchset from archive

    ~$ kc.eportal qemu deploy --help

    The following information is available in the output:

    • Process ID
    • Process Name

    UChecker Troubleshooting

    To see verbose output, you can choose a logging level: ERROR, WARNING, INFO, and DEBUG.

    For example:

    $ curl -s -L https://kernelcare.com/uchecker | sudo LOGLEVEL=debug python

    To learn more, visit the UChecker Github page.


    QEMUCare - virtualization patching for cloud providers, VPS hosters, or any other company with QEMU based virtualization systems. It keeps infrastructure patched without disrupting virtual tenants' systems.

    How QEMUCare works

    • An agent is installed on each virtualization host which installs patches directly from the QEMUCare repository.
    • In an ePortal environment, your Virtualization Hosts communicate with the QEMUCare ePortal server that acts as an intermediary.

    QEMU PatchSet Deployment

    Starting from version 1.25, ePortal supports the QEMU patchset management. It is accessible from the Patches / QEMUcare navigation item. QEMU patches use the same Patch Source credentials, and you don't need to perform additional configuration.

    qemu feed

    User interface for the QEMU patch management is the same as for KernelCare patches, and you can refer the PatchSet Deployment documentation.

    CLI to install the latest patchsets

    To update the default feed, run the following command:

    # kc.eportal qemu update

    To update the test feed, run the following command:

    # kc.eportal qemu update --feed test

    To update all auto-feeds, run the following command:

    # kc.eportal qemu auto-update

    CLI to deploy patchset from archive

    $ kc.eportal qemu deploy --help
     usage: kc.eportal qemu deploy [-h] [--feed FEED] [--disabled] archive
     positional arguments:
    @@ -262,11 +297,11 @@
       -h, --help   show this help message and exit
       --feed FEED  feed to deploy archive to
       --disabled   do not enable patchset after deploy

    For example:

    kc.eportal qemu deploy --feed test /tmp/U20210818_01-qemu.tar.bz2

    For example:

    # kc.eportal qemu deploy --feed test /tmp/U20210818_01-qemu.tar.bz2

    This command will deploy and enable the U20210818_01-qemu patchset in to the test feed.

    Vulnerability Scanner Integration with KernelCare

    This document is made for developers of vulnerability scanners to correctly report live patched vulnerabilities as delivered by KernelCare. There are several approaches that vendors might take to identify vulnerabilities patched by KernelCare correctly.

    Easiest: Identifying correctly the effective kernel

    KernelCare provides "effective kernel" information in


    Security scanners can check if the file is present, and if it is, use it instead of /proc/version to identify the kernel. This will provide an effective kernel version from a security standpoint.

    Alternatively, the command /usr/bin/kcarectl --uname can be run instead of the uname command to detect effective kernel version

    Comprehensive: Using OVAL data

    KernelCare comes with OVAL data that provides instructions to the scanner to identify the vulnerabilities addressed by the installed live patches. OVAL data are available for the operating systems supported by KernelCare Enterprise, including AlmaLinux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Oracle Linux, CentOS, Debian, and Ubuntu.

    The OVAL data cover all KernelCare enterprise products and add-ons, including LibCare and QEMUCare.

    The OVAL data for KernelCare live patching are available at patches.kernelcare.com/oval.

    Comprehensive & local: Using the local CVELIST file on each scanned node

    KernelCare provides two files listing the vulnerabilities the currently installed live patches address. These files contain a list of CVEs separated by a new line.

    The list of vulnerabilities addressed by Kernel live patches is available at:


    The list of vulnerabilities addressed by system live patching (LibCare, QEMUCare, etc.) is available at:

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    Service Descriptions

    Essential and Enhanced Support

    The description of Essential and Enhanced Support for AlmaLinux systems can be found here.

    Technical Account Manager

    Technical Account Manager (TAM)

    A Technical Account Manager (TAM) is an extension to TuxCare products to enhance product and support experience.

    • TuxCare provides a technical account manager who can perform the following tasks for up to 8 hours per week.
    • Provides best-in-practice configuration assistance.
    • Provides product presentation and training.
    • Participate in calls every other week identifying and addressing the customer's operational issues related to the TuxCare products.
    • Organise multi-vendor issue coordination through TuxCare's partners when applicable.
    • The TAM is available for customer requests during regular working hours for the TAM. Outside working hours support is provided through regular TuxCare support.

    Dedicated Technical Account Manager (dTAM)

    A dedicated Technical Account Manager (dTAM) is an extension to TuxCare products to enhance the product and support experience.

    • TuxCare provides a dedicated technical account manager who can perform the following tasks for up to 40 hours per week.
    • Acts as a primary point of contact for all TuxCare product-related requests from the customer.
    • Provides best-in-practice configuration assistance.
    • Provides product presentation and training.
    • Can assume maintenance and configuration tasks of TuxCare products on the agreement.
    • Participate in calls every other week identifying and addressing the customer's operational issues related to the TuxCare products.
    • Organise multi-vendor issue coordination through TuxCare's partners when applicable.
    • Facilitate integration of customer's ticketing system with TuxCare's when applicable.
    • Attend applicable TuxCare training and development activities.
    • The dTAM is available for customer requests during regular working hours for the dTAM and is subject to TuxCare leave policies. Outside working hours support is provided through regular TuxCare support.
    • The dTAM will visit the customer's site annually or twice per year according to the agreement.
    • If the dTAM is on annual leave for more than 5 consequent days, TuxCare will assign a temporary account manager.
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    Subscription management portal

    The TuxCare subscription management portal is designed to easily manage your licenses of TuxCare products and services by means of a user-friendly interface.


    The following are available in TuxCare portal:

    • Add, delete and edit licenses
    • Add, delete and edit servers
    • Choose payment methods and buy licenses
    • Track all the associated costs

    Create new account

    If you are a first time user, go to https://portal.tuxcare.com and fill in the simple registration form to create your account. You will find your login and password in your welcome email.

    Log in

    Go to https://portal.tuxcare.com and sign in with your credentials.


    Dashboard helps quickly navigate to your Products. It has the following tabs:


    Click Dashboard. You will be redirected to the My Products page.

    The following actions are available:

    • Manage licenses and billing cycle. Click the link to contact our Sales team to change license quantity and product quota, and to manage the billing cycle.
    • Manage activation keys. Shortcut to the Extended Support Services | Activation Keys page.


    Click Dashboard → Servers to go to All Servers page. A list of all servers with installed products belonged to this account is available.

    The table includes all servers that have been activated in all products within the account. The table contains the following columns:

    • Server name — server hostname
    • IP — server IP address
    • Registered — a date when a server was activated. A server sends this information to TuxCare portal
    • Group – server group (please refer to the TuxCare portal documentation to find more information about server group)
    • Installed products — shows a logo of a product activated on a server
    • Actions
      • To remove an item, click on

    Click the server name to show server details:

    • Installed products – the full name of the installed products
    • Last check-in — the last date when a server successfully responded to check-in

    The following filters are available:

    • Product — click Product button and select one or more products
    • Registered date — click Registered date to display a calendar where you can pick a date or a period to filter by
    • Search — type a query. A search is performed in Server name and Activation key entities

    Live Patching Services

    Click Live Patching Services You will be redirected to the Server License Types page.

    Here you can see the number of server licenses and manage licenses and billing cycle by contacting TuxCare Sales team.

    Extended Support Services

    Click Extended Support Services You will be redirected to the Server License Types page.

    Server License Types

    Here you can see the the number of server licenses for each product.

    Activation Keys

    Click Extended Support Services → Activation Keys. You will be redirected to the Activation Keys page.

    Activation Key is a string of numbers and letters used to activate a product.

    The table includes all activation keys for all products within the account. The table contains the following columns:

    • Activation key – is a string of numbers and letters used to activate a product
    • License type — a type of server license that is used and determines a limit of server users
    • Note — any information you’ve added to this activation key
    • Servers (used/limits) – a number of servers that have already been activated with this key (used) and a total number of servers that can be registered with this particular key (limits)
    • Tick – tick an activation key or keys to perform a remove action (use )


    The default activation key cannot be deleted.

    The following filters are available:

    • Server limits — filter by server limit/unlimited
    • License type — filter by license type

    Click an activation key to go to this Activation Key Details page.

    Activation Keys by product

    Click Extended Support Services → Activation Keys → Product. You will be redirected to the Product Activation Keys page.

    • If there are no activation keys for the product, you can create one by clicking the Create activation key.
    • If there is the default activation key for the product, you can generate a new one by clicking the Generate new activation key. A new key will be created automatically and added to the table.
    • You can copy an activation key by clicking Copy.

    The table includes all activation keys for the product. The table contains the following columns:

    • Activation key – is a string of numbers and letters used to activate a product
    • Note — any information you’ve added to this activation key
    • Servers (used/limits) – a number of servers that have already been activated with this key (used) and a total number of servers that can be registered with this particular key (limits)

    To remove a key, select it and click .

    The following filters are available:

    • Server limits — filter by server limit/unlimited
    • Search

    Click a key to go to the Activation Key Details page for this key.

    Activation Key Details

    Here you can:

    • See the activation key complete information
    • Edit key. Click Edit key
    • Remove key. Click
    • Review Servers List

    The table includes all servers registered with the key. The table contains the following columns:

    • Server name — server hostname
    • IP — server IP address
    • Registered — a date when a server was activated. A server sends this information to TuxCare portal
    • Last check-in — the last date when a server successfully responded to check-in

    The following filters are available:

    • Server limits — filter by server limit/unlimited
    • Search field


    Click Extended Support Services → Servers. You will be redirected to the Servers page.

    The table includes all servers activated for all products within Extended Lifecycle Support. The table contains the following columns:

    • Server name — server hostname
    • IP — server IP address
    • Registered — a date when a server was activated. A server sends this information to TuxCare portal
    • Installed products — shows a logo of a product activated on a server
    • Actions
      • To remove an item, click on

    Click the server name to show server details:

    • Installed products – the full name of the installed products
    • Last check-in — the last date when a server successfully responded to check-in

    The following filters are available:

    • Product — click Product button and select one or more products
    • Registered date — click Registered date to display a calendar where you can pick a date or a period to filter by
    • Search — type a query

    Servers by product

    Click Extended Support Services → Servers → Product. You will be redirected to the Product Servers page.

    The table includes all servers activated for the product within Extended Lifecycle Support. The table contains the following columns:

    • Server name — server hostname
    • IP — server IP address
    • Registered — a date when a server was activated. A server sends this information to TuxCare portal
    • Installed products — shows a logo of a product activated on a server
    • Actions
      • To remove an item, click on

    Click the server name to show server details:

    • Installed products – the full name of the installed products
    • Last check-in — the last date when a server successfully responded to check-in

    The following filters are available:

    • Registered date — click Registered date to display a calendar where you can pick a date or a period to filter by
    • Search — type a query

    You can download the servers list by clicking the Get servers list.


    Balance and Top up

    Click Billing, you will be redirected to the Balance and Top up page.

    Here you find the following:

    • your current plan and prices
    • your balance

    You can top up your account by entering the amount and clicking Top up.

    Payment methods

    Click Billing → Payment methods, you will be redirected to the Payment methods page.

    The following tabs are available:

    • Billing information
    • Payment methods
    • Autopayment

    Billing information

    Here, you can change your email for billing. Click Save to apply changes.

    Payment methods

    Here, you can manage your payment method. Click Save to apply changes.


    Here, you can change your autopayment type:

    • Auto add funds
    • Auto repay
    • Do not add funds automatically

    Click Save to apply changes.


    The table contains the followings columns:

    • Invoice id – unique invoice number
    • Created — invoice issue date.
    • Type – type of payment: invoice or payment received
    • Pay period – the start date of the period for which the invoice was issued
    • Total — a total amount received/need to pay
    • Balance – the current balance
    • Actions — the following actions are available:
      • View invoice — click to view invoice in-details. It opens in a new popup.
      • Download invoice — click to download an invoice.

    Click to view the invoice details.


    To go to account details, click User icon → Settings in the top right corner. You will be redirected to the Account details page.

    Account details

    The following tabs are available:

    • Personal information
    • Company information
    • Billing contact information

    Personal information

    All fields marked * are required.

    • API secret key – use this key with TuxCare portal API
    • IM Upgrade URL – URL for upgrade Imunify products if it is not the default one

    To change the password, click Change password.

    To enable two-factor authentication, move the slider to On.

    Click Save to apply changes.

    Company information

    Click Save to apply changes.

    Billing contact information

    Click Save to apply changes.

    Account sublogins

    You can create additional logins for your account in the form of the email address. The sub login can have any role with different permissions listed below. A master Server Administrator account has the full scope of permissions; this role can create account sub logins.

    Click Save to apply changes.


    Full Access/Admin

    • View products
    • View servers/licenses information
    • Reporting
    • Add/delete servers
    • Create activation keys
    • Order/delete licenses
    • View invoices
    • View billing information
    • Edit credit cards information
    • Edit account information
    • Edit billing information/top up for reseller
    • View prices
    • View account information
    • Change password


    • View products
    • View server's/licenses information
    • View invoices
    • View billing information
    • Edit credit cards information
    • Edit account information
    • Edit billing information/top up for reseller
    • View prices
    • View account information

    Server and License Management

    • View products
    • View server's/licenses information
    • Reporting
    • Add/delete servers
    • Create activation keys
    • Order/delete licenses

    Server Management Only

    • View products
    • View server's/licenses information
    • Reporting
    • Add/delete servers
    • Create activation keys

    Read Only — Billing

    • View products
    • View server's/licenses information
    • Reporting
    • View invoices
    • View billing information

    Read Only — Server Management

    • View products
    • View server's/licenses information
    • Reporting


    It is possible to set reports receiving for an account to the desired email address.

    To add a new report configuration, click Add config.

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    The TuxCare services automate, simplify, and enhance Linux operations, giving organizations more flexibility in managing Linux distro choices and versions, significant maintenance cost reductions, and greatly enhanced security and compliance postures.

    TuxCare, which is an expansion of the CloudLinux’s KernelCare and Extended Lifecycle Support brands, helps organizations take care of support, maintenance, and security for Enterprise Linux systems.

    With TuxCare Live Patching Services, Linux kernels, libraries, databases, virtualizations and IoT devices receive automated security patches applied with zero downtime.

    Using the TuxCare Extended Lifecycle Support services, you can migrate to the newest version of Linux at your own pace while maintaining protection from the common risks of running an end-of-life distro.

    Enterprise Support for AlmaLinux provides a TuxCare-vetted repository of AlmaLinux updates with 16 years of support coverage, delivers an extension of an additional 4.5 years of security fixes for Critical and High-risk vulnerabilities and FIPS-compliant security patches for select AlmaLinux minor versions, minimizes vulnerability windows with rebootless security patches and helps to avoid costly upfront support package fees with pay-as-you-go hourly support bundles.

    TuxCare provides the AlmaLinux community with FIPS 140-3 certification for AlmaLinux 9.2. Organizations requiring FIPS-certified AlmaLinux deployments or those operating under compliance regimes with similar requirements (e.g., PCI DSS, HIPAA) can download and install FIPS-validated cryptographic packages for AlmaLinux 9.2 (including the kernel and OpenSSL) for free.

    - +