diff --git a/examples/ALB_Autoscaling_Route53_A_Alias_Sample.py b/examples/ALB_Autoscaling_Route53_A_Alias_Sample.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7eabbf8c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/ALB_Autoscaling_Route53_A_Alias_Sample.py @@ -0,0 +1,336 @@ +from troposphere import Join, Parameter, Ref, Template +from troposphere import Output, FindInMap, GetAtt +from troposphere import Select, Export, Sub +import troposphere.autoscaling as autoscaling +import troposphere.elasticloadbalancingv2 as elb +import troposphere.route53 as route53 + +t = Template() + + +# Windows server 2016 Base +def AddAMI(template): + t.add_mapping("windowsAMI", { + "us-east-1": {"AMI": "ami-b06249a7"}, + "us-east-2": {"AMI": "ami-20683245"}, + "us-west-1": {"AMI": "ami-d3a8fdb3"}, + "us-west-2": {"AMI": "ami-b9b71ad9"}, + "eu-west-1": {"AMI": "ami-32792a41"}, + "eu-west-2": {"AMI": "ami-29353f4d"}, + "eu-central-1": {"AMI": "ami-c0f237af"} + }) + + +def main(): + # Meta + t.add_version("2010-09-09") + t.add_description("Template for auto-scaling in an Application" + "load balancer target group. " + "The ALB will be used as an A Alias target " + "for a specified Route53 hosted zone. " + "This template also showcases " + "Metadata Parameter Grouping, " + "Special AWS Parameter Types, " + "and Cloudformation Outputs with Exports" + "which can be imported into other templates." + + ) + t.add_metadata({ + "Author": "https://github.com/hmain/", + "LastUpdated": "2017 01 31", + "Version": "1", + }) + + # Parameter grouping + t.add_metadata( + { + "AWS::CloudFormation::Interface": { + "ParameterGroups": [ + { + "Label": {"default": "Global parameters"}, + "Parameters": ["environment"] + }, + { + "Label": {"default": "Application Loadbalancer"}, + "Parameters": ["albSubnets", + "loadbalancerPrefix", + "loadBalancerArn", + "albPaths", + "albPort" + ] + }, + { + "Label": {"default": "VPC"}, + "Parameters": ["ec2Subnets", + "VPC", + "securityGroup" + ] + }, + { + "Label": {"default": "EC2"}, + "Parameters": ["ec2Name", + "ec2Type", + "ec2Key" + ] + }, + { + "Label": {"default": "Auto-scaling"}, + "Parameters": ["asgCapacity", + "asgMinSize", + "asgMaxSize", + "asgCooldown", + "asgHealthGrace" + ] + }, + { + "Label": {"default": "Route53"}, + "Parameters": ["route53HostedZoneId", + "route53HostedZoneName" + ] + } + + ] + } + } + ) + + AddAMI(t) + + environment = t.add_parameter(Parameter( + "environment", + Default="dev", + Type="String", + Description="Development or Production environment", + AllowedValues=[ + "dev", + "prod" + ], + ConstraintDescription="dev or prod", + )) + route53_hosted_zone_id = t.add_parameter(Parameter( + "route53HostedZoneId", + Default="", + Type="AWS::Route53::HostedZone::Id", + Description="Route53 DNS zone ID" + )) + + route53_hosted_zone_name = t.add_parameter(Parameter( + "route53HostedZoneName", + Default="my.aws.dns.com", + Type="String", + Description="Route53 hosted zone name" + )) + security_group = t.add_parameter(Parameter( + "securityGroup", + Default="", + Type="List", + Description="Which security groups to use" + )) + alb_paths = t.add_parameter(Parameter( + "albPaths", + Default="/", + Type="CommaDelimitedList", + Description="Path-patterns you want the loadbalancer to point to in " + "your application" + )) + albPort = t.add_parameter(Parameter( + "albPort", + Default="80", + Type="Number", + Description="Which loadbalancer port to use" + )) + ec2_subnets = t.add_parameter(Parameter( + "ec2Subnets", + Default="", + Type="List", + Description="Private subnets for the instances." + )) + alb_subnets = t.add_parameter(Parameter( + "albSubnets", + Default="", + Type="List", + Description="Public subnets for the load balancer." + )) + loadbalancer_prefix = t.add_parameter(Parameter( + "loadbalancerPrefix", + Default="", + Type="String", + Description="Specify a prefix for your loadbalancer", + )) + vpc = t.add_parameter(Parameter( + "VPC", + Default="", + Type="AWS::EC2::VPC::Id", + Description="Environment VPC" + )) + + # Auto scaling group parameters + asg_capacity = t.add_parameter(Parameter( + "asgCapacity", + Default="0", + Type="Number", + Description="Number of instances" + )) + asg_min_size = t.add_parameter(Parameter( + "asgMinSize", + Default="0", + Type="Number", + Description="Minimum size of AutoScalingGroup" + )) + asg_max_size = t.add_parameter(Parameter( + "asgMaxSize", + Default="1", + Type="Number", + Description="Maximum size of AutoScalingGroup" + )) + asg_cooldown = t.add_parameter(Parameter( + "asgCooldown", + Default="300", + Type="Number", + Description="Cooldown before starting/stopping another instance" + )) + asg_health_grace = t.add_parameter(Parameter( + "asgHealthGrace", + Default="300", + Type="Number", + Description="Wait before starting/stopping another instance" + )) + + # EC2 parameters + ec2_name = t.add_parameter(Parameter( + "ec2Name", + Default="myApplication", + Type="String", + Description="Name of the instances" + )) + ec2_type = t.add_parameter(Parameter( + "ec2Type", + Default="t2.large", + Type="String", + Description="Instance type." + )) + ec2_key = t.add_parameter(Parameter( + "ec2Key", + Default="", + Type="AWS::EC2::KeyPair::KeyName", + Description="EC2 Key Pair" + )) + + # Launchconfiguration + ec2_launchconfiguration = t.add_resource(autoscaling.LaunchConfiguration( + "EC2LaunchConfiguration", + ImageId=FindInMap("windowsAMI", Ref("AWS::Region"), "AMI"), + KeyName=Ref(ec2_key), + SecurityGroups=Ref(security_group), + InstanceType=Ref(ec2_type), + AssociatePublicIpAddress=False, + )) + + # Application ELB + alb_target_group = t.add_resource(elb.TargetGroup( + "albTargetGroup", + HealthCheckPath=Select("0", Ref(alb_paths)), + HealthCheckIntervalSeconds="30", + HealthCheckProtocol="HTTP", + HealthCheckTimeoutSeconds="10", + HealthyThresholdCount="4", + Matcher=elb.Matcher( + HttpCode="200"), + Name=Ref(ec2_name), + Port=80, + Protocol="HTTP", + UnhealthyThresholdCount="3", + VpcId=Ref(vpc) + + )) + + # Auto scaling group + t.add_resource(autoscaling.AutoScalingGroup( + "autoScalingGroup", + DesiredCapacity=Ref(asg_capacity), + Tags=autoscaling.Tags( + Environment=Ref(environment) + ), + VPCZoneIdentifier=Ref(ec2_subnets), + TargetGroupARNs=[Ref(alb_target_group)], + MinSize=Ref(asg_min_size), + MaxSize=Ref(asg_max_size), + Cooldown=Ref(asg_cooldown), + LaunchConfigurationName=Ref(ec2_launchconfiguration), + HealthCheckGracePeriod=Ref(asg_health_grace), + HealthCheckType="EC2", + )) + + # Application Load Balancer + application_load_balancer = t.add_resource(elb.LoadBalancer( + "applicationLoadBalancer", + Name=Ref(loadbalancer_prefix), + Scheme="internet-facing", + Subnets=Ref(alb_subnets), + SecurityGroups=Ref(security_group) + )) + alb_listener = t.add_resource(elb.Listener( + "albListener", + Port=Ref(albPort), + Protocol="HTTP", + LoadBalancerArn=Ref(application_load_balancer), + DefaultActions=[elb.Action( + Type="forward", + TargetGroupArn=Ref(alb_target_group) + )] + )) + t.add_resource(elb.ListenerRule( + "albListenerRule", + ListenerArn=Ref(alb_listener), + Conditions=[elb.Condition( + Field="path-pattern", + Values=Ref(alb_paths) + )], + Actions=[elb.Action( + Type="forward", + TargetGroupArn=Ref(alb_target_group) + )], + Priority="1" + )) + + # Route53 + t.add_resource(route53.RecordSetGroup( + "route53RoundRobin", + HostedZoneId=Ref(route53_hosted_zone_id), + RecordSets=[ + route53.RecordSet( + Weight=1, + SetIdentifier=Join(".", [Ref(environment), + Ref(route53_hosted_zone_name), + "ELB"]), + Name=Join(".", [Ref(environment), + Ref(route53_hosted_zone_name)]), + Type="A", + AliasTarget=route53.AliasTarget( + GetAtt(application_load_balancer, + "CanonicalHostedZoneID"), + GetAtt(application_load_balancer, + "DNSName") + ) + ) + ] + )) + + t.add_output( + Output( + "URL", + Description="URL of the website", + Value=Join("", [ + "http://", + GetAtt(application_load_balancer, "DNSName"), + Select("0", Ref(alb_paths)) + ]), + Export=Export(Sub("${AWS::StackName}-URL")), + ) + ) + + print(t.to_json()) + + +if __name__ == '__main__': + main() diff --git a/tests/examples_output/ALB_Autoscaling_Route53_A_Alias_Sample.template b/tests/examples_output/ALB_Autoscaling_Route53_A_Alias_Sample.template new file mode 100644 index 000000000..37b5decf9 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/examples_output/ALB_Autoscaling_Route53_A_Alias_Sample.template @@ -0,0 +1,436 @@ +{ + "AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09", + "Description": "Template for auto-scaling in an Applicationload balancer target group. The ALB will be used as an A Alias target for a specified Route53 hosted zone. This template also showcases Metadata Parameter Grouping, Special AWS Parameter Types, and Cloudformation Outputs with Exportswhich can be imported into other templates.", + "Mappings": { + "windowsAMI": { + "eu-central-1": { + "AMI": "ami-c0f237af" + }, + "eu-west-1": { + "AMI": "ami-32792a41" + }, + "eu-west-2": { + "AMI": "ami-29353f4d" + }, + "us-east-1": { + "AMI": "ami-b06249a7" + }, + "us-east-2": { + "AMI": "ami-20683245" + }, + "us-west-1": { + "AMI": "ami-d3a8fdb3" + }, + "us-west-2": { + "AMI": "ami-b9b71ad9" + } + } + }, + "Metadata": { + "AWS::CloudFormation::Interface": { + "ParameterGroups": [ + { + "Label": { + "default": "Global parameters" + }, + "Parameters": [ + "environment" + ] + }, + { + "Label": { + "default": "Application Loadbalancer" + }, + "Parameters": [ + "albSubnets", + "loadbalancerPrefix", + "loadBalancerArn", + "albPaths", + "albPort" + ] + }, + { + "Label": { + "default": "VPC" + }, + "Parameters": [ + "ec2Subnets", + "VPC", + "securityGroup" + ] + }, + { + "Label": { + "default": "EC2" + }, + "Parameters": [ + "ec2Name", + "ec2Type", + "ec2Key" + ] + }, + { + "Label": { + "default": "Auto-scaling" + }, + "Parameters": [ + "asgCapacity", + "asgMinSize", + "asgMaxSize", + "asgCooldown", + "asgHealthGrace" + ] + }, + { + "Label": { + "default": "Route53" + }, + "Parameters": [ + "route53HostedZoneId", + "route53HostedZoneName" + ] + } + ] + } + }, + "Outputs": { + "URL": { + "Description": "URL of the website", + "Export": { + "Name": { + "Fn::Sub": "${AWS::StackName}-URL" + } + }, + "Value": { + "Fn::Join": [ + "", + [ + "http://", + { + "Fn::GetAtt": [ + "applicationLoadBalancer", + "DNSName" + ] + }, + { + "Fn::Select": [ + "0", + { + "Ref": "albPaths" + } + ] + } + ] + ] + } + } + }, + "Parameters": { + "VPC": { + "Default": "", + "Description": "Environment VPC", + "Type": "AWS::EC2::VPC::Id" + }, + "albPaths": { + "Default": "/", + "Description": "Path-patterns you want the loadbalancer to point to in your application", + "Type": "CommaDelimitedList" + }, + "albPort": { + "Default": "80", + "Description": "Which loadbalancer port to use", + "Type": "Number" + }, + "albSubnets": { + "Default": "", + "Description": "Public subnets for the load balancer.", + "Type": "List" + }, + "asgCapacity": { + "Default": "0", + "Description": "Number of instances", + "Type": "Number" + }, + "asgCooldown": { + "Default": "300", + "Description": "Cooldown before starting/stopping another instance", + "Type": "Number" + }, + "asgHealthGrace": { + "Default": "300", + "Description": "Wait before starting/stopping another instance", + "Type": "Number" + }, + "asgMaxSize": { + "Default": "1", + "Description": "Maximum size of AutoScalingGroup", + "Type": "Number" + }, + "asgMinSize": { + "Default": "0", + "Description": "Minimum size of AutoScalingGroup", + "Type": "Number" + }, + "ec2Key": { + "Default": "", + "Description": "EC2 Key Pair", + "Type": "AWS::EC2::KeyPair::KeyName" + }, + "ec2Name": { + "Default": "myApplication", + "Description": "Name of the instances", + "Type": "String" + }, + "ec2Subnets": { + "Default": "", + "Description": "Private subnets for the instances.", + "Type": "List" + }, + "ec2Type": { + "Default": "t2.large", + "Description": "Instance type.", + "Type": "String" + }, + "environment": { + "AllowedValues": [ + "dev", + "prod" + ], + "ConstraintDescription": "dev or prod", + "Default": "dev", + "Description": "Development or Production environment", + "Type": "String" + }, + "loadbalancerPrefix": { + "Default": "", + "Description": "Specify a prefix for your loadbalancer", + "Type": "String" + }, + "route53HostedZoneId": { + "Default": "", + "Description": "Route53 DNS zone ID", + "Type": "AWS::Route53::HostedZone::Id" + }, + "route53HostedZoneName": { + "Default": "my.aws.dns.com", + "Description": "Route53 hosted zone name", + "Type": "String" + }, + "securityGroup": { + "Default": "", + "Description": "Which security groups to use", + "Type": "List" + } + }, + "Resources": { + "EC2LaunchConfiguration": { + "Properties": { + "AssociatePublicIpAddress": "false", + "ImageId": { + "Fn::FindInMap": [ + "windowsAMI", + { + "Ref": "AWS::Region" + }, + "AMI" + ] + }, + "InstanceType": { + "Ref": "ec2Type" + }, + "KeyName": { + "Ref": "ec2Key" + }, + "SecurityGroups": { + "Ref": "securityGroup" + } + }, + "Type": "AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration" + }, + "albListener": { + "Properties": { + "DefaultActions": [ + { + "TargetGroupArn": { + "Ref": "albTargetGroup" + }, + "Type": "forward" + } + ], + "LoadBalancerArn": { + "Ref": "applicationLoadBalancer" + }, + "Port": { + "Ref": "albPort" + }, + "Protocol": "HTTP" + }, + "Type": "AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener" + }, + "albListenerRule": { + "Properties": { + "Actions": [ + { + "TargetGroupArn": { + "Ref": "albTargetGroup" + }, + "Type": "forward" + } + ], + "Conditions": [ + { + "Field": "path-pattern", + "Values": { + "Ref": "albPaths" + } + } + ], + "ListenerArn": { + "Ref": "albListener" + }, + "Priority": "1" + }, + "Type": "AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule" + }, + "albTargetGroup": { + "Properties": { + "HealthCheckIntervalSeconds": "30", + "HealthCheckPath": { + "Fn::Select": [ + "0", + { + "Ref": "albPaths" + } + ] + }, + "HealthCheckProtocol": "HTTP", + "HealthCheckTimeoutSeconds": "10", + "HealthyThresholdCount": "4", + "Matcher": { + "HttpCode": "200" + }, + "Name": { + "Ref": "ec2Name" + }, + "Port": 80, + "Protocol": "HTTP", + "UnhealthyThresholdCount": "3", + "VpcId": { + "Ref": "VPC" + } + }, + "Type": "AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup" + }, + "applicationLoadBalancer": { + "Properties": { + "Name": { + "Ref": "loadbalancerPrefix" + }, + "Scheme": "internet-facing", + "SecurityGroups": { + "Ref": "securityGroup" + }, + "Subnets": { + "Ref": "albSubnets" + } + }, + "Type": "AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer" + }, + "autoScalingGroup": { + "Properties": { + "Cooldown": { + "Ref": "asgCooldown" + }, + "DesiredCapacity": { + "Ref": "asgCapacity" + }, + "HealthCheckGracePeriod": { + "Ref": "asgHealthGrace" + }, + "HealthCheckType": "EC2", + "LaunchConfigurationName": { + "Ref": "EC2LaunchConfiguration" + }, + "MaxSize": { + "Ref": "asgMaxSize" + }, + "MinSize": { + "Ref": "asgMinSize" + }, + "Tags": [ + { + "Key": "Environment", + "PropagateAtLaunch": "true", + "Value": { + "Ref": "environment" + } + } + ], + "TargetGroupARNs": [ + { + "Ref": "albTargetGroup" + } + ], + "VPCZoneIdentifier": { + "Ref": "ec2Subnets" + } + }, + "Type": "AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup" + }, + "route53RoundRobin": { + "Properties": { + "HostedZoneId": { + "Ref": "route53HostedZoneId" + }, + "RecordSets": [ + { + "AliasTarget": { + "DNSName": { + "Fn::GetAtt": [ + "applicationLoadBalancer", + "DNSName" + ] + }, + "HostedZoneId": { + "Fn::GetAtt": [ + "applicationLoadBalancer", + "CanonicalHostedZoneID" + ] + } + }, + "Name": { + "Fn::Join": [ + ".", + [ + { + "Ref": "environment" + }, + { + "Ref": "route53HostedZoneName" + } + ] + ] + }, + "SetIdentifier": { + "Fn::Join": [ + ".", + [ + { + "Ref": "environment" + }, + { + "Ref": "route53HostedZoneName" + }, + "ELB" + ] + ] + }, + "Type": "A", + "Weight": 1 + } + ] + }, + "Type": "AWS::Route53::RecordSetGroup" + } + } +}