A plugin for Leaflet to add visualisation overlay of wind direction, wind velocity, and temperature. To use this plugin, you will need to run your own wind-js-server instance. The data is 1 degree, 6 hourly data from NOAA.
Now supports both leaflet version 0.7.7
and 1.0.3
However this update brings one breaking change - how you initialise the plugin.
v1 way to init:
WindJSLeaflet({ options: 'here' });
v2 way to init:
WindJSLeaflet.init({ options: 'here' });
Download zip and include dist/wind-js-leaflet.js
and dist/wind-js-leaflet.css
files using resource tags.
npm install wind-js-leaflet
Demo use here: http://danwild.github.io/wind-js-leaflet/
Prior to loading wind-js-leaflet
, you need to load:
localMode: true // use a local data file to test before hitting a real wind-js-server
map: map, // ref to your leaflet Map
layerControl: layerControl, // ref to your leaflet layer control
useNearest: false, // get nearest data to your ISO time string
timeISO: null, // your ISO time string, falls back to current time (can also use WindJsLeaflet.setTime(time))
nearestDaysLimit: 7, // the maximum range (±) to look for data
displayValues: true, // whether or not to add a mouseover control to display values
displayOptions: {
displayPosition: 'bottomleft', // leaflet control position
displayEmptyString: 'No wind data' // what to display in mouseover control when no data
overlayName: 'wind', // string to display for the overlay in your layer control
pingUrl: 'http://localhost:7000/alive', // url to check service availability
latestUrl: 'http://localhost:7000/latest', // url to get latest data with no required params
nearestUrl: 'http://localhost:7000/nearest', // url to get data nearest a specified time ISO
errorCallback: handleError // callback function to get called on error
is possible because of things like:
- L.CanvasOverlay.js (WindJSLeaflet v1)
- gLayers.Leaflet (WindJSLeaflet v2)
- grib2json
- earth
- WindJS
MIT License (MIT)