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The `account` table

This table holds information on all available accounts.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id bigint(20) unsigned NO PRI auto_increment
username varchar(32) NO UNI
sha_pass_hash varchar(40) NO
gmlevel tinyint(3) unsigned NO MUL 0
sessionkey longtext YES
v longtext YES
s longtext YES
email varchar(255) NO
joindate timestamp NO CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
last_ip varchar(30) NO
failed_logins int(11) unsigned NO 0
locked tinyint(3) unsigned NO 0
last_login timestamp NO 0000-00-00 00:00:00
online tinyint(4) NO 0
expansion tinyint(3) unsigned NO 0
mutetime bigint(40) unsigned NO 0
locale tinyint(3) unsigned NO 0

Description of the fields


The unique account ID.


The account user name.


This field contains the encrypted password. The encryption is SHA1 and is in the following format: username:password. The SQL to create the password (or to compare with the current hash) is:

SELECT SHA1(CONCAT(UPPER(`username`), ':', UPPER(<pass>)));


The account security level. Different levels have access to different commands. The individual level required for a command is defined in the command table.





The e-mail address associated with this account.


The date when the account was created.


The last IP used by the person who logged in the account.


The number of failed logins attempted on the account.


Boolean 0 or 1 controlling if the account has been locked or not.


The date when the account was last logged into.


Boolean 0 or 1 controlling if the account is currently logged in and online.


ID Expansion
0 WoW Classic
1 WoW Burning Crusade
2 WoW Wrath of the Lich King

The world server will block access to accounts with 0 in this field in the TBC and WotLK areas in-game.

The world server will block access to accounts with 1 in this field in the WotLK areas in-game.


The time, in Unix time, when the account will be unmuted.


The locale used by the client logged into this account. If multiple locale data has been configured and added to the world servers, the world servers will return the proper locale strings to the client. See localization IDs

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