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Nicholas Wardle edited this page Jan 7, 2019 · 1 revision

Setting up the environment and installation

The instructions below are for installation within a CMSSW environment

For end users that don't need to commit or do any development

You can find the latest releases on github under

ROOT6 SLC6 release (CMSSW_8_1_X) - recommended version

Setting up the environment (once)
export SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc530
cmsrel CMSSW_8_1_0
cd CMSSW_8_1_0/src 
git clone HiggsAnalysis/CombinedLimit
cd HiggsAnalysis/CombinedLimit
Update to a reccomended tag - currently the reccomended tag is v7.0.12
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src/HiggsAnalysis/CombinedLimit
git fetch origin
git checkout v7.0.12
scramv1 b clean; scramv1 b # always make a clean build

You can generate a diff of any two tags (eg for v7.0.8 and v7.0.6) by using following the url:

Replace the tag names in the url to any tags you which to compare.

For developers

We use the Fork and Pull model for development: each user creates a copy of the repository on github, commits their requests there and then sends pull requests for the administrators to merge.


1) Register on github, as needed anyway for CMSSW development:

2) Register your SSH key on github: 1 Fork the repository to create your copy of it: (more documentation at )

You will now be able to browse your fork of the repository from

Recommended way to develop a feature (in a branch)
# get the updates of the master branch of the remote repository
git fetch upstream

# branch straight off the upstream master
git checkout -b feature_name_branch upstream/81x-root606 

# implement the feature
# commit, etc

# before publishing:
# get the updates of the master branch of the remote repository
git fetch upstream

# if you're ready to integrate the upstream changes into your repository do
git rebase upstream/81x-root606

# fix any conflicts
git push origin feature_name_branch

And proceed to make a pull request from the branch you created.

Committing changes to your repository
git add ....
git commit -m "...."
git push

You can now make a pull request to the repository.

Combine Tool

An additional tool for submitting combine jobs to batch/crab, developed originally for HiggsToTauTau. Since the repository contains a certain amount of analysis-specific code, the following scripts can be used to clone it with a sparse checkout for just the core CombineHarvester/CombineTools subpackage, speeding up the checkout and compile times:

git clone via ssh:

bash <(curl -s

git clone via https:

bash <(curl -s

make sure to run scram to compile the CombineTools package.

See the CombineHarvester documentation pages for more details on using this tool and additional features available in the full package.

Clone this wiki locally