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Extending coreplex with Rocket tiles.

Rocket Tiles

Negotiate the interrupt, clock and reset connections for Rocket Tiles. Allow for synchronous, asynchronous and rational connections.

Local Interrupts must be synchronized to the core clock before being passed into this module. This allows faster latency for interrupts which are already synchronized. The CLINT (coreplex local interrupts) and PLIC (platform level interrupt controller) outputs interrupts that are synchronous to the periphery clock, so may or may not need to be synchronized depending on the Tile's synchronization type. Debug interrupt is definitely asynchronous in all cases.

trait HasRocketTiles

Trait of the Rocket Tiles.

trait HasRocketTiles extends HasSystemBus
    with HasPeripheryBus
    with HasPeripheryPLIC
    with HasPeripheryClint
    with HasPeripheryDebug {
  val module: HasRocketTilesModuleImp
  • module HasRocketTilesModule (virtual) pointer to the generated module.
  • crossing CoreplexClockCrossing (private) define the clock domain crossing.
  • tileParams Seq[RocketTileParams] (private) parameters of individual tiles.
  • localIntCounts Seq[Int] number of interrupt sources of each tile.
  • localIntNodes Seq[Option[IntInputNode] interrupt port for local interrupt sources.
  • wiringTuple Seq[(Option[IntInputNode], RocketTileParams, Int)] tuple of (intrrupt, tile, index).
  • rocket_tiles Seq[RocketTileWrapper] initialize Rocket tiles and produce connection callback functions.
    • asyncIntXbar IntXbar a per tile crossbar for asycnhronous interrupts, including debug.
    • periphIntXbar IntXbar a per tile crossbar for peripheral interrupts, including clint (msip+mtip), plic (meip+seip).
    • coreIntXbar IntXbar a per tile crossbar for local interrupts.

class ClockedRocketTileInputs

Base IO bundle for Rocket tiles, which has only the external interrupt lines and constants.

class ClockedRocketTileInputs(implicit val p: Parameters) extends ParameterizedBundle
    with HasExternallyDrivenTileConstants
    with Clocked

trait HasRocketTilesBundle

Bundle trait of Rocket Tiles.

trait HasRocketTilesBundle{
  val rocket_tile_inputs: Vec[ClockedRocketTileInputs]
  • rocket_tile_inputs Vec[ClockedRocketTileInputs] generic IO bundles for tiles, allowing for specialization.

trait HasRocketTilesModuleImp

Module implementation trait of Rocket Tiles.

trait HasRocketTilesModuleImp extends LazyMultiIOModuleImp
    with HasRocketTilesBundle
    with HasResetVectorWire
    with HasPeripheryDebugModuleImp {
  val outer: HasRocketTiles
  val rocket_tile_inputs = Wire(Vec(outer.nRocketTiles, new ClockedRocketTileInputs))

Provide a base trait for all Rocket tile implementations. Connect the clock, the reset and the constants IO connections.

class RocketCoreplex

A Rocket coreplex with Rocket tiles.

class RocketCoreplex(implicit p: Parameters) extends BaseCoreplex
    with HasRocketTiles {
  override lazy val module = new RocketCoreplexModule(this)

class RocketCoreplexModule

class RocketCoreplexModule[+L <: RocketCoreplex](_outer: L) extends BaseCoreplexModule(_outer)
    with HasRocketTilesModuleImp

Last updated: 14/08/2017
CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, © (2017) Wei Song
Apache 2.0, © (2016-2017) SiFive, Inc
BSD, © (2012-2014, 2016) The Regents of the University of California (Regents)