This code is intended to be fully compatible with the CIFTI-2 format, without external dependencies (except that CIFTI-1 files require wb_command for conversion), returning a structure that exposes the information contained in the CIFTI-2 XML with minimal translation, as well as the data matrix with no added padding. The read_cifti function is the intended starting point, ciftiopen and similar are compatibility wrappers so that the library can be used in older code.
Additionally, the library provides numerous helper functions to make many common operations (such as extracting the data for one structure) into a single line of intuitive code.
The previous code that was derived from FieldTrip is in the "ft_cifti" folder.
Currently, the cifti structure returned by this library uses 0-based indices for vertex and voxel indices, 1-based for cifti indices, and the helper functions return 1-based indices for everything. Be aware that this library is in alpha testing, and conventions such as this may change.