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Command line utility for CockroachDB written using Spring Shell.

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Roach Shell

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Command line utility for CockroachDB written using Spring Shell. RoachShell supports both Secure and Insecure clusters. Commands include:

  • connect - connects to a CockroachDB cluster
  • disconnect - disconnects from a CockroachDB cluster
  • hotspots - detects range hot spots in a CockroachDB cluster often caused by poor schema design as described here
  • clients - list of clients currently connected to a CockroachDB cluster
  • statements - filtered list of recent Statements run against a CockroachDB cluster


  • Java 11 - I use Homebrew to install Java. See here for additional details.
  • CockroachDB with the following:
    • a database user with the admin role assigned
    • --listen-addr and --http-addr accessible from machine running roach-shell

To Build

./mvnw clean package

This command will create an executable jar named roach-shell-*.jar in the projects target directory.

To Run

With Maven

./mvnw spring-boot:run

With Java using the executable jar built above.

java -jar roach-shell-*.jar

To establish a connection to a CockroachDB cluster first run the connect command. For example, to connect to the provided insecure Docker example run the following...

roach-shell:>connect -h localhost

The following configuration parameters will be used:
	host: localhost
	port: 26257
	database: system
	username: root
	password: (password is null or blank)
	ssl-enabled: false
	ssl-mode: disable
	http-scheme: http
	http-host: localhost
	http-port: 8080
	http-password: (password is null or blank)

Connection to CockroachDB successful.  URL is jdbc:postgresql://localhost:26257/system?ApplicationName=HotSpotDetector&reWriteBatchedInserts=true&ssl=false&sslmode=disable

Once you are connected you can run other commands like hotspots.

Command Help


The connect command supports both Secure and Insecure clusters. At this time, Roach Shell does not support connecting to CockroachCloud Free Tier clusters.

To see the following content run help connnect.

	connect - Connect to a CockroachDB cluster.

	connect [--host] string  [[--port] int]  [[--database] string]  [[--username] string]  [[--password] string]  [[--ssl-mode] string]  [--ssl-enabled]  [[--ssl-root-crt-path] string]  [[--ssl-client-crt-path] string]  [[--ssl-client-key-path] string]  [[--http-username] string]  [[--http-password] string]  [[--http-host] string]  [[--http-port] int]  

	--host or -h  string
		hostname of a CRDB node

	--port or -p  int
		port of a CRDB node
		[Optional, default = 26257]

	--database or -d  string
		CRDB database name
		[Optional, default = system]

	--username or -u  string
		username used to connect to database
		[Optional, default = root]

	--password  string
		password used to connect to database
		[Optional, default = <none>]

	--ssl-mode  string
		SSL mode for database connection.  disable, allow, prefer, require, verify-ca or verify-full.
		[Optional, default = disable]

	--ssl-enabled	is SSL enabled? true or false.
		[Optional, default = false]

	--ssl-root-crt-path  string
		path to Root Cert file when SSL is enabled
		[Optional, default = <none>]

	--ssl-client-crt-path  string
		path to SSL Client Cert file when SSL is enabled
		[Optional, default = <none>]

	--ssl-client-key-path  string
		path to SSL Client Key file when SSL is enabled
		[Optional, default = <none>]

	--http-username  string
		username used for Admin UI REST calls.  will use database username if no value provided.
		[Optional, default = <none>]

	--http-password  string
		password used for Admin UI REST calls.  will use database password if no value provided.
		[Optional, default = <none>]

	--http-host  string
		host used for Admin UI REST calls
		[Optional, default = <none>]

	--http-port  int
		port used for Admin UI REST calls
		[Optional, default = 8080]

Secure Connection Example

To connect to a secure cluster there are a number of security related parameters you can pass including ssl-enabled, ssl-mode and ssl-root-crt-path. Note that most of the http-* parameters will default to their database equivalent. In other words, if no http-username parameter is provided, the connect method will use the value set for username.

connect -u [SOME USERNAME] --password [SOME PASSWORD] -h localhost --ssl-enabled --ssl-mode verify-full --ssl-root-crt-path /[SOME ABSOLUTE PATH]/ca.crt

CockroachCloud Free Tier Example

Unfortunately RoachShell does not work against the CockroachCloud Free Tier as the required endpoints are not yet exposed.


To see the following content run help hotspots.

	hotspots - Find range hot spots in a CockroachDB (CRDB) cluster.

	hotspots [[--max-ranges] int]  [--verbose]

	--max-ranges or -m  int
		max number of hot ranges returned
		[Optional, default = 10]

	--verbose or -v
		include verbose output.  true or false.
		[Optional, default = false]


To see the following content run help clients.

	clients - List active client connections to the CockroachDB cluster.

	clients [--verbose]  

	--verbose or -v
		include verbose output.  true or false.
		[Optional, default = false]


To see the following content run help statements.

	statements - List recent statements against the CockroachDB cluster.

	statements [--dist-only]  [--exclude-ddl]  [--exclude-internal]  [--has-span-all]  [--verbose]  [[--app] string]  

	--dist-only	include only dist sql statements.  true or false.
		[Optional, default = <none>]

	--exclude-ddl or -xd
		exclude DDL statements.  true or false.
		[Optional, default = <none>]

	--exclude-internal or -xi
		exclude statements from CockroachDB internals.  true or false.
		[Optional, default = <none>]

	--has-span-all	include statements with "span = ALL".  true or false.
		[Optional, default = <none>]

	--verbose or -v
		include verbose output.  true or false.
		[Optional, default = false]

	--app or -a  string
		only include statements from this application
		[Optional, default = <none>]

Example Commands and Output



The following configuration parameters will be used:
	max-ranges: 10
	verbose: false

Found Node with id [1], address [crdb-0:26257] and build [v20.1.6].
Found Node with id [2], address [crdb-2:26257] and build [v20.1.6].
Found Node with id [3], address [crdb-1:26257] and build [v20.1.6].
┃Rank┃QPS       ┃Node ID/Address┃Store ID┃Database┃Table                         ┃Index┃Range                                         ┃
┃1   ┃7.491192  ┃1/crdb-0:26257 ┃1       ┃        ┃                              ┃     ┃/Table/SystemConfigSpan/Start - /Table/11     ┃
┃2   ┃2.634822  ┃1/crdb-0:26257 ┃1       ┃        ┃                              ┃     ┃/Min - /System/NodeLiveness                   ┃
┃3   ┃2.4772887 ┃3/crdb-1:26257 ┃3       ┃system  ┃rangelog                      ┃     ┃/Table/13 - /Table/14                         ┃
┃4   ┃0.8675523 ┃1/crdb-0:26257 ┃1       ┃        ┃                              ┃     ┃/System/NodeLivenessMax - /System/tsd         ┃
┃5   ┃0.6676972 ┃3/crdb-1:26257 ┃3       ┃        ┃                              ┃     ┃/System/NodeLiveness - /System/NodeLivenessMax┃
┃6   ┃0.6311181 ┃2/crdb-2:26257 ┃2       ┃        ┃                              ┃     ┃/System/tsd - /System/"tse"                   ┃
┃7   ┃0.42551747┃1/crdb-0:26257 ┃1       ┃system  ┃eventlog                      ┃     ┃/Table/12 - /Table/13                         ┃
┃8   ┃0.3371068 ┃1/crdb-0:26257 ┃1       ┃system  ┃reports_meta                  ┃     ┃/Table/28 - /Table/29                         ┃
┃9   ┃0.2983412 ┃2/crdb-2:26257 ┃2       ┃system  ┃statement_diagnostics_requests┃     ┃/Table/35 - /Table/36                         ┃
┃10  ┃0.2906859 ┃1/crdb-0:26257 ┃1       ┃system  ┃replication_stats             ┃     ┃/Table/27 - /Table/28                         ┃



The following configuration parameters will be used:
	verbose: false

┃Username┃Client Address  ┃Application Name┃Session Start             ┃Oldest Query Start        ┃Last Active Query                       ┃
┃root    ┃┃HotSpotDetector ┃2020-10-07 19:04:11.951151┃2020-10-07 19:04:11.959122┃SET application_name = 'HotSpotDetector'┃



The following configuration parameters will be used:
	application-name: null
	exclude-ddl: true
	exclude-internal: true
	dist-only: null
	has-span-all: null
	verbose: false

Returned 71 total statements, 40 unique.  Showing 1 after applying filters.
┃Node┃Application Name┃Execution Count┃Mean Latency (ms)┃Mean Row Count┃Last Plan Timestamp           ┃Statement                                                       ┃
┃3   ┃HotSpotDetector ┃3              ┃5.55             ┃1             ┃2020-10-07T18:58:55.291562100Z┃SELECT * FROM crdb_internal.ranges_no_leases WHERE range_id = $1┃

To Release

./mvnw -B clean package release:clean release:prepare release:perform