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invisiblefunnel edited this page Nov 1, 2014 · 2 revisions

How does Citygram know where to query for the geojson?

Each feed is stored in the publishers table. The endpoint column stores the url which returns the GeoJSON. Every 10 minutes Citygram makes a GET request to that url.

Do queries have to be every 10 minutes?

Citygram queries all the feeds every 10 minutes for simplicity. A time-based cache should be used by the adapter application if 10 minutes is too frequent. For example, with a 60-minute cache, Citygram would request the data 5 to 6 times and the adapter would only need to make 1 request to the target data source.

How does the messaging work? Does it have to be in the title?

For each GeoJSON Feature in the FeatureCollection returned by the adapter, there must be a title field in the properties. This is a short, natural language description of the event/project.

What steps have to be taken to get a adapter working/put in production?

This is left up the developer of the adapter application. Most adapters are currently deployed as free-tier Heroku apps.