- Focus on NL Limburg and 5 mtr. grid
- Update: INSPIRE only 1 and 10 m grid, thus should align, otherwise nonharmonized
- Approach: Provide fully INSPIRE at 1 and 10m, continue to provide the 20m with whatever CRS they use as non-harmonized
- MD: should be multiple md records, one for each resolution, then another for the non-harmonized, see github issue:
- focus on the following file: https://www.rijkswaterstaat.nl/apps/geoservices/geodata/dmc/bodemhoogte_1mtr/ZN_zuid_oost_NAP.tif
- Provide Bathymetry/Elevation Data online with WCS following INSPIRE Good Practice (GP)
- wetransform has agreed to use rasdaman
- in line with initial demonstration in Spring 2021
- See what neighboring countries are also providing, see how to motivate them to do in a compatible manner
- Provide complementary data, (e.g. water levels, precipitation forecast) online?
- Would recommend using OGC SensorThings API!
- Maybe start just with Limburg area
- Showing how to use
- Ideally the GIS tool directly accesses the WCS, displays the data
- As an interim solution, access via browser and download of GeoTIF is an option, GeoTIF can then be opened by any GIS tool
- could be worthwhile doing a simple map download tool
- Workshop on how to both provide and use coverage data with WCS (including all INSPIRE Requirements)
- Working together for international goal providing raster data harmonized across MS
- find agreement as to what resolutions are commonly provided by MS
[16:33] Wal, Herzo van der (CIV) Facilitating the participant in the PoC
[16:33] Wal, Herzo van der (CIV) OTAP development of facilities
[16:35] kathi (Gast) Laying the foundation for the generation of rainbows
[16:36] Wal, Herzo van der (CIV) Foundation for the Concepts
Shift to Code4EU
Try and involve university classes to show usage of the data
[16:44] Wal, Herzo van der (CIV) Data driven
[16:45] Wal, Herzo van der (CIV) Artificial Intelligence for the Environment
Datasource for AI
Natural Data for Artificial Intelligence
[16:47] Wal, Herzo van der (CIV) DataSource for analytics