sudo dnf install -y git
sudo yum install -y git
bash ./
choco install -y git.install --package-parameters="/NoShellIntegration"
### package parameters
### /GitOnlyOnPath
### /GitAndUnixToolsOnPath
### /NoAutoCrlf
### /WindowsTerminal
### /NoShellIntegration
### /NoGuiHereIntegration
### /NoShellHereIntegration
### /NoCredentialManager
### /NoGitLfs
### /SChannel
### /NoOpenSSH
### /WindowsTerminalProfile
### /Symlinks
### /DefaultBranchName:default_branch_name
### /Editor:Nano|VIM|Notepad++|VisualStudioCode|VisualStudioCodeInsiders|SublimeText|Atom|VSCodium|Notepad|Wordpad|Custom editor path
Git flow is a Git branching strategy which designed to simplify release management. In the Git Flow, there are five branch types:
main: production-ready code
develop: latest delivered development changes for the next release
feature: new feature development
release: prepare for a new production release
hotfix: fix a bug in production code
- A successful Git branching model by Vincent Driessen
- What is Git Flow - GitKraken
- Gitflow - GitKraken
# Homebrew
brew install git-flow-avh
commit type examples:
feat: add new feature
fix: fix a bug
docs: changes to the documentation like readme
style: style or formatting change
refactor: restructure function to be more modular
chore: update build tasks, package manager configs, etc
test: test a feature
# Homebrew
brew install git-extras
# Homebrew
brew install --cask gitify