This docker-compose example shows how to use vault-log-audit to collect pgaudit PostgreSQL logs.
You need to set your VAULT_API_KEY
in docker-compose.yml file
# Create colleciton in Vault
image: codenotary/vault-log-audit
command: create default --parser pgauditjsonlog --log-level debug
# Do not forget to add your API key here
- VAULT_API_KEY=<your API key here>
- postgresql
# Send audit logs to Vault
image: codenotary/vault-log-audit
command: tail file --parser pgauditjsonlog "/logs/*" --follow --file-registry-dir=/data --log-level debug
# Do not forget to add your API key here
- VAULT_API_KEY=<your API key here>
- 'vault-log-audit_data:/data'
- 'postgresql_logs:/logs'
And then
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up
The docker-compose contains of:
- PostgreSQL, configured to store logs in json format and has enabled pgaudit extension. For purpose of this example, logs are rotated every minute. This can be changed to week, month etc, depending on a need and log volume.
- vault-log-audit
Init containers:
- volume_init, to set proper permissions for log volume
- vault-log-audit-init, to create vault if it did not exist
- postgresql_data, holds PostgreSQL database
- postgresql_logs, holds PostgresQL logs
- vault-log-audit_data, holds montored log file tracking registry file