Info for Mac Users: Applications/games/rotp/ is a good place to run it smoothly!
Updates since last announcement:
Last Xilmi's AI missile update.
Character setting panel improved responsivity
- On my 4K display it went from 150 ms to < 10 ms !!!
- Even been able to maximize image rendering quality.
Character setting panel can be set to display only original species.
- They are still available, but hidden.
- This setting is located in the main Option Settings Panel
- They are still available, but hidden.
Moved "No Fog on Diplomat Icons" to Main Option Settings Panel
- Character setting panel Toggle FOG KEY = "F" Galaxy setting Panel:
- Improved responsivity (Buttons and Icons)
- Follow the "No Fog on Diplomat Icons" choice.
- Toggle FOG KEY = "F" Text Option settings Panels (Classic, Compact, and Custom Species)
- Improved responsivity (Buttons only) -- Still a lot of text optimization to-do.
Added distinct weapon sounds.
Added new beam weapon animated shielding effects.
- Base shield color = Empire color.
- Monsters have their own color.
- Impact color = Weapon color.
- Impact Radius is function of beam power.
- Impact Intensity is function of beam absorption ratio.
- Spreading Radius is function of beam power and shield level.
- Spreading Intensity is function of beam absorption ratio and and shield level.
- Base shield color = Empire color.
Last announcement: Xilmi last AI improvements:
- For all AIs of the Xilmi-family: A technologically superior AI that currently has no enemies will no longer try to get further ahead in tech and instead focus on increasing fleet-size. This change was inspired by Keilah Martin's Let's play.
- When invading, AI's of the Xilmi-Family will now keep at least one third of the source-planet's maximum population back at home in order to stay in the window of decent natural population-growth and not to ruin their economy.
Minor changes
- Added category " ~~~ NEW OPTIONS (BETA) ~~~"
- Forbidden tech can not be stolen anymore, nor plundered.
- New option to disable tech stealing (and plundering).
- If disabled, half of the infiltration bonus will be given to Research bonus.
- Infiltration penalty won't impact Research bonus.
- Random Event: When set off in game, immediately stop events evolution.
- They will continue if set on later.
- Added logarithmic scale for race status.
- Security tax can now go up to 90%.
- Added 2 new very slow research rates (renamed the former "Slowest")
- Useful with Massives and Insane sized galaxies, to avoid terminating all research.
- Removed the inaccurate "Race"-word from menus and common dialogues.
- Full view of the galaxy:
- Galaxy Map: "ALT -" = Full view of the galaxy.
- Replay History Panel:
- New option to start the final replay with a Full view of the galaxy.
- New option to start the empire replay with a Full view of the galaxy.
- New option to set the turn pace.
- Orignal (and default) pace: 100 ms per turn.
- Can be set up to 10 s per turn.
- In History panel press "1" to "0" to set 1 x 100 ms to 10 x 100 ms.
- In History panel press "SHIFT+1" to "SHIFT+0" to set 1 s to 10 s.
- These option are common to all game and are merorized in Remnants.cfg
- Can be set in the Main setting panel, in the In-game Options Panel, and In-Game B classic panel.
- Look for "Zoom Factors" new Sub-panel.
- Can be set in the Main setting panel, in the In-game Options Panel, and In-Game B classic panel.
- Added Guide info (No relationship bar, no alliances) to Fusion, Fun, and Character.
Minor Fixes
- Fixed AI scouts bugging with "Reduced range"-option.
- Fixed random event delay not updating on reload.
- Fixed "Total Power"-status saturation.
New additions
- Added New "Deterministic Events"-Option.
- Same time, same event, same target on different play.
- Same Events on Reload.
- If event still actif, put on waiting list till the previous occurence ends.
- If target is extinct, Monsters are directed to their former home world.
- Ironman Mode (Once set, options can't be changed)
- Planet artifact won't change on reload.
- Limited reload option (only every n Turns)
- "Next Turn"-Button will warn you of this option.
- Optimization:
- Stars systems distances to empire are no more recomputed after each colony gain/loss, but once after all these events.
- This was very time cousuming on big galaxy.
- Stars systems distances to empire are no more recomputed after each colony gain/loss, but once after all these events.
- Custom Races can now have Artefacts + Rich or Poor homeworld.
- Updated auto-flag for resoures and artefacts combo.
- Updated planet display for resoures and artefacts combo.
- Random Events:
- New Random Event Sub Panel.
- All Random Events are now customizable.
- Random Events can be set to not favor the weak.
- New Random Events Pacing adjustment.
- Beta Auto-Run Options.
- Mainly thought for debug!
- Full log settings in the Main setting option panel.
- Can be Toggled from the in-game option panel.
- Can be paused/stopped.
- Won't start without AI selection (available in empire panel)
- "Next Turn"-Button will warn you of this choice.