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619 lines (547 loc) · 21.4 KB

File metadata and controls

619 lines (547 loc) · 21.4 KB


New Features

  1. Support shenyu-admin expose prometheus metrics
  2. Add shenyu Level-1 cache and Level-2 cache
  3. Save extend plugin jar to shenyu admin
  4. Support shenyu upload plugin hot load in gateway
  5. Support apollo sync data and register data
  6. Initializes client information collection
  7. Support spring-boot-client auto config in shenyu client
  8. Add TCP plugin
  9. Super admin forces password change
  10. Spring-mvc(boot) client support collect api-meta
  11. Add zookeeper discovery sync
  12. Initializes Shenyu ingress controller
  13. Add discovery upstream and proxy selector proxy
  14. Expose shenyu actuator endpoint
  15. Add naocs discovery sync
  16. Add apollo discovery sync
  17. Add HttpLongPolling discovery sync
  18. Add consul discovery sync
  19. Add huawei cloud lts logging plugin
  20. Support openGauss database for shenyu admin
  21. Support polaris config sync and register center

API Changes


  1. Add tags for shenyu api doc client
  2. Add brpc integrated test
  3. Brpc support shared thread pool
  4. Add mapType to cryptor request and response plugin
  5. Crypto plugin supports multi field names
  6. Add p2c loadbalancer
  7. Modify plugin jar to Base64-string in plugin data
  8. Add shortest response load balancer
  9. Add hash load balancer test case
  10. Add DetailSerivice test case
  11. Tolerant path slash for shenyu
  12. Add shenyu-common enums test case
  13. Add shenyu-common dto test case
  14. Add shenyu-admin model test case
  15. Add shenyu match cache test case
  16. Support k8s probes
  17. Add shenyu-admin service test case
  18. Add document json data in api doc
  19. The SPEL in the mock plugin is secure by default
  20. Add test cases for ShenyuClientApiDocExecutorSubscriber
  21. Add test case for shenyu-client-sofa module
  22. Add tag relation for shenyu api doc
  23. Support shenyu admin, bootstrap service stop script bat in windows
  24. Add test case for ShenyuSdkClientFactory
  25. Add websocket synchronization method for e2e-springcloud
  26. Support divide plugin active offline
  27. Add springcloud service instance cache
  28. Change password support i18n
  29. Add websocket sync for shenyu discovery
  30. Update springboot to 2.7.13
  31. Add other syn method e2e-spring-cloud
  32. Add api doc client generated annotation attribute
  33. Update zookeeper client register repository active offline
  34. Update apollo client register repository active offline
  35. Storage adjustment for swagger type API documents, change from local cache to database
  36. Support nacos client offline
  37. Add e2e alibaba dubbo test case
  38. Add e2e apache dubbo test case
  39. Add shenyu-spring-sdk test cases
  40. Add e2e sofa test cases
  41. Add apollo config sync test case
  42. Add database connection pool
  43. Add idea icon for shenyu project


  1. Optimize shenyu-admin
  2. Refactor least active balance algorithm
  3. Optimized version-one for sign-plugin
  4. Optimize upstream check service
  5. Resolve shenyu project global version
  6. Refactor ShenyuConsulConfigWatch code
  7. Refactor shenyu trie codes
  8. Check uri condition of rule when saving
  9. Optimize shenyu-client code for shenyu-client-websocket
  10. Add license for admin dependency micrometer
  11. Update maven-assembly-plugin to 3.5.0
  12. Optimize global plugin sorting
  13. Use BearerToken replace StatelessToken in shenyu-admin
  14. Refactor shenyu-logging module
  15. Add validation for api doc
  16. Optimize Trie code and improve wildcard * supporting
  17. Refactor the custom plugin support hot load
  18. Refactor ShenyuWebHandler putPlugin methods
  19. Refactor Shenyu webfilter
  20. Reactor oauth2 plguin
  21. Refactor shenyu selector data continued field
  22. Refactor shenyu selector and rule cache
  23. Removed unused generics in shenyu client
  24. Refactor shenyu-plugin-sentinel plugin
  25. Refactor cache and add endpoint to expose cache
  26. Refactor checkUserPassword, not print known error log when startup
  27. Add some parameters for log
  28. Refactor shenyu global exception handler
  29. Add shenyu upload plugin integrated test case
  30. Optimize some syntactic sugar
  31. Change discovery_upstream discovery_handler_id
  32. Refactor shenyu global exception handlers
  33. Refactor shenyu plugin module
  34. Refactor AlibabaDubboConfigCache
  35. Remove hutool from dependency
  36. Refactor ShenyuClientShutdownHook
  37. Extractor add BaseAnnotationApiBeansExtractor
  38. Support multi-client registration
  39. Refactor shenyu-e2e support shenyu check style
  40. Refactor shenyu client register base
  41. Add domain test for shenyu divide plugin
  42. Update other rpc_ext for the same service
  43. Optimize consul connect operation
  44. Refactor shenyu e2e springcloud yaml change
  45. Add integrated test for k8s ingress controller
  46. Split the document field of the apidoc detail interface,and add fields such as requestHeaders and responseParameters
  47. Add swagger sample project to test the relevant functionality of the API documentation
  48. Optimize the display of form fields in json format
  49. Refactor shenyu log observability
  50. Add bootstrap start log
  51. Refactor api document for swagger
  52. Upgrade grpc version to 1.53.0
  53. Refactor api meta data process function
  54. polish master code and pom

Bug Fix

  1. Smart h2 path
  2. Fix crypto-response plugin
  3. Fix jdk8 Map computeIfAbsent performance bug
  4. Fix zombieRemovalTimes code
  5. Fix the upgraded sql file
  6. Remove detectOfflineLinks tag
  7. Ignore flattened-pom
  8. Fix LOG invoke method
  9. Fix NPE for shenyu-example-springcloud with nacos
  10. Fix shenyu-admin names for arguement of type
  11. Fix loadbalance spi resource
  12. Fix sql script error
  13. Fix to 24-hour format and timeZone for jackson
  14. Fix JwtUtils error
  15. Fix dubbo invoker cache bug
  16. Fix missing HOST delete operation
  17. Fix SpringMvcClientEventListener test case
  18. Fix pass update PENDING_SYNC for zombie
  19. Fix Memory leak
  20. Fix rule query failed because there are too many rules
  21. Fix missing actuator dependency and port error in examples http
  22. Fix UpstreamCheckUtils http and https
  23. Fix FileFilter make memory leak
  24. Fix zookeeper sync error
  25. Fix MemorySafeWindowTinyLFUMap memory leak error
  26. Fix lack separator of path of ApiDoc
  27. Fix NPE for shenyu trie
  28. Fix plugin skip error
  29. Fix oracle sql error
  30. Fix shenyu icon can't load in shenyu admin
  31. Fix hystrix fallback bug
  32. Fix warm up time for divide and springcloud
  33. Fix springcloud service chooser
  34. Fix shenyu-spring-boot-starter-plugin-mock add spring.factories
  35. Fix shenyu-client-mvc and shenyu-client-springcloud lose ip
  36. Fix empty rule data and selector data in cache
  37. Fix api document module update api detail error
  38. Fix get topic from config in KafkaLogCollectClient
  39. Fix logging console thread safety
  40. Fix brpc integration testing response size
  41. Fix selector update gray remove cache for plugn-dubbo-common
  42. Fix shenyu admin menu name bug
  43. Fix shenyu admin cannot configure consul port
  44. Fix shenyu client metadata and uri cannot sync to admin with apollo
  45. Fix PathVariable annotation url cannot match
  46. Fix could not update uri in PathPattern mode
  47. Fix client shutdown method call twice
  48. Fix shenyu mishandle consul configuration
  49. Remove unused configuration from Request, modifyResponse plugin
  50. Fix http registration metadata
  51. Fix websocket lost the user-defined clost status
  52. Fix consul register lose the prop of meta-path when special symbol
  53. Fix etcd sync error
  54. Fix admin sync error
  55. Fix shenyu motan plugin execute error


New Features

  1. Add brpc example
  2. Add spring boot starter plugin brpc&admin
  3. Add brpc-plugin
  4. Add shenyu-client-api-doc
  5. Add sdk duplicate class check
  6. Support diff nacos namespace
  7. Add array method of expression in mock plugin
  8. Support generation of mock data on request
  9. Support user specify http request domain
  10. Add MockRequestRecord
  11. Development shenyu-register-instance-eureka
  12. Support API document Api doc detail mapper
  13. Add api doc ddl
  14. Add TagMapper and TagRelationMapper
  15. Add api and api_rule_relation mapper
  16. Not config rule
  17. Refactor message readers
  18. Add sentinel rule handle parameter
  19. Add shenyu-e2e test engine
  20. Make an Apache Shenyu SSO authentication plugin based on casdoor
  21. Add logging-tencent-cls plugin
  22. Support clickhouse-logging-pugin
  23. Add logging-pulsar plugin
  24. Add new plugin: key-auth
  25. Fix sign plugin DataBufferLimitException error
  26. Fix context-path error

API Changes


  1. Add simpler client annotations for motan
  2. Add simpler client annotations for websocket
  3. Add configuration in starter for motan plugin
  4. Add convenience annotation for shenyu-client-springcloud and shenyu-client-springmvc


  1. Refactor some code for mock request of api doc
  2. Refactor logging-clickhouse
  3. Polish maven dependencies of dubbo
  4. Refactor sign plugin
  5. Update ShenyuExtConfiguration
  6. Remove unnecessary singleton
  7. Fix generating mock data in multithreading
  8. Refactor sdk test and processArgument
  9. Refactor DefaultSignService
  10. Fix shenyu-admin rule
  11. Optimized ShaUtil
  12. Fix cache too large
  13. Fix ConcurrentModificationException
  14. Fix sync data in etcd
  15. Refactor shenyu sdk client
  16. Optimize request timeout response
  17. Refactor log module
  18. Refactor shenyu-client-springcloud
  19. Refactor MotanServiceEventListener
  20. Refactor shenyu-admin sync data listener
  21. Refactor shenyu-client-tars
  22. Refactor client sdks alibaba dubbo
  23. Refactor springmvc client
  24. Refactor admin mapper config
  25. Refactor shenyu-plugin-logging
  26. Optimize random algorithm
  27. Refactor random loadbalancer
  28. Refactor logging-kafka

Bug Fix

  1. Remove redundant cookie setting
  2. Fix appAuth delete
  3. fix Cryptor-Request Plugin
  4. To avoid load the same ext plugins repeatedly
  5. Fix the TagRelationQuery
  6. Fix upgrade sql
  7. Fix Nacos register NPE
  8. Fix sandbox json parsing
  9. Prevent the first time from failing to load
  10. Fix plugin update bug by modifying config field setter
  11. Fix postgresql sql
  12. Fix the postgresql error during ShenYu-Admin startup
  13. Fix sentinel can't fuse
  14. Fix TencentClsLogCollectClient
  15. Fix change password error
  16. Fix selector page
  17. Fix request plugin can't replaceCookie
  18. Fix RateLimiterPlugin concurrent handler error


New Features

  1. Add logging-aliyun-sls plugin
  2. Add mock plugin
  3. Add logging-es plugin
  4. Add logging-rocketmq plugin
  5. Add logging-kafka plugin
  6. Add custom message writer in response plugin
  7. Add record log in admin
  8. Add apache dubbo http
  9. Add nacos register
  10. add the logic of annotation on the splicing class for sofa client
  11. Add the logic of annotation on the splicing class for motan client
  12. Add netty http server parameters
  13. Add the logic of annotation on the splicing class for apache dubbo client
  14. Add alert module
  15. Add support configurable timeout for MotanPlugin
  16. Add api document
  17. Add user permissions Exclude admin
  18. Add springBoot upgrade to 2.6.8
  19. Add support register instance to consul
  20. Add admin Support oracle database

API Changes


  1. Enhancement cache plugin
  2. Enhancement divide plugin


  1. Refactor spring cloud loadbalancer
  2. Refactor thread pool
  3. Refactor max memory config logic
  4. Refactor cors logic
  5. Refactor selector match
  6. Refactor fixed and elastic connection provider pool
  7. Refactor uri register
  8. Refactor zk client delete logic
  9. Refactor IpUtils
  10. Refactor result wrap
  11. Refactor app auth
  12. Refactor http client
  13. Refactor proxy and webclient remove host
  14. Refactor shared thread pool

Bug Fix

  1. Fix null pointer exception in divide plugin
  2. Fix body maxInMemorySize
  3. Fix admin delay update handle in selector
  4. Fix register-client loop error
  5. Fix the error of combination plugin
  6. Fix sofa and websocket client lossless registration
  7. Fix grpc client lossless registration
  8. Fix springcloud client lossless registration
  9. Fix spring cloud dubbo example
  10. Fix NPE repair of admin module caused by spring MVC example synchronization
  11. Fix curator version incompatible in bootstrap
  12. Fix hidden logic bug
  13. Fix failure to load local plugins
  14. Fix pg script error
  15. Fix hystrix-plugin tests failure
  16. Fix client registration by consul only register 1 metadata
  17. Fix websocket datasync can chose allow origin to avoid CSRF


New Features

  1. Add http register client retry.
  2. Support octet-stream context-type.
  3. Support redirecting to URIs outside of bootstrap and refactoring code.
  4. Add local API authorization.
  5. Support config dubbo consumer pool.
  6. Support DividePlugin failover retry.
  7. Support websocket client configuration.
  8. Support config netty thread pool in HttpClient.
  9. Support MemoryLimitedLinkedBlockingQueue.
  10. Support alibaba dubbo plugin shared thread pool.
  11. Support grpc plugin shared thread pool.
  12. Add Metrics Plugin.
  13. Add Cache Plugin.
  14. Add logging rocketmq plugin.

API Changes


  1. Test combination of Param mapping, Rewrite plugin,
  2. Test combination of Param mapping and Redirect plugin.
  3. Test combination of RateLimiter and Rewrite plugin.
  4. Test combination of RateLimiter and Redirect plugin.
  5. Test combination of Request and Redirect plugin.
  6. Test combination of Request and Rewrite plugin.
  7. Test combination of JWT and RateLimiter plugin.
  8. Test combination of JWT and Redirect plugin.
  9. Test combination of JWT and Rewrite plugin.
  10. Add integrated test of Resilience4j plugin.
  11. Add integrated test of Hystrix plugin.
  12. Update junit4 to junit5.
  13. Add shenyu-examples-springmvc-tomcat.
  14. Optimize the password encryption.
  15. Optimize and verify shenyu-admin module interface parameters.
  16. Optimize the configurable Shenyu agent log collection.
  17. Optimize code about data init when sync data.
  18. Add unit test for LoggingRocketMQPlugin


  1. Used Wheel-Timer instead of ScheduledExecutorService class.
  2. Remove DisruptorProvider#onData(final Consumer function)
  3. Synchronized instance rather than class in MetadataExecutorSubscriber.
  4. Refactor admin buildHandle about register uri.
  5. Spring cloud client auto set port.
  6. Refactor jwt support multi-level tokens.
  7. Remove monitor plugin.
  8. Change logback theme.
  9. remove shenyu-agent.

Bug Fix

  1. Fix init CommonUpstreamUtils NPE.
  2. Make a judgment on the failure of Nacos registration.
  3. Fix NPE when login with non-existent user.
  4. Fix double log.
  5. Fix misspelled token.
  6. Fix retryCount not work bug.
  7. Fix token parse error.
  8. Fix the trouble of big data in Websocket.
  9. Fix NettyHttpClientPlugin did not retry when failed.
  10. Fix CVE-2021-41303.
  11. Fix judgment of the contains condition of all plugins does not work.
  12. Fix http headers lose bug.
  13. Fix Bug The Rewrite Plugin should support {PathVariable} request.
  14. Fix Bug about data sync with Nacos.
  15. Fix Nacos namespace config.
  16. Fix NPE or websocket proxy fails when the context-path plug-in is opened.
  17. Fix http registers the client plug-in port occupancy detection.


New Features

  1. Add Mqtt plugin
  2. Add Shenyu-Agent module support observability
  3. Add opentelemetry plugin on Shenyu-Agent module
  4. Add jaeger plugin on Shenyu-Agent module
  5. Add zipkin plugin on Shenyu-Agent module
  6. Support Shenyu instance register by zookeeper
  7. Support Shenyu response data custom format
  8. Support https for upstream check
  9. Add RpcContextPlugin to transmit header to rpc context
  10. Support cluster model for dubbo plugin
  11. Support Shenyu instance register by ETCD

API Changes

1.Add configuration properties for HTTP synchronization data 2.Remove'/shenyu-client/','/configs/','/plugin'interface from the whitelist interface of Shenyu admin


  1. Optimize global error handler for flexible processing
  2. Optimized the database access in the loop
  3. Optimize result media type and reset response header
  4. Enhancement crossfilter filter the same headers
  5. Optimize shenyu context module data
  6. Optimize dubbo plugin
  7. Optimize admin db operation
  8. Refactor Response and Cryptor plugin
  9. Optimize Admin Resource Permission loader
  10. Add authentication on shenyu admin when register by http
  11. Optimize netty config.
  12. Optimize SQL files for resource,permission
  13. Add ExcludeOperatorJudge for selector and rule
  14. Add docker-compose on Shenyu-dist
  15. Enhance the ability of jwt plugin


  1. Remove SpEL and Groovy plugins
  2. Optimization prompt of ExtensionLoader
  3. Add http client strategy property
  4. Refactor shenyu client

Bug Fix

  1. Fix sentinel Plugin-exception number is not effective
  2. Fix HttpClientProperties.javaresponseTimeout can not config in yaml
  3. Fix Connection reset by peer Exception on webclient
  4. Fix register metadata and uri order
  5. Fix Admin when press the Add button
  6. Fix Spi config
  7. Support Dubbo Plugin Single Parameter Primitive Type
  8. Fix using etcd cluster to sync data init failed
  9. Fix Shiro get white list is null bug
  10. Fix zookeeper sync error handling event bug
  11. Fix modify-response-plugin and cryptor-response-plugin are used in combination, and no information is returned
  12. Fix the bug of missing some field in cryptor rule handler using h2


New Features

  1. Support PostgreSQL for admin
  2. Support dynamic loading plugin
  3. Support local modification data mode
  4. Add Websocket plugin
  5. Add CryptorRequest plugin
  6. Add CryptorResponse plugin
  7. Support Grayscale Release for SpringCloud
  8. Support Grayscale Release for Apache Dubbo
  9. Implement the async dubbo invoking for alibaba-dubbo
  10. Support external cross filter config
  11. Support sign plugin custom dynamic sign provider

API Changes

  1. Refactor shenyu config in yaml


  1. Optimize code about dubbo async call
  2. Add loadbalancer common module
  3. Optimize sql init
  4. Refactor Admin PageHelper to query list
  5. Optimize GlobalErrorHandler
  6. Optimize the return value of the'skip' method interface of'ShenyuPlugin' to boolean
  7. Optimize register rules
  8. Modify dubbo and sofa param resolve service
  9. Refactor sign plugin api
  10. Remove websocket filter


  1. Remove lombok dependency
  2. Remove mapstruct dependency
  3. Support JDK8 ~ JDK15
  4. Add missing plugin_handle sql for plugin motan

Bug Fix

  1. Fix JsonSyntaxException in jwt plugin
  2. Fix sql miss for resilience4j plugin handler
  3. Fix disruptor problem of hold event data in consume event
  4. Fix deadlock bug of HealthCheckTask
  5. Fix client retry the connection add log and increase sleep time
  6. Fix the default_group of nacos
  7. Fix maven ignore and docker entrypoint
  8. Fix admin Return password question
  9. Fix LDAP query built from user-controlled source
  10. Fix the IP address retrieval error
  11. Fix Gson toJson is null
  12. Fix the index out of range bug for context path.
  13. Fix monitor init metrics label bug
  14. Fix GlobalErrorHandler error object to map bug by JacksonUtils.toMap
  15. Fix modify response plugin order bug
  16. Fix the bug of register
  17. Fix sofa plugin register metadata and parameters resolve
  18. Fix motan ,dubbo, sofa plugin metadata init bug


New Features

  1. Support reading init_script file which is not under resource/directory
  2. Display the plugin menus in categories
  3. Admin add execute Multi-path sql script
  4. IpUtils add a parameter to select the network ip
  5. Add parameter-mapping plugin
  6. Support Consul as shenyu-register-center
  7. Support Etcd as shenyu-sync-data-center
  8. Add sentinel customized fallbackhandler
  9. Add response plugin
  10. Add JWT plugin
  11. Add Request plugin
  12. Add Motan plugin
  13. Add Logging plugin
  14. Add Modify-response plugin
  15. Add Oauth2 plugin
  16. Add Menu Resource Permissions
  17. Add Data Permissions

API Changes

  1. Change the project name from Soul to ShenYu
  2. Change the group id from org.dromara to org.apache.shenyu


  1. H2 support insert ignore into in Mysql model
  2. Improvements For the Apache Dubbo plugin
  3. Optimization of GRPC plugin


  1. Refactor code about "async invoke" is not supported in Dubbo lower than 2.7.3
  2. Replace the term Operator by Predicate
  3. Refine judge conditions operator
  4. Refactor PredicateJudge module using SPI
  5. Refactor code about client register

Bug Fix

  1. Fix the JwtUtil.getUserId method bug
  2. Fix the shenyu-spring-boot-starter bug
  3. The encoded urlPath will be re-encoded in WebClientPlugin
  4. Replace The Risky Cryptographic Algorithm "AES/ECB/NoPadding"
  5. ReadTimeoutHandler on a channel which in a PooledConnectionProvider would cause an unexpected ReadTimeoutException
  6. Got ClassNotFoundException while start my Gateway in 2.4.8 spring boot



  • Add 'open' field to allow app path authentication or not in sign plugin. #1168
  • Optimize divide plugin to use common plugin template in soul-dashboard. #1163
  • Add default values and rule checks in plugin handler. #1112
  • Add resource management to allow user to add plugin, adjust menu and button resource and so on in soul-dashboard and soul-admin. #1034
  • Add menu and data permission in soul-admin. #917
  • Add H2 store for soul-admin #918


  • Add tars plugin #863
  • Add sentinel plugin #331
  • Add sofa plugin #384
  • Add Resilience4j plugin for soul-plugin. #434
  • Add Context path mapping plugin for soul-plugin. #894
  • Add Grpc plugin supports grpc protocol. #1081
  • support form submission for dubbo plugin.#339
  • feat(plugin handle): #307
  • Add dist package module #320
  • Add test cases for soul-admin #500
  • Add register center for consul #1148
  • Add register center for etcd #1161
  • Add register center for nacos #1182
  • Add register center for zookeeper #1141 #1139