class: center, middle
Radovan Bast @__radovan
The project idea/directive grew out of two courses given at .emph[PDC/KTH in 2014 and 2015].
The courses were popular and it was clear that the demand is not limited to the Stockholm region and we approached NeIC to bring this project to a Nordic level, both to have .emph[more impact], but also to .emph[connect instructors across Nordic borders].
The first CodeRefinery workshop was given late 2016 and since then the lesson material has evolved a lot and we have delivered many more workshops, both in-person and online.
In 2018 the project has received follow-up funding from NeIC for 3 more years, until 2021. In 2021 .emph[the project successfully applied to the NeIC open call 2021 for another 3 years, starting 2022].
- Over 1500 persons trained
- Over 30 instructors/speakers
- Over 100 helpers and exercise leads
- Lesson material
- Manuals
- Training network
- Brand
- Impact
- Community
- Knowledge
- On-boarding
- Retention of volunteers
- Marketing
- Funding
- Visibility of events
- Retention of contact points
- Outreach
- Project management (but I want more than for this to be a spreadsheet filling project)
- Report about our work
- Administrative shield
- Remove distractions and blockers
- Provide a motivating environment
- Find out what motivates you
- Defend the team
- Provide career growth opportunities
- Try to influence without authority
- Find something you are excited about
- Take ownership of something
- Expect support and ask for tasks and feedback
class: center, middle, inverse
- How many have read the project plan?
- Planning is more useful than the plan
- Adjust plan as we go
- .emph[What we measure, we improve]
- .emph[Idea]
- Note it down to not forget it
- Find it again
- Find out who is interested
- Schedule an event/meeting
- Prepare the meeting
- Lead the meeting
- Explain the idea again and again
- Make sure we take notes
- Get any form of commitment before people disconnect for another meeting
- Find the notes later in the document pile
- Make the notes understandable to those who were not there
- Schedule more follow-ups
- Eventually: blog post or pull request or something
- Assemble band
- On-board new band members
- Organize venue
Tour bus and hotel- Announce
- Print posters
- Advertise
- Set playlist
- Deal with tickets and cancellations
- Provide rehearsal space
- Rehearse and update the set
- Provide security and manage audience
- Sound check
- Tune the instruments
- .emph[Play the show]
- Broadcast, light, and record
- Clean up
- Give interviews
- Edit recording
- Publish recording
- Publish memoirs
- Get money for the next tour ] .right-column40[
.cite[Copyright 1980 Atlantic Records, fair use] ]
- Make myself more redundant
- Put the project on the map
- Non-profit organization
- .emph[Better communicate expectations, needs, and goals]
- More micro-content creation
- Empower and facilitate efforts
- Make this a fun project/place to work and contribute to
- Make this something that people put on their CVs
- Make this something that organizations put on their homepages
- Better on-board those who want to help