GET /api/v1/location
Optionally search to an area with source_latitude, source_longitude, distance
curl -s -X GET 'localhost:5000/api/v1/location?source_latitude=30.267153&source_longitude=-97.743057&distance=5'
GET /api/v1/location{location_id}
Returns the timestamp of the most recently updated verified location
GET /api/v1/recentLocation
Requires basic auth
POST /api/v1/location
Requires basic auth
This will upload a csv which will get asynchronously converted to json and uploaded to db
POST /api/v1/location/csv
Requires basic auth
PUT /api/v1/location{location_id}?field=field_name&value=field_value
- a field name in the schema
- url encoded value, assumes application/x-www-form-urlencoded type data
- Flask + blueprints
- SQLAlchemy
- AWS Parameter Support for grabbing env and secrets
- Docker
- Nginx + uWSGI
- Lots of automation
Start PG, pgadmin, and flask in docker:
make up
Create the schema:
make db_create
Create and apply migrations:
make migrate
Stop docker environment:
make stop
PG and pgadmin use volumes so their data is preserved.
Build and push to ECR
make push
make ENVIRONMENT=production push
The DB schema needs to get created in RDS before using an environment
make ENVIRONMENT=xyz create_db_fargate
- Staging
- Production
All secrets are stored in AWS Parameter Store with KMS encryption. The naming structure is:
scripts/pip_install.sh XYZ
├── application - the app code
├── config.py - Parameterized app config
├── create_db.py - Run this to create the DB schema
├── docker - Directory of docker specific scripts for use in dockerfile
├── docker-compose.py - Runs PG, PG admin, and the app
├── docker-compose.yml - local development
├── Dockerfile
├── scripts - Directory of automation scripts for use outside of dockerfile
└── wsgi.py - Hook for launching the app instance