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contributing then please make pull requests on the Github Project. In the meantime this document will just link to a few other resources

Reading a Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF


The easiest way to read a COG in a way that takes advantage of its unique properties is to use GDAL and its VSI Curl functionality. See the GDAL Wiki on Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF in its How to read it with GDAL section. A majority of geospatial software in the world uses GDAL as a library, so incorporating it is likely the fastest way to incorporate COG reading in to your software.


For C/C++ or Python developers, the easiest way to read a COG in a way that takes advantage of its unique properties is to use GDAL and its VSI Curl functionality. See the GDAL Wiki on Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF in its How to read it with GDAL section. A majority of geospatial software in the world uses GDAL as a library, so incorporating it is likely the fastest way to incorporate COG reading in to your software.


Java developers may find more convenient to use pure Java readers that integrate well with the Java2D framework. Taking advantage of COG properties on file system, HTTP or S3 is possible for example with GeoTools and Apache SIS libraries.

Planet produces all its data as COG, and has a little tutorial on how to download part of an image using VSI Curl. Most of the tutorial is specific to working with the Planet API, but it shows the use of GDAL Warp with a COG to extract a single farm field from a larger image.

How to generate a Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF

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  • Rasterio wraps the powerful features of GDAL in idiomatic Python functions and classes. Their latest release includes a number of features to optimize cloud geotiff access. See their Advanced Rasterio Features Notebook for truly excellent documentation on working with COG's.
  • GeoTrellis is a scalable Scala geospatial library, that can create and read Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF's. Head over to the documentation. And check out Eugene Cheipesh's FOSS4G-NA 2018 talk on COGs.
  • GeoTools is the leading Java geospatial library, and it supports COG's with the s3-geotiff module. +
  • Apache Spatial Information System (SIS) is a Java geospatial library capable to read COG files over HTTP or S3. COG images can be part of a chain of operations such as raster reprojection, which will read only the tiles requested by the final output.
  • Orfeo ToolBox All Orfeo ToolBox applications can read cloud optimized geotiffs through GDAL (simply prefix file url with /vsicurl/)