When making a study on SONA, you'll need to enter in your study's url (e.g., https://cogtoolslab.org:8881/index.html). However, this will only add your study to SONA but will not automatically assign credit to your participants after their participation.
To automate your credit assignment, add the following to the end of your url: ?sona=1&survey_code=%SURVEY_CODE%
(e.g., https://cogtoolslab.org:8881/index.html?sona=1&survey_code=%SURVEY_CODE%)
When you look at your study info, nagivate to the website section where you'll see a button "Sample Link with Embedded ID Code". If you click on this, you'll see that SONA will automatically assign a random number as your survey_code in the url. This survey_code will be different for every participant.
In study info, you'll also see Completion URLs for the client-side and server-side. Click on the client-side url to view your study's unique experiment_id and credit_token. For example, the url might look like this:
Where in this case, the experiment_id is: 1957
And the credit_token is: 94edbf1cbf524148b93e396bc6194eae
In whichever javascript file you are using, add the following code so that participants are redirected back to SONA after they have finished all trials: (Note that you'll need to edit the url to match your study's experiment_id and credit_token.
window.open('https://ucsd.sona-systems.com/webstudy_credit.aspx?experiment_id=1957&credit_token=94edbf1cbf524148b93e396bc6194eae&survey_code=' + jsPsych.data.getURLVariable('survey_code'))
If you are working with the instructions plugin of jspsych, here is a sample of code for a "goodbye" page:
var goodbye = {
type: 'instructions',
pages: [
"<p>Congrats! You are all done. Thanks for participating in our game!</p>"
show_clickable_nav: true,
allow_backward: false,
delay: false,
on_finish: function() {
window.open('https://ucsd.sona-systems.com/webstudy_credit.aspx?experiment_id=1957&credit_token=94edbf1cbf524148b93e396bc6194eae&survey_code=' +
Note that while this will automate credit assignment, this does not automate assigning excused or unexcused no-shows on SONA.