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Releases: coin-or/SHOT


20 Oct 12:15
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Major features

  • SHOT no longer needs an external NLP solver in its primal strategy since SHOT can now call itself for solving fixed NLP problems. Activated with Primal.FixedInteger.Solver=2. For nonconvex problems it is still recommended to use an external NLP solver.
  • Partition convex nonseparable quadratic functions as separate constraints using an eigenvalue decomposition-based reformulation. Activated with Model.Reformulation.Quadratics.UseEigenValueDecomposition=true.
  • Support for performing an initial polyhedral approximation of the nonlinear feasible set before feasibility-based bound tightening. Activated with Model.BoundTightening.InitialPOA.Use=true.
  • Support for problems containing semi-continuous and semi-integer variables.
  • Support for problems containing special ordered sets.

Minor improvements and bug fixes

  • Improved support for generating supporting hyperplanes for the entire nonlinear feasible set instead of the feasible sets for the individual constraint functions. Activated with Dual.ESH.Rootsearch.UseMaxFunction=true.
  • Improved support for passing nonconvex quadratic functions directly to the MIP solver (if supported).
  • Bug fixes for the AMPL interface.


12 Jul 13:59
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v1.1-beta1 Pre-release

What's new in version 1.1?

Major features

  • SHOT no longer needs an external NLP solver in its primal strategy since SHOT can now call itself for solving fixed NLP problems. Activated with Primal.FixedInteger.Solver=2. For nonconvex problems it is still recommended to use an external NLP solver.

  • Partition convex nonseparable quadratic functions as separate constraints using an eigenvalue decomposition-based reformulation. Activated with Model.Reformulation.Quadratics.UseEigenValueDecomposition=true.

  • Support for performing an initial polyhedral approximation of the nonlinear feasible set before feasibility-based bound tightening. Activated with Model.BoundTightening.InitialPOA.Use=true.

  • Support for problems containing semi-continuous and semi-integer variables.

  • Support for problems containing special ordered sets.

Minor improvements and bug fixes

  • Improved support for generating supporting hyperplanes for the entire nonlinear feasible set instead of the feasible sets for the individual constraint functions. Activated with Dual.ESH.Rootsearch.UseMaxFunction=true.

  • Improved support for passing nonconvex quadratic functions directly to the MIP solver (if supported).

  • Bug fixes to the AMPL interface.


28 May 10:52
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This is the first full release of SHOT. More information is available on

Binaries (with Cbc and Ipopt) are available for Windows. Linux and MacOS users should compile the program themselves using the instructions here.


21 Oct 19:14
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v1.0-alpha.1 Pre-release

This is a preview release of the upcoming SHOT 1.0 release. The release should be quite stable, but there are still bugs that will be fixed before the stable release.


26 Jun 16:14
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v0.9.1 Pre-release

SHOT release version 0.9.1. This is the first public version of SHOT.


26 Jun 16:36
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v0.9.2 Pre-release

SHOT release 0.9.2.


  • Some fixes for Cbc.
  • Various changes in default parameters.
  • Can now add lazy constraints generated in relaxed points locally in CPLEX (old callback type only).