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Optimization objectives

Most algorithms allow you to choose the optimization objective. The following example is based on: Walter (2013), 'Comparing the minimum completion times of two longest-first scheduling-heuristics'. With these numbers, each objective yields a different partition.

items = [46, 39, 27, 26, 16, 13, 10]

import prtpy
from prtpy.outputtypes import PartitionAndSums
from prtpy.objectives import MaximizeSmallestSum, MinimizeLargestSum, MinimizeDifference, Objective
dp = prtpy.partitioning.dynamic_programming


print(prtpy.partition(algorithm=dp, numbins=3, items=items, outputtype=PartitionAndSums, objective=MinimizeLargestSum))
(array([62., 62., 53.]), [[46, 16], [39, 13, 10], [27, 26]])


print(prtpy.partition(algorithm=dp, numbins=3, items=items, outputtype=PartitionAndSums, objective=MaximizeSmallestSum))
(array([56., 56., 65.]), [[46, 10], [27, 16, 13], [39, 26]])


print(prtpy.partition(algorithm=dp, numbins=3, items=items, outputtype=PartitionAndSums, objective=MinimizeDifference))
(array([55., 59., 63.]), [[39, 16], [46, 13], [27, 26, 10]])

To define a custom objective, create an Objective object with a lamdba function, describing the expression that should be minimized.

class MinimizeTheSmallestSum(Objective):
    def value_to_minimize(self, sums:list, are_sums_in_ascending_order:bool=False)->float:
        return sums[0] if are_sums_in_ascending_order else min(sums)
MinimizeSmallestSum = MinimizeTheSmallestSum()
print(prtpy.partition(algorithm=dp, numbins=3, items=items, outputtype=PartitionAndSums, objective=MinimizeSmallestSum))
(array([  0.,  49., 128.]), [[], [26, 13, 10], [46, 39, 27, 16]])

Some other useful objectives are:

from prtpy.objectives import MaximizeKSmallestSums, MinimizeKLargestSums


print(prtpy.partition(algorithm=dp, numbins=3, items=items, objective=MaximizeKSmallestSums(2), outputtype=PartitionAndSums))
(array([62., 62., 53.]), [[46, 16], [39, 13, 10], [27, 26]])


print(prtpy.partition(algorithm=dp, numbins=3, items=items, objective=MinimizeKLargestSums(2), outputtype=PartitionAndSums))
(array([56., 56., 65.]), [[46, 10], [27, 16, 13], [39, 26]])

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