- GAESEX : Generate AES keys for Export, Import and Cipher using DH and private and public keys
- GPKI : Generate an ECC PKI private.Public key pair
- EAESDH : Export an AES key using DH symmetric key
- EPKI : Export a public key
- IAESDH : Import an AES key created by EAESDH
- IPKI : Import a PKI public key
- GAESEXJ : Generate AES keys for Export, Import and Cipher using DH and private and public keys. Parameters -KEY name -PRIVATE private_key label -PUBLIC public_key_label -TYPE E|I|C <-REPLACE>
- GPKIJ : Generate an ECC PKI private.Public key pair. Parameters -KEY keyname <-REPLACE>
- EAESDHJ : Export an AES key using DH symmetric key. Parameters -KEY keyname -PUBLIC exporterKeyName. This puts the encrypted data in //EXPORT with DCB=(LRECL=800,RECFM=VB,BLKSIZE=3200)
- EPKIJ : Export a PKI public key. Parameters -KEY keyname. This puts the encrypted data in //EXPORT with DCB=(LRECL=800,RECFM=VB,BLKSIZE=3200)
- IAESDHJ : Import an AES key created by EAESDH. Parameters -KEY outputKeyname -PRIVATE Importer <-REPLACE>. This reads from //IMPORT
- IPKIJ : Import a PKI public key. Parameters -KEY outputKeyname. This reads from //IMPORT
These are called from the Rexx main execs. They do one ICSF function. When passing key data around it is passed - coverted to Hex. This prevents problems if there were characters which would cause parseing problems, such as blank or comma. I refer to this as the blob of data.
- ADDCKDS - Add a record to the CKDS.
- Parameters label,blob,replace where replace='Y' if the record is to be replaced if it exists already.
- Returns rc rs error_string
- ADDPKDS - Add a record to the PKDS.
- Parameters label,blob,replace where replace='Y' if the record is to be replaced if it exists already.
- Returns rc rs error_string
- CPRS - Reason code to string program.
- Parameters code and reason code to get the string. eg CPRS(8,.2016) returns "The rule_array parameter contents are incorrect".
- Returns the string (could be null string)
- DELCKDS - Delete a key from the CKDS.
- Parameters label.
- Returns rc rs error_string
- DELPKDS - Delete a key from the PKDS.
- Parameters label.
- Returns rc rs error_string
- EXISTSCK - Does a key exist in the CKDS.
- Parameters label.
- Returns rc rs error_string
- EXISTSPK - Does a key exist in the PKDS.
- Parameters label.
- Returns rc rs error_string
- EXPAES - Export an AES key using PKI public key.
- Parameters label, public key name
- Returns rc rs blob of encrypted key
- EXPAESE - Export an AES key using Exported key.
- Parameters label, public key name
- Returns rc rs blob of encrypted key
- EXPPKI - Export an PKI public.
- Parameter label.
- Returns rc rs blob of key
- GENAES - Generate an AES key.
- Parameters label, blob of key from skeleton.
- Returns rc rs blob
- GENDH - Generate an AES key using DH.
- Parameters name of private key, name of public key at the remote end, blob created by skeleton.
- Returns rc rs blob of key
- IMPAES - Import an AES key encrypted with public key.
- Parameters label to put into key,name of private key, blob of input data.
- Returns rc rs blob of data encrypted with local key.
- IMPAESE - Import an AES key encryped with Exporter key.
- Parameters label to put into key,name of importer key, blob of input data.
- Returns rc rs blob of data encrypted with local key.
- PKIGEN - Generate a PKI key.
- Parameters, label, blob of data from skeleton.
- Returns rc rc blob.
- PKISKEL - Create a PKI skeleton for passing into PKIGEN.
- Parameters label. It uses 'ECC-PAIR' 'KEY-MGMT'
- Returns rc rs blob.
- PKISKELQ- Create a PKI skeleton uing QSA. Could not use it.
- Parameters label. Uses 'QSA-PAIR' 'U-DIGSIG'.
- Returns rc rs blob.
- QSAPRINT- Print out information from a QSA key.
- Parameters blob containing the key.
- Returns rc rs
- READCKDS- Read a record from the CKDS.
- Parameter label.
- Returns rc rs blob
- READPKS - Read a record from the PKDS.
- Parameter label.
- Returns rc rs blob
- SKELAES - Create a skeleton AES key for a CIPHER.
- Parameters none.
- Returns rc rs blob
- SKELAESE- Create a skeleton AES key for Exporter, Importer or Cipher.
- Parameters type (E|I|C).
- Returns rc rs blob. The blob can be passed to GENAESE