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-layout: post
-title: "Rocket Launch"
-date: 2024-6-15
-categories: microg
- Rockets team
-This past week, our Rockets mission successfully launched their nitrous-parrafin hybrid rocket named PleaseGoHigher at the inaugural FAR-OUT competition in the Californian Mojave desert.
-PleadeGoHigher went FARther OUT, further Up, and Higher than ever, surpassing last year’s PleaseGoUp rocket and winning second place in its launch category and first place in podium presentations. It produced over a half-ton of thrust, accelerated at 16G’s and successfully deployed parachutes to safely land and be recovered. This rocket was entirely student-designed, manufactured, and tested in-house this year, and is CSI and Columbia’s second-ever rocket launch and first-ever successful recovery.
-Huge congratulations to the entire team!
- Rocket descent
--- Tycho Bogdanowitsc, Rockets Lead