- show MC + curl authentication and example call
- GitHub Repo
- issue tracker
- modules (different HTTP clients)
- Javadoc
- Release Notes
- Overview of Endpoints
- Architecture
- methods of SphereClient
- async stuff/blocking client
- requires Java 8 CompletionStage
- SphereRequest
- show manually implementation with http request intent
- get as byte[]
- get as JSON
- initialize client
- test examples with blocking client
- references and reference expansion
- immutable objects, of-method, withers
- CreateCommands
- GetByXyz
- Query
- requires Java 8 lambdas
- predicates
- sort
- reference expansion
- limit/offset
- UpdateCommands
- DeleteCommands
- deal with Nullable/Optional
- async + map/flatMap
- join the right way (bot use get) or better with timeout
- ReactiveStreamUtils
- Sphere Errors
- Exception Hierarchy
- examples for good exception handling
- logging
- levels
- activate specific loggers
- includes not search
- catalogs
- masterVariant and variants -> getAllVariants()
- current vs. staged
- ProductProjection vs. Product
- product types
- dynamic attributes
- fake sphere client
- impex
- create
- add line items
- add customer data
- create order