Releases: commercetools/commercetools-php-sdk
- Cart: support multiple shipping addresses (20014da)
- Extension: support API extensions (9ca58c8), closes #365
- Money: support high precision money (95722b9), closes #410
- Order: support multiple shipping addresses (d98c259)
- OrderFromCart: support state, orderState, shipmentState at OrderCreateFromCart (5fd4375), closes #412 #417
- ProductDiscount: add setValidFromAndUntil update action (1e54656)
- ProductDiscounts: add endpoint for Matching ProductDiscount (9258a62)
- Request: add GDPR dataErasure flag (5d35ea1), closes #411
- ShoppingList: support AnonymousId on ShoppingList owner (efd2565)
- Subscription: add Google Cloud PubSub destination (585501a), closes #418
- Subscription: add modifiedAt to change subscription payloads (602303a), closes #416
- Subscription: add payloadNotIncluded to message delivery (60e207b), closes #413
Bug Fixes
- Guzzle5Adapter: fix applying client options to guzzle5 http client (e735afd)
- Attribute: enhance getting attribute by name from attributes collection (5d6ef10)
- Builder: add request and update actions builder DSL (3a55e6d)
- Cart: Support cart replication (52d9448), closes #392
- CartDiscount: support MultiBuyDiscount on custom line items (f53d0b5), closes #389
- Message: add customer messages (2f8c91d), closes #391
- OAuthManager: add configuration options for internal HTTP client (5746c4a), closes #395
- ProductType: support product type changeAttributeName & changeEnumKey (#397) (8994315), closes #393
- ProductType: support product type removeEnumValues update action (2bf3e13), closes #388
Bug Fixes
- Context: fix setting of uninitialized properties in context object (adbb71f), closes #379
- Query: fix undesired sort of query parameter sort (f22bd65), closes #386
- CartDiscount: support cart discount stacking mode (64f18b8), closes #354
- CartDiscount: support multi buy discounts (5207c2b), closes #353
- Context: add interface for CurrencyFormatter (b35abff)
- CustomObject: add CustomObjectByIdGetRequest (2194d3e)
- DiscountCode: support custom fields for discount codes (80aa86f), closes #352
- DiscountCode: support validFrom and validUntil for discount codes (523929a), closes #367
- DiscountCode: support groups for discount codes (53a8f05), closes #362
- Order: support delivery update actions (d033399), closes #369
- Order: support get/update/delete order by orderNumber (dc1a101), closes #356
- Order: support parcel delivery items (6f35c31), closes #357
- Cart: support tax calculation mode (2ef543b), closes #376
- Payment: support get/update/delete payment by key (da32ce6), closes #349
- State: add constant for state role return (b713135), closes #363
- Order: support address for order deliveries (8ef8dea), closes #366
- Client: support client instantiation with preconfigured bearer token (d93a455), closes #359
- CartDiscount: support custom field for cart discounts (a8325c1), closes #373
- CustomerGroup: support custom field for customer groups (23d1737), closes #360
- Assets: support key for assets (a3c9ea0), closes #371
- Cart: support origin for carts and orders (37db8de), closes #361
- Product: support revertStagedVariantChanges (18d0be2), closes #372
- ProductDiscount: support validFrom and validUntil for product discounts (c75e53c), closes #368
- ProductType: support changeAttributeConstraint update action (52932d8), closes #370
- ShippingMethod: support setPredicate on shipping methods (ec2fce5), closes #375
- Product: support staged flag for product meta update actions (b60aab0), closes #358
- ShippingMethod: support shipping rate tiers (#384) (7611315), closes #355
- ShoppingList: support add line item by SKU (7172e1c), closes #374
- Customer: support updateProductData of cart on customer login (555ccb3), closes #377
Bug Fixes
- Me: fix MeUpdateRequest constructor (e96a2d1)
- Message: fix object hierarchy for PaymentTransactionStateChanged message (b4ec4a2)
- StateTransitionMessage: fix type of state in StateTransitionMessage (2bb1efd)
- Cart: support add line item by sku (3b81973), closes #341
- Cart: support external tax amount (95e5547), closes #347
- Cart: support setAnonymousId (1a1e472), closes #338
- Cart: support setCustomerGroup update action (80c72ec), closes #343
- Client: add configuration options for guzzle (18dbd00), closes #345
- Client: support creation of correlation id at client side (124c004), closes #328
- CustomField: add type safe getter for field in field container (732f861)
- Customer: support setKey for customers (211573d), closes #342
- CustomerGroup: support field
functionality (57e803c), closes #330 - Message: add ProductVariantDeleted, ProductDeleted and ProductRevertedStagedChanges message (f7291ae), closes #332
- Product: add typed getter for product attribute value (34afcdd)
- Product: support scope for product publish (9d0b5aa), closes #340
- Project: support change of project settings (347ecb6), closes #350
- ShippingMethod: add support for shipping method predicate (19ea63e), closes #348
- ShippingMethod: support shipping method by key functionality (3ba9596), closes #329
- Subscription: support azure service bus destination (58ad977), closes #331
- TaxCategory: support setKey for tax categories (6c41b97), closes #339
- Cart: support external price for line items (3a9d972), closes #322
- CartDiscount: support free gift line item (ad58116), closes #325
- Category: support category key functionality (d2b63dd), closes #326
- Customer: add get customer by email token request (8de3b30)
- Customer: add salutation to customer (c1c65fd), closes #324
- Messages: add OrderPaymentStateChanged message (6afb611), closes #312
- Messages: add PaymentStatusInterfaceCodeSet message (c5e0531), closes #313
- Messages: add ProductImageAdded message (0e14d97), closes #314
- Payment: support key for payments (1f40cef), closes #315
- ProductType: add change inputHint update action (af666f6), closes #323
- ShippingMethod: add isMatching flag to shipping rates (c6b4328)
Bug Fixes
- AssetDraft: correct type for custom field object (abc0afd)
- Collection: fix iterator for unset elements of collections (#307) (5687380), closes #307
- Customer: fix create email token request with TTL (8367ef6)
- ImageUpload: fix product image upload (445b2f4)
- ProductSuggest: fix suggestion parameters (d9652df), closes #310
Code Refactoring
- OAuth: change scope of getCacheAdapter method (c6b27ec)
- ProductSearch: disable markMatchingVariants by default (41711a8)
- Product: support tiered pricing (93802cd), closes #303
- Cache: support PSR-16 cache implementations (c3ceac7), closes #297
- Client: add logLevel configuration option (8aa457a), closes #300
- Client: add possibility for additional headers when executing request (74c5a15)
- ShoppingList: add SetDeleteDaysAfterLastModificationAction (d31b839)
- Subscription: add getter for message to message subscription payload (daa2558), closes #308
PHP minimum version is now 5.6
guzzle/log-subscriber has been removed as a dependency
AssetDraft: AssetDraft requires CustomFieldObjectDraft instead of CustomFieldObject
$assetDraft = AssetDraft::of()->setCustom(CustomFieldObject::of());
$assetDraft = AssetDraft::of()->setCustom(CustomFieldObjectDraft::of());
OAuth: Manager::getCacheAdapter() method scope has been changed from public to protected
ProductSearch: markMatchingVariants has been disabled by default
For performance reasons the markMatchingVariants flag has been disabled by default. In order to use markMatchingVariants feature please enable it explicit.
$request = ProductProjectionSearchRequest::of();
$request = ProductProjectionSearchRequest::of()->markMatchingVariants(true);
Token caching is now using PSR-6 or PSR-16 cache adapters only.
Removed classes:- AbstractCacheAdapter
- ApcCacheAdapter
- ApcuCacheAdapter
- CacheAdapterInterface
- DoctrineCacheAdapter
- NullCacheAdapter
- PhpRedisCacheAdapter
Use an appropiate PSR-6 or PRS-16 cache adapter as a replacement. The SDK uses the cache\apcu-adapter as default or if available the cache\filesystem-adapter
Deprecations have been removed
- FileRequest
- use FileUploadRequest
- CustomerChangeNameAction
- use CustomerSetFirstNameAction, CustomerSetLastNameAction, CustomerSetMiddleNameAction or CustomerSetTitleAction
- ProductSetSkuNotStageableAction
- use ProductSetSkuAction
- FileRequest
Context doesn't extend Pimple\Container anymore
Pimple has been removed as a dependency
The class Commercetools\Commons\Helper\PriceFinder
has been deprecated. Please use the
price selection functionality of
the platform. E.g. ProductProjectionSearchRequest::of()->currency('EUR')->country('DE')
Bug Fixes
- AssetDraft: correct type for custom field object (abc0afd)
- Customer: fix create email token request with TTL (8367ef6)
Code Refactoring
- OAuth: change access scope of getCacheAdapter method (c6b27ec)
- ProductSearch: disable markMatchingVariants by default (41711a8)
AssetDraft: AssetDraft requires CustomFieldObjectDraft instead of CustomFieldObject
$assetDraft = AssetDraft::of()->setCustom(CustomFieldObject::of());
$assetDraft = AssetDraft::of()->setCustom(CustomFieldObjectDraft::of());
OAuth: Manager::getCacheAdapter() method scope has been changed from public to protected
ProductSearch: markMatchingVariants has been disabled by default
For performance reasons the markMatchingVariants flag has been disabled by default. In order to use markMatchingVariants feature please enable it explicit.
$request = ProductProjectionSearchRequest::of();
$request = ProductProjectionSearchRequest::of()->markMatchingVariants(true);
PHP minimum version is now 5.6
Token caching is now using PSR-6 or PSR-16 cache adapters only.
Removed classes:- AbstractCacheAdapter
- ApcCacheAdapter
- ApcuCacheAdapter
- CacheAdapterInterface
- DoctrineCacheAdapter
- NullCacheAdapter
- PhpRedisCacheAdapter
Use an appropiate PSR-6 or PRS-16 cache adapter as a replacement. The SDK uses the cache\apcu-adapter as default or if available the cache\filesystem-adapter
Deprecations have been removed
- FileRequest
- use FileUploadRequest
- CustomerChangeNameAction
- use CustomerSetFirstNameAction, CustomerSetLastNameAction, CustomerSetMiddleNameAction or CustomerSetTitleAction
- ProductSetSkuNotStageableAction
- use ProductSetSkuAction
- FileRequest
Context doesn't extend Pimple\Container anymore
Pimple has been removed as a dependency