diff --git a/.env b/.env
deleted file mode 100644
index 4808267e05..0000000000
--- a/.env
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-# GIT_HASH will be set properly when running `make` (see Makefile).
diff --git a/.github/CODEOWNERS b/.github/CODEOWNERS
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a99f8dc7f..0000000000
--- a/.github/CODEOWNERS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# This is used to auto-assign reviewers to pull requests, among other things.
-# Note: Currently only works for users/teams with write access.
-# See: https://help.github.com/en/github/creating-cloning-and-archiving-reposoitories/about-code-owners
-* @pol-is/core @pol-is/community
-/client-*/** @colinmegill
-/.github/** @metasoarous
-/server/** @metasoarous
-/math/** @metasoarous
-docker-compose.yml @metasoarous @patcon @ballpointpenguin
-Dockerfile* @metasoarous @patcon @ballpointpenguin
-*.env* @metasoarous @patcon @ballpointpenguin
-/e2e/** @patcon @ballpointpenguin
diff --git a/.github/workflows/bundlewatch.yml b/.github/workflows/bundlewatch.yml
index a6eede90fb..bcdd1e9bb2 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/bundlewatch.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/bundlewatch.yml
@@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ jobs:
working-directory: client-admin
run: |
npm install
- cp polis.config.template.js polis.config.js
npm run build:prod
mv dist/static/js/admin_bundle.*.js dist/static/js/admin_bundle.xxxxxxxx.js
@@ -55,7 +54,6 @@ jobs:
working-directory: client-participation
run: |
npm install
- cp polis.config.template.js polis.config.js
npm run deploy:prod
# So directory stays consistent between builds for comparison.
mv dist/cached/* dist/cached/xxxxxxxxx
diff --git a/.github/workflows/cypress-tests.yml b/.github/workflows/cypress-tests.yml
index 1d08f77df5..c0e96cffd4 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/cypress-tests.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/cypress-tests.yml
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ jobs:
run: cp e2e/cypress/fixtures/html/embed.html client-admin/public/embed.html
- name: Serve app via docker-compose
- run: docker-compose up --detach
+ run: docker compose up --detach
- name: "Run Cypress tests: default"
uses: cypress-io/github-action@v2
@@ -104,12 +104,12 @@ jobs:
- name: Check status of containers
if: failure()
- run: docker-compose ps
+ run: docker compose ps
- name: 'Check logs: server'
if: failure()
- run: docker-compose logs server
+ run: docker compose logs server
- name: 'Check logs: nginx-proxy'
if: failure()
- run: docker-compose logs nginx-proxy
+ run: docker compose logs nginx-proxy
diff --git a/.github/workflows/release-docker-images.yml b/.github/workflows/release-docker-images.yml
index 1823c91614..6af196c203 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/release-docker-images.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/release-docker-images.yml
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ jobs:
password: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_TOKEN }}
- name: Build full project via docker-compose
- run: docker-compose build --parallel --build-arg GIT_HASH=${GITHUB_SHA:0:6}
+ run: docker compose build --parallel --build-arg GIT_HASH=${GITHUB_SHA:0:6}
- name: Push images to Docker Hub
- run: docker-compose push --ignore-push-failures
+ run: docker compose push --ignore-push-failures
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 9151c6cdf8..01af81b3af 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/.vscode/polis.code-workspace b/.vscode/polis.code-workspace
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dfa9a4cba8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vscode/polis.code-workspace
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ "folders": [
+ {
+ "name": "polis-root",
+ "path": ".."
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "client-admin",
+ "path": "../client-admin"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "client-participation",
+ "path": "../client-participation"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "client-report",
+ "path": "../client-report"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "e2e",
+ "path": "../e2e"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "file-server",
+ "path": "../file-server"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "math",
+ "path": "../math"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "server",
+ "path": "../server"
+ },
+ ],
+ "settings": {
+ "jest.disabledWorkspaceFolders": [
+ "polis-root",
+ "client-admin",
+ "client-participation",
+ "client-report",
+ "e2e",
+ "file-server",
+ "math"
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/.vscode/settings.json b/.vscode/settings.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1d1145ccee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vscode/settings.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "jest.autoRun": "off",
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index c3d72fc87b..a553ed8e5a 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -17,18 +17,18 @@ PROD: ## Run in prod mode (e.g. `make PROD start`, etc.)
$(eval TAG = $(shell grep -e ^TAG ${ENV_FILE} | awk -F'[=]' '{gsub(/ /,"");print $$2}'))
$(eval COMPOSE_FILE_ARGS = -f docker-compose.yml)
@echo TAG=${TAG}
pull: echo_vars ## Pull most recent Docker container builds (nightlies)
- docker-compose ${COMPOSE_FILE_ARGS} --env-file ${ENV_FILE} pull
+ docker compose ${COMPOSE_FILE_ARGS} --env-file ${ENV_FILE} pull
start: echo_vars ## Start all Docker containers
- docker-compose ${COMPOSE_FILE_ARGS} --env-file ${ENV_FILE} up
+ docker compose ${COMPOSE_FILE_ARGS} --env-file ${ENV_FILE} up
stop: echo_vars ## Stop all Docker containers
- docker-compose ${COMPOSE_FILE_ARGS} --env-file ${ENV_FILE} down
+ docker compose ${COMPOSE_FILE_ARGS} --env-file ${ENV_FILE} down
rm-containers: echo_vars ## Remove Docker containers where (polis_tag="${TAG}")
@echo 'removing filtered containers (polis_tag="${TAG}")'
@@ -54,14 +54,14 @@ hash: ## Show current short hash
@echo Git hash: ${GIT_HASH}
start-rebuild: echo_vars ## Start all Docker containers, [re]building as needed
- docker-compose ${COMPOSE_FILE_ARGS} --env-file ${ENV_FILE} up --build
+ docker compose ${COMPOSE_FILE_ARGS} --env-file ${ENV_FILE} up --build
start-FULL-REBUILD: echo_vars stop rm-ALL ## Remove and restart all Docker containers, volumes, and images where (polis_tag="${TAG}")
- docker-compose ${COMPOSE_FILE_ARGS} --env-file ${ENV_FILE} build --no-cache
- docker-compose ${COMPOSE_FILE_ARGS} --env-file ${ENV_FILE} down
- docker-compose ${COMPOSE_FILE_ARGS} --env-file ${ENV_FILE} up --build
- docker-compose ${COMPOSE_FILE_ARGS} --env-file ${ENV_FILE} down
- docker-compose ${COMPOSE_FILE_ARGS} --env-file ${ENV_FILE} up --build
+ docker compose ${COMPOSE_FILE_ARGS} --env-file ${ENV_FILE} build --no-cache
+ docker compose ${COMPOSE_FILE_ARGS} --env-file ${ENV_FILE} down
+ docker compose ${COMPOSE_FILE_ARGS} --env-file ${ENV_FILE} up --build
+ docker compose ${COMPOSE_FILE_ARGS} --env-file ${ENV_FILE} down
+ docker compose ${COMPOSE_FILE_ARGS} --env-file ${ENV_FILE} up --build
e2e-install: e2e/node_modules ## Install Cypress E2E testing tools
$(E2E_RUN) npm install
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index fca9401252..4e7a5a7c9a 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -13,12 +13,12 @@ For a detailed methods paper, see [Polis: Scaling Deliberation by Mapping High D
[docker-image-builds]: https://hub.docker.com/u/compdem
[e2e-tests]: https://github.com/compdemocracy/polis/actions?query=workflow%3A%22E2E+Tests%22
-### 🎈 🪁 Start here! 🪁 🎈
+## 🎈 🪁 Start here! 🪁 🎈
If you're interested in using or contributing to Polis, please see the following:
- [📚 **knowledge base**][knowledge-base]: for a comprehensive wiki to help you understand and use the system
- [🌐 **main deployment**](https://pol.is): the main deployment of Polis is at , and is
free to use for nonprofits and government
@@ -31,25 +31,31 @@ If you're interested in using or contributing to Polis, please see the following
[issues]: https://github.com/compdemocracy/polis/issues
[board]: https://github.com/compdemocracy/polis/projects/1
[beta-board]: https://github.com/compdemocracy/polis/projects/1
- [contributing]: /CONTRIBUTING.md#how-we-work
[discussions]: https://github.com/compdemocracy/polis/discussions
[hello]: mailto:hello@compdemocracy.org
If you're trying to set up a Polis deployment or development environment, then please read the rest of this document 👇 ⬇️ 👇
+## ⚡ Running Polis
+Polis comes with Docker infrastructure for running a complete system, whether for a [production deployment](#-production-deployment) or a [development environment](#-development-tooling) (details for each can be found in later sections of this document).
+As a consequence, the only prerequisite to running Polis is that you install a recent `docker` (and Docker Desktop if you are on Mac or Windows).
+If you aren't able to use Docker for some reason, the various Dockerfiles found in subdirectories (`math`, `server`, `*-client`) of this repository _can_ be used as a reference for how you'd set up a system manually.
+If you're interested in doing the legwork to support alternative infrastructure, please [let us know in an issue](https://github.com/compdemocracy.org/issues).
+### Quick Start
-## ⚡ Running Polis
+cp example.env .env
+make start
-Polis comes with Docker infrastructure for running a complete system, whether for a [production deployment](#-production-deployment) or a [development environment](#-development-tooling) (details for each can be found in later sections of this document).
-As a consequence, the only prerequisite to running Polis is that you install a recent `docker` (and Docker Desktop if you are on Mac).
+That should run docker compose with the development overlay (see below) and default configuration values.
-If you aren't able to use Docker for some reason, the various `Dockerfile`s found in subdirectories (`math`, `server`, `*-client`) of this repository _can_ be used as a reference for how you'd set up a system manually.
-If you're interested in doing the legwork to support alternative infrastructure, please [let us know in an issue](https://github.com/compdemocracy.org/issues).
+Visit `localhost:80/createuser` and get started.
### Docker & Docker Compose
@@ -57,6 +63,8 @@ Newer versions of `docker` have `docker compose` built in as a subcommand.
If you are using an older version (and don't want to upgrade), you'll need to separately install `docker-compose`, and use that instead in the instructions that follow.
Note however that the newer `docker compose` command is required to [take advantage of Docker Swarm](/docs/scaling#docker-compose-over-docker-swarm) as a scaling option.
+Many convenient commands are found in the Makefile. Run `make help` for a list of available commands.
### Building and running the containers
First clone the repository, then navigate via command line to the root directory and run the following command to build and run the docker containers.
@@ -67,16 +75,36 @@ docker compose up --build
If you get a permission error, try running this command with `sudo`.
If this fixes the problem, sudo will be necessary for all other commands as well.
-To avoid having to use `sudo` in the future (on a Linux or Windows machine with WSL), you can follow setup instruction here: .
+To avoid having to use `sudo` in the future (on a Linux or Windows machine with WSL), [you can follow setup instructions here.](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/linux-postinstall/)
-Once you've built the docker images, you can run without `--build`, which may be faster.
+Once you've built the docker images, you can run without `--build`, which may be faster. Run
docker compose up
-Any time you want to _rebuild_ the images, just reaffix `--build` when you run.
+or simply
+make start
+Any time you want to _rebuild_ the images, just reaffix `--build` when you run. Another way to
+easily rebuild and start your containers is with `make start-rebuild`.
+If you have only changed configuration values in .env, you can reacreate your containers without
+fully rebuilding them with `--force-recreate`. For example:
+docker compose down
+docker compose up --force-recreate
+To see what the environment of your containers is going to look like, run:
+docker compose convert
### Testing out your instance
@@ -85,38 +113,36 @@ You can now test your setup by visiting `http://localhost:80/home`.
Once the index page loads, you can create an account using the `/createuser` path.
You'll be logged in right away; email validation is not required.
-When you're done working, you can end the process using `Ctrl+C`.
+When you're done working, you can end the process using `Ctrl+C`, or typing `docker compose down`
+if you are running in "detched mode".
### Updating the system
If you want to update the system, you may need to handle the following:
-* [⬆️ Run database migrations](docs/migrations.md), if there are new such
-* Update docker images by running with `--build` if there have been changes to the Dockerfiles
- * consider using `--no-cache` if you'd like to rebuild from scratch, but note that this will take much longer
+- [⬆️ Run database migrations](docs/migrations.md), if there are new such
+- Update docker images by running with `--build` if there have been changes to the Dockerfiles
+ - consider using `--no-cache` if you'd like to rebuild from scratch, but note that this will take much longer
## 🚀 Production deployment
While the commands above will get a functional Polis system up and running, additional steps must be taken to properly configure, secure and scale the system.
In particular
-* [⚙️ Configure the system](docs/configuration.md), esp:
- * the domain name you'll be serving from
- * enable and add API keys for 3rd party services (e.g. automatic comment translation, spam filtering, etc)
-* [🔏 Set up SSL/HTTPS](docs/ssl.md), to keep the site secure
-* [📈 Scale](docs/scaling.md) for large or many concurrent conversations
+- [⚙️ Configure the system](docs/configuration.md), esp:
+ - the domain name you'll be serving from
+ - enable and add API keys for 3rd party services (e.g. automatic comment translation, spam filtering, etc)
+- [🔏 Set up SSL/HTTPS](docs/ssl.md), to keep the site secure
+- [📈 Scale](docs/scaling.md) for large or many concurrent conversations
-#### Support
+### Support
We encourage you to take advantage of the public channels above for support setting up a deployment.
However, if you are deploying in a high impact context and need help, please [reach out to us][hello]
## 💻 Development tooling
@@ -129,15 +155,19 @@ docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.dev.yml up
(run with `--build` if this is your first time running, or if you need to rebuild containers)
This enables:
-* Live code reloading and static type checking of the server code
-* A nREPL connection port open for connecting to the running math process
-* Ports open for connecting directly to the database container
-* Live code reloading for the client repos (in process)
-* etc.
+- Live code reloading and static type checking of the server code
+- A nREPL connection port open for connecting to the running math process
+- Ports open for connecting directly to the database container
+- Live code reloading for the client repos (in process)
+- etc.
This command takes advantage of the `docker-compose.dev.yml` _overlay_ file, which layers the developer conveniences describe above into the base system, as described in the `docker-compose.yml` file.
You can specify these `-f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.dev.yml` arguments for any `docker` command which you need to take advantage of these features (not just `docker compose up`).
+You can create your own `docker-compose.x.yml` file as an overlay and add or modify any values you need to differ
+from the defaults found in the `docker-compose.yml` file and pass it as the second argument to the `docker compose -f` command above.
### Testing
We use Cypress for automated, end-to-end browser testing for PRs on GitHub (see badge above).
@@ -145,11 +175,20 @@ Please see [`e2e/README.md`](/e2e/README.md) for more information on running the
### Miscellaneous & troubleshooting
+#### Docker Problems
+A lot of issues might be resolved by killing all docker containers and/or restarting docker entirely. If that doesn't
+work, this will wipe all of your polis containers and volumes and completely rebuild them:
+`make start-FULL-REBUILD`
+see also `make help` for additional commands that might be useful.
#### Git Configuration
Due to past file re-organizations, you may find the following git configuration helpful for looking at history:
git config --local include.path ../.gitconfig
@@ -166,10 +205,12 @@ If your development machine is having trouble handling all of the docker contain
Sometimes npm/docker get in a weird state, especially with native libs, and fail to recover gracefully.
You may get a message like `Error: Cannot find module .... bcrypt`.
-If this happens to you, try following the instructions here:
+If this happens to you, try
+[following the instructions here.](https://github.com/compdemocracy/polis/issues/1391)
+#### Issues with Apple Silicon (M1 & M2) chips
+You may find it necessary to install some dependencies, namely nodejs and postgres stuff, in a [Rosetta terminal](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT211861). Create an issue or reach out if you are having strange build issues on Apple computers.
## ©️ License
diff --git a/client-admin/.dockerignore b/client-admin/.dockerignore
index 6a6754dbee..7968283207 100644
--- a/client-admin/.dockerignore
+++ b/client-admin/.dockerignore
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ $RECYCLE.BIN/
diff --git a/client-admin/.eslintrc.yml b/client-admin/.eslintrc.yml
index 3bdf6d9a2f..92d7704268 100644
--- a/client-admin/.eslintrc.yml
+++ b/client-admin/.eslintrc.yml
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ env:
es2020: true
jquery: true
- Intercom: readonly
FB: readonly
- babel
diff --git a/client-admin/.gitignore b/client-admin/.gitignore
index be4a2bf147..5c902fbc04 100644
--- a/client-admin/.gitignore
+++ b/client-admin/.gitignore
@@ -29,5 +29,3 @@ $RECYCLE.BIN/
diff --git a/client-admin/Dockerfile b/client-admin/Dockerfile
index 6373617915..8bc9171e1d 100644
--- a/client-admin/Dockerfile
+++ b/client-admin/Dockerfile
@@ -11,9 +11,6 @@ COPY package*.json ./
RUN npm ci
-COPY polis.config.template.js polis.config.js
-# If polis.config.js already exists in the local directory being copied,
-# it will override the template from the line above.
COPY . .
CMD npm run build:prod
diff --git a/client-admin/README.md b/client-admin/README.md
index b2afda1492..a8d21a1879 100644
--- a/client-admin/README.md
+++ b/client-admin/README.md
@@ -1,14 +1,17 @@
# Polis Admin Console
-The below instructions are no longer officially supported; if you'd like to use them as a reference, we suggest you check out the official [Dockerfile](Dockerfile) to understand the latest build process and specific package versions.
+The web interface for creating and administering polis conversations. It is built with React.js.
+## Installation
-## Configuration
+### Dependencies
-Install the NVM following the instructions: [NVM Installation Guide](https://github.com/creationix/nvm#install-script).
+* Node `>= 16`
+We recommend installing [nvm](https://github.com/creationix/nvm) so that you can easily switch between your favorite
+flavors of node.
+* NPM `>= 8`
-Them run the commands below to install the correct Node.JS version and the application dependencies.
+If using nvm, run the commands below to install node and the application dependencies.
nvm install 18
@@ -16,6 +19,32 @@ nvm use 18
npm install
+### Docker Build
+If you prefer to run the Polis application using `docker compose`, see the top-level README document. This component
+will be built and served as part of the `file-server` container.
+If you are building this container on its own, outside of the `docker compose` context, simply use the Dockerfile
+located in this directory. Optionally provide a "tag" for the image that is created:
+docker build -t polis-client-admin:local .
+docker run -p 8080:8080 --name polis-client-admin polis-client-admin:local npm start
+Now you can see the web interface at [http://localhost:8080], but if it is not connected to the Server API you won't
+get very far. Still it can be useful for developing and debugging builds.
+## Configuration
+### Facebook App Integration
+Optionally, you can [register with Facebook](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/development) and get a Facebook App ID
+to use the Facebook auth features.
+If you do so, set the FACEBOOK_APP_ID environment variable in the top level `.env` file, or manually pass it in
+when building or running this application.
### Common Problems
If you having troubles with npm dependencies try run the commands below:
@@ -27,18 +56,18 @@ npm install
## Running Application
+This will run the webpack dev server which will rebuild as you make changes.
npm start
-## Running Tests
+Now you can see the web interface at [http://localhost:8080]. You will still need to run the rest of the Polis
+application components (via docker compose or otherwise) to have a functional interface.
-We aspire to use the Jest Testing Framework. We welcome contributors to help us write tests!
+The client-admin will look for an API server at whatever domain and port it is itself running on, e.g. `localhost`.
-# Doesn't work right now. Will need to reinstall jest.
-npm test
+_In the future this should become more customizable._
## Building for Production
@@ -48,4 +77,6 @@ To build static assets into `build/` for a production deployment, run
npm run build:prod
-Deployment is currently performed via Docker, and so no other deployment scripts are provided.
+_The polis file-server process builds and serves these assets when docker compose is used._
+See the "scripts" section of the package.json file for other run and build options.
diff --git a/client-admin/package-lock.json b/client-admin/package-lock.json
index f32ab8affb..88615f9e4d 100644
--- a/client-admin/package-lock.json
+++ b/client-admin/package-lock.json
@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@
"babel-loader": "~8.2.5",
"babel-plugin-lodash": "~3.3.4",
"bluebird": "~3.7.2",
- "boolean": "~3.1.4",
"compression-webpack-plugin": "~7.1.2",
"copy-webpack-plugin": "~9.0.1",
"eslint": "~7.20.0",
@@ -3308,12 +3307,6 @@
"integrity": "sha512-JZOSA7Mo9sNGB8+UjSgzdLtokWAky1zbztM3WRLCbZ70/3cTANmQmOdR7y2g+J0e2WXywy1yS468tY+IruqEww==",
"dev": true
- "node_modules/boolean": {
- "version": "3.1.4",
- "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/boolean/-/boolean-3.1.4.tgz",
- "integrity": "sha512-3hx0kwU3uzG6ReQ3pnaFQPSktpBw6RHN3/ivDKEuU8g1XSfafowyvDnadjv1xp8IZqhtSukxlwv9bF6FhX8m0w==",
- "dev": true
- },
"node_modules/boxen": {
"version": "1.3.0",
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/boxen/-/boxen-1.3.0.tgz",
@@ -14453,12 +14446,6 @@
"integrity": "sha512-JZOSA7Mo9sNGB8+UjSgzdLtokWAky1zbztM3WRLCbZ70/3cTANmQmOdR7y2g+J0e2WXywy1yS468tY+IruqEww==",
"dev": true
- "boolean": {
- "version": "3.1.4",
- "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/boolean/-/boolean-3.1.4.tgz",
- "integrity": "sha512-3hx0kwU3uzG6ReQ3pnaFQPSktpBw6RHN3/ivDKEuU8g1XSfafowyvDnadjv1xp8IZqhtSukxlwv9bF6FhX8m0w==",
- "dev": true
- },
"boxen": {
"version": "1.3.0",
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/boxen/-/boxen-1.3.0.tgz",
diff --git a/client-admin/package.json b/client-admin/package.json
index cc870a92bf..0d0d637dad 100644
--- a/client-admin/package.json
+++ b/client-admin/package.json
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
"babel-loader": "~8.2.5",
"babel-plugin-lodash": "~3.3.4",
"bluebird": "~3.7.2",
- "boolean": "~3.1.4",
"compression-webpack-plugin": "~7.1.2",
"copy-webpack-plugin": "~9.0.1",
"eslint": "~7.20.0",
diff --git a/client-admin/polis.config.template.js b/client-admin/polis.config.template.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 99521612c1..0000000000
--- a/client-admin/polis.config.template.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-module.exports = {
- domainWhitelist: [
- // local ports
- "^localhost$",
- "^127\\.0\\.0\\.1$",
- "^192\\.168\\.1\\.140$",
- // sample configuration for main pol.is deployment
- "^pol\\.is",
- ".+\\.pol\\.is$",
- // These allow for local ip routing for remote dev deployment
- "^(n|ssl)ip\\.io$",
- ".+\\.(n|ssl)ip\\.io$",
- ],
- FB_APP_ID: '661042417336977'
diff --git a/client-admin/public/index.html b/client-admin/public/index.html
index e4e4a76254..6d65943630 100644
--- a/client-admin/public/index.html
+++ b/client-admin/public/index.html
@@ -5,9 +5,6 @@