Installs a github self hosted runner within a docker container.
This is done so we don't need to recreate the work done for downloading, installing, configuring and running the runner as a deamon directly on the host system.
We make use of: for a runner without java / android, or for a runner with java / android.
This is a collection instead of a role because it has a collection dependency on the ansible community docker collection in order to install the runner with a docker container.
See the docs at roles/github_runner for more details
Add the collection to your meta/requirements.yml:
- name: compscidr.github_runner
version: "<insert version here>"
Install the collection:
ansible-galaxy install -r meta/requirements.yml
Use in a playbook:
- name: Github Runners
hosts: some_hosts
- vars/some_vars.yml
- role: compscidr.github_runner.github_runner
github_runner_name: "some-runner-name"
github_runner_java: true
github_runner_install_docker: false
github_runner_java_mount_usb: true
github_runner_repo: "my_repo"
- role: compscidr.github_runner.github_runner
github_runner_name: "some-org"
github_runner_java: true
github_runner_install_docker: false
github_runner_java_mount_usb: true
github_runner_org: true
github_runner_org_name: "my-org"
Variable | Description |
github_runner_install_docker | Set to true to install docker with the nickjj.docker role (defaults to true) |
github_runner_personal_access_token | GH personal access toke, see: for permissions needed |
github_runner_name | the name for the runner (will show up in GH to differentiate runners) |
github_runner_repo: user-name/repo | the repo for the runner (ignored if an org runner) |
github_runner_labels: self-hosted | labels to attach to the runner (comma separated) |
github_runner_org: false | true for org runner, false for repo runner |
github_runner_org_name: org name | org name if an org runner, otherwise ignored |
github_runner_java: false | whether to use an android / java runner image or not |
github_runner_java_mount_usb: false | whether to mount usb (for instance if running tests on actual phones) |
github_runner_java_image: compscidr/github-runner-android:latest | the java / android runner image |
github_runner_non_java_image: myoung34/github-runner:latest | the non-java/android runner image |
github_runner_env_file: false | env file for passing extra environment variables into the runner container |
github_runner_env_filename: ".env" | the filename of the env file for passing extra environment variables into the container |
github_runner_github_host: "" | The GITHUB_HOST used for registering the runner. |
Notes: the env file lets you do things like set site-specific credentials into the runner that can be built into the code at build time, for instance, Wi-Fi credentials that can be built into tests that are specific to the location of where the runner container is located.
Using a clean slate vagrant ubuntu vm from the vagrant folder run vagrant up
and then
use vagrant ssh
to get into the machine, then ansible-playbook playbooks/github_actions.yml
If changes are made, you can re-run: ansible-galaxy collection build --force
ansible-galaxy collection install *tar.gz --force