- Objectives for this week:
- Try and follow Ashley's directions to add my own page to my remote repository
- running into issues trying to understand YAML
- trying to put in information is difficult and hardcoding is a bit tedious
- manually adding the q and a is very tedious, but necessary for i18n, is there an easier way we can do this?
- it would be cool to automate this through a script?
- npm run watch takes a long time to load- probably because the giant file size but is there any way to make it faster
- in regards to the YAML adding links seems impossible and then it seems that it needs to be split into two to then add to the page, added tedium
- don't have to hardcode the writing into the page, just write it once into the YAML file.
- would it be a better idea to put showcase onto an external website.
- how would you work in the i18n?
- doesn't seem like it'll take forever, like an hour per entry. Ideas to make it more efficient:
- automate generating YAML tags? from the form?
- automate making a html page?
- static site generator? Ideas for filtering
- seems like there are project-tag YAML things, could add to each document ? javascript function to look for it and then display results? not sure Documentation conclusion:
- Ashley's tutorial was very straight-forward. That's partly because I already knew how YAML fit into Handlebars, but I feel like that's anotehr paragraph of clarification, other than that her tutorial was good.
- What are further action items for incorporating her documentation?
- Should we hold off on that until the final showcase deliverable in august because adding might change
- 17 form results but there is some overlap from Moon Jang, so more like 14 or so
- Not all have clicked a category (why?)
- The last 7 have been from year 2020
- Possibililites for automation
- pronouns
- social media links
- name
- name of project
- where are you based?
- type of project
- supporting media?
- everything else, especially q and a, can't be automated/must be proofread
- add 8 more new showcase projects
- attempt to do filter
- scripting