Driver for the US-100 sonar distance sensor, ported to run on Pycom distribution of Micropython.
This has been tested on a Pycom SiPy, however it should work for most Pycom Micropython based hardware. The US100 operates in either serial or 'HC-SR04' mode with trigger and echo pins.
Make sure the sensor is set to serial mode. To set this, bridge the two jumper pins on the back of the sensor with a jumper
Sensor | Device Only | Expansion Board |
VCC | 3.3v | 3V3 |
TX | P4 (Tx) | G24 |
RX | P3 (Rx) | G11 |
If the device hangs or stops responding:
- Check the connections
- Swap the TX and RX pins (some sensors may be labelled incorrectly)
- Use the print statements in the file for debugging.
- If using an Expansion Board, make sure the TX and RX jumpers are being used. Removing them disables the second UART.