Convert Apitte schema to OpenApi Schema and add Swagger UI as Tracy panel
First of all, setup core package.
Install and register OpenApi plugin
composer require apitte/openapi
You can get whole schema from SchemaBuilder service.
use Apitte\OpenApi\ISchemaBuilder;
/** @var ISchemaBuilder $schemaBuilder */
$openApi = $schemaBuilder->build();
There are many ways how to define open api schema.
You can write raw OpenApi.
Or you can let the plugin do for you in dynamic way.
Also you can write your own definition.
You can easily define whole schema (or part) directly in extension config.
openapi: "3.0.2"
title: My awesome OpenApi specification
version: "1.0.0"
Define whole OpenApi schema (or part) in external files.
- %appDir%/openApi/petstore.neon
- %appDir%/openApi/petstoreExtended.yaml
- %appDir%/openApi/petstoreAdmin.json
Supported types are neon
, yaml
and json
This definition comes from core, but use only OpenApi
use Apitte\Core\Annotation\Controller\Controller;
use Apitte\Core\Annotation\Controller\ControllerPath;
use Apitte\Core\Annotation\Controller\Method;
use Apitte\Core\Annotation\Controller\OpenApi;
use Apitte\Core\Annotation\Controller\Path;
use Apitte\Core\Http\ApiRequest;
use Apitte\Core\Http\ApiResponse;
use Apitte\Negotiation\Http\ArrayEntity;
* @Controller
* @ControllerPath("/")
* @OpenApi("
* openapi: '4.0.3'
* info:
* title: Defined by controller annotation
* version: '1.0.0'"
final class HomeController extends BaseV1Controller
* @Path("/")
* @Method("GET")
* @OpenApi("
* summary: Defined specific endpoint
* operationId: listPets
* tags:
* - pets
* parameters:
* -
* name: limit
* in: query
* description: 'How many items to return at one time (max 100)'
* required: false
* schema:
* type: integer
* format: int32
* responses:
* '200':
* description: A paged array of pets
* headers:
* x-next:
* description: A link to the next page of responses
* schema:
* type: string
* content:
* application/json:
* schema:
* $ref: '#/components/schemas/Pets'
* default:
* description: unexpected error
* content:
* application/json:
* schema:
* $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
* ")
public function index(ApiRequest $request, ApiResponse $response): ApiResponse
return $response->withEntity(ArrayEntity::from(['data' => ['Welcome']]));
This definition is based on Doctrine Annotation, which are parts of core.
use Apitte\Core\Annotation\Controller\Controller;
use Apitte\Core\Annotation\Controller\ControllerPath;
use Apitte\Core\Annotation\Controller\Method;
use Apitte\Core\Annotation\Controller\Path;
use Apitte\Core\Annotation\Controller\Request;
use Apitte\Core\Annotation\Controller\Responses;
use Apitte\Core\Annotation\Controller\Response;
use Apitte\Core\Annotation\Controller\Tag;
use Apitte\Core\Http\ApiRequest;
* @Controller
* @ControllerPath("/users")
* @Tag(value="User")
final class UserDetailController extends BaseV1Controller
* @Path("/create")
* @Method("POST")
* @Request(required="true", description="Sample request")
* @Responses({
* @Response(code="200", description="Success"),
* @Response(code="404", description="Not found")
* })
public function detail(ApiRequest $request): array
return [];
Same as CoreDefinition but it use entity
in RequestBody
& Response
use Apitte\Core\Annotation\Controller\Controller;
use Apitte\Core\Annotation\Controller\ControllerPath;
use Apitte\Core\Annotation\Controller\Method;
use Apitte\Core\Annotation\Controller\Path;
use Apitte\Core\Annotation\Controller\Request;
use Apitte\Core\Annotation\Controller\Responses;
use Apitte\Core\Annotation\Controller\Response;
use Apitte\Core\Http\ApiRequest;
* @Controller
* @ControllerPath("/users")
final class UserDetailController extends BaseV1Controller
* @Path("/create")
* @Method("POST")
* @Request(required="true", description="Sample request", entity="App\Controllers\Entity\User")
* @Responses({
* @Response(code="200", description="Success", entity="App\Controllers\Entity\User"),
* @Response(code="404", description="Not found")
* })
public function detail(ApiRequest $request): array
return [];
Entity is loaded by reflection, it loads all public properties using EntityAdapter
You can redefine entity adapter by interface.
If you need, you can add your definition using IDefinition
You can configure Swagger UI with a few optional parameters.
panel: %debugMode% #activate Tracy panel in debug mode
url: null # default url
expansion: list # list|full|none
filter: true # true|false|string
title: My API v2
You will probably need to provide your open api schema outside from your app.
Create controller for this case.
use Apitte\Core\Annotation\Controller\Controller;
use Apitte\Core\Annotation\Controller\ControllerPath;
use Apitte\Core\Annotation\Controller\Method;
use Apitte\Core\Annotation\Controller\Path;
use Apitte\Core\Http\ApiRequest;
use Apitte\Core\Http\ApiResponse;
use Apitte\Core\UI\Controller\IController;
use Apitte\OpenApi\ISchemaBuilder;
* @Controller
* @ControllerPath("/openapi")
final class OpenApiController implements IController
/** @var ISchemaBuilder */
private $schemaBuilder;
public function __construct(ISchemaBuilder $schemaBuilder)
$this->schemaBuilder = $schemaBuilder;
* @Path("/")
* @Method("GET")
public function index(ApiRequest $request, ApiResponse $response): ApiResponse
$openApi = $this->schemaBuilder->build();
return $response->writeJsonBody($openApi->toArray());