This Go package is used to offer a unified logging interface among projects.
go get
import ""
By default, all logs will include:
- Log level
- Full path to file which called the logger, and line number
- Signature of the function that called the logger
- Timestamp of the log entry
Example log entry with default settings:
package main
import ""
func main() {
logger.Warn("something went wrong")
// Output:
// {"file":"/Users/anonymous/Projects/my-project/main.go:7","function":"main.main","level":"warning","msg":"something went wrong","time":"2022-02-17T15:04:06+01:00"}
See logger_examples_test.go for more examples.
package main
import ""
func main() {
logger.Info("this won't be logged because the default log level is higher than info")
logger.Warn("but this will be logged")
// Output:
// {"level":"warning","msg":"but this will be logged","time":"2022-02-17T11:01:28+01:00"}
package main
import ""
func main() {
// global logger
logger.Info("this won't be logged because the default log level is higher than info")
logger.Info("now this will be logged")
// Output:
// {"level":"info","msg":"now this will be logged","time":"2022-02-17T10:54:54+01:00"}
// logger instance
prodLogger := logger.New(logger.WithLevel(logger.LevelWarn))
prodLogger.Info("this won't be logged because prodLogger's level is set to Warn...")
prodLogger.Error("...but this will, because Error >= Warn")
// Output:
// {"level":"error","msg":"...but this will, because Error >= Warn","time":"2022-02-17T10:54:54+01:00"}
debugLogger := logger.New(logger.WithLevel(logger.LevelDebug))
debugLogger.Debug("this logger will log anything as Debug is the lowest available level")
debugLogger.Warn("and this will be logged too")
// Output:
// {"level":"debug","msg":"this logger will log anything as Debug is the lowest available level","time":"2022-02-17T10:54:54+01:00"}
// {"level":"warning","msg":"and this will be logged too","time":"2022-02-17T10:54:54+01:00"}
To ensure that Gorm outputs logs in the correct format Gorm must be configured with a custom logger.
package main
import (
gormLogger ""
func main() {
l, err := gormLogger.NewLogger(gormLogger.WithGlobalLogger())
if err != nil {
db, err := gorm.Open(sqlite.Open("test.db"), &gorm.Config{
Logger: l,
if err != nil {
To ensure that Datadog outputs logs in the correct format Datadog must be configured with a custom logger.
package main
import (
func main() {
l, err := datadog.NewLogger(datadog.WithGlobalLogger())
if err != nil {
To ensure that Kratos outputs logs in the correct format Kratos must be configured with a custom logger.
package main
import (
func main() {
Hooks are functions that are triggered on all log-entries and allow for data to be collected and added to log-entry.
To configure a new Hook for the global logger call
logger.ConfigureGlobalLogger(opts ...logger.LoggerOption)
and pass the
created by logger.WithHook(hook logger.Hook)
logger.WithHookFunc(hook logger.HookFunc)
The function logger.WithHook
takes a pointer to a struct that implement the
interface, the function logger.WithHookFunc
takes a function
with a signature that matches the logger.HookFunc
package logger
// Hook defines the interface a custom Hook needs to implement
type Hook interface {
Fire(*HookEntry) (changed bool, err error)
// HookFunc can be used to convert a simple function to implement the Hook interface.
type HookFunc func(*HookEntry) (changed bool, err error)
The struct logger.HookEntry
contains the fields provided for mutation in a Hook.
A typical use case for a Hook is to extract data from the context.Context
by the user using logger.WithContext(ctx context.Context)
. The data in the
context set by the user may have been set further up in the call stack of where
the log-entry is created.
package userhook
import (
type UserContextLogHook struct{}
type UserKey struct{}
// Fire implements logger.Hook interface
func (u *UserContextLogHook) Fire(he *logger.HookEntry) (bool, error) {
ctx := he.Context
if ctx == nil {
return false, nil
value, ok := ctx.Value(UserKey{}).(string)
if !ok || value == "" {
return false, nil
he.Data["user"] = value
return true, nil
func NewHook() logger.Hook {
return &UserContextLogHook{}
package main
import (
func main() {
ctx := context.Background()
func a(ctx context.Context) {
username := "peter"
ctx := context.WithValue(ctx, userhook.UserKey{}, username)
func b(ctx context.Context) {
// Output:
// {"user": "peter", "level":"warning","msg":"hello","time":"2024-09-16T09:09:00+01:00"}