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File metadata and controls

267 lines (198 loc) · 6.32 KB


This Go package is used to offer a unified logging interface among projects.


go get


import ""

Default behavior

By default, all logs will include:

  • Log level
  • Full path to file which called the logger, and line number
  • Signature of the function that called the logger
  • Timestamp of the log entry

Example log entry with default settings:

package main

import ""

func main() {
	logger.Warn("something went wrong")
	// Output:
	// {"file":"/Users/anonymous/Projects/my-project/main.go:7","function":"main.main","level":"warning","msg":"something went wrong","time":"2022-02-17T15:04:06+01:00"}

Example usage

See logger_examples_test.go for more examples.

Using global logger

package main

import ""

func main() {
	logger.Info("this won't be logged because the default log level is higher than info")
	logger.Warn("but this will be logged")
	// Output:
	// {"level":"warning","msg":"but this will be logged","time":"2022-02-17T11:01:28+01:00"}

Setting log level

package main

import ""

func main() {
	// global logger
	logger.Info("this won't be logged because the default log level is higher than info")
	logger.Info("now this will be logged")
	// Output:
	// {"level":"info","msg":"now this will be logged","time":"2022-02-17T10:54:54+01:00"}

	// logger instance
	prodLogger := logger.New(logger.WithLevel(logger.LevelWarn))
	prodLogger.Info("this won't be logged because prodLogger's level is set to Warn...")
	prodLogger.Error("...but this will, because Error >= Warn")
	// Output:
	// {"level":"error","msg":"...but this will, because Error >= Warn","time":"2022-02-17T10:54:54+01:00"}

	debugLogger := logger.New(logger.WithLevel(logger.LevelDebug))
	debugLogger.Debug("this logger will log anything as Debug is the lowest available level")
	debugLogger.Warn("and this will be logged too")
	// Output:
	// {"level":"debug","msg":"this logger will log anything as Debug is the lowest available level","time":"2022-02-17T10:54:54+01:00"}
	// {"level":"warning","msg":"and this will be logged too","time":"2022-02-17T10:54:54+01:00"}



To ensure that Gorm outputs logs in the correct format Gorm must be configured with a custom logger.

package main

import (
	gormLogger ""


func main() {
	l, err := gormLogger.NewLogger(gormLogger.WithGlobalLogger())
	if err != nil {
	db, err := gorm.Open(sqlite.Open("test.db"), &gorm.Config{
		Logger: l,
	if err != nil {


To ensure that Datadog outputs logs in the correct format Datadog must be configured with a custom logger.

package main

import (


func main() {
	l, err := datadog.NewLogger(datadog.WithGlobalLogger())
	if err != nil {


To ensure that Kratos outputs logs in the correct format Kratos must be configured with a custom logger.

	package main

	import (

	func main() {


Hooks are functions that are triggered on all log-entries and allow for data to be collected and added to log-entry.

To configure a new Hook for the global logger call logger.ConfigureGlobalLogger(opts ...logger.LoggerOption) and pass the LoggerOption created by logger.WithHook(hook logger.Hook) or logger.WithHookFunc(hook logger.HookFunc).

The function logger.WithHook takes a pointer to a struct that implement the logger.Hook interface, the function logger.WithHookFunc takes a function with a signature that matches the logger.HookFunc.

package logger

// Hook defines the interface a custom Hook needs to implement
type Hook interface {
	Fire(*HookEntry) (changed bool, err error)

// HookFunc can be used to convert a simple function to implement the Hook interface.
type HookFunc func(*HookEntry) (changed bool, err error)

The struct logger.HookEntry contains the fields provided for mutation in a Hook.

A typical use case for a Hook is to extract data from the context.Context set by the user using logger.WithContext(ctx context.Context). The data in the context set by the user may have been set further up in the call stack of where the log-entry is created.

Example - username logging hook

package userhook

import (

type UserContextLogHook struct{}

type UserKey struct{}

// Fire implements logger.Hook interface
func (u *UserContextLogHook) Fire(he *logger.HookEntry) (bool, error) {
	ctx := he.Context
	if ctx == nil {
		return false, nil

	value, ok := ctx.Value(UserKey{}).(string)
	if !ok || value == "" {
		return false, nil

	he.Data["user"] = value

	return true, nil

func NewHook() logger.Hook {
	return &UserContextLogHook{}
package main

import (


func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()

func a(ctx context.Context) {
	username := "peter"
	ctx := context.WithValue(ctx, userhook.UserKey{}, username)

func b(ctx context.Context) {
	// Output:
	// {"user": "peter", "level":"warning","msg":"hello","time":"2024-09-16T09:09:00+01:00"}

Known Hooks

  • relates-log entries inside of a Datadog span to that span. Documentation: Inventory, GitHub