Problem: Evenly distribute pairs of Essays. The suggest solution is to use a simple graph, with average degree of 3.
- Generate a random Graph, selected uniformly, with an average degree of 3
If the number of nodes are odd, we remove it so we can generate the graph
We then add the isoltaed node back in and randomly add edges - some essays will be graded a few times more
The graph only needs to be generated once, and is random. Once we have, we pull out the connected pairs and put them all on a stack.
When a request comes in for pairs of essays to evaluate the stack is used
Problem: To infer a ranking based on the grading done by the students, and then calabirate scoring based on the teachers grading.
Use a pairwise comparison :
Teacher grades some of the essays there are two ways that this could be done:
- Using the score, cluster the essays and select an essay at random to be graded
- Use furthest point first to select essays to be graded