Because we want to do entropy calculations in RRBS, we need a way of finding CpGs on the same read. We have already used methclone
for this purpose, but want to test other existing programs as well. methclone
only returns CpGs in groups of 4 and we would like variable amounts of CpGs to be identified as well.
[kkeith]$ cd /mnt/data/data_kk
[kkeith]$ mkdir rrbs_region_finding
[kkeith]$ cd rrbs_region_finding
[kkeith]$ mkdir data
[kkeith]$ cd data
### link existing data to use in testing
[kkeith]$ ln -s /home/jjelinek/data/jj4/rrbs/data/rrbs35_novogene aging_data_batch1
[kkeith]$ ln -s /mnt/data/research_data/2019-12-19_novogene_rrbs46_aging/ aging_data_batch2
[kkeith]$ ln -s /mnt/data/data_kk/aging_rrbs/cord_blood_rrbs/ cord_blood_data
Put tools in their own folder and make into a git repository
[kkeith]$ cd /home/kkeith/data/rrbs_region_finding
[kkeith]$ mkdir tools
[kkeith]$ mv cgmaptools/ methclone_M13.txt.gz tools
### set up
[kkeith]$ git init
[kkeith]$ git add
[kkeith]$ nano .gitignore
[kkeith]$ more .gitignore
### folders to ignore
### files to ignore
[kkeith]$ git add .gitignore
[kkeith]$ git commit -m 'first commit'
[kkeith]$ git branch -M main
[kkeith]$ git remote add origin [email protected]:coriell-research/rrbs_region_finding.git
[kkeith]$ git push -u origin main
### rearrange data folder because I want actual RRBS and amplicon data and index amplicon BAM file
[kkeith]$ cd data
[kkeith]$ [kkeith]$ mkdir rrbs
[kkeith]$ mv aging_data_batch* cord_blood_data rrbs/
[kkeith]$ mkdir amplicons
[kkeith]$ ln -s /mnt/data/research_data/2020-11-17_bis_amplicons_woonbok/processed_data/03_align/hg19/ amplicons/amps_round2_bams
[kkeith]$ mv M13_sorted.bam M13_rrbs_sorted.bam
[kkeith]$ mv M13_sorted.bam.bai M13_rrbs_sorted.bam.bai
[kkeith]$ samtools sort -t 8 amplicons/amps_round2_bams/M13_CKDL200165722-1a-AK845-GD06_HF5LTCCX2_L1_1_val_1_bismark_bt2_pe.bam -O BAM -o M13_amplicon_sorted.bam
[kkeith]$ samtools index -@ 4 M13_amplicon_sorted.bam
[kkeith]$ cd /usr/local/programs
[kkeith]$ mkdir rrbs_region_finder/
[kkeith]$ cd rrbs_region_finder/
[kkeith]$ cd ~
### methpipe
[kkeith]$ git clone
[kkeith]$ sudo mv methpipe /usr/local/programs/rrbs_region_finder/
[kkeith]$ cd /usr/local/programs/rrbs_region_finder/cgmaptools
[kkeith]$ sudo bash
### cgmaptools
[kkeith]$ git clone
[kkeith]$ sudo mv cgmaptools/ /usr/local/programs/rrbs_region_finder/
### methtuple
[kkeith]$ pip install methtuple
Try with one sample first
[kkeith]$ pwd
[kkeith]$ nano tool_features.txt
[kkeith]$ more tool_features.txt
### File to list features of RRBS region finding tools as I test them
# tool = tool name
# multithread_available = Can the tool be multithreaded? no/yes/maybe, maybe for R programs that could
maybe be made parallel
# number_steps = number of steps the program requires to give me a list of cpgs; does not include runn
ing my allele counting script or making a whitelist
tool multithread_available number_steps
methclone no 1
cgmaptools no 3
OLD Re-ran with new version and tracking time
[kkeith]$ tmux new -s rrbs_regions
[kkeith]$ pwd
# methclone requires a sorted, indexed BAM file, so do that for my chosen file first
[kkeith]$ cd data
[kkeith]$ samtools sort -t 8 aging_data_batch1/bismark20hg19_pe/M13_CKDL190139057-1a-20_H3WM3BBXX_L1_1_val_1_bismark_bt2_pe.bam > M13_sorted.bam
[kkeith]$ samtools index -@ 4 M13_sorted.bam
### run methclone
[kkeith]$ methclone data/M13_sorted.bam data/M13_sorted.bam methclone_M13.txt.gz M13
2021-03-03 CORRECT Re-ran with updated version of methClone, keeping track of how long it takes to run, and running on both the RRBS and amplicon version of the sample
[kkeith]$ cd /home/kkeith/data/rrbs_region_finding/tools
[kkeith]$ rm methclone_M13.txt.gz
[kkeith]$ mkdir methclone
[kkeith]$ cd methclone
[kkeith]$ tmux new -s regions
[kkeith]$ for i in ../../data/*.bam; do j=${i##*/}; echo -e "methclone\tstart\t$(date +'%F')\t$(date +'%T')\t${j/_sorted.bam/}" >> methclone_time.txt; methClone --f1=$i -s ${j/_sorted.bam/} -o ${j/_sorted.bam/}_methclone.txt.gz; echo -e "methclone\tend\t$(date +'%F')\t$(date +'%T')\t${j/_sorted.bam/}" >> methclone_time.txt; done
[detached (from session regions)]
[kkeith]$ tmux attach -t rrbs_regions
[kkeith]$ pwd
[kkeith]$ mkdir cgmaptools
[kkeith]$ cd cgmaptools
Step 1: Convert BAM to CGMap file
### OLD, not this coode
[kkeith]$ tmux attach -t rrbs_regions
[kkeith]$ pwd
[kkeith]$ /usr/local/programs/rrbs_region_finder/cgmaptools/cgmaptools convert bam2cgmap -b ../data/M13_sorted.bam -g /mnt/data/gdata/human/hg19_hg37/hg19/hg19_soft_masked/hg19.fa -o cgmaptools_M13 --rmOverlap
[kkeith]$ tmux attach -t regions
[kkeith]$ pwd
[kkeith]$ cd ../cgmaptools/
for i in ../../data/*.bam; do j=${i##*/}; echo -e "cgmaptools_convert\tstart\t$(date +'%F')\t$(date +'%T')\t${j/_sorted.bam/}" >> cgmaptools_time.txt; /usr/local/programs/rrbs_region_finder/cgmaptools/cgmaptools convert bam2cgmap --rmOverlap -b $i -g /mnt/data/gdata/human/hg19_hg37/hg19/hg19_soft_masked/hg19.fa -o 01_cgmaptools_${j/_sorted.bam/}; echo -e "cgmaptools_convert\tend\t$(date +'%F')\t$(date +'%T')\t${j/_sorted.bam/}" >> cgmaptools_time.txt; done
Step 2: Call SNPs; CGmaptools
recommends the Bayesion mode (using flags -m bayes --bayes-dynamicP
) since it's more accurate than the default binary mode. However since the documentation says binary mode is faster and I'm just trying to determine if the output of the tool is usable, I went with that.
[kkeith]$ tmux attach -t rrbs_regions
[kkeith]$ pwd
### rename existing files so I know what step they came from
[kkeith]$ for i in cgmaptools*; do mv $i 01_$i; done
### get VCF file
[kkeith]$ /usr/local/programs/rrbs_region_finder/cgmaptools/cgmaptools snv -i 01_cgmaptools_M13.ATCGmap.gz -v 02_cgmaptools_M13.vcf
Step 3: Call allele-specific methylation
[kkeith]$ tmux attach -t rrbs_regions
[kkeith]$ pwd
/usr/local/programs/rrbs_region_finder/cgmaptools/cgmaptools asm -r /mnt/data/gdata/human/hg19_hg37/hg19/hg19_soft_masked/hg19.fa -b ../data/M13_sorted.bam -l 02_cgmaptools_M13.vcf -o 03_cgmaptools_M13_asmr.txt -t CG