diff --git a/algorithms/finetune/cal_ql.py b/algorithms/finetune/cal_ql.py
index d402e1b9..4326489b 100644
--- a/algorithms/finetune/cal_ql.py
+++ b/algorithms/finetune/cal_ql.py
@@ -68,9 +68,9 @@ class TrainConfig:
mixing_ratio: float = 0.5 # Data mixing ratio for online tuning
is_sparse_reward: bool = False # Use sparse reward
# Wandb logging
- project: str = "CORL"
- group: str = "Cal-QL-D4RL"
- name: str = "Cal-QL"
+ project: str = "CORL" # wandb project name
+ group: str = "Cal-QL-D4RL" # wandb group name
+ name: str = "Cal-QL" # wandb run name
def __post_init__(self):
self.name = f"{self.name}-{self.env}-{str(uuid.uuid4())[:8]}"
diff --git a/algorithms/offline/cql.py b/algorithms/offline/cql.py
index 307ffc08..962d1a15 100644
--- a/algorithms/offline/cql.py
+++ b/algorithms/offline/cql.py
@@ -56,15 +56,16 @@ class TrainConfig:
q_n_hidden_layers: int = 3 # Number of hidden layers in Q networks
reward_scale: float = 1.0 # Reward scale for normalization
reward_bias: float = 0.0 # Reward bias for normalization
- bc_steps: int = int(0) # Number of BC steps at start (AntMaze hacks)
- reward_scale: float = 5.0
- reward_bias: float = -1.0
- policy_log_std_multiplier: float = 1.0
+ bc_steps: int = int(0) # Number of BC steps at start
+ reward_scale: float = 5.0 # Reward scale for normalization
+ reward_bias: float = -1.0 # Reward bias for normalization
+ policy_log_std_multiplier: float = 1.0 # Stochastic policy std multiplier
# Wandb logging
- project: str = "CORL"
- group: str = "CQL-D4RL"
- name: str = "CQL"
+ project: str = "CORL" # wandb project name
+ group: str = "CQL-D4RL" # wandb group name
+ name: str = "CQL" # wandb run name
def __post_init__(self):
self.name = f"{self.name}-{self.env}-{str(uuid.uuid4())[:8]}"
diff --git a/docs/algorithms/cal-ql.md b/docs/algorithms/cal-ql.md
index 798de1ef..f0cafbe9 100644
--- a/docs/algorithms/cal-ql.md
+++ b/docs/algorithms/cal-ql.md
@@ -1 +1,137 @@
# Cal-QL
+## Overview
+The Calibrated Q-Learning (Cal-QL) is a modification for offline Actor Critic algorithms which aims to improve their offline-to-online transfer.
+Offline RL algorithms which try to minimize the out-of-distribution values for Q function may lower this value to much which lead to unlearning at early finetuning steps.
+Originally it was proposed for CQL and our implementation also builds upon it.
+In order to resolve the problem with unrealistically low Q values the following change to the critic loss function is done (change in blue)
+\min _{\phi_i} \mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{s}, \mathbf{a}, \mathbf{s}^{\prime} \sim \mathcal{D}}\left[\left(Q_{\phi_i}(\mathbf{s}, \mathbf{a})-\left(r(\mathbf{s}, \mathbf{a})+\gamma \mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{a}^{\prime} \sim \pi_\theta\left(\cdot \mid \mathbf{s}^{\prime}\right)}\left[\min _{j=1, 2}} Q_{\phi_j^{\prime}}\left(\mathbf{s}^{\prime}, \mathbf{a}^{\prime}\right)-\alpha \log \pi_\theta\left(\mathbf{a}^{\prime} \mid \mathbf{s}^{\prime}\right)\right]\right)\right)^2\right] + {\mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{s} \sim \mathcal{D}, \mathbf{a} \sim \mathcal{\mu(a | s)}}\left[{\color{blue}\max(Q_{\phi_i^{\prime}}(s, a), V^\nu(s))\right] - \mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{s} \sim \mathcal{D}, \mathbf{a} \sim \mathcal{\hat{\pi}_\beta(a | s)}}\left[Q_{\phi_i^{\prime}}(s, a)\right]}
+where $V^\nu(s)$ is value function approximation. Simple return-to-go calculated from the dataset is used for this purpose.
+Original paper:
+* [Cal-QL: Calibrated Offline RL Pre-Training for Efficient Online Fine-Tuning](https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.05479)
+Reference resources:
+* :material-github: [Official codebase for Cal-QL](https://github.com/nakamotoo/Cal-QL)
+!!! warning
+ Cal-QL is originally based on CQL and inherits all the weaknesses which CQL has (e.g. slow training or hyperparameters sensitivity).
+!!! warning
+ Cal-QL performs worse in offline setup than some of the other algorithms but finetunes much better.
+!!! success
+ Cal-QL is the state-of-the-art solution for challenging AntMaze domain in offline-to-online domain.
+## Implemented Variants
+| Variants Implemented | Description |
+| :material-github: [`finetune/cal_ql.py`](https://github.com/corl-team/CORL/blob/main/algorithms/finetune/cal_ql.py)
:material-database: [configs](https://github.com/corl-team/CORL/tree/main/configs/finetune/cal_ql) | For continuous action spaces and offline-to-online RL. |
+## Explanation of some of logged metrics
+* `policy_loss`: mean actor loss.
+* `alpha_loss`: mean SAC entropy loss.
+* `qf{i}_loss`: mean i-th critic loss.
+* `cql_q{i}_{next_actions, rand}`: Q mean values of i-th critic for next or random actions.
+* `d4rl_normalized_score`: mean evaluation normalized score. Should be between 0 and 100, where 100+ is the
+ performance above expert for this environment. Implemented by D4RL library [[:material-github: source](https://github.com/Farama-Foundation/D4RL/blob/71a9549f2091accff93eeff68f1f3ab2c0e0a288/d4rl/offline_env.py#L71)].
+## Implementation details (for more see CQL)
+1. Return-to-go calculation (:material-github: [algorithms/finetune/cal_ql.py#L275](https://github.com/corl-team/CORL/blob/e9768f90a95c809a5587dd888e203d0b76b07a39/algorithms/finetune/cal_ql.py#L275))
+2. Offline and online data constant proportion (:material-github: [algorithms/finetune/cal_ql.py#L1187](https://github.com/corl-team/CORL/blob/e9768f90a95c809a5587dd888e203d0b76b07a39/algorithms/finetune/cal_ql.py#LL1187))
+## Experimental results
+For detailed scores on all benchmarked datasets see [benchmarks section](../benchmarks/offline.md).
+Reports visually compare our reproduction results with original paper scores to make sure our implementation is working properly.
+## Training options
+usage: cal_ql.py [-h] [--config_path str] [--device str] [--env str] [--seed str] [--eval_seed str] [--eval_freq str] [--n_episodes str] [--offline_iterations str] [--online_iterations str] [--checkpoints_path str]
+ [--load_model str] [--buffer_size str] [--batch_size str] [--discount str] [--alpha_multiplier str] [--use_automatic_entropy_tuning str] [--backup_entropy str] [--policy_lr str] [--qf_lr str]
+ [--soft_target_update_rate str] [--bc_steps str] [--target_update_period str] [--cql_alpha str] [--cql_alpha_online str] [--cql_n_actions str] [--cql_importance_sample str] [--cql_lagrange str]
+ [--cql_target_action_gap str] [--cql_temp str] [--cql_max_target_backup str] [--cql_clip_diff_min str] [--cql_clip_diff_max str] [--orthogonal_init str] [--normalize str] [--normalize_reward str]
+ [--q_n_hidden_layers str] [--reward_scale str] [--reward_bias str] [--mixing_ratio str] [--is_sparse_reward str] [--project str] [--group str] [--name str]
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ --config_path str Path for a config file to parse with pyrallis
+ --device str Experiment
+ --env str OpenAI gym environment name
+ --seed str Sets Gym, PyTorch and Numpy seeds
+ --eval_seed str Eval environment seed
+ --eval_freq str How often (time steps) we evaluate
+ --n_episodes str How many episodes run during evaluation
+ --offline_iterations str
+ Number of offline updates
+ --online_iterations str
+ Number of online updates
+ --checkpoints_path str
+ Save path
+ --load_model str Model load file name, "" doesn't load
+ --buffer_size str CQL
+ --batch_size str Batch size for all networks
+ --discount str Discount factor
+ --alpha_multiplier str
+ Multiplier for alpha in loss
+ --use_automatic_entropy_tuning str
+ Tune entropy
+ --backup_entropy str Use backup entropy
+ --policy_lr str Policy learning rate
+ --qf_lr str Critics learning rate
+ --soft_target_update_rate str
+ Target network update rate
+ --bc_steps str Number of BC steps at start
+ --target_update_period str
+ Frequency of target nets updates
+ --cql_alpha str CQL offline regularization parameter
+ --cql_alpha_online str
+ CQL online regularization parameter
+ --cql_n_actions str Number of sampled actions
+ --cql_importance_sample str
+ Use importance sampling
+ --cql_lagrange str Use Lagrange version of CQL
+ --cql_target_action_gap str
+ Action gap
+ --cql_temp str CQL temperature
+ --cql_max_target_backup str
+ Use max target backup
+ --cql_clip_diff_min str
+ Q-function lower loss clipping
+ --cql_clip_diff_max str
+ Q-function upper loss clipping
+ --orthogonal_init str
+ Orthogonal initialization
+ --normalize str Normalize states
+ --normalize_reward str
+ Normalize reward
+ --q_n_hidden_layers str
+ Number of hidden layers in Q networks
+ --reward_scale str Reward scale for normalization
+ --reward_bias str Reward bias for normalization
+ --mixing_ratio str Cal-QL
+ --is_sparse_reward str
+ Use sparse reward
+ --project str Wandb logging
+ --group str wandb group name
+ --name str wandb run name
diff --git a/docs/algorithms/cql.md b/docs/algorithms/cql.md
index 194cc7a1..db348981 100644
--- a/docs/algorithms/cql.md
+++ b/docs/algorithms/cql.md
@@ -1 +1,151 @@
-# CQL
\ No newline at end of file
+# CQL
+## Overview
+The Conservative Q-Learning (CQL) is one of the most popular offline RL frameworks.
+It is originally build upon the Soft Actor Critic (SAC) but can be transferred to any other method which employs Q function.
+The core idea behind CQL is to approximate Q values for state-action pairs within dataset and to minimize this value for out-of-distribution pairs.
+This idea can be achieved with the following critic loss (change in blue)
+\min _{\phi_i} \mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{s}, \mathbf{a}, \mathbf{s}^{\prime} \sim \mathcal{D}}\left[\left(Q_{\phi_i}(\mathbf{s}, \mathbf{a})-\left(r(\mathbf{s}, \mathbf{a})+\gamma \mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{a}^{\prime} \sim \pi_\theta\left(\cdot \mid \mathbf{s}^{\prime}\right)}\left[\min _{j=1, 2}} Q_{\phi_j^{\prime}}\left(\mathbf{s}^{\prime}, \mathbf{a}^{\prime}\right)-\alpha \log \pi_\theta\left(\mathbf{a}^{\prime} \mid \mathbf{s}^{\prime}\right)\right]\right)\right)^2\right] {\color{blue}{+ \mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{s} \sim \mathcal{D}, \mathbf{a} \sim \mathcal{\mu(a | s)}}\left[Q_{\phi_i^{\prime}}(s, a)\right]}
+where $\mathcal{\mu(a | s)}$ is sampling from the current policy with randomness.
+Authors also propose maximizng values withing dataset for better approximation which should lead to the lower bound of the true values.
+The final critic loss is the following (change in blue)
+\min _{\phi_i} \mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{s}, \mathbf{a}, \mathbf{s}^{\prime} \sim \mathcal{D}}\left[\left(Q_{\phi_i}(\mathbf{s}, \mathbf{a})-\left(r(\mathbf{s}, \mathbf{a})+\gamma \mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{a}^{\prime} \sim \pi_\theta\left(\cdot \mid \mathbf{s}^{\prime}\right)}\left[\min _{j=1, 2}} Q_{\phi_j^{\prime}}\left(\mathbf{s}^{\prime}, \mathbf{a}^{\prime}\right)-\alpha \log \pi_\theta\left(\mathbf{a}^{\prime} \mid \mathbf{s}^{\prime}\right)\right]\right)\right)^2\right] + {\color{blue}{\mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{s} \sim \mathcal{D}, \mathbf{a} \sim \mathcal{\mu(a | s)}}\left[Q_{\phi_i^{\prime}}(s, a)\right] - \mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{s} \sim \mathcal{D}, \mathbf{a} \sim \mathcal{\hat{\pi}_\beta(a | s)}}\left[Q_{\phi_i^{\prime}}(s, a)\right]}
+There are more details and a number of CQL variants. To find out more about them, we redirect to the original work
+Original paper:
+ * [Conservative Q-Learning for Offline Reinforcement Learning](https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.04779)
+Reference resources:
+* :material-github: [Official codebase for CQL (does not reproduce results from the paper)](https://github.com/aviralkumar2907/CQL)
+* :material-github: [Working unofficial implementation for CQL (Pytorch)](https://github.com/young-geng/CQL)
+* :material-github: [Working unofficial implementation for CQL (JAX)](https://github.com/young-geng/JaxCQL)
+!!! warning
+ CQL has many hyperparameters and it is very sensitive to them. For example, our implementation wasn't able to achieve reasonable results without increasing the number of critic hidden layers.
+!!! warning
+ Due to the need in actions sampling CQL training runtime is slow comparing to other approaches. Usually it is about x4 time comparing of the backbone AC algorithm.
+!!! success
+ CQL is simple and fast in case of discrete actions space.
+Possible extensions:
+* [Cal-QL: Calibrated Offline RL Pre-Training for Efficient Online Fine-Tuning](https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.05479)
+## Implemented Variants
+| Variants Implemented | Description |
+| :material-github: [`offline/cql.py`](https://github.com/corl-team/CORL/blob/main/algorithms/offline/cql.py)
:material-database: [configs](https://github.com/corl-team/CORL/tree/main/configs/offline/cql) | For continuous action spaces and offline RL. |
+| :material-github: [`finetune/cql.py`](https://github.com/corl-team/CORL/blob/main/algorithms/finetune/cql.py)
:material-database: [configs](https://github.com/corl-team/CORL/tree/main/configs/finetune/cql) | For continuous action spaces and offline-to-online RL. |
+## Explanation of some of logged metrics
+* `policy_loss`: mean actor loss.
+* `alpha_loss`: mean SAC entropy loss.
+* `qf{i}_loss`: mean i-th critic loss.
+* `cql_q{i}_{next_actions, rand}`: Q mean values of i-th critic for next or random actions.
+* `d4rl_normalized_score`: mean evaluation normalized score. Should be between 0 and 100, where 100+ is the
+ performance above expert for this environment. Implemented by D4RL library [[:material-github: source](https://github.com/Farama-Foundation/D4RL/blob/71a9549f2091accff93eeff68f1f3ab2c0e0a288/d4rl/offline_env.py#L71)].
+## Implementation details
+1. Reward scaling (:material-github: [algorithms/offline/cql.py#L238](https://github.com/corl-team/CORL/blob/e9768f90a95c809a5587dd888e203d0b76b07a39/algorithms/offline/cql.py#L238))
+2. Increased critic size (:material-github: [algorithms/offline/cql.py#L392](https://github.com/corl-team/CORL/blob/e9768f90a95c809a5587dd888e203d0b76b07a39/algorithms/offline/cql.py#L392))
+3. Max target backup (:material-github: [algorithms/offline/cql.py#L568](https://github.com/corl-team/CORL/blob/e9768f90a95c809a5587dd888e203d0b76b07a39/algorithms/offline/cql.py#L568))
+4. Importance sample (:material-github: [algorithms/offline/cql.py#L647](https://github.com/corl-team/CORL/blob/e9768f90a95c809a5587dd888e203d0b76b07a39/algorithms/offline/cql.py#L647))
+5. CQL lagrange variant (:material-github: [algorithms/offline/cql.py#L681](https://github.com/corl-team/CORL/blob/e9768f90a95c809a5587dd888e203d0b76b07a39/algorithms/offline/cql.py#L681))
+## Experimental results
+For detailed scores on all benchmarked datasets see [benchmarks section](../benchmarks/offline.md).
+Reports visually compare our reproduction results with original paper scores to make sure our implementation is working properly.
+## Training options
+usage: cql.py [-h] [--config_path str] [--device str] [--env str] [--seed str] [--eval_freq str] [--n_episodes str] [--max_timesteps str] [--checkpoints_path str] [--load_model str] [--buffer_size str] [--batch_size str]
+ [--discount str] [--alpha_multiplier str] [--use_automatic_entropy_tuning str] [--backup_entropy str] [--policy_lr str] [--qf_lr str] [--soft_target_update_rate str] [--target_update_period str]
+ [--cql_n_actions str] [--cql_importance_sample str] [--cql_lagrange str] [--cql_target_action_gap str] [--cql_temp str] [--cql_alpha str] [--cql_max_target_backup str] [--cql_clip_diff_min str]
+ [--cql_clip_diff_max str] [--orthogonal_init str] [--normalize str] [--normalize_reward str] [--q_n_hidden_layers str] [--reward_scale str] [--reward_bias str] [--bc_steps str]
+ [--policy_log_std_multiplier str] [--project str] [--group str] [--name str]
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ --config_path str Path for a config file to parse with pyrallis
+ --device str Experiment
+ --env str OpenAI gym environment name
+ --seed str Sets Gym, PyTorch and Numpy seeds
+ --eval_freq str How often (time steps) we evaluate
+ --n_episodes str How many episodes run during evaluation
+ --max_timesteps str Max time steps to run environment
+ --checkpoints_path str
+ Save path
+ --load_model str Model load file name, "" doesn't load
+ --buffer_size str CQL
+ --batch_size str Batch size for all networks
+ --discount str Discount factor
+ --alpha_multiplier str
+ Multiplier for alpha in loss
+ --use_automatic_entropy_tuning str
+ Tune entropy
+ --backup_entropy str Use backup entropy
+ --policy_lr str Policy learning rate
+ --qf_lr str Critics learning rate
+ --soft_target_update_rate str
+ Target network update rate
+ --target_update_period str
+ Frequency of target nets updates
+ --cql_n_actions str Number of sampled actions
+ --cql_importance_sample str
+ Use importance sampling
+ --cql_lagrange str Use Lagrange version of CQL
+ --cql_target_action_gap str
+ Action gap
+ --cql_temp str CQL temperature
+ --cql_alpha str Minimal Q weight
+ --cql_max_target_backup str
+ Use max target backup
+ --cql_clip_diff_min str
+ Q-function lower loss clipping
+ --cql_clip_diff_max str
+ Q-function upper loss clipping
+ --orthogonal_init str
+ Orthogonal initialization
+ --normalize str Normalize states
+ --normalize_reward str
+ Normalize reward
+ --q_n_hidden_layers str
+ Number of hidden layers in Q networks
+ --reward_scale str Reward scale for normalization
+ --reward_bias str Reward bias for normalization
+ --bc_steps str AntMaze hacks
+ --policy_log_std_multiplier str
+ Stochastic policy std multiplier
+ --project str Wandb logging
+ --group str wandb group name
+ --name str wandb run name