Kubectl is great but sometimes you need something else to help you navigate your cluster.
These exercises will walk you through some of the more popular tools.
There's a bug in the default RBAC setup in Docker Desktop, which means permissions are not applied correctly. If you're using Kubernetes in Docker Desktop, run this to fix the bug:
# on Docker Desktop for Mac (or WSL2 on Windows):
sudo chmod +x ./scripts/fix-rbac-docker-desktop.sh
# OR on Docker Desktop for Windows (PowerShell):
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope Process -Force
This is the standard web UI for the Kubernetes project:
Deploy metrics server:
kubectl top nodes
# if you get no response, then install the components:
kubectl apply -f labs/tools/specs/metrics-server
Deploy some resources so we have something to see:
kubectl apply -f labs/tools/specs/rng
Check the app is working at http://localhost:30080 - click Go and you should see a random number
Now deploy the dasboard:
kubectl apply -f labs/tools/specs/dashboard
This setup includes a ServiceAccount we can use to authenticate with the web UI:
kubectl describe sa rng-admin-user -n kubernetes-dashboard
kubectl get secret -n kubernetes-dashboard rng-admin-user-token
SA auth tokens are stored in Secrets of the special type
. Wnen you create those Secrets, Kubernetes generates the token
Print the auth token:
kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard get secret rng-admin-user-token -o go-template="{{.data.token | base64decode}}"
Copy the value to the clipboard, and use it to log in at https://localhost:30043
- Accept security risk - this deployment uses a self-signed SSL cert
- Paste token - those are your admin creds
- Empty screens, browse around - change ns
- Can view Pods etc. in all ns - not secrets
- Pods - check logs, exec
- Can view all in rng ns
- Can edit only in rng ns
This SA doesn't have full permissions, so you can only edit in the rng
K9s is terminal-based GUI for navigating Kubernetes clusters: https://github.com/derailed/k9s#installation
# Windows - you need to be an admin user
choco install k9s
# Mac
brew install k9s
# Linux
curl -sS https://webinstall.dev/k9s | bash
Run in read-only mode - this uses your default cluster admin context:
k9s --readonly
Keyboard navigation
- numbers to switch ns
- 0 for all
- up/down to select pod
- l for logs
- esc to go back
Switch resources:
- :svc
- :cm
- :secrets - x to decode
Ctrl-C to exit
Create a context for the RNG admin user
kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard get secret rng-admin-user-token -o go-template="{{.data.token | base64decode}}"
kubectl config set-credentials rng-admin --token=<your-sa-token>
kubectl config get-contexts
kubectl config set-context rng --user=rng-admin --cluster=<your-cluster-name>
Launch k9s as rng user:
k9s -n rng --context rng
- navigate, can see pods but only shell into rng pods
- :secrets - error
- back to :pods, select rng ns 1
- :secrets - u to check usage
You can add plugins to extend Kubectl's functionality - Krew is a plugin manager.
Start by installing Krew - the setup is different for different OS: https://krew.sigs.k8s.io/docs/user-guide/setup/install/
Add to path and restart shell (or restart Code)
kubectl krew
kubectl krew search rbac
Will likely need admin permissions
kubectl krew install rbac-view
kubectl rbac-view
Browse to URL; comprehensive but unwieldy
kubectl krew install who-can
kubectl who-can get secrets -n rng
Not complete
kubectl auth can-i get secrets -n rng --as system:serviceaccount:kubernetes-dashboard:rng-admin-user
kubectl krew install access-matrix
kubectl access-matrix --sa kubernetes-dashboard:rng-admin-user
kubectl access-matrix --sa kubernetes-dashboard:rng-admin-user -n rng
This is a great tool for notifying you about changes in your environment. You need admin access to a Slack workspace to set it up.
Slack - create new workspace, call the first channel lab-tools
Add the bot app to get an API token, call it kubewatch:
in the channel -
/invite @kubewatch
Install the server componentes with Helm:
helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
helm install kubewatch -n default --values=labs/tools/kubewatch/values.yaml --set='slack.channel=#lab-tools,slack.token=<YOUR-TOKEN>' bitnami/kubewatch
Check the install:
kubectl logs -n default -l app.kubernetes.io/name=kubewatch
If you see an RBAC issue, it can be ignored
Try deleting a Pod and see the notifications in Slack:
kubectl delete po -n rng -l app=numbers-api
Delete the namespaces & RBAC used for the RNG app and the Dashboard:
kubectl delete ns,clusterrolebinding -l kubernetes.courselabs.co=tools
Delete metrics server if you deployed it:
kubectl delete -f labs/tools/specs/metrics-server
And uninstall Kubewatch if you deployed it:
helm uninstall kubewatch