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166 lines (156 loc) · 8.18 KB

File metadata and controls

166 lines (156 loc) · 8.18 KB

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This doctype describes a sharing, ie an action made by some user to share some documents and files from her cozy instance to other people.

  • An identifier (the same for all members of the sharing)
  • A list of members. The first one is the owner. For each member, we have the URL of the cozy, a public name, an email, a status and some credentials to authorize the transfer of data between the owner and the recipients. The status can be:
    • owner for the member that has created the sharing
    • mail-not-sent for a member that has been added, but its invitation has not yet been sent (often, this status is used only for a few seconds)
    • pending for a member with an invitation sent, but who has not clicked on the link
    • seen for a member that has clicked on the invitation link, but has not setup the Cozy to Cozy replication for the sharing
    • ready for a member where the Cozy to Cozy replication has been set up
    • revoked for a member who is on longer in the sharing
  • A list of groups, with for each one:
    • id, the identifier of the io.cozy.contacts.groups
    • name, the name of the group
    • addedBy, the index of the member that has added the group
    • read_only, a flag to tell if the group is restricted to read-only mode
    • revoked, a flag set to true when the group is revoked from the sharing
  • A description (one sentence that will help people understand what is shared and why)
  • a flag active that says if the sharing is currently active for at least one member
  • a flag owner, true for the document on the cozy of the sharer, and absent on the other cozy instance
  • a flag open_sharing:
    • true if any member of the sharing can add a new recipient
    • false if only the owner can add a new recipient
  • Some technical data (created_at, updated_at, app_slug, preview_path, triggers, credentials)
  • A flag initial_sync present only when the initial replication is still running
  • A number of files to synchronize for the initial sync, initial_number_of_files_to_sync (if there is no file to sync or the initial replication has finished, the field won't be here)
  • A shortcut_id with the identifier of the shortcut file (when the recipient doesn't want to synchronize the documents on their Cozy instance)
  • A list of sharing rules, each rule being composed of:
    • a title, that will be displayed to the recipients before they accept the sharing
    • the doctype
    • a selector (by default, it’s the id) and values (one identifier, a list of identifiers, files and folders inside a folder, files that are referenced by the same document, documents bound to a previous sharing rule)
    • local: by default false, but it can false true for documents that are useful for the preview page but doesn’t need to be send to the recipients (e.g. a setting document of the application)
    • add: What to do when a new document matches this rule (the document is created, or it was a document that didn’t match the rule and is modified and the new version matches the rule). Can be:
      • none: the updates are never propagated (the default)
      • push: the updates made on the owner are sent to the recipients
      • sync: the updates on any member are propagated to the other members
    • update: What to do when a document matched by this rule is modified. Can be:
      • none: the updates are never propagated (the default)
      • push: the updates made on the owner are sent to the recipients
      • sync: the updates on any member are propagated to the other members
    • remove: What to do when a document no longer matches this rule (the document is deleted, or it was a document that matched the rule, and is modified and the new version doesn’t match the rule):
      • none: the updates are never propagated (the default)
      • push: the updates made on the owner are sent to the recipients
      • sync: the updates on any member are propagated to the other members
      • revoke: the sharing is revoked.


  "_id": "fffe04ebbec335405161f19133a0cd5c",
  "_rev": "7-bb721ae29e74ff2d776d8cbabf1a0bf5",
  "triggers": {
    "track_id": "fffe04ebbec335405161f19133a0fab5",
    "replicate_id": "fffe04ebbec335405161f19133a1172a",
    "upload_id": "fffe04ebbec335405161f19133a133bd"
  "active": true,
  "owner": true,
  "description": "Let's work together!",
  "app_slug": "",
  "created_at": "2018-06-01T16:54:32.677789079+02:00",
  "updated_at": "2018-06-01T16:54:32.677789079+02:00",
  "rules": [
      "title": "labore_adipisci",
      "doctype": "io.cozy.files",
      "values": [
      "add": "sync",
      "update": "sync",
      "remove": "sync"
  "members": [
      "status": "owner",
      "name": "Alice",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "instance": ""
      "status": "ready",
      "name": "Benjamin Denis",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "instance": ""
  "credentials": [
      "state": "OyPayIajZQUUX_KsZY2yaQ",
      "client": {
        "client_id": "fffe04ebbec335405161f19133a0e286",
        "client_secret": "JeOuBosC329bnz1rFK3Yenw8_8TleOa2",
        "client_secret_expires_at": 0,
        "registration_access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJyZWdpc3RyYXRpb24iLCJpYXQiOjE1Mjc4NjQ4ODQsImlzcyI6ImJvYi50ZXN0LmNvenkudG9vbHM6ODA4MiIsInN1YiI6ImZmZmUwNGViYmVjMzM1NDA1MTYxZjE5MTMzYTBlMjg2In0.WsNnnFnnf_vgf2OQyGSaj9XyK2elkaGHyl2vFpjzlCxEfj7ZoE7B2b6_GtRIdmhh42VSawoyGLAXsPh-ml10GQ",
        "redirect_uris": [
        "client_name": "Sharing Alice",
        "client_kind": "sharing",
        "client_uri": "",
        "software_id": ""
      "access_token": {
        "token_type": "bearer",
        "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJhY2Nlc3MiLCJpYXQiOjE1Mjc4NjQ4ODQsImlzcyI6ImJvYi50ZXN0LmNvenkudG9vbHM6ODA4MiIsInN1YiI6ImZmZmUwNGViYmVjMzM1NDA1MTYxZjE5MTMzYTBlMjg2Iiwic2NvcGUiOiJpby5jb3p5LnNoYXJpbmdzOkFMTDpmZmZlMDRlYmJlYzMzNTQwNTE2MWYxOTEzM2EwY2Q1YyJ9.ZS0r9KpjrctckigRIELJQryzHrFGo-1dQvRplSNj8N0jyJE1LPgnYuiDedQ8EQN5-1ffeLUf3h_Rygz2ozQvPA",
        "refresh_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJyZWZyZXNoIiwiaWF0IjoxNTI3ODY0ODg0LCJpc3MiOiJib2IudGVzdC5jb3p5LnRvb2xzOjgwODIiLCJzdWIiOiJmZmZlMDRlYmJlYzMzNTQwNTE2MWYxOTEzM2EwZTI4NiIsInNjb3BlIjoiaW8uY296eS5zaGFyaW5nczpBTEw6ZmZmZTA0ZWJiZWMzMzU0MDUxNjFmMTkxMzNhMGNkNWMifQ.cnH-COVwBIY8zOK51BBkLhb8vRbA96mRJ_W-i3Gg_qZoAISUjmzM3IH69DPQzD99OFnyeGWPhuIkCyWZX7ULQA",
        "scope": "io.cozy.sharings:ALL:fffe04ebbec335405161f19133a0cd5c"
      "xor_key": "CAMHBgkAAgEMCAkMAgsIAw==",
      "inbound_client_id": "fffe04ebbec335405161f19133a0ecc2"


This doctype is an internal one for the stack. It is used to track what documents are shared, and to replicate changes from one Cozy to the others.

  • _id: its identifier is the doctype and id of the referenced objet, separated by a / (e.g. io.cozy.contacts/c1f5dae4-0d87-11e8-b91b-1f41c005768b)
  • _rev: the CouchDB default revision for this document (not very meaningful, it’s here to avoid concurrency issues)
  • revisions: a tree with the last known _revs of the referenced object
  • infos, a map of sharing ids → {rule, removed, binary}
    • rule says which rule from the sharing must be applied for this document
    • removed will be true for a deleted document, a trashed file, or if the document does no longer match the sharing rule
    • binary is a boolean flag that is true only for files (and not even folders) with removed: false


  "_id": "io.cozy.files/becbd072f742f5444f5d7837b2f4e323",
  "_rev": "1-af3192a67f2bf69e011aa1bda39e6c72",
  "revisions": {
    "rev": "4-4135d4994981c0041e3c89a681542307"
  "infos": {
    "fffe04ebbec335405161f19133a0cd5c": {
      "rule": 0,
      "binary": true