;;(shell-command-to-string "jupyter kernelspec list")
import datetime
import sys
from typing import Any, List
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import plotly.express as px
from dotenv import dotenv_values
from IPython.display import Image
from plotly.graph_objs._figure import Figure
def df_to_org(df: pd.DataFrame) -> List[List[Any]]:
Convert a Pandas DataFrame to a data structure that can be used by org table
# return tabulate(df, headers=df.columns, tablefmt="orgtbl")
def convert_timestamp_to_iso(timestamp):
if isinstance(timestamp, pd.Timestamp):
return timestamp.isoformat()
return timestamp
df = df.map(convert_timestamp_to_iso)
return [list(df)] + df.values.tolist()
def render_plotly(fig: Figure) -> Image:
Render plotly figure as a static PNG. Requires kaleido.
img_bytes = fig.to_image(format="png")
return Image(img_bytes)
df = pd.DataFrame({
'A' : ['spam', 'eggs', 'spam', 'eggs'] * 6,
'B' : ['alpha', 'beta', 'gamma'] * 8,
'C' : [np.random.choice(pd.date_range(datetime.datetime(2013,1,1),datetime.datetime(2013,1,3))) for i in range(24)],
'D' : np.random.randn(24),
'E' : np.random.randint(2,10,24),
'F' : [np.random.choice(['rand_1', 'rand_2', 'rand_4', 'rand_6']) for i in range(24)],
fig = px.line(df[["E"]], template="plotly_dark")