- Oracle: Add OracleDB handling for buffer type in fetchAsString #3685
- Fix race condition in non-container transactions #3671
- Mark knex arguments of composite/collection types to be readonly #3680
- Remove dependency on bluebird methods from sources #3683
- Cleanup and extract Transaction Workflow logic #3674
- Oracle: commit was a no-op causing race conditions #3668
- CLI: Knex calls process.chdir() before opening Knexfile #3661
- Fixed unresolved promise in cancelQuery() #3666
takes optionally a precision argument. #3662- PG: Include SSL in connection definition #3659
- replace Bluebird.timeout #3634
- CLI: Improve Support for Liftoff's Preloaders - this should fix some cases like using TS for your migrations #3613
- MSSQL: Add
- Refactor more tests to use cli-testlab #3640
- Update QueryCompiler implementation to use classes #3647
- CLI: Support ES6 modules via flag --esm #3616
- CLI: Print help only when there are no arguments #3617
- Fix incorrect type of QueryBuilder.first('*') result #3621
- Throw better error when trying to modify schema while using unsupported dialect #3609
- Oracle: dispose connection on connection error #3611
- Oracle: fix not releasing connection from pool on disconnect #3605
- CLI: prevent warning with root command #3604
- Add create/drop schema methods to SchemaBuilder #3579
- Enforce Unix (lf) line terminators #3598
- Return more information about empty updates #3597
- Fix colors in debug logs #3592
- Use more efficient algorithm for generating internal ids #3595 #3596
- Use Buffer.alloc() instead of deprecated constructor #3574
- Fix debug logger messing up queries with % #3566
- Make logger methods mutually consistent #3567
- Add missing methods to client type #3565
- Fix queryContext function defintion #3562
- Fix QueryBuilder.extend this type #3526 #3528
- Remove bluebird.using #3552
- MSSQL, MySQL: Add connection string qs to connection params #3547
- Oracle: Fix issue retrieving BLOB from database #3545
- PostgreSQL: Timeout for postgresql use cancel instead of terminate #3518
- Make sure CLI works for namespaced knex packages #2539
- Lift up dialect specific methods in the CreateTableBuilder #3532
- Add client property to QueryBuilder type #3541
- Support 'only' option #3551
- Add support for distinct on for postgres #3513
- Make sqlite3 hasColumn case insensitive #3435
- Fix PoolConfig typing #3505
- Expand SeedsConfig types #3531
- Make the default type parameters of QueryBuilder less strict #3520
- Fix regression in older version of node when Promise#finally was not available #3507
- Declare drivers as optional peerDependencies #3081
- Dynamic connection configuration resolution #3497
- Wrap subQuery with parenthesis when it appears as table name #3496
- Fix Oracle error codes #3498
- Add interface for PG Connection object #3372
- Gracefully handle global promise pollution #3502
- orderBy accepts QueryBuilder #3491
- Add validation in
#2908 - disable_migrations_list_validation feature #3448
- Fix oracledb driver v4 support #3480
- Fix some issues around seed and migration generation #3479
- Fix bugs in replacement logic used when dropping columns in SQLite #3476
- Add types to the Migrator interface #3459
- Fix typings of index and dropIndex TableBuilder methods #3486
- Fixes types for Seeder#run #3438
- Execute CI on Node.js 13
- Bluebird: remove usage of
methods #3483 - Bluebird: remove Bluebird.bind #3477
- Bluebird: use util.promisify instead of Bluebird.promisify #3470
- Bluebird: remove Bluebird.each #3471
- Bluebird: remove Bluebird.map and Bluebird.mapSeries #3474
- Bluebird: replace Bluebird.map with Promise.all #3469
- Update badges #3482
- CLI: Migrations up/down commands - filename parameter #3416
- Oracle: Support stored procedures #3449
- MSSQL: Escape column ids correctly in all cases (reported by Snyk Security Research Team) #3382
- SQLite: Fix handling of multiline SQL in SQLite3 schema #3411
- Fix concurrent child transactions failing #2213 #3440
- Add missing Migrator.list typing #3460
- Fix Typescript type inference for to better support wildcard (*) calls #3444
- Make options argument optional in timeout #3442
- Enable linting in CI #3450
- Add undefined columns to undefined binding(s) error #3425
- Add
to SeederConfig type #3429 - Fix some issues with QueryBuilder types #3427
- Fix migrations for native enums to use table schema #3307
- Add ability to manually define schema for native enums #3307
- Add SSL/TLS support for Postgres connection string #3410
- CLI: new command that lists all migrations with status #3390
- Include schemaName in EnumOptions #3415
- Allow
to benull
- migrate: Refactor _lockMigrations to avoid forUpdate - makes migrations compatible with CockroachDB #3395
- Make transaction rejection consistent across dialects #3399
- More consistent handling of nested transactions #3393
- Fallback to JSON when using JSONB in MySQL #3394
- Allow to extend knex query builder #3334
- Add .isCompleted() to transaction #3368
- Minor enhancements around aliasing of aggregates #3354
- Update configuration typings to allow for oracle db connectionstring #3361
- Update Knex.raw type to be any by default because the actual type is dialect specific #3349
- Pooling: tarn.js connection pool was updated to version 2.0.0. This fixes issue with destroying connections and introduces support for connection pool event handlers. Please see tarn.js documentation for more details #3345
- Pooling: Passing unsupported pooling configuration options now throws an error
- Pooling:
configuration option was removed
- Seeds: Option to run specific seed file #3335
- Implement "skipLocked()" and "noWait()" #2961
- CLI: Respect the knexfile stub option while generating a migration #3337
- Fix mssql import not being ignored, breaking webpack builds #3336
- CLI: add --stub option to migration:make #3316
- Fix return duplicate transaction promise for standalone transactions #3328
- Fix remove duplicate transaction rejection #3324
- Fix issues around specifying default values for columns #3318
- CLI: Fix empty --version output #3312
- Do not reject duplicate promise on transaction rollback #3319
- Do not reject promise on transaction rollback (by default only for new, non-callback, style of transactions for now to avoid breaking old code) #3235
- Added
options for starting transactions, to prevent rejecting promises on rollback for callback-style transactions. - Use extension from knexfile for generating migrations unless overriden #3282
- Use migrations.extension from config when generating migration #3242
- Expose executionPromise for transactors #3297
- Oracle: Updated handling of connection errors for disposal #2608
- Fix extension resolution from env configs #3294
- Drop support for Node.js 6 #3227
- Remove Babel #3227
- Remove Bluebird #3290 #3287 #3285 #3267 #3266 #3263
- Fix comments that were modified by find & replace #3308
- Add workarounds for degraded inference when strictNullChecks is set to false #3275
- Add stub type definition for Migrator config #3279
- Add stub to seeds type #3296
- Fix MSSQL config typings #3269
- Add pgsql specific table builder method typings #3146
- Include result.d.ts in published package #3271
- Fix some cases of left-to-right inference causing type mismatch #3265
- Improve count typings #3249
- Fix error message bubbling up on seed error #3248
- Improve typings for aggregations #3245
- Add decimalNumbers to MySqlConnectionConfig interface #3244
- Improve count typings #3239
- "colorette" dependency breaks browserify builds #3238
- Add migrate:down functionality #3228
- Update type of aggregation results to not be arrays when first has been invoked before #3237
- Include undefined in type of single row results #3231
- Fix incorrect type definitions for single row queries #3230
- Add support for returning started transaction without immediately executing it #3099
- Add support for passing transaction around with only starting it when needed #3099
- Add clearHaving function #3141
- Add --all flag for rollback in CLI #3187
- Add error detail log to knex CLI #3149
- Support multi-column whereIn in sqlite through values clause #3220
- Allow users to specify the migrations "tableName" parameter via the CLI #3214
- Unify object options handling for datetime/timestamp across dialects #3181
- Add "up" command for migrations #3205
- Add default values for generic types (fixes backwards compatibility broken by 0.16.6) #3189
- Make function types generic in type definitions #3168
- Add missing types to MigratorConfig #3174
- Add types for havingBetween, orHavingBetween, havingNotBetween and orHavingNotBetween #3144
- Update Knex.Config types to include log #3221
- Fix some more cases of missing typings #3223
- Support type safe refs #3215
- Expose some utility types #3211
- Fix issues with typings of joins and some conflicts with Bluebird typings #3209
- Fix order of migration rollback #3172
- Execute CI tests on Node.js 12 #3171
- Docker-based test dbs #3157
- Use cli-testlab for testing CLI #3191
- Bundle polyfills with knex for 0.16.x line again #3139
- Boolean param for rollback() to rollback all migrations #2968
- seed:run print the file name of the failing seed #2972 #2973
- verbose option to CLI commands #2887
- add intersect() #3023
- Improved format for TS stubs #3080
- MySQL: Support nullable timestamps #3100
- MySQL: Warn
does not have any effect #3039
- Respect "loadExtensions" configuration #2969
- Fix event listener duplication when using Migrator #2982
- Fix fs-migrations breaking docs #3022
- Fix sqlite3 drop/renameColumn() breaks with postProcessResponse #3040
- Fix transaction support for migrations #3084
- Fix queryContext not being passed to raw queries #3111
- Typings: Allow to pass query builders, identifiers and raw in various places as parameters #2960
- Typings: toNative() definition #2996
- Typings: asCallback() definition #2963
- Typings: queryContext() type definition Knex.Raw #3002
- Typings: Add "constraintName" arg to primary() definition #3006
- Typings: Add missing schemaName in MigratorConfig #3016
- Typings: Add missing supported parameter types and toSQL method #2960
- Typings: Update enum arguments to reflect latest signature #3043
- Typings: Add size parameter to integer method #3074
- Typings: Add 'string' as accepted Knex constructor type definition #3105
- Typings: Add boolean as a column name in join #3121
- Typings: Add missing clearOrder & clearCounters types #3109
- Dependencies: Fix security warning #3082
- Do not use unsupported column width/length arguments on data types int and tinyint in MSSQL #2738
- Make unionAll()'s call signature match union() #3055
- Swap chalk→colorette / minimist→getopts #2718
- Always use well documented pg client query() config argument #3004
- Do not bundle polyfills with knex #3024
- @babel/polyfill loaded multiple times #2955
- Resolve migrations and seeds relatively to knexfile directory when specified (the way it used to be before 0.16.1) #2952
- Add TypeScript types to the "files" entry so they are properly included in the release #2943
- Use datetime2 for MSSQL datetime + timestamp types. This change is incompatible with MSSQL older than 2008 #2757
- Knex.VERSION() method was removed, run "require('knex/package').version" instead #2776
- Knex transpilation now targets Node.js 6, meaning it will no longer run on older Node.js versions #2813
- Add json type support for SQLite 3.9+ (tested to work with Node package 'sqlite3' 4.0.2+) #2814
- Support passing explicit connection to query builder (#2817)
- Introduced abstraction for getting migrations to make migration bundling easier #2775
- Allow timestamp with timezone on mssql databases #2724
- Allow specifying multiple migration directories #2735
- Allow cloning query builder with .userParams({}) assigned to it #2802
- Allow chaining of increment, decrement, and update #2740
- Allow table names with
#2834 - Added
and the associatednot
methods for using columns on the right side of a where clause #2837 - Added
method to make self-referential CTEs possible #2889 - Added support for named unique, primary and foreign keys to SQLite3 #2840
- Added support for generating new migration and seed files without knexfile #2884 #2905 #2935
- Added support for multiple columns in
#2881 - Added option of
method to support repeated use of enums #2719 - Added option to pass
for MySQL dialect #2890 - Added
and the associatednot
methods for using values inon
clauses within joins #2746 - Kill queries after timeout for PostgreSQL #2636
- Manage TypeScript types internally #2845
- Support 5.0.0+ versions of mssql driver #2861
- Typescript migration stub #2816
- Options object for passing timestamp parameters + regression tests #2919
- Implement fail-fast logic for dialect resolution #2776
- Fixed identifier wrapping for
. Use columnize instead of wrap in using() #2713 - Fix issues with warnPromise when migration does not return a promise #2730
- Compile with before update so that bindings are put in correct order #2733
- Fix join using builder withSchema #2744
- Throw instead of process.exit when client module missing #2843
- Display correct filename of a migration that failed #2910
- Fixed support of knexSnakeCaseWrappers in migrations #2914
- SQlite3 renameColunm quote fix #2833
- Adjust typing for forUpdate()/forShare() variant with table names #2858
- Fix execution of Oracle tests on Node 11 #2920
- Fix failures in oracle test bench and added it back to mandatory CI tests #2924
- Knex client knexfile resolution fix #2923
- Add queryContext to type declarations #2931
- Add tests for multiple union arguments with callbacks and builders #2749
- Update dependencies #2772 #2810 #2842 #2848 #2893 #2904
- Separate migration generator #2786
- Do not postprocess internal queries in Migrator #2914 #2934
- Use Babel 7 #2813
- Introduce LGTM.com badge #2755
- Cleanup based on analysis by https://lgtm.com #2870
- Add test for retrieving null dates #2865
- Add link to wiki #2866
- Add tests for specifying explicit pg version #2895
- Execute tests on Node.js 11 #2873
- Version upgrade guide #2894
FEATURE (#2644)
- Rolled back changes introduced by #2542, in favor of opt-in behavior by adding a precision option in
(#2715, #2721)
- Fix warning erroneously displayed for mysql #2705
- Stop executing tests on Node 4 and 5. #2451 (not supported anymore)
data type is no longer converted totext
within a schema builder migration for MySQL databases (note that JSON data type is only supported for MySQL 5.7.8+) #2635- Removed WebSQL dialect #2461
- Drop mariadb support #2681
- Primary Key for Migration Lock Table #2569. This shouldn't affect to old loc tables, but if you like to have your locktable to have primary key, delete the old table and it will be recreated when migrations are ran next time.
- Ensure knex.destroy() returns a bluebird promise #2589
- Increment floats #2614
- Testing removal of 'skim' #2520, Now rows are not converted to plain js objects, returned row objects might have changed type with oracle, mssql, mysql and sqlite3
- Drop support for strong-oracle #2487
- Timeout errors doesn't silently ignore the passed errors anymore #2626
- Removed WebSQL dialect #2647
- Various fixes to mssql dialect to make it compatible with other dialects #2653, Unique constraint now allow multiple null values, float type is now float instaed of decimal, rolling back transaction with undefined rejects with Error, select for update and select for share actually locks selected row, so basically old schema migrations will work a lot different and produce different schema like before. Also now MSSQL is included in CI tests.
- Fixes onIn with empty values array #2513
- fix wrapIdentifier not being called in postgres alter column #2612
- fixes wrapIdentifier to work with postgres
statement 2630 #2642 - Fix mssql driver crashing in certain cases when conneciton is closed unexpectedly #2637
- Removed semicolon from rollback stmt for oracle #2564
- Make the stream catch errors in the query #2638
- Create timestamp columns with microsecond precision on MySQL 5.6 and newer #2542
- Allow storing stacktrace, where builder is initialized to be able trace back where certain query was created #2500 #2505
- Added 'ref' function #2509, no need for knex.raw('??', ['id']) anymore, one can do knex.ref('id')
- Support postgresql connection uri protocol #2609
- Add support for native enums on Postgres #2632
- Allow overwriting log functions #2625
- chore: cache node_modules #2595
- Remove babel-plugin-lodash #2634
- Remove readable-stream and safe-buffer #2640
- chore: add Node.js 10 #2594
- add homepage field to package.json #2650
- Restored functionality of query event #2566 (#2549)
- Fix wrapping returning column on oracledb #2554
- Support passing DB schema name for migrations #2499 #2559
- add clearOrder method #2360 #2553
- Added knexTxId to query events and debug calls #2476
- Support multi-column
with query #1390 - Added error if chaining update/insert/etc with first() #2506
- Checks for an empty, undefined or null object on transacting #2494
- countDistinct with multiple columns #2449
- Added npm run test:oracledb command that runs oracledb tests in docker #2491
- Runnin mssql tests in docker #2496
- Update dependencies #2561
- containsUndefined only validate plain objects. Fixes #1898 (#2468)
- Add warning when using .returning() in sqlite3. Fixes #1660 (#2471)
- Throw an error if .update() results in an empty sql (#2472)
- Removed unnecessary createTableIfNotExist and replaced with createTable (#2473)
- Allow calling lock procedures (such as forUpdate) outside of transaction. Fixes #2403. (#2475)
- Added test and documentation for Event 'start' (#2488)
- Added stress test, which uses TCP proxy to simulate flaky connection #2460
- Removed old docker tests, new stress test setup (#2474)
- Removed unused property __cid on the base client (#2481)
- Changed rm to rimraf in 'npm run dev' (#2483)
- Changed babel preset and use latest node as target when running dev (#2484)
- Use tarn as pool instead of generic-pool which has been given various problems #2450
- Fixed mysql issue where add columns failed if using both after and collate #2432
- CLI sets exit-code 1 if the command supplied was not parseable #2358
- Set toNative() to be not enumerable #2388
- Use wrapIdentifier in columnInfo. fixes #2402 #2405
- Fixed a bug when using .returning (OUTPUT) in an update query with joins in MSSQL #2399
- Better error message when running migrations fail before even starting run migrations #2373
- Read oracle's UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE env variable correctly #2372
- Added decimal variable precision / scale support #2353
- Added queryContext to schema and query builders #2314
- Added redshift dialect #2233
- Added warning when one uses .createTableIfNotExist and deprecated it from docs #2458
- Update dependencies and fix ESLint warnings accordingly #2433
- Disable oracledb tests from non LTS nodes #2407
- Update dependencies #2422
- Fix sqlite3 truncate method to work again #2348
- Fix support for multiple schema names in in postgres
#2340 - Fix create new connection to pass errors to query instead of retry loop #2336
- Fix recognition of connections closed by server #2341
- Remove sorting of statements from update queries #2171
- Updated allowed operator list with some missing operators and make all to lower case #2239
- Use node-mssql 4.0.0 #2029
- Support for enum columns to SQlite3 dialect #2055
- Better identifier quoting in Sqlite3 #2087
- Migration Errors - Display filename of of failed migration #2272
- Post processing hook for query result #2261
- Build native SQL where binding parameters are dialect specific #2237
- Configuration option to allow override identifier wrapping #2217
- Implemented select syntax: select({ alias: 'column' }) #2227
- Allows to filter seeds and migrations by extensions #2168
- Reconnecting after database server disconnect/reconnect + tests #2017
- Removed filering from allowed configuration settings of mysql2 #2040
- Allow raw expressions in query builder aggregate methods #2257
- Throw error on non-string table comment #2126
- Support for mysql stream query options #2301
- Allow update queries and passing query builder to with statements #2298
- Fix escape table name in SQLite columnInfo call #2281
- Preventing containsUndefined from going to recursion loop #1711
- Fix error caused by call to knex.migrate.currentVersion #2123
- Upgraded generic-pool to 3.1.7 (did resolve some memory issues) #2208
- Allow using NOT ILIKE operator #2195
- Fix postgres searchPath to be case-sensitive #2172
- Fix drop of multiple columns in sqlite3 #2107
- Fix adding multiple columns in Oracle #2115
- Use selected schema when dropping indices in Postgres. #2105
- Fix hasTable for MySQL to not do partial matches #2097
- Fix setting autoTransaction in batchInsert #2113
- Fix connection error propagation when streaming #2199
- Fix comments not being applied to increments columns #2243
- Fix mssql wrong binding order of queries that combine a limit with select raw or update #2066
- Fixed mysql alter table attributes order #2062
- Update each out-of-date dependency according to david-dm.org #2297
- Update v8flags to version 3.0.0 #2288
- Update interpret version #2283
- Fix debug output typo #2187
- Docker CI tests #2164
- Unit test for right/rightOuterJoin combination #2117
- Unit test for fullOuterJoin #2118
- Unit tests for table comment #2098
- Test referencing non-existent column with sqlite3 #2104
- Unit test for renaming column in postgresql #2099
- Unit test for cross-join #2102
- Fix incorrect parameter name #2068
- Multiple concurrent migration runners blocks instead of throwing error when possible #1962
- Fixed transaction promise mutation issue #1991
- Allow passing version of connected db in configuration file #1993
- Bugfixes on batchInsert and transactions for mysql/maria #1992
- Add fetchAsString optional parameter to oracledb dialect #1998
- fix: escapeObject parameter order for Postgres dialect. #2003
- Fixed unhandled exception in batchInsert when the rows to be inserted resulted in duplicate key violation #1880
- Added clearSelect and clearWhere to query builder #1912
- Properly close Postgres query streams on error #1935
- Transactions should never reject with undefined #1970
- Clear acquireConnectionTimeout if an error occurs when acquiring a connection #1973
- Ensure that 'client' is provided in knex config object #1822
- Support custom foreign key names #1311, #1726
- Fixed named bindings to work with queries containing
-chars #1890 - Exposed more promise functions #1896
- Pass rollback errors to transaction promise in mssql #1885
- ONLY keyword support for PostgreSQL (for table inheritance) #1874
- Fixed Mssql update with join syntax #1777
- Replace migrations and seed for react-native packager #1813
- Support knexfile, migration and seeds in TypeScript #1769
- Fix float to integer conversion of decimal fields in MSSQL #1781
- External authentication capability when using oracledb driver #1716
- Fixed MSSQL incorect query build when locks are used #1707
- Allow to use
method as aliased select #1784 - Alter column for nullability, type and default value #46, #1759
- Add more having* methods / join clause on* methods #1674
- Compatibility fixes and cleanups #1788, #1792, #1794, #1814, #1857, #1649
- Address warnings mentioned in #1388 (#1740)
- Remove postinstall script (#1746)
- Fix broken 0.12.4 build (removed from npm)
- Fix #1733, #920, incorrect postgres array bindings
- Fix #1703, #1694 - connections should be returned to pool if acquireConnectionTimeout is triggered
- Fix #1710 regression in postgres array escaping
- Restore pool min: 1 for sqlite3, #1701
- Fix for connection error after it's closed / released, #1691
- Fix oracle prefetchRowCount setting, #1675
- Fix MSSQL sql execution error, #1669
- Added DEBUG=knex:bindings for debugging query bindings, #1557
- Remove build / built files, #1616
- Upgrade to Babel 6, #1617
- Reference Bluebird module directly, remove deprecated .exec method, #1618
- Remove documentation files from main repo
- Fix broken behavior on WebSQL build, #1638
- Oracle id sequence now handles manual inserts, #906
- Cleanup PG escaping, fix #1602, #1548
- Added
to builder for common table expressions, #1599 - Fix #1619, pluck with explicit column names
- Switching back to generic-pool for pooling resource management
- Removed index.html, please direct all PR's for docs against the files in knex/documentation
- Added CHANGELOG.md for a new documentation builder coming soon, #1615
- Minor documentation tweaks
- PG: Fix Uint8Array being considered undefined, #1601
- MSSQL: Make columnInfo schema dynamic, #1585
- Reverted knex client breaking change (commit b74cd69e906), fixes #1587
- Oracledb dialect #990
- Documentation fix #1532
- Allow named bindings to be escaped. #1576
- Several bugs with MS SQL schema creation and installing from gihub fix #1577
- Fix incorrect escaping of backslashes in SqlString.escape #1545
- Add missing dependency. #1516
- Allow cancellation on timeout (MySQL) #1454
- Better bigint support. (MSSQL) #1445
- More consistent handling of
values inQueryBuilder#where
. #1459 - Fix Webpack build. #1447
- Fix code that triggered Bluebird warnings. #1460, #1489
- Fix
function. (Oracle) #1486 - Fix
. (MSSQL) #1464 - Fix
. (MSSQL) #1464 - Allow connection strings that do not contain a password. #1473
- Fix race condition in seed stubs. #1493
- Give each query a UUID. #1510
- Bugfix: Using
as a binding toRaw
now works as intended
- Bugfix: Inconsistency of
between dialects #1430 - Feature: Allow using custom Client/Dialect (you can pass your own client in knex config) #1428
- Docs: Add documentation for .dropTimestamps #1432
- Bugfix: Fixed passing undefined fields for insert/update inside transaction #1423
- Feature:
with existing transaction #1354 - Build: eslint instead of jshint #1416
- Bugfix: Pooled connections not releasing #1382
- Bugfix: Support passing
#1402 - Docs: Fixed list of dialects which supports
#1398 - Bugfix: rename table does not fail anymore even with schema defined #1403
- Support nested joins. #1397
- Prevent crash on
knex seed:make
. #1389 - Improvements to
. #1391 - Improvements to inserting
binding. #1396 - Correct generated code for adding/dropping multiple columns. (MSSQL) #1401
- Fix error in CLI command
. #1386
joins multiple arguments withAND
. #1164
- Collate for columns. (MySQL) #1147
- Add
. #1201 #1260 - Exit with error code when appropriate. #1238
- MSSQL connection accepts
as an alias forserver
in accordance with other dialects. #1239 - Add
event. #1231 - Correct behaviour of sibling nested transactions. #1226
- Support
. (Oracle) #1253 - Throwing callbacks from transactions automatically rolls them back. #1257
- Fixes to named
bindings. #1251 timestamps
accepts an argument to setNOT NULL
and default to current timestamp.- Add
for PostgreSQL. #601 - Wrap index names. #1289
- Restore coffeescript knexfiles and configurations. #1292
- Add
#1132 - Fix
failure. #1269 renameColumn
no longer drops default value or nullability. #1326- Correct MySQL2 error handling. #1315
. #1362 - Fix MSSQL URL parsing. #1342
- Update Lodash to 4.6.0 #1242
- Update Bluebird to 3.3.4 #1279
now ignoreundefined
values. Back compatibility is provided through the optionuseNullAsDefault
. #1174, #1043
- Add
. #1046 - Add
. Deprecatedschema.json(column, true)
. #991 - Support binding identifiers with
. #1103 - Restore
event when triggered by transactions. #855 - Correct question mark escaping in rendered queries. #519, #1058
- Add per-dialect escaping, allowing quotes to be escaped correctly. #886, #1095
- Add MSSQL support. #1090
- Add migration locking. #1094
- Allow column aliases to contain
. #1181 - Add
. #1182 - Support non-array arguments to
. - Global
event. #1163 - Add
. #1182 - Better support for Mysql2 dialect options. #980
- Support for
default 60 seconds preventing #1040 from happening. #1177 - Fixed constraint name escaping when dropping a constraint. #1177
- Show also
queries in debug output. #1169 - Support for
to use basic configuration without specific environment set. #1101
- Fix error when merging
instances without arguments. #853 - Fix error that caused the connection to time out while streaming. #849
- Correctly parse SSL query parameter for PostgreSQL. #852
- Pass
option to MySQL2. #843 - Schema: Use
timestamp with timezone
by default fortime
for Oracle. #876 - Add
#881 - Add LiveScript and Early Gray support for seeds and migrations.
- Add
#518 - Allow escaping of
queries. #946 - Allow
in join clause. #953 - Add migration config to allow disabling/enabling transactions per migration. #834
- Fix for several transaction / migration issues, #832, #833, #834, #835
- Pool should be initialized if no pool options are specified
- Pool should not be initialized if {max: 0} is sent in config options
- Alias postgresql -> postgres in connection config options
- Fix regression in using query string in connection config
- Warn rather than error when implicit commits wipe out savepoints in mysql / mariadb, #805.
- Fix for incorrect seed config reference, #804
- Fixes several major outstanding bugs with the connection pool, switching to Pool2 in place of generic-pool-redux
- strong-oracle module support
- Nested transactions automatically become savepoints, with
releasing or rolling back the current savepoint. - Database seed file support, #391
- Improved support for sub-raw queries within raw statements
- Migrations are now wrapped in transactions where possible
- Subqueries supported in insert statements, #627
- Support for nested having, #572
- Support object syntax for joins, similar to "where" #743
- Transactions are immediately invoked as A+ promises, #470 (this is a feature and should not actually break anything in practice)
- Heavy refactoring internal APIs (public APIs should not be affected)
- Allow mysql2 to use non-default port, #588
- Support creating & dropping extensions in PostgreSQL, #540
- CLI support for knexfiles that do not provide environment keys, #527
- Added sqlite3 dialect version of whereRaw/andWhereRaw (#477)
- Fix bug in validateMigrationList, (#697)
- Fix incorrect order of query parameters when using subqueries, #704
- Properly handle limit 0, (#655)
- Apply promise args from then instead of explicitly passing.
- Respect union parameter as last argument (#660).
- Added sqlite3 dialect version of whereRaw/andWhereRaw (#477).
- Fix SQLite dropColumn doesn't work for last column (#544).
- Add POSIX operator support for Postgres (#562)
- Sample seed files now correctly (#391)
- Support for
join(table, rawOrBuilder)
syntax. - Fix for regression in PostgreSQL connection (#516)
- Fix for regression in migrations
- Better disconnect handling & pool removal for MySQL clients, #452
- Oracle support, #419
- Database seed file support, #391
- Improved support for sub-raw queries within raw statements
- "collate nocase" no longer used by default in sqlite3 #396
- Bumping Bluebird to ^2.x
- Transactions in websql are now a no-op (unsupported) #375
- Improved test suite
- knex.fn namespace as function helper (knex.fn.now), #372
- Better handling of disconnect errors
- Support for offset without limit, #446
- Chainable first method for mysql schema, #406
- Support for empty array in
- Create/drop schema for postgres, #511
- Inserting multiple rows with default values, #468
- Join columns are optional for cross-join, #508
- Flag for creating jsonb columns in Postgresql, #500
- Bug fix for properly binding postgresql streaming queries, (#363)
- Bug fix for raw queries not being transaction context aware, (#351).
- Properly forward stream errors in sqlite3 runner, (#359)
- Allow case insensitive operators in sql clauses, (#344)
- Add
methods, better support for raw statements in group / order (#282). - Support more config options for node-mysql2 dialect (#341).
- CLI help text fix, (#342)
- Patch for the method, calling without a handler should return the stream, not a promise (#337)
- Adding missing map / reduce proxies to bluebird's implementation
- Increment / decrement returns the number of affectedRows (#330).
- Allow --cwd option flag to be passed to CLI tool (#326)
- Added the as method for aliasing subqueries
- whereExists / whereNotExists may now take a query builder instance as well as a callback
- Fix regression with onUpdate / onDelete in PostgreSQL, (#308).
- Add missing
require to knex.js, unit test for knex.destroy (#314)
- Fix for regression with boolean default types in PostgreSQL
- Fix for regression with queries containing multiple order by statements in sqlite3
- Fix for big regression in memoization of column names from 0.5 -> 0.6
- Fix for regression in specificType method
- Package.json fix for CLI
- Adds support for node-mysql2 library.
- Bundles CLI with the knex install, various related migrate CLI fixes
- console.warn rather than throw when adding foreignKeys in SQLite3.
- Add support for dropColumn in SQLite3.
- Document
- Add missing _ require to WebSQL builds
- Fix & document schema.raw method
- Schema methods on transaction object are now transaction aware (#301).
- Fix for resolved value from transactions, (#298).
- Undefined columns are not added to builder
- Fix regression in raw query output, (#297).
- Fix regression in "pluck" method (#296).
- Document first method
- Reverting to using .npmignore, the "files" syntax forgot the knex.js file
- Major internal overhaul to clean up the various dialect code.
- Improved unit test suite.
- Support for the mariasql driver.
- More consistent use of raw query bindings throughout the library.
- Queries are more composable, may be injected in various points throughout the builder.
- Added streaming interface
- Deprecated 5 argument join in favor of additional join methods.
- The wrapValue function to allow for array column operations in PostgreSQL (#287).
- An explicit connection can be passed for any query (#56).
- Drop column support for sqlite3
- All schema actions are run sequentially on the same connection if chained.
- Schema actions can now be wrapped in a transaction
as shorthand for.references(columnName).inTable(tableName)
.join('table.column', 'otherTable.column')
as shorthand for .join('table.column', '=', 'otherTable.column')- Streams are supported for selects, passing through to the streaming capabilities of node-mysql and node-postgres
- For More information, see this pull-request
- Dropped indexes feature now functions correctly, (#278)
- Remove the charset encoding if it's utf8 for mysql, as it's the default but also currently causes some issues in recent versions of node-mysql
- Fix regression in array bindings for postgresql (#228)
- Add more operators for where clauses, including && (#226)
.where(col, 'is', null)
or.where(col, 'is not', null)
are not supported (#221).- Case insensitive
operators now allowed (#212). - Fix bug in increment/decrement truncating to an integer (#210).
- Disconnected connections are now properly handled & removed from the pool (#206).
- Internal tweaks to binding concatenations for performance (#207)
- Add the .exec method to the internal promise shim
- Remove error'ed connections from the connection pool (#206), added support for node-postgres-pure (pg.js) (#200)
- Fix for chaining on forUpdate / forShare, adding map & reduce from bluebird
- Fix for a null limit / offset breaking query chain (#182)
- Bump bluebird dependency to ~1.0.0, fixing regression in Bluebird 1.0.2 (#176)
- Fix for the exit code on the migrations cli (#151).
- The
method inknex.migrate
now usesthis.config
if one isn't passed in (#156)
- Fix for using raw statements in defaultTo schema builder methods (#146)
- Fix for incorrectly formed sql when aggregates are used with columns (#144)
- Adding passthrough "catch", "finally" to bluebird implementations, use bluebird's "nodeify" internally for exec
- The returning in PostgreSQL may now accept * or an array of columns to return. If either of these are passed, the response will be an array of objects rather than an array of values. Updates may also now use a
value. (#132) - Added
type to PostgreSQL. (#111) - Fix for the specificType schema call (#118)
- Several fixes for migrations, including migration file path fixes, passing a Promise constructor to the migration
methods, allowing the "knex" module to be used globally, file ordering on migrations, and other small improvements. (#112-115, #125, #135)
- Initial pass at a migration api.
- Aggregate methods are no longer aliased as "aggregate", but may now be aliased and have more than one aggregate in a query (#108, #110).
- Adding bigint and bigserial to PostgreSQL (#111).
- Bugfix on increment/decrement values (#100).
- Bugfix with having method (#107).
- Switched from when.js to bluebird for promise implementation, with shim for backward compatibility.
- Switched from underscore to lodash, for semver reliability
- Fix for aggregate methods on toString and clone, (#98)
- Fix incorrect values passed to float in MySQL and decimal in PostgreSQL
- Fix potential sql injection vulnerability in orderBy, thanks to @sebgie
- Added forUpdate and forShare for select modes in transactions. (#84)
- Fix bug where current query chain type is not copied on clone. (#90)
- Charset and collate are now added as methods on the schema builder. (#89)
- Added
as an alias of from, for builder syntax of:insert(value).into(tableName)
- Internal pool fixes. (#90)
- Fix for documentation of hasColumn, ensure that
works with MySQL (#87). - More cleanup of error messages, showing the original error message concatenated with the sql and bindings
- Connections are no longer pushed back into the pool if they never existed to begin with (#85)
- The column is now a documented method on the builder api, and takes either an individual column or an array of columns to select
- Standardizing handling of errors for easier debugging, as noted in (#39)
- Fix for hasTable always returning true in MySQL (#82), fix where sql queries were duplicated with multiple calls on toSql with the schema builder
- Fix for debug method not properly debugging individual queries
- Fix for underscore not being defined in various grammar files
- Fix for an error being thrown when an initialized ClientBase instance was passed into Knex.initialize. pool.destroy now optionally accepts a callback to notify when it has completed draining and destroying all connections
- Cleanup from the 0.4.0 release, fix a potential exploit in "where" clauses pointed out by Andri Möll, fix for clients not being properly released from the pool #70, fix for where("foo", "<>", null) doing an "IS NULL" statement
- Global state is no longer stored in the library, an instance is returned from
, so you will need to call this once and then reference thisknex
client elsewhere in your application. - Lowercasing of
, andknex.schema
. - Created columns are now nullable by default, unless
is chained as an option. - Keys created with
are now assumed to be unsigned (MySQL) by default. - The
is no longer called by the library onprocess.exit
event. If you need to call it explicitly yourself, you may useknex.client.destroyPool
- Reject the transaction promise if the transaction "commit" fails, (#50)
- Fix error if a callback isn't specified for exec, (#49)
- Fix SQLite3 delete not returning affected row count, (#45)
- Fix insert with default values in PostgreSQL and SQLite3, (#44)
- Allowing Raw queries to be passed as the primary table names
- Fix for an array passed to insert being mutated
- hasTable now returns a boolean rather than a failed promise.
- Changed syntax for insert in postgresql, where the
is not assumed on inserts (#18). The second parameter of insert is now required to return an array of insert id's for the last insert. - The timestamp method on the schema builder now uses a
rather than atimestamp
- Somehow missing the != operator. Using _.find rather than _.where in getCommandsByName(#22)
- Ensures unhandled errors in the exec callback interface are re-thrown
- Renaming beforeCreate to afterCreate. Better handling of errors in the connection pooling
- Added the ability to specify beforeCreate and beforeDestroy hooks on the initialize's options.pool to perform any necessary database setup/teardown on connections before use (#14). where and having may now accept Knex.Raw instances, for consistency (#15). Added an orHaving method to the builder. The ability to specify bindings on Raw queries has been removed
- defaultTo now accepts "false" for boolean columns, allows for empty strings as default values
- Enabling table aliases (#11). Fix for issues with transactions not functioning (#12)
- Bug fixes for groupBy (#7). Mysql using collation, charset config settings in createTable. Added engine on schemaBuilder specifier (#6). Other doc fixes, tests
- Bug fixes for sub-queries, minor changes to initializing "main" instance, adding "pg" as a valid parameter for the client name in the connection settings
- Initial Knex release