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File metadata and controls

67 lines (40 loc) · 1.81 KB

Fast Api Architecture

FastApi Project Architecture with database and alembic tools

Create virtual environment then activate to install requirements libraries from requirements.txt

Project is set up in BaseApp folder. In this file have app configurations.

To run and configure with your local details only change in .env file. For database migration we need to change same url of database in .env and also in alembic.ini file.

Run FastApi Server

I am using uvicorn server to run app

uvicorn BaseApp.manager:app --reload

Docker run FastApi Server

To run docker container

docker compose up

After docker app and database container started migrate our models to docker container database

Start app container shell

docker exec -i <Container-ID> sh

Execute alembic migration command

alembic upgrade head

Database migrations using alembic.

Initialize alembic

db-migration is folder name

alembic init db-migration

Configure alembic for database and apps models

Edit file and change according to this repo file. In this change Database url with environment variable and configure into mehod of run_migrations_offline and run_migrations_online.

Change database url in alembic.ini file also

Auto generate migration script

import project app models all and import project database Base initialize it like this.

target_metadata = Base.metadata

Now we are connected with models for migrations.

Now generate migration script with this

This will scan the models and generate upgrade & downgrade scripts.

alembic revision --autogenerate -m “message”

Run migration into database

This upgrade your model columns into database.

Run upgrade command to migrate models

alembic upgrade head

Run downgrade command to drop models

alembic downgrade