Each released version of Amaxa is tested both via automated unit tests and is manually executed with an end-to-end data load and extract process using SFDX scratch orgs.
Install the new version of Amaxa.
Create a new scratch org and populate its credentials into environment variables using Amaxa's supplied script:
sfdx force:org:create -s -f assets/project-scratch-def.json -a scratch source assets/scripts/get-auth-params.sh
Run the Apex script to ensure Marketing User permission:
sfdx force:apex:execute -f assets/scripts/UpdateUser.apex -u scratch
The script ensures that Marketing User permission is applied to the scratch org user, because test processes require access to the Campaign object. An error in that specific component of the script is meaningless and does not constitute a test failure.
Navigate to the test data folder:
cd assets/test_data_csv
Run the load:
amaxa --load --credentials credentials-env.yml test.yml
Validate that it completes without errors.
Load the scratch org with
sfdx force:org:open -u scratch
. -
Validate the count loaded for each sObject using
queries:- Account
- Campaign
- Contact
- Lead
- Opportunity
- OpportunityContactRole
Extract the data back from the org:
amaxa --credentials credentials-env.yml test.yml
Validate that it completes without errors.
Validate the count extracted for each sObject:
- Account
- Campaign
- Contact
- Lead
- Opportunity
- OpportunityContactRole