Dan is joined this week by Marques Johansson, Principal Engineer, Integrations at Packet. Marques has worked on a variety of open source projects, including Crossplane, and now helps Packet integrate with many of these projects in the cloud native community. Packet enables enterprises and developers to make infrastructure their competitive advantage with fully automated bare metal that can be deployed anywhere. In this episode, Dan and Marques will check out Packet's provider for Crossplane, as well as their new open source bare metal provisioning engine, Tinkerbell.
Host: @hasheddan Guest: @displague
Live Stream: https://youtu.be/NJaBoET7evc
- 0:0:0 Welcome
- 0:02:26 About: Marques
- 0:04:03 About: Packet
- 0:16:17 About: DevRel Integrations
- 0:27:33 Crossplane Provider for Packet
- 0:35:24 Tink is Running
- 0:37:24 Install Kind, Crossplane, Packet Provider
- 0:46:17 Provision Packet VirtualNetwork
- 0:58:01 Tinkerbell Networking on Packet
- 0:59:31 Tinkerbell Workflows and Images
- 1:03:48 Tinkerbell Hardware Configuration
- 1:16:35 Tinkerbell Workflow and Template Configuration
- https://twitter.com/GianArb
- https://twitter.com/mauilion
- TBS(11): ClusterAPI
- TBS(18): Adding Cloud Pub/Sub Support to provider-gcp
- OCI Artifacts
- https://twitter.com/hasheddan
- https://github.com/hasheddan
- https://crossplane.io
- https://upbound.io/
- Crossplane YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC19FgzMBMqBro361HbE46Fw
- TBS repo: https://github.com/crossplaneio/tbs