This is a Chain of Responsibility (CoR) Design Pattern Library. Its goal is to make business logics as simple as ...:
val bizLogics = rootChain<BizContext> {
initialize("Initialization of the chain")
chooseRepo("Choose test of prod repository")
validation("Validation of the request") {
validateIdNotEmpty("Validate the id to be not empty")
validateIdFormat("Validate the id to have proper format")
finishValidateion("Prepare response on errors")
readObject("Reading requested object")
access("Check access rights") {
accessRelations("Compute relationships of the requester to the object")
accessCorPermissions("Compute permissions of the user to the object")
accessValidate("Check the requested operation is permitted")
accessFrontedPeremissions("Compute the user permissions to deliver to frontend")
response("Prepare response")
val ctx = BizContext(
idRequested = "<Object id from request obtained in controller>"
assertEquals(expected, ctx.objResponse)
Other option includes also custom settings of the pipeline that can be used during initialization and processing:
val settings = BizSettings(
repo = PostgresRepo(),
loggerProvider = { clazz: String -> LoggerFactory.getLogger(clazz) },
val bizLogics = rootChain<BizContext, CorSettings>(settings) {
readObject("Object reading from DB")
fun ICorDslAdd<BizContext, BizSettings>.readObject(title: String) = worker {
this.title = title
this.description = """
This worker handles reading object in question from DB.
The mandatory parameter is ID
// Getting content of BizSettings to this.config,
// so that logger initialized during configuration step
val logger = this.config.loggerProvider("readObject")
on { state == RUNNING }
handle {
// But we can use logger in runtime area"Handling $title")
objectRead =
except { e: Throwable ->
logger.error("Error reading object from DB", e)
Such a representation of the business logics has the following advantages.
- It is optimized for human readability. So, any developer will easily find the required operation.
- It is extremely agile and allows easy change of the business process without substantial refactoring.
- Provides "code first" approach that better suits the needs of developers.
BPMS engines provide a "declaration first" approach where business logics is developed in a visual designer. This may be very convenient for analysts, architects or managers but brings few disadvantages to developers. The main problem is current engines use a schema: Visual Editor -> xml spec -> code.
- This means that developers do not control the code. Any change by an analyst to BPM schema may break your application and bring a headache to the developer.
- Autogenerated XML file is also severe and its manual change is problematic.
- This prevents parallel development of the business processes since git-conflicts cannot be easily resolved.
This CoR library doesn't compete with BPM as is. But it allows developers to control the code themselves.
Compatibility between BPM code generators and CoR is planned.
cor = "com.crowdproj:kotlin-cor:0.6.0"
repositories {
dependencies {
First, build a business chain
val chain = rootChain<TestContext> {
// This is a simple worker
worker {
title = "Status initialization"
description = "Check the status initialization at the buziness chain start"
on { status == CorStatuses.NONE }
handle { status = CorStatuses.RUNNING }
except { status = CorStatuses.FAILING }
// Chain wraps a series of workers
chain {
on { status == CorStatuses.RUNNING }
title = "Lambda worker",
description = "Example of a buziness chain worker in a lambda form"
) {
some += 4
// Nearly the same as `chain` but workers executed in parallel, so the order between them is not guaranteed
parallel {
on {
some < 15
worker(title = "Increment some") {
// You can represent your workers and chains as Kotlin extensions
// In this form they look more compact and easier
Then start it with you context:
val ctx = TestContext(some = 13)
runBlocking { chain.exec(ctx) }