title |
Sui Exchange Integration Guide |
This topic describes how to integrate SUI, the token native to the Sui network, into a cryptocurrency exchange. The specific requirements and processes to implement an integration vary between exchanges. Rather than provide a step-by-step guide, this topic provides information about the primary tasks necessary to complete an integration. After the guidance about how to configure an integration, you can also find information and code samples related to staking on the Sui network.
The requirements to configure a SUI integration include:
- A Sui Full node. You can operate your own Sui Full node or use a Full node from a node operator.
- Suggested hardware requirements to run a Sui Full node:
- CPU: 10 core
- RAM: 32 GB
- Storage: 1 TB SSD
We recommend running Sui Full nodes on Linux. Sui supports the Ubuntu and Debian distributions.
You can set up and configure a Sui Full node using Docker or directly from source code in the Sui GitHub repository.
Run the command in this section using the same branch of the repository for each. Replace branch-name
with the branch you use. For example, use devnet
to use the Sui Devnet network, or use testnet
to use the Sui Testnet network. You must download all files to, and run all commands from, the same folder location.
- Install Docker and Docker Compose. Docker Desktop version installs Docker Compose.
- Install dependencies for Linux:
apt update \ && apt install -y --no-install-recommends \ tzdata \ ca-certificates \ build-essential \ pkg-config \ cmake
- Download the docker-compose.yaml file:
wget https://github.com/MystenLabs/sui/blob/branch-name/docker/fullnode/docker-compose.yaml
- Download the fullnode-template.yaml file:
wget https://github.com/MystenLabs/sui/raw/branch-name/crates/sui-config/data/fullnode-template.yaml
- Download the genesis.blob file:
wget https://github.com/MystenLabs/sui-genesis/raw/main/branch-name/genesis.blob
- Start the Full node. The -d switch starts it in the background (detached mode).
docker-compose up -d
Use the steps in this section to install and configure a Sui Full node directly from the Sui GitHub repository. These steps use Cargo, the Rust package manager.
- Install prerequisites for Sui.
- Clone the Sui repository:
git clone https://github.com/MystenLabs/sui.git -b branch-name
with the branch to use. You should use the same branch for all commands. - Change directories to /sui:
cd sui
- Copy the fullnode.yaml template:
cp crates/sui-config/data/fullnode-template.yaml fullnode.yaml
- Download the genesis.blob file:
Change branch-name to the same branch you used for previous commands.
wget https://github.com/MystenLabs/sui-genesis/raw/main/branch-name/genesis.blob
- Optionally, if you installed Sui to a path other than the default, modify the fullnode.yaml file to use the path you used. Update the path to the folder where you installed sui-fullnode for the
as appropriate:db-path: "/db-files/sui-fullnode-folder"
genesis-file-location: "/sui-fullnode-folder/genesis.blob"
- Start you Sui Full node:
cargo run --release --bin sui-node -- --config-path fullnode.yaml
Sui addresses do not require on-chain initialization, you can spend from an address if it corresponds to your private key. You can derive a 32-byte Sui address by hashing the signature scheme flag byte concatenated with public key bytes flag || pubkey
using the BLAKE2b (256 bits output) hashing function.
Currently, Sui address supports these signature schemes: pure Ed25519, Secp256k1, Secp256r1 and Multisig. The corresponding flag bytes are 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03 respectively.
The following code sample demonstrates how to derive a Sui address in Rust:
let flag = 0x00; // 0x00 = ED25519, 0x01 = Secp256k1, 0x02 = Secp256r1, 0x03 = Multisig
// Hash the [flag, public key] bytearray using Blake2b
let mut hasher = UserHash::default();
let arr = hasher.finalize();
let sui_address_string = hex::encode(arr);
Sui supports both addresses with and without a 0x prefix. Sui recommends that you always include the 0x prefix in API calls and when you display user addresses.
You can track balance changes by calling sui_getBalance
at predefined intervals. This call returns the total balance for an address. The total includes any coin or token type, but this document focuses on SUI. You can track changes in the total balance for an address between subsequent sui_getBalance
The following bash example demonstrates how to use sui_getBalance
for address 0x849d63687330447431a2e76fecca4f3c10f6884ebaa9909674123c6c662612a3. If you use a network other than Devnet, replace the value for rpc
with the URL to the appropriate Full node.
data="{\"jsonrpc\": \"2.0\", \"method\": \"sui_getBalance\", \"id\": 1, \"params\": [\"$address\"]}"
curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' --data-raw "$data" $rpc
The response is a JSON object that includes the totalBalance for the address:
The following example demonstrates using sui_getBalance in Rust:
use std::str::FromStr;
use sui_sdk::types::base_types::SuiAddress;
use sui_sdk::{SuiClient, SuiClientBuilder};
async fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
let sui = SuiClientBuilder::default().build(
let address = SuiAddress::from_str("0x849d63687330447431a2e76fecca4f3c10f6884ebaa9909674123c6c662612a3")?;
let objects = sui.read_api().get_balance(address).await?;
println!("{:?}", objects);
You can also track the balance for an address by subscribing to all of the events emitted from it. Use a filter to include only the events related to SUI coins, such as when the address acquires a coin or pays for a gas fee. The following example demonstrates how to filter events for an address using bash and cURL:
data="{\"jsonrpc\": \"2.0\", \"id\":1, \"method\": \"sui_getEvents\", \"params\": [{\"Recipient\": {\"AddressOwner\": \"0x849d63687330447431a2e76fecca4f3c10f6884ebaa9909674123c6c662612a3\"}}, null, null, true ]}"
curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' --data-raw "$data" $rpc
The response can include a large number of events. Add pagination to the response using the nextCursor
key in the request. You can determine the corresponding txDigest
and eventSeq
from the id
field of a transaction.
You can add the txDigest
value instead of the first null
within the params
. The second null
is an integer that defines how many results (up to 1000) to return and the true
means ascending order. You can use the nextCursor
so the response starts from a desired point.
The id
field of any transaction looks like:
"id": {
"txDigest": "GZQN9pE3Zr9ZfLzBK1BfVCXtbjx5xKMxPSEKaHDvL3E2",
"eventSeq": 6019
With this data, create a nextCursor as follows:
nextCursor : {"txDigest": "GZQN9pE3Zr9ZfLzBK1BfVCXtbjx5xKMxPSEKaHDvL3E2","eventSeq": 6019}
Sui is a DAG-based blockchain and uses checkpoints for node synchronization and global transaction ordering. Checkpoints differ from blocks in the following ways:
- Sui creates checkpoints and adds finalized transactions. Note that transactions are finalized even before they are included in a checkpoint
- Checkpoints do not fork, roll back, or reorganize.
- Sui creates one checkpoint about every 3 seconds.
Sui Checkpoint API operations include:
- sui_getCheckpoint - Retrieves the specified checkpoint.
- sui_getLatestCheckpointSequenceNumber - Retrieves the sequence number of the most recently executed checkpoint.
- sui_getCheckpoints - Retrieves a paginated list of checkpoints that occurred during the specified interval. Pending a future release.
To transfer a specific amount of SUI between addresses, you need a SUI token object with that specific value. In Sui, everything is an object, including SUI tokens. The amount of SUI in each SUI token object varies. For example, an address could own 3 SUI tokens with different values: one of 0.1 SUI, a second of 1.0 SUI, and a third with 0.005 SUI. The total balance for the address equals the sum of the values of the individual SUI token objects, in this case, 1.105 SUI.
You can merge and split SUI token objects to create token objects with specific values. To create a SUI token worth .6 SUI, split the token worth 1 SUI into two token objects worth .6 SUI and .4 SUI.
To transfer a specific amount of SUI, you need a SUI token worth that specific amount. To get a SUI token with that specific value, you might need to split or merge existing SUI tokens. Sui supports several methods to accomplish this, including some that do not require you to manually split or merge coins.
Sui supports the following API operations related to transferring SUI between addresses:
sui_transferObject Because SUI tokens are objects, you can transfer SUI tokens just like any other object. This method requires a gas token, and is useful in niche cases only.
sui_payAllSui This method accepts an array of SUI token IDs. It merges all existing tokens into one, deducts the gas fee, then sends the merged token to the recipient address.
The method is especially useful if you want to transfer all SUI from an address. To merge together all coins for an address, set the recipient as the same address. This is a native Sui method so is not considered a transaction in Sui.
sui_paySui This operation accepts an array of SUI token IDs, an array of amounts, and an array of recipient addresses.
The amounts and recipients array map one to one. Even if you use only one recipient address, you must include it for each amount in the amount array.
The operation merges all of the tokens provided into one token object and settles the gas fees. It then splits the token according to the amounts in the amounts array and sends the first token to the first recipient, the second token to the second recipient, and so on. Any remaining SUI on the token stays in the source address.
The benefits of this method include: no gas fees for merging or splitting tokens, and the abstracted token merge and split. The
operation is a native function, so the merge and split operations are not considered Sui transactions. The gas fees for them match typical transactions on Sui.You can use this operation to split coins in your own address by setting the recipient as your own address. Note that the total value of the input coins must be greater than the total value of the amounts to send. -
sui_pay This method is similar to sui_paySui, but it accepts any kind of coin or token instead of only SUI. You must include a gas token, and all of the coins or tokens must be the same type.
sui_transferSui This method accepts only one SUI token object and an amount to send to the recipient. It uses the same token for gas fees, so the amount to transfer must be strictly less than the value of the SUI token used.
Please refer to offline signing for more details on signature validity requirements.
A native weighted multi-sig multi-scheme signature is also supported. Please see multisig for details.
The Sui blockchain uses a Delegated Proof-of-Stake mechanism (DPoS). This allows SUI token holders to stake their SUI tokens to any validator of their choice. When someone stakes their SUI tokens, it means those tokens are locked for the entire epoch. Users can withdraw their stake at any time, but new staking requests become active only at the start of the next epoch.
SUI holders who stake their tokens to validators earn rewards for helping secure the Sui network. Sui determines rewards for staking based on stake rewards on the network, and distributes them at the end of each epoch.
The total voting power in the Sui Network is always 10,000. The voting power of each individual validator is similar to basis points. For example, a voting power of 101 = 1.01%. Sui's quorum threshold (number of votes needed to confirm a transaction) is 6,667 (which is greater than 2/3). The voting power for a single validator is capped at 1,000 (10%) regardless of how much stake the validator has.
Sui supports the following API operations related to staking. You can find the source code in the sui_system module.
Add delegated stake to a validator's staking pool.
public entry fun request_add_stake(
self: &mut SuiSystemState,
stake: Coin<SUI>,
validator_address: address,
ctx: &mut TxContext,
) {
&mut self.validators,
Add delegated stake to a validator's staking pool using multiple coins.
public entry fun request_add_stake_mul_coin(
self: &mut SuiSystemState,
delegate_stakes: vector<Coin<SUI>>,
stake_amount: option::Option<u64>,
validator_address: address,
ctx: &mut TxContext,
) {
let balance = extract_coin_balance(delegate_stakes, stake_amount, ctx);
validator_set::request_add_stake(&mut self.validators, validator_address, balance, option::none(), ctx);
Add delegated stake to a validator's staking pool using a locked SUI coin.
public entry fun request_add_stake_with_locked_coin(
self: &mut SuiSystemState,
stake: LockedCoin<SUI>,
validator_address: address,
ctx: &mut TxContext,
) {
let (balance, lock) = locked_coin::into_balance(stake);
validator_set::request_add_stake(&mut self.validators, validator_address, balance, option::some(lock), ctx);
Withdraw some portion of a delegation from a validator's staking pool.
public entry fun request_withdraw_stake(
self: &mut SuiSystemState,
delegation: &mut Delegation,
staked_sui: &mut StakedSui,
principal_withdraw_amount: u64,
ctx: &mut TxContext,
) {
&mut self.validators,
Get answers to common questions about Sui.
During the staking period, you can add to or withdraw your stake from a validator. To modify your stake amount you can use the following functions:
- Use the
methods to add to the staked amount. - Use the
method to withdraw your delegation.
How is a staking transaction different from a typical transaction regarding construction, signing, and broadcasting?
Staking transactions are Move call transactions that call specific Move functions in the sui_system module of the Sui Framework. The staking transaction uses a shared object, and is no different from other shared object transactions.
There will be a minimum amount required, as well as limits on stake changes within an epoch.
- Validation: Requires a high minimum amount of SUI delegated with each validator to stay in the validator set.
- Delegation: There will be a relatively low minimum amount for each delegation.
Specific amounts to be determined prior to Sui Mainnet.
Sui Wallet supports both stake and un-staking. Staking via Move code or the Sui CLI is also possible - the relevant functions are in the sui_system module.
- Sui Documentation Portal: https://docs.sui.io/
- Sui REST API's: https://docs.sui.io/sui-jsonrpc
The main branch contains all the latest changes. The devnet
branch reflects the binary that is currently running on the Devnet network.
Yes, contracts are also stored in objects. You can use the sui_getObject to fetch the object. Example: https://explorer.sui.io/objects/0xe70628039d00d9779829bb79d6397ea4ecff5686?p=31
Note: You can see only the deserialized bytecode (as opposed to Source code).
Can I get the information in the contract, such as the total amount of the currency issued and the number of decimal places?
There's no contract-level storage in Sui. In general, this contract-level information is usually stored in an object or event. For example, we store decimals in this object https://github.com/MystenLabs/sui/blob/1aca0465275496e40f02a674938def962126412b/crates/sui-framework/sources/coin.move#L36. And in this case we provide an RPC endpoint.
Yes, the gas price is dynamic and exposed via the sui_getReferenceGasPrice endpoint.
You can delete objects (in most cases) only if the Move module that defines the object type includes a Move function that can delete the object, such as when a Move contract writer explicitly wants the object to be deletable.https://docs.sui.io/devnet/build/programming-with-objects/ch2-using-objects#option-1-delete-the-object
If the delete function is defined in the Move module, you can delete the object by invoking the Move call using CLI or wallet. Here’s an example:
Create an example NFT using the Sui Client CLI: https://docs.sui.io/devnet/build/cli-client#create-an-example-nft.
Call this Move function with the CLI by following https://docs.sui.io/devnet/build/cli-client#calling-move-code.
MIST is the smallest unit of a SUI Coin. 1 SUI equals 1 billion MIST, and 1 MIST equals 10^-9 of a SUI.
Questions about transaction in Sui.
There are "Move events" that are emitted by Move code, and "transaction events" such as object transfers, creations, and deletions. See the Sui Events topic for a list of all the events you can subscribe to via the pub/sub API and their structure.
As a best practice, don't rely on the transaction serial number because there's no total ordering of transactions on Sui. The transaction serial numbers differ between different Full nodes.
No, the ordering will be different on different nodes for now, while we are still working on checkpoints. After checkpoint process is complete, the ordering will be the same on all nodes
There are no nonce or timestamps in our transaction data structure at the moment
Transactions don't expire.
The number is still under consideration. The validator set is not fixed, but validators must apply and then be approved through our validator application process.
Yes, a user/validator stakes using the address that owns the staked coin. There is no special address derivation
How is a staking transaction different from a typical transaction regarding construction, signing, and broadcasting?
Staking transactions are Move call transactions that call specific Move function in the Sui Framework. The staking transaction uses a shared object, and is no different from other shared object transactions.
Yes, an address can own multiple coins of different amounts. Sui supports staking coins owned by an address to different validators. The minimum staking amount that can be delegated is 1 MIST which is equal to .000000001 SUI.
Yes, if an address owns multiple coins, you can stake each coin with a different validator.
Yes, you can add to or withdraw your stake from a validator. Use the following methods to modify the stake amount:
Use the request_add_stake
and request_add_stake_with_locked_coin
methods to add to the staked amount.
Use the request_withdraw_stake
method to withdraw all or part of the delegation.
Yes, the specifics are still under consideration.
Yes, the current un-bonding period is under consideration.
Yes, Sui uses a staking pool approach inspired by liquidity pools. Rewards are added to the pool and auto-compounded through the appreciation of pool token value relative to SUI tokens.
Yes, rewards are added to the staking pool through a special system transaction at epoch boundaries.
Rewards are compounded every epoch, and paid out when you withdraw your stake. You must stake for the entire duration of an epoch to receive rewards for that epoch.
There will not be slashing for the principal stake allocated. Instead, validators will get penalized by having fewer future rewards when these get paid out. Rewards that have already been accrued are not at risk.
On-chain governance is not implemented for Sui. There is no plan to add it in the near future.
Sui is DAG-based, so the block-based view of the transaction history is not always the most direct one. To get the latest transaction, use the Transaction Query API:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "sui_queryTransactions",
"params": [
<last known transaction digest>,
How are transactions proposed by validators if they're not included in blocks? Does a validator propose blocks or just individual transactions?
Validators form a certificate (a quorum of signatures) for each transaction, and then propose checkpoints consisting of certificates since the last checkpoint. You can read more in section 4.3 of the Sui Smart Contract Platform.
- You can find our faucet in Discord. You can also request coins from the Sui Faucet programmatically.
- Please visit our Discord server.