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Printer documentation

Feist Josselin edited this page Feb 13, 2019 · 36 revisions

Slither allows printing contracts information through its printers.

Num Printer Description
1 call-graph Export the call-graph of the contracts to a dot file
2 cfg Export the CFG of each functions
3 contract-summary Print a summary of the contracts
4 data-dependency Print the data dependencies of the variables
5 function-id Print the keccack256 signature of the functions
6 function-summary Print a summary of the functions
7 human-summary Print a human-readable summary of the contracts
8 inheritance Print the inheritance relations between contracts
9 inheritance-graph Export the inheritance graph of each contract to a dot file
10 slithir Print the slithIR representation of the functions
11 slithir-ssa Print the slithIR representation of the functions
12 variables-order Print the storage order of the state variables
13 vars-and-auth Print the state variables written and the authorization of the functions

Several printer require xdot installed for vizualization:

sudo apt install xdot

Call Graph

slither file.sol --print call-graph

Export the call-graph of the contracts to a dot file


$ slither examples/printers/call_graph.sol --print contract-summary

The output format is dot. To vizualize the graph:

$ xdot examples/printers/

To convert the file to svg:

$ dot examples/printers/ -Tsvg -o examples/printers/call_graph.sol.png


Export the control flow graph of each function

slither file.sol --print cfg


The output format is dot. To vizualize the graph:

$ xdot

To convert the file to svg:

$ dot -Tsvg -o function.sol.png

Contract Summary

Output a quick summary of the contract.

slither file.sol --print contract-summary


$ slither examples/printers/quick_summary.sol --print contract-summary

Data Dependencies

Print the data dependencies of the variables slither file.sol --print data-dependency


$ slither examples/printers/data_dependencies.sol --print data-dependency
Contract MyContract
| Variable |     Dependencies     |
|    a     |     ['input_a']      |
|    b     | ['input_b', 'input'] |
|    c     |          []          |

Function setA(uint256,uint256)
|   Variable   | Dependencies |
|   input_a    |      []      |
|   input_b    |      []      |
| MyContract:a | ['input_a']  |
| MyContract:b |      []      |
| MyContract:c |      []      |
Function setB(uint256)
|   Variable   |     Dependencies     |
|    input     |     ['input_b']      |
| MyContract:a |          []          |
| MyContract:b | ['input_b', 'input'] |
| MyContract:c |          []          |

Function id

slither file.sol --print function-id Print the keccack256 signature of the functions


$ slither examples/printers/authorization.sol --print function-id
|      Name     |     ID     |
| constructor() | 0x90fa17bb |
| mint(uint256) | 0xa0712d68 |

Function Summary

slither file.sol --print function-summary

Output a summary of the contract showing for each function:

  • What are the visibility and the modifiers
  • What are the state variables read or written
  • What are the calls


$ slither tests/backdoor.sol --print function-summary

Contract C
Contract vars: []
Inheritances:: []
|     Function    | Visibility | Modifiers |      Read      | Write |       Internal Calls      | External Calls |
| i_am_a_backdoor |   public   |     []    | ['msg.sender'] |   []  | ['selfdestruct(address)'] |       []       |

| Modifiers | Visibility | Read | Write | Internal Calls | External Calls |

Human Summary

slither file.sol --print contract-summary

Print a human-readable summary of the contracts


$ slither examples/printers/human_printer.sol --print human-summary


slither file.sol --print inheritance Print the inheritance relations between contracts


$ slither examples/printers/inheritances.sol --print inheritance

Inheritance Graph

slither file.sol --print inheritance-graph

Output a graph showing the inheritance interaction between the contracts.


$ slither examples/printers/inheritances.sol --print inheritance-graph
INFO:PrinterInheritance:Inheritance Graph: examples/

The output format is dot. To vizualize the graph:

$ xdot examples/printers/

To convert the file to svg:

$ dot examples/printers/ -Tsvg -o examples/printers/inheritances.sol.png


  • If a contract has multiple inheritance, the connecting edges will be labelled in order of declaration.
  • Functions highlighted orange override a parent's function.
  • Functions which do not override each other directly (but collide due to multiple inheritance) will be emphasized at the bottom of the affected contract node in grey font.
  • Variables highlighted red overshadow a parent's variable declaration.
  • Variables of type contract specify the contract name in parentheses in a blue font.


slither file.sol --print slithir

Print the slithIR representation of the functions


$ slither examples/printers/slihtir.sol --print slithir
Contract UnsafeMath
	Function add(uint256,uint256)
		Expression: a + b
			TMP_0(uint256) = a + b
	Function min(uint256,uint256)
		Expression: a - b
			TMP_0(uint256) = a - b
Contract MyContract
	Function transfer(address,uint256)
		Expression: balances[msg.sender] = balances[msg.sender].min(val)
			REF_3(uint256) -> balances[msg.sender]
			REF_1(uint256) -> balances[msg.sender]
			TMP_1(uint256) = LIBRARY_CALL, dest:UnsafeMath, function:min, arguments:['REF_1', 'val'] 
			REF_3 := TMP_1
		Expression: balances[to] = balances[to].add(val)
			REF_3(uint256) -> balances[to]
			REF_1(uint256) -> balances[to]
			TMP_1(uint256) = LIBRARY_CALL, dest:UnsafeMath, function:add, arguments:['REF_1', 'val'] 
			REF_3 := TMP_1


slither file.sol --print slithir-ssa

Print the slithIR representation of the functions (SSA version)

Variables order

slither file.sol --print variables-order

Print the storage order of the state variables


$ slither tests/check-upgradability/contractV2_bug.sol --print variables-order
|     Name    |   Type  |
| destination | uint256 |
|    myFunc   | uint256 |

Variables written and authorization

slither file.sol --print vars-and-auth

Print the variables written and the check on msg.sender of each function.


$ slither examples/printers/authorization.sol --print vars-and-auth
Contract MyContract
|   Function  | State variables written |        Conditions on msg.sender        |
| constructor |        ['owner']        |                   []                   |
|     mint    |       ['balances']      | ['require(bool)(msg.sender == owner)'] |